Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 367 Reforged Holy Sword, Sun Fire, Creation Thunder, Orichalcum Steel

As expected, there are basically few gods willing to work for Zeus on Mount Olympus.

"I need you to play a scene with me. Kratos will come to you soon, and you just need to say this to him." Rhodes said.

This time, Rhodes planned to trick Kratos. He dared to cheat me. I am very vindictive.

"I understand. Let's start reforging the holy sword now!" Hephaestus, the god of fire, said with a clear expression.

Rhodes smiled and nodded, then entered his private space, and then released Helios, who was the sun.

If this planet is away from the sun for too long, it will not work. But if the sun leaves for a few hours, it will not be a problem for the planet. After all, there are nights in some areas.

"Great master, do you have anything to tell me?" Helios asked.

In the past few months, he has been playing the role of the sun, and he has done a very good job. During his time as the sun, he shines on the earth every day, bringing the source of life to all things, giving him a new feeling, and his entire soul and power are undergoing a qualitative change and sublimation.

However, it will take a very long time to completely complete the transformation, and he knows this himself. In order not to disappoint his master, he has been working hard.

"Helios! This time I have a good thing for you. Soon, a sun god will die. At that time, I will give you his godhood, body and the sun chariot he drives. Then you can become a real sun god." Rhodes said.

In addition to absorbing the Holy Fire of Olympus, Helios, the sun god of this world, is also one of Rhodes's goals. Rhodes intends to let his sun Homiz absorb the other's power.

After all, the names of both parties are the same. At that time, this name was taken to seize the power of the sun god, the sun god of the world of the god of war.

In terms of appearance and strength, compared with some sun gods in other worlds, it is simply too different, but it is the most suitable for himself and Mizi's creation.

"Thank you so much, great master, you always think about me, I will never let you down, I will be your sun god, shining on the earth, shining on all things, and burning all your enemies to ashes." Helios said with a firm face.

The fire god Hephaestus looked at the huge human-shaped sun in front of him, and his mouth was also wide open.

The power of the other party is indeed the origin of the sun. It is not even comparable. How much difference is there between the sun gods here? And the names of the two people seem to be exactly the same!

(In order to facilitate readers to distinguish, one Helios is the protagonist's Homiz creation sun, and Helios is the sun god in the world of the God of War.)

It seems that this is indeed a powerful god king. How can he be ordinary if he can make the sun god loyal to him?

"Okay! Helios, I need you to melt the blue giant sword in front of you now, can you do it?" Rhodes pointed to the Holy Sword of Olympus in his hand and said.

"No problem, master, leave it to me! I will melt it with the most powerful flame." Helios said.

Isn't it just melting a sword? This matter is extremely simple for him. After all, the powerful Uru God Steel Metal and Super Titan God Iron can be melted. What he has is the flame of a neutron star, plus the eternal fire.

The God of Fire brought a huge container, and Rhodes put the Holy Sword of Olympus and the other three metals into it. Helios also turned into a red and white fireball, and then entered the container and began to melt them.

The scorching high temperature appeared, and the metal in the furnace began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye. The temperature that Helios can produce is far beyond the imagination of the God of Fire Hephaestus.

This small sun does not seem to be very powerful, but the intensity of the flame on it is far beyond his expectations!

These three materials can also be melted by their own flames and the power of the lava here, but definitely not as fast as the other party.

The materials melted very quickly, and the Holy Sword of Olympus finally showed signs of melting under the scorching high temperature. The sword body began to slowly turn into a liquid state, and a light blue energy began to appear.

This is a thick lightning column, as if it has life.

"Don't let this power leave Lord Rhodes! This is the first lightning produced when the world was first created. It is the key to casting the Holy Sword of Olympus." The God of Fire Hephaestus hurriedly said.

Rhodes nodded and used his own power to fix the lightning. This lightning is quite violent and sacred, with unimaginable power.

"This is the lightning produced when the world was born. Why did Zeus get it?" Rhodes turned his head and asked.

If it was a creation at the beginning of the world, then the one who got it should be the founding god, such as Gaia and several other founding gods.

If it was Gaia, the battle had already taken place that year, and she should not have given the original lightning to Zeus.

"It's a long story. Back then, Gaia and the first generation of God King Uranus were at odds, and then she instigated her youngest son to castrate his father.

But the first generation of God King did not die, but returned to the sky. When Zeus rebelled against his father.

His grandfather, the sky god Uranus, also provided help to Zeus, and this original lightning was provided by Uranus. "Hephaestus, the god of fire, told a secret story.

At the beginning, it was Gaia who raised Zeus. Originally, Gaia just wanted to deal with her little son.

But unexpectedly, under the instruction of her first husband, the god of heaven Uranus, Zeus gradually turned his target and gun to the entire Titan clan.

Although the god of heaven Uranus was born from Gaia, he was also a creator god. His divine power was not much worse than Gaia, and even slightly stronger.

It was because of the birth of heaven and earth that this world was born. Uranus, as the sky, naturally retained the first lightning.

Rhodes nodded and stopped talking, but used his own power to fix the original lightning.

After a while, the entire Olympus Holy Sword melted, and four special metals intertwined together.

"Very good, very good, that's it. This time I want to create a magical weapon that will eclipse the heaven and earth. "Hephaestus, the god of fire, took out his hammer and said excitedly.

As for forging the artifact, Rhodes could not help, and this job was completely handed over to Hephaestus, the god of fire.

After completing his work, Helios was sent back to his private space by Rhodes to continue to serve as the sun, waiting to devour the holy fire of Olympus and the sun god.

Dang! Dang! Dang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of the hammer struck the whole cave, and a brand new model of the Holy Sword of Olympus was made by Hephaestus, the god of fire.

The shape of this sword depends on the god of fire, and it is basically the same as the previous Holy Sword of Olympus after forging, and even some details are the same.

Now it is the most critical step to inject the core power of this holy sword.

"This is really a perfect work of art. Okay, Lord Rhodes, put the original lightning in now!

This lightning will serve as the core power source of this sword. "Hephaestus, the god of fire, said excitedly.

"Can I add some other power to it! For example, my own lightning. "Rhodes asked.

Now that his life level has been raised to this level, the dragon flame, lightning, and bad wind generated have become abnormally powerful.

If these are used as energy, the effect should be good.

"Of course! If I have your power, then the power of this sword will undoubtedly be even stronger. "The God of Fire Hephaestus nodded and said.

Rhodes nodded, and a light blue lightning with a hint of turquoise began to appear on his palm. This lightning continued to concentrate and became more and more powerful.

Rhodes transformed all his life energy, evil energy and even chakra power into lightning power, making the lightning in front of him huge and full of extremely violent energy.

Then under the guidance of the God of Fire Hephaestus, the original lightning of creation began to merge with Rhodes' lightning, and the two lightning powers were successfully sealed into the sword body, serving as the core power source of this sword.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

After a burst of violent lightning, a brand new Holy Sword of Olympus appeared in front of the two.

This sword seems to be no different from the previous one, but Rhodes can feel that the power of this sword is more than twice as strong as before.

The power of thunder and lightning all over his body is even stronger, and the power of the core is even stronger, and the hardness of the sword body and the magic conductivity are also stronger.

"Hahaha! We succeeded, we succeeded, Lord Rhodes!

I forged a more powerful weapon, I recast the Sword of Olympus.

No, now it should not be called the Sword of Olympus, it is your weapon. "The God of Fire Hephaestus said excitedly.

"No, no, no, the God of Fire has not yet completely forged it, he still lacks the last step to be considered a success. "A powerful divine soul energy emerged in Rhodes' palm.

This is the soul energy of Altima, the God of Creation in the Final Fantasy world, and the soul energy of Yogg-Saron, the ancient god in the world of Azeroth.

In addition, the soul energy of the God King who just sacrificed in this world, the Sea King Poseidon, and a trace of Rhodes' own soul.

"You, what are you going to do? Mr. Rhodes, this, is this a soul?"

"Yes, God of Fire, I can use soul energy to give life to other dead things. Now, I want to give this sword life force and make it a weapon with soul. "Rod said.

According to the Eastern saying, this is called sword spirit.

"It's a crazy idea, but if you do this, the power of this sword will undoubtedly increase a lot." Fire God Hephaestus said excitedly.

Rod smiled and began to inject soul energy into the sword, and the powerful soul power was integrated into the sword.

Let this Olympus Holy Sword emit a light blue energy shining with sacred light, and an extremely soft energy illuminates the entire cave.

It even spread outward faintly. Fortunately, before casting, Rhodes had already shielded this place with the mirror space.

Otherwise, when the sword was just cast, it is estimated that the gods of Olympus would have been alarmed.

The giant sword was suspended in the sky, and a pair of eyes suddenly opened on the hilt. These were a pair of light blue eyes.

At the same time, Rhodes also established a wonderful connection with the sword and officially became the true owner of the sword.

"Thank you for giving me life, great master." The holy sword floated in front of Rhodes and said.

"Your previous name was Olympus, so will you still use this name in the future?" Rhodes said.

Olympus Holy Sword, you represent the power beyond Olympus.

"Yes, my master! And thank you, my forger, the God of Fire Hephaestus, for your exquisite craftsmanship that gave me a new life." The Holy Sword of Olympus also expressed its gratitude to the God of Fire Hephaestus.

Without the help of this God of Fire, it would be impossible for him to complete the recasting and become such a powerful weapon.

"Tell me about your ability, Holy Sword of Olympus." Rhodes asked.

"Master Rhodes, first of all, I have unimaginable killing power against the Titans, and this power comes from the god Uranus.

After joining your power, I also have unimaginable killing power against other gods in this world.

I can also seal the Titans or some powerful life forms by force, but you need to provide a sealing location. I have the power to suppress their divine power.

And I can also greatly increase your strength. When you fight with me, you can exert all your strength in an explosive form.

In this state, your self-defense and attack power will increase exponentially, unless your strength is far greater than yours.

Otherwise, during this period of explosion, you are invincible, will ignore any damage, and will recover your physical strength." Olympus Holy Sword said.

"Hahaha! Not bad! Very good." Rhodes nodded with satisfaction.

"Master, I can also absorb some special lightning to enhance my core energy and increase my power." Olympus Holy Sword said.

"Incredible, he is much stronger than the former Holy Sword of Olympus! It is my honor to participate in its casting, Lord Rhodes." The God of Fire Hephaestus said.

"Well! I know, next I will insert you to a place in the underworld, and you wait for a bald man to take you away.

You have to help this bald man fight, and then wait for my order, understand?" Rhodes said.

Kratos, next I will play a game of disc within a disc with you, you will never think that your weapon is my undercover.

"I know, master, I will help that Spartan fight, I have been under his hands for a while." Holy Sword of Olympus said.

Although he was just created, he was also the Holy Sword of the Olympian Gods before, and naturally knew some of his previous experiences, but those were just memories.

Now he is the master's weapon, that's all.

Rhodes nodded with satisfaction, then pulled out the Holy Sword of Olympus, passed through the Hyperion Gate, and inserted it on a platform in the underworld, waiting for a bald man to come and take it away.

After doing all this, Rhodes returned to the cave of the God of Fire.

"Lord Rhodes! Do you still have the metal from before?

There are some powerful flames left in this furnace. I collected these flames and maybe I can forge a powerful weapon." The God of Fire Hephaestus said.

The God of Fire Hephaestus collected some of the flames left when Helios melted the Holy Sword of Olympus.

These flames have a special power and can also be used as the core of weapons to forge artifacts.

"I still have some materials here. If you want them, I will give them to you." Rhodes nodded.

He took out Super Titan Iron, Saron Iron, and Uru Iron from his private space and gave them to the God of Fire Hephaestus.

"Yes, these are the things. With these metals, I can forge a weapon. Lord Rhodes, what kind of weapon do you want?" The God of Fire Hephaestus asked excitedly.

At this time, his hands were itching to the extreme, and he couldn't wait to forge.

"I still lack a powerful armor, but I don't lack weapons. How about you make me an armor that can protect the whole body and has a pair of wings on the back?" Rhodes thought for a moment and said.

"Yes! I can make you a powerful armor with a pair of wings." The god of fire Hephaestus nodded, then took out a small ruler and measured Rhodes' body shape.

"Lord Rhodes, I will start making it for you now. I will add some of our special divine steel when making it.

It's called Oliha steel, which is a specialty of our Greek gods." The god of fire Hephaestus took out a piece of metal emitting green light and said.

The previous Olympus Holy Sword was made of this divine steel.

"I believe in your craftsmanship! I'll give you some of these scales and the special flames I produce. It should be able to better increase the power of this armor." Rhodes thought for a moment.

He took some dragon scales from his body and gave some dragon flames to the god of fire.

"With these materials, this armor will be even more powerful." Vulcan picked up these materials and began to forge them.

Watching Vulcan excitedly forging weapons, Rhodes turned around and jumped onto the platform in front, then walked into the Hyperion Gate.

You are busy with Vulcan, I will go find your wife.

This is a purple palace, decorated extremely luxuriously and in pink.

On a huge bed, three graceful figures were lying together. They were the Goddess of Love and her two maids.

After sensing someone breaking in, the Goddess of Love quickly sat up.

"Look what I found? A strange God King, do you want to play with me?" (End of this chapter)

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