Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 402 Compromise, Pegasus Constellation Light Fang

"No! Xingshi! Don't agree to his request! You are very abnormal now, calm down, calm down quickly." Virgo Immovable, who was kneeling on the ground, raised his head and said with difficulty.

Every generation of Virgo is very special. Their understanding of Buddhism is very high, and they can contact gods and Buddhas. Immovable is no exception.

Even before, when Athena and Mars, the god of war, Mars, fought, he, as a good friend of Mars, the god of war, directly inherited Athena's golden armor.

Until the end, he found that there was someone behind Mars, otherwise, he would not stand on Athena's side, but would help his best friend Mars.

Now Virgo Immovable can clearly sense that there is an invisible divine power around the Pegasus constellation. Although the power of the microcosm is sealed, his own Buddha nature and divinity still exist. Virgo is a very special constellation, so he saw something.

And others, even Aries Guigui, who has the most powerful telekinesis ability, can only vaguely find that Xingshi's mind has been affected.

At this time, Virgo looked at Rhodes with a strange look. Although he was a human microcosm in terms of aura, he was only a Saint of the seventh sense.

But how could a Saint of the seventh sense kill all of them in an instant? And this special method of sealing the power of the microcosm is simply the biggest nemesis of their Saints.

This guy, this guy, is definitely not an ordinary human. He may be a god, but it is strange, why would a god pretend to be Athena's gold saint?

Gods are very proud beings, they will never hide under another god.

Unless! Athena has a very special relationship with this god.

"I am, I am, I will not, I will not hurt my companions, let go of Miss Saori! I, I promise you anything, even, I can work for you, as long as it does not hurt my companions." Xingshi said.

Although he cares about Athena's life and safety in his heart, there are still some things that he cannot do.

But now he didn't even have the strength to stand up. Every time he was in a desperate situation, the power of his small universe would burn wildly, but this time his small universe lost its feeling.

Just like a tiger that has lost its claws and sharp teeth, Xingshi is now only a little stronger than an ordinary person.

"Haha! I didn't ask you to hurt your companions. You can rest assured that I will never hurt this generation of Pegasus. I just took out the God Devouring Power in his body." Rhodes said.

The God Devouring Power is definitely a key to the real killing of the Absolute God Aps. As for the power of the Dark God in Guangya, it may also be a key.

Coupled with the various attributes of the Saint Seiya and the various resources of the goddess Athena, although the probability of defeating the Absolute God Aps is slim, it still succeeded.

As for the power of Omega, Rhodes intends to apologize to the Super God. He did not find any clues about the Omega column.

Because at this point in time, Rhodes did not want the power of Omega to appear. The power of Omega is too powerful!

It is a completely extraordinary power, which may be the only means that humans can use to deal with gods, and this power cannot be awakened by one person alone.

So Rhodes did not want to use conventional methods to force Athena's Saints to awaken the power of Omega. Even just a piece of Omega scale can match the warriors of the eighth sense!

"You, are you sure? You won't hurt Guangya?" Xingshi said.

"Although I am Athena from another world, I can swear in the name of the goddess of wisdom and war that we will never hurt Guangya's life. We just want to take away the things that killed the absolute god.

This boy will be fine, even the small universe in his body will not disappear, and the Pegasus constellation armor will not disappear." At this time, Shiroto Saori, who was originally held in Rhodes' arms.

She also broke free from Rhodes' arms, patted the dust on her body, and came to Xingshi and said.

Taking away the opponent's power and fighting with the opponent are two different things. Sometimes appropriate concessions and not pushing the opponent to the extreme are also a war strategy.

"I know! Although you are Athena from another world, I still choose to believe you once. This is my trust in Athena! I will bring Guangya here immediately, but you have to restore my small universe power first. I will go to find him now." Xingshi said.

Because of the magical power of the god of love, Xingshi at this time has no way to refuse any words from Athena. Even if it is Athena from another world, he will willingly surrender and even trust the other party.

"A wise choice, we are waiting for you here." Shiroto Saori smiled and said.

She knew that Xingshi would make such a choice! After all, for the Pegasus constellation, Athena is the most important, and the power of the god of love is too buggy.

It is really hard to imagine how terrible the effect will be when Pallas wakes up and the power of the two gods of love is combined and used together.

One of the important reasons why Pallas was killed with pain was that the other party controlled the power of love.

The power of Pallas can even make the other party fall in love with him unconsciously in contact with people. This is not a simple charm, but true love.

Even if the other party was loyal to any god before, as long as they are infected by this kind of love magic, they will betray their original god.

Rhodes smiled slightly when he heard this, stretched out his hand and waved, and a golden chain of emptiness flew out of Xingshi's body.

After this empty chain flew out, Xingshi immediately felt his eighth sense of powerful microcosm.

"Resist! Xingshi, resist him!" At this time, the other Saints whose microcosms were sealed began to shout frantically.

Xingshi has never let them down. No matter what kind of enemy he faces, he will not retreat, but this time it seems that he will let them down.

"Sorry, partners, I don't want anyone to be hurt. If the other party doesn't want to touch the earth and take Athena's life.

I think we can make some appropriate concessions sometimes." Xingshi sighed heavily and said.

Athena is in the hands of the other party, and all his partners and the lives of the Saints of the entire Sanctuary are in the hands of the other party. In this case, he cannot resist.

If he resists, it will only cause unnecessary casualties.

Turning around, Xingshi didn't even dare to look at his companions' disappointed eyes.

"I understand your thoughts. Do what you think in your heart. No matter what, we all believe in you and the new generation of Pegasus." At this time, Shiryu, who was wearing the Libra Gold Cloth, spoke.

Not long ago, Xuanwu, the original Libra Saint, was killed by the fierce star Radadesman because of the attack of some resurrected Hades Saints, so he inherited the Libra Gold Cloth again.

In any case, he chose to believe in his companions. There were so many difficulties and so many hard battles in the past, and they even faced the sun god Apollo. There is no reason that they can't make it this time.

"In that case, then go! Xingshi! We believe in you!" The other bronze Xiaoqiang also nodded to each other, in the puzzled eyes of the gold saints.

The golden wings behind Xingshi vibrated, and then soared into the sky. With the movement speed of the gold saints, it doesn't take too long to reach any place on this planet.

"Really! Sometimes when you tell the truth, others will distrust you." Rhodes put down the more mature Athena in this world and said.

"Do I always believe in my Saints? But you used the power of the God of Love! Won't you come out to see me? Aphrodite." Athena in this world looked into the distance and said.

"Haha! If the God of Love appears, your group of gold saints can't bear it. You should know her magical charm." Rhodes smiled and said.

After completing her mission, the God of Love Aphrodite was sent back to the private space by Rhodes. Is it necessary for her to come out to see Athena in this world? Not at all.

"Haha! Which god are you? Show your true face! Hiding as a mortal like this is not the demeanor of a god." Athena fiddled with her violet hair, looked at Rhodes and asked.

This cynical character, especially the attitude towards himself, is completely different from the gods he knows.

Even her brother Abel, the strongest sun god Apollo, would not treat her like this.

The Nordic god of mischief does have this kind of personality, but his strength is definitely not that terrifying. Even the Nordic gods can only survive under the wings of Poseidon.

"This, guess it yourself! There will be a reward if you guess it!" Rhode smiled, touched Athena's purple hair, and then turned and left.

At this time, the divine power and the microcosm were completely sealed. Athena in this world was not much different from an ordinary woman. After all, the goddess would not exercise her combat power.

Rhode came to sit in front of Saori Kido, and then casually set up a soundproof barrier.

"Rod! Did you complete the super god task so quickly? Don't you investigate the matter about Omega?" Saori Kido asked.

"Not so soon! After all, Sagittarius has just set out, but I estimate that it won't take long for him to bring people here. As for the Super God mission you mentioned, the main purpose of the Super God is to investigate the cause of death of the Absolute God.

As for the Omega Power, this is the power of the Big Bang. The three gold saints are all exerted together. Athena's Wonder can trigger this power. We just need to hand over Athena's Wonder." Rhodes said.

These days. After Athena's personal advice, Rhodes has understood the intention of the Super God and understood that the Super God is helping him in good faith, so some things, such as the Omega Power, can be ignored.

Anyway, the Athena Wonder of the Gold Saints is also the power of Omega. At that time, let the three Gold Saints form a group and exert the Omega Power in front of the Super God, or directly hand over the use of Athena's Wonder to the Super God.

"It seems that my efforts these days have not been in vain. You have understood the meaning of Super God. However, he is Super God after all. Although he values ​​you very much, you must not get carried away when facing Super God. You must maintain the minimum respect." Kido Saori said.

"I know! Next, prepare to close the net!" Rhode said.

I sent Xingshi to find the Pegasus constellation Guangya in this area. Those gods hiding outside will definitely find out about this matter, and these guys will definitely block them on the way, so I have to make some preparations in advance.

"You mean those guys will stop me?"

"Yes, just take this opportunity to catch them all. They should not know that I have appeared in the Holy Land now, and they will definitely come to rob the Pegasus constellation.

Hades, the Pluto, should have found a suitable body for himself, and it is time for us to close the net.

As for the three gods in another world, I did some tricks on them. As long as they dare to show up, I can catch them in an instant." Rhodes said.

The main purpose of releasing the three gods in the God of War world is to give Hades, the Pluto, the courage to fight against himself. Otherwise, this Pluto might shrink back, and it will be difficult to deal with it at that time. He must be allowed to come head-on.

"I see, then don't you teleport all your fighters here?" Shiroto Saori asked.

"Haha! I can handle a bunch of idiots and clowns by myself.

This time, I, Kaido and you are enough. As for the others, except for the Four Heavenly Kings who can help a little, the others are useless. Letting them come is just to die." Rhode said.

After the battle on his side, those warriors trained by himself will also lead his own warriors to clear out the resurrected Pluto Army and the Sea King Army.

In the battle with God, Rhode is not like Athena who wants his fighters to fight with their lives. I can handle it myself, why should I let my men die?

However, just in case, Rhode still used his powerful God's Microcosm to send a message to the Four Heavenly Kings. Except for Titan who stayed to guard Pallas, the other three Heavenly Kings led all the fighters to go out.

On an island, since defeating the absolute god Aps, Guangya even stopped wearing his Pegasus constellation saint clothes and lay here quietly.

Even though he heard that the Pluto Army and even the Sea King Army had recently resurrected, he had no intention of leaving.

Although he won the final victory in the battle with the Dark God Aps, the powerful light and dark forces in his body had completely disappeared with the death of Aps, and his small universe returned to the peak level of the sixth sense. (Every generation of Xiaoqiang is normally at the peak of the sixth sense, and only the explosive species is the seventh sense or even the eighth sense.)

At this moment, a golden light shone in the sky, and the Heart Envoy wearing the Sagittarius Gold Cloth fell from the sky and landed in front of Guangya.

"Xingshi! Are you here to persuade me too? No need to say anything more, I will never wear the Pegasus constellation cloth again." Guangya thought Xingshi was here to persuade him to wear the Pegasus Cloth again.

"I'm not here to persuade you to wear the Pegasus Cloth again. Something happened. If you don't want to fight so much, then contribute the power in your body! In this way, you don't need to fight anymore, and Athena can also be safe." Xingshi said.

"Athena! Did something happen to Miss Saori?" Guangya's expression changed immediately.

"There is no time to explain so much now, come with me! Now we are going back to the Sanctuary, only you can save Athena." Xingshi said.

"Okay! I will go back to the Sanctuary with you! Chenyi, give me the Pegasus Cloth." Guangya, who didn't want to wear the Pegasus Cloth just now, immediately began to ask for his own Cloth, and the safety of Miss Saori was the most important.

The old bald butler shook his head helplessly and threw the small pendant in his hand back to Guangya.

Xingshi didn't tell Guangya too much, now the key is to take him away quickly.

However, just when the two were about to leave, a black crack suddenly appeared on the island, and dozens of Hades warriors drilled out of the black crack, led by the three giants of the underworld who had just resurrected.

"Saints of Athena, don't think about going anywhere."

"If you know what's good for you, hand over the Pegasus constellation to us, so that you may be able to save your lives." Radadesman, one of the three giants, said.

It's great to be resurrected by Hades and participate in the holy war again.

"Are these people Hades warriors? Sure enough, I can't escape the battle." A silver-white microcosm burst out from Guangya's body, and the Pegasus Cloth was stimulated and turned into armor again and wore Guangya's body.

Xingshi's body also began to burn with a golden microcosm. It was really troublesome. He was blocked by the Hades army at this time. He had to get rid of them quickly and return to Athena.

At this time, a huge red sword energy suddenly appeared, and dozens of low-level Hades warriors in front of him turned into ashes in an instant. Only three Hades giants stood in place, looking at the man in red armor in the distance in disbelief.

"I am the owner of the evil holy sword, Hyperion! Saints of Athena, continue to return to the sanctuary, these Hades warriors are left to me." Hyperion, wearing the evil world-destroying armor, said.

"Then I'll leave it to you. Guangya, let's go. Athena's safety is the most important." Xingshi nodded, pulled Guangya with him and left without looking back.

"Then what about Hades warriors? Let's start too. You have to please me well." (End of this chapter)

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