Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 348: The Outer Golem seals the Ancient God and kills Yogg-Saron's soul.

Yogg-Saron was also very depressed at this moment. Where did these three monsters come from?

The woman in black and green uniform exuded a strong breath of death, and the sharp blade she wielded also possessed the terrifying power of death, which could effectively damage his shadow power.

The one-eyed old man wearing armor and holding a golden spear looked a bit like the Titan creation that had defeated them.

I remember that guy's name seemed to be Odin, and it was said that he was the chief guardian appointed by the Titans.

But this is not important. Damn it, Yogg-Saron didn't remember that these Titan guardians had such combat power!

The golden spear wielded by the old man possessed an unimaginable divine power, and every time the spear was swung out.

No matter how he dodged, no matter how he used the power of shadow to block it.

But this golden spear would always accurately hit Yogg-Saron's vital parts and hit his heart and brain.

The Eternal Spear of the God King Odin has a guaranteed hit effect. As long as this spear is thrown, it will definitely hit the target that Odin wants to hit.

And this spear contains the powerful power of the God King Odin, and also has the power of the World Tree, which is very restraining to the Ancient God.

As for the man who looks the most normal and a bit like a human, it is even more terrifying. The other party has various abilities.

Fel energy, life force, and a black and red thunder-like special power that he has never seen before.

These powers combined make the man in front of him more difficult to deal with than Odin and the woman who uses the power of death. Among the three, this man should be the most powerful.

"Face my punishment! Monster! The power of the Eternal Spear will make you extremely painful!" Odin's Eternal Spear exudes a dazzling golden light.

The Eternal Spear in Odin's hand directly turned into a machine gun at this time, constantly firing at Yogg-Saron, and the sound of booming explosions kept coming.

Yogg-Saron: Who am I? Where am I? What am I going to do? Where am I going? Help!

"Feel the power of the goddess of death! I am the eldest princess of Asgard." Hela swung the sharp blade in her hand and sent out a series of slashes containing the power of death.

Practicing in the world of pirates allowed Hela to master the use of domineering and displaying the machine, and she was proficient in all three colors of domineering.

After returning to the world of Azeroth, the various abilities of the Death Knight are simply a perfect match for Hela.

Moreover, Hela does not need to become a dead spirit like the Death Knight to use that kind of power. Hela, who has the power of death, can easily control it.

The corrosive power of the shadow is indeed very powerful, but no matter how powerful you are, you are still not enough to face the power of death, the power that can kill everything.

As for Rhodes, it is even more simple and crude. The chakra life force and the power of evil energy constantly greet the ancient god, weakening his power.

This is considered a three-person single-handed fight against Yogg-Saron! And it was Yogg-Saron, the Zero Light, because at this moment, several guardians were not there, and only Odin, Hela and Rhodes were fighting without any guardians' blessings.

The extremely powerful divine power of the three made it impossible for the ancient god to start, and his proud ability of mind corrosion had no effect on Rhodes and the other two.

"We have no hatred. I can feel that the power of the three of you does not belong to the Titans, and there is no breath of order at all. I am different from those Titans, and those Titans lied." Yogg-Saron began to defend himself. Are you kidding me? You just came up and fought me so hard!

Damn it, even if he was not sealed and was in full body state, any of these three guys could tie with him. If the three came together, even his strongest form would be defeated.

Even the most powerful Y'Shaarj among the ancient gods is estimated to be unable to beat these three people together.

So, at this moment, Yogg-Saron decided to save the country in a roundabout way, defending himself, and wanted to rely on his eloquence to make Rhodes and others stop!

"I know you are no different from those Titan Guardians. Your ultimate goal is to corrupt Azeroth. However, the Titans sent these Guardians here to make Azeroth a Titan and a member of the Pantheon.

The actions of your Old Gods are even more brutal. Even you Old Gods are hostile to each other.

Your ultimate goal is not to corrupt Azeroth, but to devour its power and eat it alive. In the end, there will only be one Old God on this planet, and it will become a Void Lord." Rhodes said.

At this moment, Yogg-Saron has been almost consumed by the three of them. The opponent's power has weakened to the extreme. Rhodes can feel it.

"Wait, no, it's not like that. You have been deceived. We Old Gods have never intended to do this. Do you know?

We Old Gods are the native gods of this world! We and the elemental creatures are the native creatures of Azeroth." Yogg-Saron said.

Hearing this, Rhode curled his lips speechlessly. You actually used this trick to deceive me. However, in the earliest chronicles of the world of Azeroth.

It is indeed set that several ancient gods are native creatures of Azeroth.

However, some of the glass shards later directly ate their own books, completely ate this setting, and then said that this was a conspiracy of the Dark Empire.

The Dark Empire made the lives it ruled at that time believe this, believe in the so-called Old Gods, they are all native creatures of Azeroth.

So those Aqir insects are so crazy, madly worshiping the Old Gods.

"You can't kill me. If you kill me, it will hurt Azeroth." Yogg-Saron roared.

If he continues to be beaten like this, his brain and heart will soon be killed.

"I am the Old God, I am the child of Azeroth, and I was born in the world of Azeroth." Yogg-Saron started talking nonsense.

"Hahaha! This is the funniest joke I have ever heard. The real native creatures of the world of Azeroth should be those wild demigods.

The reason why they were born after you is because Azeroth wants to create them to protect itself." Rhodes snorted coldly, stopped attacking, and then released his two giant outer demon elephants, the Ten Tails.

The outer golem state of the Ten-Tails is more than 150 meters tall and looks like a wooden giant. It is a smaller version of the Ten-Tails. In this state, the power of the outer golem can be easily sealed.

The Ten-Tails combat form, which is about 10,000 meters tall, is their true appearance, but this form is smaller and easier to seal.

"Wait! No! No! This is a lie. We, we are the life that has just been born in the world of Azeroth and has just come to this world.

Azeroth should have become a void lord, controlling the powerful void power. We will not devour his power at all. On the contrary, we will absorb the void power and feed it back to Azeroth." Yogg-Saron said.

Rhodes stopped attacking, but Odin and Hela did not, and they were still ravaging him crazily.

At this time, Yogg-Saron felt a kind of pressure from the two giant wooden giants summoned by Rhodes. These monsters with multiple eyes and very evil-looking gave him an unimaginable sense of terror.

Are you kidding me? I am the ancient god, I am the incarnation of darkness! I'm actually afraid of something.

"So I said, you old gods are the most despicable existence, you don't tell the truth, all kinds of deception and lies." Rhode snorted coldly, and nine chains shot out of the mouth of the Outer Golem sitting cross-legged, and then wrapped around Yogg-Saron's body. The two Outer Golems had a total of 18 chains, which tightly wrapped around Yogg-Saron's body.

Now we start another game, the bondage play, but I tie you up with iron chains.

After the iron chain emitting red light locked Yogg-Saron, the old god instantly had a great soul. He felt that the shadow power in his body, his life essence, and all the power were being absorbed by these chains and swallowed into the body of the huge golem.

"Damn it! What is this? Why? Why can it devour the power of the old gods? Why can it devour my power?" Yogg-Saron said in horror.

"You don't need to worry about so much. I will split you in two. Your body, all your spiritual power, and all the shadow power in you will become the Outer Golem. As for your soul, I won't be polite either!" Rhodes said.

Yogg-Saron is a good thing. When this guy's blood is contaminated with ordinary iron ore, it will form Saronite, which is a very strong steel with good magic conduction effect.

The Lich King's Scourge Army mined this steel on a large scale to cast weapons. In the game setting, it is contaminated with Titan God Body, but Rhodes's level of existence knows how precious Titan God Iron is.

The blood of an ancient god is contaminated with Titan God Iron, and the shadow power will only pollute the Titan's power of order.

At this time, Odin and Hela also stopped attacking and came to Rhodes, one holding the Death Sword and the other holding the Eternal Spear, standing on both sides of Rhodes.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! I am a god, an ancient god. How dare you do this to me? The void will not let you go. My loyal servant will definitely resurrect me." Seeing that Rhodes would never let him go, Yogg-Saron screamed miserably.

"You mean the Church of the Eye, right? I remember there was a two-headed ogre, I think it was called Cho'gall, right!

Your Twilight Church has bewitched many people, of all kinds of races. Don't worry, after I leave, I will send all the people from the Church of the Eye to accompany you. You won't be lonely." Rhodes said.

The power of this ancient god is really not to be underestimated. Yogg-Saron has been sealed for tens of thousands of years, and the shadow power and life essence in his body are still so abundant.

If a single Outer Path Golem, even if it is transformed from a super ten-tailed, it is estimated that it will not be able to absorb this ancient god.

It is even possible that after absorbing the power of this ancient god, it will be possessed by Yogg-Saron, but if two of them absorb it together.

And with the suppression of Rhodes's Samsara Sharingan and a pair of Samsara eyes, plus the suppression of the Soul Soul Fruit.

Mr. Yogg-Saron really had no power to turn the tables. At this time, Rhodes did not let go of Yogg-Saron's soul energy, but extracted it all.

Soul energy cannot be sealed in the Outer Golem. The Outer Golem itself has no life and no self-awareness. If Yogg-Saron's consciousness runs into it, it may turn over.

So the two Outer Golems only seal Yogg-Saron's body and the shadow power in his body.

As for Yogg-Saron's soul, Rhodes will personally transform it into the most primitive soul energy to completely destroy this ancient god.

After the body was almost sealed, Rhodes began to extract Yogg-Saron's soul. This is an extremely dark and evil soul. The moment he extracted it, Rhodes felt a series of negative emotions.

This is the whisper of the ancient god. The ancient god is still making the last struggle, trying to use his soul to seduce Rhodes.

"Give up, you have no chance of turning the tables. This time, I came here with full preparation.

In order to seal you, I even found an ancient god lady and did a lot of experiments." Rhodes said.

Isn't it? In order to deal with you ancient gods, Miss Sarasta served as Rhode's best experimental subject. Rhode played with her in various ways and tortured her in various ways.

Find the possible weaknesses of the ancient gods.

"Damn it! No!!!" Yogg-Saron let out a last shrill howl, and then his entire soul was digested by Rhode into the most primitive soul energy, and his consciousness was completely wiped out.

The ancient gods that even the Titans had no way to deal with and could only seal were destroyed by Rhode.

Rhode finally left a part of Yogg-Saron's remains, which were handed over to Miss Sarasta to eat!

After all, the show must be done in full!

After killing Yogg-Saron, Rhode began to collect his spoils. First, there was a huge golden head, and secondly, there was a part of the ore infected by Yogg-Saron's blood.

"I can't believe you defeated this ancient god. Come to the top of Ulduar quickly. We must stop Algalon." While Rhodes was collecting his spoils, the guardian contacted Rhodes through some kind of video device.

"I see. You guys help delay me for a while. I'll go to the upper level now." (End of this chapter)

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