Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 342 Packing up the small garden, Ancient One's request to steal the earth?

But speaking of it, it seems that it is not impossible. This kind of glory has become the glory of the sun god, and the master actually gave it to himself!

But Helios was also a little worried. He was worried that he would not be able to fulfill his master's orders and live up to his master's expectations.

Can your own light really illuminate the entire planet? The light and heat emitted unconsciously are naturally not consumed, but if you burn your own flame with all your strength, its energy will be consumed rapidly.

He was worried about whether he could become a sun god.

"Great Master, I am naturally willing to obey your orders, but you also know that my energy is not unlimited, and I cannot illuminate a planet like a real sun.

I can illuminate it for a few months at most before my own energy is exhausted and I even fall into a deep sleep. " Helios said.

"You don't have to worry about this. My personal space has now formed certain laws. I will use these laws to replenish your energy." Rhodes smiled and said.

On this day, he also thought about his private space, which has now formed a small plane. He can fully mobilize all the laws of this plane, and naturally can also mobilize some of the laws to replenish Helios' energy.

"If this is the case, Master, I am willing to accept this important task and become the sun of this space and illuminate this planet." Helios took a deep breath and said firmly.

"You should be a little busy now. After your sister Sophie Nicks wakes up, you two can work one day and have one day off, and act as the sun together." Rhodes said.

At this stage, Helios cannot be kept busy alone. After the Phoenix completes its evolution, her energy level should be further improved. By then, the two of them will have time to rest after taking turns.

"Thank you for your trust, great master!"

Rhodes nodded, and then activated his space ability, slowly pulling the entire Little Garden Planet into his own space.

A few hours later, the Little Garden Planet completely disappeared from the Marvel Universe, floating in Rhodes' personal space, occupying about half of the space.

Helios also turned into a fiery red sun at this time, and then flew over the planet, lighting up half of the planet in an instant.

The warm sunlight shone on the planet again. The animals and plants on the planet did not find anything wrong, but they just felt that the stars in the sky seemed to have disappeared.

"Isn't this okay? Very good Helios, you will be the sun of this world. If you really can't hold on, just tell me." Rhodes nodded with great satisfaction.

At the same time, the energy in the private space is mobilized, so that Helios has a supplement of energy and can continue to illuminate the world.

"Great Master, maybe, maybe I don't need your energy support. The light I emit can illuminate the world." Helios said in surprise.

He originally had little confidence in this task, but since absorbing his new sister's flame, its fire ability seems to be stronger, and it has a trace of indestructible properties.

This allows it to form a perfect closed loop in the body, allowing energy to be conserved without worrying about excessive energy consumption.

"I still give you the authority to replenish energy. Just replenish it when you are short of energy.

Your flame can illuminate half of the planet. You have to switch to the other side of the planet every twelve hours. Do you understand? " Rhodes said.

Rhodes originally thought that if Helios could not bear this important task, then he would give him the defective Chakra fruit that he had planned to give to Sargeras to increase his life force, but It seems that it is no longer needed now.

Even a defective chakra fruit cannot be improved. Helios has too much power, after all, its evolution relies on devouring flames.

In his own private space, after seeing that the Little Garden Planet could survive normally and that the life on it was not a serious problem, Rhodes left.

Then he opened the spark portal, returned directly to Asgard, and appeared in the palace of God King Odin.

At this time, in the Asgard Palace, God King Odin, God Queen Freya, Thor, Thor, the Four Warriors of Asgard, and Heimdall were all gathered here.

In addition, the dwarf king Trevor and a group of dwarves also came to Asgard, and brought the neutron star they captured through some special means.

"We meet again, Mr. Rhodes." Dwarf King Trevor greeted Rhodes warmly.

Rhodes also smiled and nodded. The dwarves have very few people, only more than 500 people. They are Asgard's weapons suppliers. If the dwarves lose the protection of Asgard, they will.

Then there is no way to survive in this universe. Many forces are watching them, so they must leave together.

"You're back Rhodes! Have you finished your work? If you need help, just ask." God King Odin nodded to Rhodes and said.

During this trip to the Earth, Odin was very satisfied with his son. He finally gave up on the Earth woman and successfully accepted it. This blue dragon lady has strong vitality and eternal life.

After heading to the world of Azeroth, Odin plans to take the time to visit the Blue Dragon clan and talk about the marriage between the two clans.

"God King Odin, I have finished my work. Thank you for your concern.

Have you gathered all the subjects of Asgard? Are there any Asgardians left in the universe?" Rhodes asked.

All the things have been done. Rhodes knows it is time to return. As for the matter of the soul gem, forget it and wait until next time!

I am not in a hurry to take out the cosmic gods in the core of the earth. I will do this when I become a true god and at least have the qualifications to stand in front of Sargeras.

"There are still some Asgardians who have not returned to Asgard Palace. They voluntarily gave up their identity as Asgardians.

Wandering in this universe, there is a Valkyrie who lives with the High Lord.

There are also a few on other planets, and there is also an Asgardian on Earth." Odin said.

Not all Asgardians are loyal to his God King Odin, such as the Valkyrie who was the only survivor.

It was because they were dissatisfied with him sending them to deal with Hela that they betrayed Asgard, but Odin was not qualified to blame them, because at that time, sending them to deal with Hela was indeed a mission that would lead to certain death.

Now that he had forgiven Hela and even made her the eldest princess again, if this Valkyrie came back, she would definitely not accept this.

"Do you want to summon them back?" Rhode asked.

The Valkyrie in Thor III was even stronger than the four warriors of Asgard.

"No, they chose their own path and have their own lives. Let them stay in this universe and let them stay here as the last Asgardians." Odin said.

"Okay then! King Odin, let's set off now and go to the world of Azeroth."

Rhode nodded and directly moved the entire Asgard, which was the size of an island, into his private space.

Asgard is a giant island, and its size is even similar to that of a city on Earth.

The really big one is the neutron star of the dwarves. This is the real big guy. Rhodes took a little effort to put it into his private space.

Fortunately, this neutron star is firmly bound by the dwarves' machine, otherwise the shock wave it emits may destroy his own planet.

After all the Asgardian dwarves are completely put into his private space.

Rhodes still has to deal with the matter of the Infinity Stones. Asgard wants to leave with him, the Infinity Stones naturally can no longer be stored in Odin, so Rhodes has to choose another target.

First, let Shuradao take off the Mind Stone on his forehead. The Mind Stone was handed over to Master Gu Yi for custody. Rhodes specially opened a portal and came to Master Gu Yi in the New York Temple.

"Master Gu Yi, you should know why I came, right? Please keep these Infinity Stones for the time being." Rhodes smiled and handed the Reality Stone, Space Stone, and Power Stone to Master Gu Yi.

With the confidence to survive, it was no problem for Master Gu Yi to keep these Infinity Stones.

"You really know how to trouble me, Rod!" Master Gu Yi sighed.

Somewhat helplessly, he took the four Infinity Stones. Are you kidding me? With the Time Stone, only the Soul Stone is gone now. He is almost done with all the Infinity Stones.

"As the saying goes, those who are capable should do more work? And I collect Infinity Stones to safely take out the Cosmic God Group in the core of the Earth.

Originally, these stones were stored in Asgard of God King Odin, but now God King wants to leave with me, so I can only leave them with you first." Rod said.

"Rod! I ask you a question, can you answer me honestly?" Master Gu Yi suddenly looked at Rod and asked.

"Ask it! Master Gu Yi."

"If you can take Asgard away, can you take the Earth away and bring the entire Earth into your world?" said the Ancient One.

Although this universe is their home, it is also a cage, and even an experimental site. This multiverse itself was created by a group of extremely powerful beings.

It was because Master Gu Yi was fed up with his so-called fate and everything that he wanted to die completely and end everything.

But last time, Azeroth, Sargeras and Rod gave him new hope. And now, since Rod can take Asgard away, does it mean that he can also take the earth away?

If the entire earth is sent to another universe, then I will say goodbye to this world and this universe completely, and never worry about those so-called fates again.

No longer have to deal with those people in the Time Administration Bureau, no longer have to deal with those super bosses running back and forth on the timeline!

This is the perfect way to solve all the problems on Earth once and for all.

"??? Master Gu Yi, are you kidding?

You mean to let me drag the entire earth into my universe?" Rod asked in surprise.

Is there anything wrong? Master Gu Yi actually wants me to take action and drag the entire earth in. The world of Azeroth?

If you count the neutron star of the dwarves, the territory of the Asgardians, the small garden, and the planet of Final Fantasy 7, the area around Azeroth is quite lively.

You can do this yourself. You can even do it now, you just need to return to the world of Azeroth to unload the goods.

Put the Little Garden planet temporarily next to Azeroth, and then just pack up the planet and take it away when you come back.

But the question is, is the earth really that easy to pack? The earth is a super time bomb.

It goes without saying how dangerous the Earth in the Marvel world is. It is even connected to many alien spaces, with various gods and even hells.

No matter how courageous Rhodes is, he will not dare to touch the Marvel World Earth before he reaches the multiverse level. This is completely seeking death.

"That's right Rhodes! Can you do it? Tell me." Ancient Yi asked.

"Master Gu Yi, I really want to lie to you and say that I can't do it, but in fact I can do it.

But I'm sorry, I can't do that. I can't take the earth to other universes, except for this matter. " Rhodes sighed deeply and said helplessly.

If you make other requests, then I will think of a way, but taking away the earth is really not an option!

“This universe is very dangerous, and even if something goes wrong, this universe will be wiped out.

Then restart everything you know, including me, and it will be inexplicably destroyed.

This universe is the darkest world. "Master Gu Yi said.

The fate of everything is destined. There can be some small changes, but if there are too big changes, then the entire universe will be cleansed by an inexplicable force and then destroyed.

She knew all this but was powerless to stop it.

"I'm sorry Master Gu Yi. The water on the earth is too deep. I really can't do it for the time being. But I promise you that if one day I am strong enough, then I will agree to your request and take the earth away from this An extremely dangerous world."

In the end, Rhodes chose to give Master Gu Yi a guarantee, but it was hard to say what level he would be promoted to, at least it could not be lower than the multiverse.

"Thank you Rhodes, these words are enough!"

Rhodes nodded to the Ancient One Mage, then cut through the space, left the Marvel Universe, and returned to the world of Azeroth. (End of chapter)

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