Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 331: Rod's plan to give Ultron some Titanium

Dr. Bruce Banner looked at Rhodes in disbelief!

Hulk! Or rather, the Hulk, is the fundamental reason why he has been on the run for many years. Because of the Hulk, he has been hunted by the US military.

He lived a very difficult life until the Avengers were formed, and his situation improved slightly.

But unfortunately, Bruce Banner still can't live like a normal person. He still can't face his family and his lover.

"Yes, I can feel that the existence in your body has derived a weak personality alone. I can separate the two of you. You are a normal human, he is the Hulk, and you two don't interfere with each other." Rhodes said.

The Hulk in the movie universe is much worse than the Hulk in the comic universe. Although the Hulk in the movie world is very powerful, he will still be suppressed by Thanos.

And without one of its most important powers, the more angry he is, the stronger he is, and his anger is endless.

The Hulk is one of the next six bodies that Rhodes has scheduled, and the blood of the Hulk is also very useful.

As for letting the Hulk gain his own personality and become his subordinate, Rhodes is not interested in that. This big guy is equivalent to a newborn baby.

And he is extremely willful. Rhodes has no time to cultivate feelings with him and establish a good father-son relationship.

"You want, how can you separate us? We, we are one. I am the Hulk, I am the Hulk!" Bruce Banner said.

He had thought of countless ways to commit suicide, but without exception, he was saved by the green big guy.

As long as the Hulk transforms, no matter how fatal the injury is, it will be healed instantly. Once there is some external pressure.

Then the Hulk will run out and take over his body. This is completely passive. He has given up destroying the Hulk. I didn't expect that someone would tell me that he has a way to destroy the Hulk!

"I have a very powerful soul power. I can use a sealing technique to seal all the power of the Hulk in your body, including his will. Only the mortal part of you is retained." Rhodes said.

"I," Bruce Banner immediately became excited, and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Tony Stark.

"Thank you, man, but I don't think Banner needs it. The Hulk is a good helper, and the earth still needs the power of the Hulk. We can't do this."

As soon as this was said, everyone present was a little surprised! Why did Stark suddenly want to stop it? Eliminating the Hulk has always been Bruce Banner's wish!

When the New York War just ended, Bruce Banner lived with Iron Man for a while, during that time.

Iron Man tried to help Bruce Banner control the Hulk, or remove the power of the Hulk, but unfortunately, it ended in failure.

Why is it now the other way around, Iron Man Tony Stark is the first to jump out and oppose it?

"We don't know if this method is dangerous, and now we have to solve a big problem, the power of the Hulk is very helpful to us." Tony Stark looked at the puzzled expressions of everyone and immediately explained to everyone.

"Hey! You can rest assured about this. I have seen Rhodes use this power when I was in another world.

The giant wooden man was used to seal the power of the summoned beast. The summoned beast is similar to the Hulk in Bruce Banner's body.

The summoned beast in that world can become a giant monster tens of meters high, and one can even become more than a hundred meters high." Thor said immediately.

Before, in another world, when he was fighting against the evil god who dared to pretend to be his father, Rhodes had used an extremely magical power.

Through a sealing technique, the power in the opponent's body was sucked out and then sealed. In Thor's opinion, this method can perfectly solve the problem of the Hulk.

"I think we should give priority to solving the Ultron issue. How about talking about the Hulk later?" Tony Stark smiled and opened his hands.

"Tony is right. We should solve the Ultron issue first." Colonel Rhodes, a good friend, nodded immediately and echoed Iron Man's words.

"I also think that we should solve the current situation first. Hulk may not be too troublesome." Female agent Hill also nodded and said, and the Black Widow next to her also nodded.

No matter from which angle, the Hulk is. One of the top combat forces on Earth. Although he is very disgusted with Iron Man's invention of the Ultron robot, it is undeniable.

Iron Man's starting point is good, and more importantly, they just met Rhodes, an outsider for the first time, and they can't believe him yet.

Even Thor, the agents don't believe him, after all, he is an outsider.

Bruce Banner is so smart that he can see what everyone means in just a moment. They want to protect the hospitality, but no one cares about their feelings.

It seems that Bruce Banner may not be important to the earth, but the Hulk is very important.

Because both Iron Man and S.H.I.E.L.D. want to use the power of the Hulk.

"I just made a suggestion. I saw that this gentleman was in trouble, so I offered to help solve it. Since you don't want to, it doesn't matter." Rhodes smiled and said.

Iron Man and several other agents are obviously still wary of him, but it doesn't matter. The illusion of the Sharingan will slowly affect Bruce Banner.

Sometimes illusions are really useful. They can silently modify a person's thoughts and even amplify some of his thoughts.

Rhodes just caught some dissatisfaction of Bruce Banner. He felt that his partners only cared about the powerful strength of the Hulk, not his feelings. If this idea appeared normally.

As long as Bruce Banner thinks about it for a while, he will figure it out, but if Rhodes uses illusions to infinitely amplify this idea, the situation will be different.

Soon, the Avengers will have a showdown with Ultron, and then I will make something even worse happen.

"Well, let's get to work now, Mr. Rhodes. I'll give you a pass to the Tuck Building. You can walk around in this building at will, but outside.

Because you are from other worlds, if you want to go out for a walk, please let me know. I'll arrange a few followers to take you around. After all, you are not too familiar with our planet." Stark said.

For some reason, Stark felt that this guy named Rhodes was very wrong, although the other party showed no malice.

But Tony Stark always felt that the other party had bad intentions. Please, you alien gods, these existences beyond human cognition, leave our world quickly!

"No problem. I'll stay in Stark Building." Rhodes smiled and turned away directly.

In the next few days, Tony Stark began to search for Ultron's traces everywhere. In just a few days, Ultron made a lot of Iron Man armor robots and used these robots to attack various military bases and fortresses.

Looting all kinds of supplies, but what makes Tony Stark strange is that according to Ultron's calculation ability, if he wants, he should have broken through the human defense line and obtained the nuclear bomb code.

But for some reason, it seems that there is an invisible force blocking Ultron and preventing Ultron from obtaining the final authority.

Iron Man Tony Stark chose to conceal this matter and not tell anyone.

On Rhodes' side, he used the Sharingan illusion to control several SHIELD agents while going out shopping, and then found a hidden corner and separated a shadow clone.

He took out some Titan Iron from his space and gave it to his shadow clone.

"Go, give these things to the arms dealer and secretly put them in his warehouse. Ultron will use them." Rhodes said.

"I know the main body, let me do the errands. Don't worry, I will mix these things in without anyone knowing." Yin Fengsheng nodded, then used his space ability and left Rhodes' room directly.

"Remember! We need to do something, use illusion to modify the memory of this arms dealer, so that he will think that these Titan irons were obtained by him in a super ancient ruins, and they did not appear out of thin air." Rhodes said meaningfully.

"Leave it to me! This deity!"

With Rhodes' current spatial ability, even a clone can travel freely on the earth.

Soon they arrived at a port on the coast of Africa, and then entered a secret warehouse without anyone noticing, and secretly placed two large boxes of Titan iron here.

Arms dealer Ulysses was sitting in his cabin, listening to music and drinking wine.

Many years ago, he and the brother of the king of Wakanda secretly got a batch of goods from Wakanda, but because those hateful guys continued to track him, he could not find a suitable buyer.

Indirectly, this batch of goods with a total value of tens of billions of dollars, the most powerful metal on the entire earth, has been stranded in his hands for many years.

At this moment, a space wave fluctuated in the cabin, and along with the space ripples, a weirdo with a vortex face mask suddenly appeared.

He had a blood-red eye, and the moment he looked at Ulysses, the other party stood still.

Although he was a hidden clone, he had to act secretly, so Rhodes directly borrowed someone's identity.

Rhodes had no intention of being polite at all, and directly used the power of the Sharingan to modify Ulysses' memory.

Many years ago. After learning about the history of Wakanda, he had explored some other ancient technologies on Earth and learned about a group of mysterious creatures called Titans.

They can use a very powerful metal, which is even more powerful than Wakanda's vibranium.

This powerful metal is very strong and has an unimaginable special power. He accidentally explored a mysterious underground palace.

And found a very mysterious metal there. This palace does not even exist anywhere on the earth, but exists in a special void.

Since then, Ulysses has never entered there again. He only brought out two boxes of very special metals from there.

In fact, the movie vibranium is not the strongest weapon of Thanos, the broadsword, which can break Captain America's shield.

The spear of General Corvus Glaive, a general under Thanos, can also pierce Vision's body, and Thanos is even more terrifying, crushing Vision's vibranium body with his bare hands.

Vibranium may be an indestructible metal on Earth, but if it is placed in the universe, it is not the case.

Since he wants to use the body created by Ultron to serve as his own Shura Road, he must make up for some shortcomings, so Rhodes plans to send some Titan metal.

This special metal configuration will definitely attract Ultron's attention. For this reason, Rhodes also specially modified Ulysses' memory to make everything more reasonable.

After doing all this, Rhodes left the coast of Africa. For the next period of time, the Avengers and even Thor were busy.

Miss Blue Dragon seemed to have gained the trust of the Avengers and acted with them.

Only Rhodes was leisurely strolling in New York City every day.

He even visited the Ancient One and borrowed the Time Stone from him to extract time energy again.

Now, thanks to herself and Sargeras, Ancient One has the motivation to live, so if nothing unexpected happens, she should not die according to the original ending.

A few days later, the Avengers finally found some clues from some people killed by Ultron, and discovered Julius's affairs.

"We have to go there!"

"Ultron's target is obviously the batch of vibranium left outside."

"That's right, guys, fully armed, the Avengers are going out, this time we must stop Ultron, and we must not let him get his body, otherwise, all of us together will not be his opponent." Iron Man Tony Stark clapped his hands and immediately called on everyone to act.

"I have to remind you of one thing, Stark, Rod told me that only after Ultron gets his body, his soul power can work." Thor said.

"Change the plan a little! Maybe we can deal with Ultron without the help of this god named Rod." Tony Stark blinked and said.

He had not discovered the existence of the one who stopped Ultron before, so Rhodes had to isolate Ultron from the network.

But since he found out that his smart butler Jarvis was still alive and seemed to have been upgraded because of Ultron, Tony Stark no longer thought so.

"Stark! This is different from our plan. Do you have any way to isolate it from the network? You didn't say that some time ago." Captain America Steve Rogers asked in confusion.

"In short, this is a secret. Don't disturb our distinguished divine guest. This god named Rhodes came to Earth as a guest. Naturally, he should enjoy the customs and customs of the Earth more. Let him have fun. We shouldn't bother others with everything." Stark put on his Iron Man suit and invited everyone to get on the Quinjet fighter.

After watching Stark and others leave, Rhodes showed a mysterious smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Stark, Rhodes is my friend, he has helped Asgard a lot.

In their world, he is also a great and respected being.

He once saved a planet on the verge of destruction and defeated an evil god who wanted to destroy the world.

He is a good god, not a bad god, you have to understand this." Thor said with a dissatisfied look on his face on the Quinjet fighter.

Tony Stark's fear and distrust of Rhodes were almost written on his face.

Miss Blue Dragon Terry Gossa, who was standing next to Thor, also nodded with a frosty face.

"Stark! Since Mr. Rhodes came, he has not threatened the earth, and he is willing to actively help us, but you have repeatedly rejected his kindness." Dr. Bruce Banner frowned and looked at Tony Stark with some dissatisfaction.

Recently, no matter what Iron Man does, he is a little uncomfortable. Iron Man is too self-righteous and doesn't trust anyone, not even his teammates.

He even made an anti-Hulk armor without telling me, ready to deal with the Hulk he transformed into, and even an anti-Thor armor.

Stark, how much do you distrust your teammates?

"Guys, I don't want to discuss this now. I just want to quickly resolve this crisis and ask our god friend to leave the earth." Tony Stark sighed and said.

There is no way. Some of the things he found are just guesses. He can't tell everyone.

This Rhodes is not as simple as he seems on the surface. A few years ago, he appeared on the earth, and he appeared in a very secretive way.

Through some old surveillance, Tony Stark found some clues.

The atmosphere along the way was a little subtle. Miss Blue Dragon, Thor, and Bruce Banner sat together, chatting a little bit, and the others were silent with their heads down.

On the other side, Ultron brought Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver to the port area of ​​Africa.

"So you want to buy from me!"

"Yes, this special metal is very important to me. Wait! What are these?" Ultron looked at the mysterious metal piled in the corner with a pale blue glow in confusion.

There is a mysterious metal on this planet that I don’t know about. Ultron’s detector shows that this metal is very perfect, even surpassing vibranium. (End of this chapter)

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