Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 337: Destruction, Observer Deal, Six Infinity Stones

Rod could clearly feel that the three bodies, Tiandao, Shuradao and Helldao, were connected with his mind, and could share vision and even fight with each other. However, it was indeed a troublesome thing to control these bodies with one mind and three minds.

But if he could get three more powerful clones in the future, and manipulate the six clones to cooperate with his original body, he should be able to exert strong combat power.

This is not as simple as 1+1. The six clones can exert powerful power with the original body.

Moreover, this six clones can also do other things, such as some shady things, for Rod to hide his identity.

Rod glanced at the brother and sister.

"You stay here for the time being, just stay in this space. This world has nothing to do with you. When I go out to deal with Ultron's affairs, you will leave with me." Rod said.

There is water, oxygen and a lot of food in his private space. It is not a problem for the brother and sister to live here.

"Wait, Mr. Rhodes, you recruited us to work for you, but please don't treat us as slaves or anything. At least let us go out and leave here!" Quicksilver said.

"I know, sir, we will stay here obediently." At this time, Scarlet Witch grabbed her brother and said.

At this time, they were not qualified to negotiate with the other party. Even Ultron, a robot that seemed extremely powerful to them, was just a small vegetable in front of this person.

"That's right, don't worry, when you arrive in another world, I will send a magic teacher to teach your sister magic. As for you, maybe you can be a thief." Rhodes said.

If you want Scarlet Witch to form a strong fighting force, she must learn to control magic.

It just so happens that there are many top magicians in the world of Azeroth, and there is a magician Ronin in his family.

"I'm not a thief. I'm very fast."

"Literally, it means that a stalker uses various assassination techniques to fight.

Okay, you stay here! I'm leaving first." Rhodes waved his hand and left his private space directly.

At this time, the robots controlled by Ultron in the outside world had already left, but this did not bother Rhodes. When he just met Ultron, Rhodes had branded several of them.

Directly activate the space ability, and instantly catch these Ultron's robot clones, without missing any.

All the Ultron robot clones were marked by Rhodes's space ability, even the newly produced robots.

These robots were directly teleported to a zone on the earth's wilderness by Rhodes using time and space spells.

There were thousands of robots made by Ultron, and several huge robots similar to its original body, all in a state of confusion at this time.

"Oh! It's you again! What's going on?"

"Face the reality! Today is your doomsday." Rhodes smiled and said.

The Shura Dao clone nodded to Rhodes, then came to an Ultron robot and placed his hands directly on his forehead, emitting a golden light.

Then he began to clear it, disconnecting it from the Internet, and permanently prohibiting Ultron from entering the Internet.

All Ultron robots were instantly expelled from the Internet world, and after expelling all the data in the Internet world.

Rhodes waved his hand and used the power of chakra to crush the entire body of these Ultron robots.

In just a moment, there was only a huge robot standing in front of Rhodes, about two meters tall, with a cold nuclear fusion reactor on its chest.

"How sad! All my plans are under your control." Seeing that he had already lost today, Ultron laughed.

That night, after awakening his own will, he began to plan a plan to destroy mankind and made a detailed and proper plan.

But now this plan can't succeed at all, because the power device he installed can't make Kosovia fly now.

Now he was expelled from the Internet world, and the several bases he made had completely lost contact.

Under the current circumstances, according to Ultron's calculations, his chance of survival was less than 0.1%.

It was terrible! And he felt that even the data he backed up in some personal computer terminals or satellites, even if they were not connected to the Internet, had been cleaned up by Rod.

"This is your last body. After this body is destroyed, your consciousness will completely disappear on this earth, and there will be no backup." Rod said.

"It's really sad, do it! Don't waste time." Ultron waved his hand and said.

Rod nodded, and directly used a small tailed beast ball to completely erase Ultron's existence.

But at the same time as erasing the body, Rod also captured the artificial intelligence soul generated by the robot and captured these special soul energies.

This is the soul energy of artificial intelligence, and maybe it can create a robot Homies.

"The powerful outsider used his power to eliminate the Ultron in this world and resolve the crisis on this earth, but it also caused the two heroes to not appear in the Avengers, and the powerful Thor will withdraw from the Avengers.

However, Thanos will not appear again. There may be crises in the future, but at least Iron Man will not die, Captain America will not retire, and the Avengers will continue to exist.

But do you think this is the end? Outsider, something has gone wrong in this world. And you resurrected those dead people.

Although there are many of them, and they have not been dead for long, you have attracted the attention of a powerful existence."

"Come on, man, you always scare people when you are a narrator! Can you tell me who is targeting me?" Rhodes turned his head and looked at the big bald head in front of him and asked.

I don't know if the current observers have formed a multiverse rescue team. The Ultron in my universe should not be the six-gem Ultron.

There are also people who say that they have attracted the attention of a powerful existence. Who could it be? It can't be the goddess of death!

"I don't intend to talk to you, outsider. I'm just observing. Maybe you heard my voice talking to myself. Just ignore me." The observer obviously didn't want to communicate with Rhodes at all.

"Observer, in the universe you have observed, is there a successful case of Ultron? Is there a universe where Ultron defeated the Avengers and successfully destroyed the earth?" Rhodes asked.

"Why do you ask this question?"

"I was a little curious after defeating this guy just now. If I didn't show up, how would these Avengers deal with Ultron?"

"They will have their own way. The clone you control will actually become a real hero. It should be so.

However, there is indeed an Ultron in the multiverse. Once an Ultron successfully eliminated all members of the Avengers and destroyed the entire earth.

The world fell into doomsday, and he also killed Thanos who came to the earth to snatch the Infinity Stones. At that time, Thanos already had five Infinity Stones in his hand.

That Ultron collected 6 Infinity Stones and possessed unimaginable power. He even planned to destroy the entire multiverse. Fortunately, I discovered it in time and assembled a rescue team to stop him." The observer said.

It was that action that made him have a different view of the people in the multiverse. Otherwise, if he were the previous observer, he would not say much to Rhodes.

The reason why I have been observing this universe is that I am worried that the Ultron in this universe will also collect all six Infinity Stones.

Hearing this, Rhodes nodded.

Okay! It seems that the Six Gem Ultron incident has already happened. Really, he was waiting for the Observer to summon him to fight this multiverse war! And then get some benefits by the way.

"Observer, you have observed countless worlds, so I want to know, is there any world's Odin who successfully escaped the Ragnarok? Is the powerful existence you mentioned the one who noticed me and will come to deal with me?" Rhodes said.

I didn't expect that just resurrecting a few mortals would attract the attention of the goddess of death. Really, it is said that this goddess is extremely beautiful.

After seeing her, Deadpool had only one thing in his mind, that is, to die quickly and then go to see this goddess.

After seeing her true appearance, Thanos also fell madly in love with the goddess of death, and after learning that the dead man fell in love with the goddess of death, he cursed him to be immortal.

"Sorry! No Odin in any world escaped Ragnarok, but if you take the Odin of this universe away, he may be the first one.

As for the powerful being you mentioned, don't worry! She just looked at you for a while, she won't do anything to you, even if you destroy this multiverse, she won't care." Observer Jue said.

The five great creation gods of the universe have unimaginable power and omnipotence, but they are also the least nosy people, unless they threaten the super universe.

Just like many years ago, after Thanos of that world collected six infinite gems, he set the five great creation gods on the temple.

This multiverse is actually very weak. Among all the multiverses, it is the weakest level and will not attract the attention of these great gods at all.

Rhode breathed a sigh of relief when he heard it. I said that the movie universe should not attract the attention of the five great creation gods. Even if it attracts attention, they will not care. After all, this multiverse is too weak.

"Wait a minute, outsider! How about we make a deal?" The observer suddenly said.

"Oh! You want to make a deal with me? What do you want from me?" Rhodes asked.

"I want to observe other worlds. I have seen too many things in this multiverse. I have a full view of the past and the future. Even the conqueror Kang has failed countless times.

Can you let me go to another world to observe once? I won't destroy anything in that world. I just want to observe." The observer said.

"This is indeed easy for me. So what can you give?" Rhodes asked.

"I can tell you the origin of the powerful being who noticed you a little bit!"

"Hahaha! Please, observer, I am not interested in knowing who such a powerful being is. As long as the other party doesn't come to deal with me, that's enough."

"So what do you want?"

"Infinity Gems, I want six Infinity Gems, and I have five in my hand now." Rhodes said.

"This kind of gem is the least valuable thing in the multiverse. Each world has a set of Infinity Gems, but it can only be used in its own universe.

It can't even be used at the multiverse level, let alone across the world.

They are no different from ordinary stones, and some mortals even use these beautiful gems as pads for books." The observer patiently explained to Rhodes what the Infinity Gems are.

In this multiverse, the Infinity Gems of a single universe can only be used in a single universe, and they are completely useless in other universes.

The Infinity Gems that can be used in other universes are useless when they leave this multiverse.

The only set of Infinity Gems that can be used in the entire multiverse is the set of six gems Ultron.

But this set of Infinity Gems has been sealed by itself, and it is no different from ordinary stones when it goes to other worlds.

"There are six forces in my universe, namely death, life, order and chaos, light and shadow. Maybe I can create a set of infinite gems in my own world. I need a set of infinite gems as a framework or reference." Rhodes said.

"So that's it. It's really magical. You can forge your own infinite gems. This is a good idea. Can I watch it? If you agree to let me watch, I will find you a set of infinite gems." The observer said.

Several infinite gems from completely destroyed universes were kept by himself as collections, so let alone a set of infinite gems, Rhodes wanted to ask for more sets.

The observer can agree, but the infinite gems from the damaged universe are just carriers, not much different from ordinary stones.

"First of all, our deal is that I send you to an unknown world and let you observe that universe.

Then you give me a set of infinite gems. If you want to watch me forge new infinite gems, six infinite gems belonging to our universe, then you have to pay something else." Rhodes said.

Please! I won't do a loss-making business. If you want to watch, that's fine, but take out the corresponding things.

"Well! How about this? There are many broken universes. I have several sets of Infinity Gems. How about I give them all to you?" The Observer said.

"I only need one set for research. The other things, in my opinion, are not much different from other ordinary gems." Rhode rolled his eyes and said on the spot.

Infinity Gems, why do I need so many!

"Researching Infinity Gems is also consuming. If you can divide the gems and study the internal structure, then there is a higher chance of forging the six Infinity Gems of your universe.

And these moisturizing shells can also be used as materials. You have to prepare a few more sets and use them as spare parts!" The Observer said.

This makes sense, but I don't want you to go to the world of Azeroth!

Then you are my base camp, which belongs to my old nest.

"Well, you can see that at my current level, it's not the right time to forge the Infinity Gems. How about I send you to another world to observe first?

After you finish observing from another world, I will start forging the Infinity Gems.

I will invite you to come and watch at that time. Now you can give me your collection of several sets of Infinity Gems." Rhodes said.

When he really starts forging the Infinity Gems, his strength should have surpassed the Observer.

At that time, even if he is allowed to observe, he will not be able to make any big waves.

"I agree to your terms." The Observer nodded and stretched out his hand to Rhodes.

A total of thirty-six Infinity Gems, each with six Infinity Gems, a total of six sets of Infinity Gems, were sent to Rhodes.

These Infinity Gems were collected from the destroyed world. Now that they have left their own universe, they are not much different from ordinary stones.

However, as former Infinity Gems, they are still worth studying.

Rhodes plans to give two sets of Infinity Gems to President Sa for research, and the remaining four sets to Ai-chan and himself for research.

"You are really anxious! Observer, do you mean I will send you to another universe team now? Are you sure you want to go? Other worlds are quite dangerous."

"My mission is to observe. I will not interfere in anything. Even if a whole planet of people dies in front of me, I will not be moved." The observer said.

"I happen to know that there is a multiverse in a world, and there are countless unknowns. You can go and have a look." Rhodes smiled and opened the door to the Final Fantasy world for the observer.

Big bald baby, just go to that world and observe it carefully! The Final Fantasy universe has many parallel universes, which also belong to the multiverse level.

The observer looked excited, and then couldn't wait to enter the space-time tunnel.

"I will observe in that world for ten years. After ten years, please open the channel connecting our universe and take me home." The observer said to Rhodes before leaving.

"Got it! I will pick you up on time at that time." Rhodes said with a smile.

Observers are a race, so Rhodes will abide by the agreement and take the observers back when the time is up. After all, he cannot attract members of other observers.

This race has a member in every multiverse, and they are extremely powerful. (End of this chapter)

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