Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 399 Pallas, the goddess of love, disguised as gold

Athena's face was extremely heavy. How could she have such a ridiculous and weird dream? His father, the God-King Zeus, has returned, a new God of War has appeared, and there is another version of himself!

Even Hades, the king of Hades, was resurrected, and Poseidon, the king of the sea, even saw another version of himself.

It’s just that this one is very strange!

"How is this possible? Athena, you must be mistaken, right? Hades, the king of Hades, has been defeated by us, and the entire Olympus Protoss has been defeated by me. You should know it very well." Centaur did Golden Saint Seiya said.

As the biggest sinner in heaven, the god-killing Pegasus, after being injured by Pluto, Athena finally saved herself after going through a lot of hardships.

As a result, the Olympus gods were offended, and the Olympus gods decided to punish Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom, and even eliminate all humans on the earth.

He, Zilong, Ikki, Shun, and Hyoga started a final showdown with the Olympus gods. They put on the Miracle Saint Cloth and even used the Miracle Saint Cloth to its maximum limit.

Wearing Athena's sacred clothing, he completed that arduous battle, holding a golden dagger alone and killing countless gods.

The Olympus Protoss killed only Athena and her best sister Artemis, the moon god who was the only one to offer mercy to humans at that time.

"The star is lost! It's hard for me to believe it, but this is indeed my precognitive dream! I dreamed of a very cruel and terrible future!" Athena, who was sitting on the stone bed, said with a sad expression.

Why can't this land fall into tranquility?

Obviously all the gods have been wiped out. result. Mars, the God of War, actually ran out, and even the Absolute God, when the Absolute God intervened.

Athena even thought that she could not win, but she did not expect that a child miraculously possessing the dark power of Aps was born.

As a result, a plan was born in the mind of the goddess of war and wisdom. The only existence in her hands that could harm the absolute god was the Pegasus constellation of the evil god.

So she upgraded the original Pegasus Seiya to the Golden Saint and inherited the Sagittarius Golden Saint Cloth.

The original Holy Cloth of the Pegasus constellation was given to that miraculous child, the child that Athena spent more than ten years raising.

The key result of this war was that the child did not disappoint him. He successfully completed the mission of the Pegasus constellation and even gained more powerful power to kill gods.

Although he was born with absolute power of darkness, Athena used her divine power to transform the small dark universe in the child into her own small universe of light.

A combination of light and dark. With the explosion of even more powerful power, coupled with the blessing of the god-killing power of the Pegasus constellation, the child finally defeated the Absolute God, accomplishing this with a one-in-10,000 chance.

But now the war has just ended for a year, and unexpectedly new enemies have arrived.

"If Hades, the king of Hades, the legendary god king Zeus, and Poseidon, the king of the sea, the new god of war really appears!

But so what? I will defeat them again, you know that. " Sagittarius Xingchu said.

In the face of any enemy, a Saint will not back down. As a Saint of Athena, especially a Gold Saint, as the current leader, he will never let Athena down.

"Star Lost! You are still so reliable! I can feel that an old friend of... is about to be reborn in this world. Although this is impossible for me, she is indeed going to be reborn." Athena said.

He must verify some things. If his precognitive dream is really correct, then Xingchuan must contact the other party.

"Please give your orders! Athena."

"One of my sisters from the mythical age, Pallas, will be born here. You go there with my golden dagger." Athena stood up and handed her treasured golden dagger from under her pillow. Pegasus constellation.

"You want me to kill her, right?" Xingmi nodded, took Athena's golden dagger and asked with a heavy expression.

"It depends on your choice, or the choice of another group of people." Athena said something meaningful.

"I know, leave it to me, don't worry!

No matter what kind of enemy there is, I will protect you. "After Sagittarius Star Lost finished speaking, he picked up the golden dagger, turned around and left, arriving at the outskirts of the Temple of Athena.

Looking at the distant starry sky, the golden wings behind him flapped and turned into a stream of light, rushing directly into the sky and heading towards the place predicted by Athena.

In a barren mountain that looked like a garbage dump, a wave of time and space appeared, and a girl with blond hair and wheat-brown skin appeared.

This is a very cute little girl. She is wearing a white dress and has bare feet. She looks only about four, five or six years old.

In her hand she held a strange rag doll. This rag doll had violet hair, exactly like Athena's hair.

"Palas, the goddess of disaster! I am here to take your life on the orders of Athena." Xingmi, wearing a golden holy garment made of a horse and a horse, stood in front of the little girl and said.

So that’s the case, that’s why Athena said she’d let herself choose!

The one in front of him was not the gods he had faced before, but a powerless little girl. Although he knew that he was a god who existed in the mythological era, when he really faced him.

He still hesitated! As a Saint of the goddess, he could not attack a child. As a former Pegasus constellation, the pride in his heart did not allow him to do so.

"Are you here to kill me? Sure! Anyway, if I don't die, I will definitely deal with Athena.

My fate with him began thousands of years ago in the mythological era." Pallas did not look like a little girl at all. He stood up and looked at Xingshi coldly and said.

Although I don't know what caused me to be resurrected, since I am resurrected, my good sister, I must seek justice from you.

Why would I, who obviously loves you so much, be killed by you? Is it because of those humans? She couldn't accept this, absolutely couldn't accept it.

Xingshi pinched the golden dagger in her hand, but she couldn't lift it up, and then stabbed the young god.

"Why don't you do it yet! Saint Seiya of Athena? You should know! If you don't kill me, then I will definitely kill Athena." Pallas continued to stimulate Xingshi.

It was because of these humans that my dear sister left me and even chose to kill her.

Just when the two were in a stalemate, a voice came slowly, and a woman with purple-blue hair, wearing a white dress and holding a scepter appeared in front of Seiya.

An extremely warm and loving little universe emanated from the other party.

"Do you hate me so much? Pallas, you should know that you can be resurrected, but it's all because of me!" Kido Saori said.

"Athena! Why are you here? I'm sorry, I may not be able to complete the task you assigned." Xingshi immediately knelt on one knee and said.

"It seems that you two really look alike, even you recognized the wrong one?" At this time, a handsome man in a robe suddenly walked out from Athena's side.

"You! Sister! I really have a lot to ask you, a lot to say to you, you owe me an explanation." Pallas said excitedly to Kido Saori who was walking in front of him.

At this time, Xingshi seemed to have discovered something. The breath of the small universe was right. It was indeed the goddess Athena he served.

The appearance was basically the same, but the other party seemed to be younger. You should know that both he and Miss Saori were over 30 years old.

Although the years will not leave any traces on Athena's face, Athena has indeed become more mature. And the woman in front of him is full of a girl's breath.

Just like! Just like!

When the battle of the zodiac started, the young and tender goddess.

Suddenly Xingshi thought of something. Athena said that she was in another world. In other words, the Athena in front of him was not the one he knew.

But the two did look alike, the breath and appearance were exactly the same, and even the voice was exactly the same, which was why he made a mistake.

And he had never seen the man standing next to Athena.

However, Xingshi felt that the Cosmo emanating from the other party was at the level of a Gold Saint.

He didn't even wear a Saint Cloth, and he didn't know which constellation the other party was a Gold Saint.

Xingshi didn't recognize that the man in front of him was actually a god.

After three thousand years of precipitation and cultivation, Rhodes's control is now very strong. As long as he doesn't want anyone to find out that his Cosmo is at the God level.

"I resurrected you. I asked the legendary god to resurrect you." Athena said.

"You! You mean, how is this possible? How could that person do it?" Pallas instantly showed an unbelievable look.

After all, she is also a god. If she wants to resurrect herself, then in her cognition, the absolute god may be able to do it, but if it is 100% possible, then only the super god who controls time can do it.

But what virtue and ability does she have as a sister to let the God of Time take action?

But if it is really the sister who asks that existence to resurrect her, then the elder sister still has feelings for her, right?

For a moment, Pallas fell into a kind of confusion, and there was a hint of joy in his heart.

"Strictly speaking, I am Athena from another world, but my experience is basically the same as Athena in this world, until the end of the Zodiac War, which is basically the same." Athena said.

"As expected, Athena from another world, what are you doing here?" Xingshi immediately put on a fighting posture, and his eyes became sharp.

Even though she looks exactly the same, the aura of the microcosm is exactly the same, and the voice is even exactly the same, she is not the Athena she knows.

"You look much more majestic in the gold armor!

But I still think the white Pegasus armor suits you better.

Only when you wear that Pegasus armor, you are the Pegasus who kills gods." Kido Saori said.

If Rhodes hadn't appeared, he would have chosen the Pegasus constellation in front of him, right? After all, the only person in the entire universe who could match her, Athena, was the man in front of her.

Of course! Now that a more suitable person has appeared, it is a female's instinct to choose a more powerful male, even as a god!

It is obviously the most suitable to have Rhodes who has grown to the level of super self-control. If you are in this world and know about Rhodes' potential, you should make a wise choice.

However, being able to give the Holy Cloth of the Pegasus constellation to others instead of the men who have worn the Pegasus constellation in the past, it seems that this world has found a better host for the God-killing power!

“I need to talk to me in this world, because of some accidents, I once defeated the Olympian God King Zeus.

Two Hades, the Poseidon, the King of the Poseidon, Athena from another world, and a new God of War are about to cause an uproar in this world. The two of us are natural allies. "Kido Saori said.

She had already discussed with Rhodes in advance that Rhodes would not appear as a god this time, but would pretend to be a golden saint.

It just so happens that Rhodes can perfectly hide his own divine universe as a trump card.

"Can you tell me specifically what's going on? Miss Saori from another world, I want to know whether you are an enemy or a friend." Xingmi asked.

"I will talk to me in this world in detail! You just need to tell her that I will go to the Deep Realm to talk to him in detail in three days!" Athena smiled and stepped forward to pull up the still confused person. Paras and Rhodes also activated their spatial abilities, and the three of them disappeared.

"It seems! Something serious is going to happen!" Xingmi shook his head, and the golden wings behind him flapped again, and instantly turned into a golden light and flew towards the sanctuary.

He must report this matter to Athena in detail. According to Athena in the other world, the enemy they have to face this time may be unusual.

"Athena! That's what happened! You in another world said that you would come to the sanctuary in three days and interview you personally." Xingmi knelt down on one knee and said.

"Thank you for your hard work!" Athena said.

It was indeed the same as my precognitive dream. There will be two selves, one completely different from him, even the soul breath is different.

But the other one, if both sides stand together, even their own Saints can't tell who is Athena!

Because the other party’s name is also Kido Saori.

"Athena! There is one more thing that I want to apologize to you for. I was not able to kill Pallas. It's not that I didn't have a chance, but that I couldn't bear to kill him."

"If you really have the heart to take action, then you are no longer my Saint. It doesn't matter, I already know about this." Athena said.

"So! Athena from another world is about to visit. What do you think about this?"

"I want to make contact with the other party first. If the other party sets foot on the Zodiac, you inform all the golden saints not to stop them and let them come directly to my temple." Athena said.

"I know!" Xingmi nodded and said.

"That's right! Star Lost is informing all Saints, including the Gold Saints, to be careful in the recent period. I feel that Hades is indeed resurrected, and all the Saints should wake up soon." Athens Na said.

"Underworld Warrior! Lady Goddess! Do you want to inform Hyoga, Zilong, Ikki, and Shun?" Xingmi asked.

After experiencing the war in heaven, the strength of the five of them has been able to maintain the normal eighth sense!

Even if necessary, they can instantly upgrade their holy clothes to miracle holy clothes. Even if Athena provides blood, they can directly awaken the holy clothes to join the battle.

The previous generation of Saints may have to go all out to face the Pluto army, but if there are five of them, or the new Saints, they should be able to easily defeat the Pluto.

Even the three giants of the underworld are no exception. If the God of Death and the God of Sleep come together, there is probably something to behold.

"Well! Tell them about this, and also tell them that in addition to Hades, the enemy they face this time, there are even other gods." Athena looked up at the sky and said.

This time I’m not facing the same god! I don’t know if my self in the other world sincerely wants to help her.

On the other side, in the palace of Rhodes and Athena, Rhodes was standing aside wearing a golden holy robe. The golden holy robe that Rhodes wore was the same Sagittarius as Xingchuan.

The most handsome one among the twelve golden holy clothes is undoubtedly the winged Sagittarius. Since he wanted to pretend to be a saint, Rhodes chose this one without hesitation.

"What are you going to do with me? Sister." Pallas, who was in a little girl state, looked at Athena and asked.

"Because of the generosity of Master Super God, I have obtained some primitive divine power. You can use these primitive divine powers to restore your divine body first!

Although the Super God resurrected you with great mercy, he only resurrected you to the most basic state. You still need a lot of divine power to fully grow. "Athena gently stroked Pallas's golden hair and said with a smile and gentleness.

This tone and attitude immediately softened Pallas's heart, and he stepped forward and hugged Athena.

The corners of Kido Saori's mouth showed a smile. No matter how many years have passed, Pallas is still that cute little sister. She will be happy if she is coaxed a little. (End of this chapter)

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