Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 405 Returning to Azeroth, can the microcosm be cultivated by all people?

Azeroth world! Following a ray of light, Rhodes reappeared in the Dark City. Pallas, Athena, and his father-in-law Kaido were also with him.

This time, besides Athena, only Pallas appeared with Rhodes. His god of fire and god of love were left on his own planet.

He promised them that they would develop their faith on Earth again. At the same time, his son, the god of the sun, Helios, also began to develop his own faith on Earth.

Now the entire Earth has been moved there by him, so the gods can develop their faith. The population is completely sufficient.

As for the power of humans in the secular world, haha! Facing the warriors under Rhodes, Athena's Saints, and several gods, humans can only choose to devoutly offer their faith and pray to the gods.

This time, I left for a few months, and I gained a lot in the Saint Seiya world. First of all, my divine power has reached the highest level of the true god, and I have touched the peak of ordinary gods.

And compared with ordinary gods with the blessing of the microcosm, my combat power is absolutely unparalleled in the world.

And paved the way to reach the original god, in the future, he can easily grow to the level of Azeroth and Sargeras.

He may even surpass the two of them, because he still has a power of absolute god, although it is only 1/3, but it is also precious.

Sargeras and Azeroth are definitely not as powerful as absolute gods, at least Sargeras does not have it. If he has the fighting power of absolute god, then the Lord of the Void will not have to live.

As for Azeroth, according to Rhode's estimation, even if he controls the six forces, it is at most the level of a top-level single universe.

That is, the fighting power of the original god who comprehends the ultimate power in the Saint Seiya world.

In addition, his biggest gain should be the power of the microcosm. The destructive power generated by burning the microcosm with divine power and other energy far exceeds the divine power itself.

It is equivalent to converting gasoline into energy. The microcosm is his own engine. With the power of the microcosm, Rhode's own destructive power and various powers are even stronger.

Even a gold saint can theoretically destroy a planet, but after destroying the planet, whether the gold saint can still survive is another matter.

After returning to the world of Azeroth, Rhode also discovered the power of the microcosm, which can also be used in this world.

However, I wonder if this unique power from the Saint Seiya world can also be cultivated in the world of Azeroth?

Previously, the domineering and even devil fruits in the world of One Piece had to go to the world of One Piece to obtain or cultivate.

For the unique energy of some other worlds, such as the chakra power of the world of Naruto, ordinary people must divide the chakra.

I don’t know if the power of the microcosm can be passed on to the humans in this world, if I only have the microcosm of the seventh sense.

Then Rhode doesn’t have the confidence to teach the human beings in the world of Azeroth the power of the microcosm, but now I am at least a top god, and there is Athena. This girl has been playing with the power of the microcosm for tens of thousands of years, maybe I can do this experiment.

After Rhode appeared, a group of women also surrounded him, Sylvanas, Brin, Yamato, even the little succubus maid, Butter Sister, Tsunade came to Rhode.

"Welcome back, Rhode, you have been away for a little longer this time." Sylvanas said.

On the other side, Da He came to his father and started chatting with him.

Now everything in Wano Country is on the right track, and she, the nominal general, can also come to Azeroth to see Rhodes!

I really envy my father, who can travel everywhere with Rhodes. Maybe I can also let go of He Zhiguo's affairs.

"You are back, Lord Rhodes! I really miss you!" Brin threw herself into Luo Zhe's arms and said, while her eyes slightly glanced at Athena and Pallas. These two women should be the new goods brought back by Rhodes, right?

However, these two women gave Brin a very dangerous feeling, and even made him want to kneel down and worship the two.

At this time, Athena and Pallas were very good in attitude, and greeted the women with a smile, because they also found that these women of Rhodes had powerful strength, and they all had divine power, which was equivalent to the level of demigods.

Just kidding! Before leaving, Rhodes used the Holy Fire of Olympus and his own divine power to infuse the bodies of several women with divine power, which raised them to the level of demigods.

If they were just ordinary mortals, Athena and Pallas would not be happy to share a man with a bunch of mortal women. After all, they are the proud gods. In the eyes of gods, humans are simply not worth mentioning.

"This time, in another world, I have gained a lot. I need some time to digest these powers." Rhodes said.

"I can see that the two new sisters you brought me here are indeed extraordinary. I feel an unimaginable sense of oppression from them. They should be true gods, right?" Sylvanas asked.

"Yes, I am Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom."

"Pallas, the goddess of love." The two goddesses nodded and acknowledged their identities.

"Amazing! I didn't expect Rod to bring back two goddesses! So, Rod, you should have completely reached the level of God, right?" Yamato came over and asked.

"Hahaha! My stupid daughter, not only this kid has become a God, I am also a God now, the real one, and you won't be too far away, this kid will also find a way." Kaido carried his mace on his shoulder and said.

Before, he was just a demigod, but he accepted the power of the Asgardians, the power of the ancient Greeks, and then the original power. After awakening the microcosm, Kaido was completely promoted to the level of God.

"Amazing, so, you are now a powerful true God! I can't imagine it, Rod, your current achievements are simply what we didn't dare to think about before."

"Hahaha! I was a true God before, otherwise I couldn't turn you into a demigod-level life proposition and let you have eternal life." Rod said with a smile.

"Tell me about your gains in another world! Rhodes, you give me a different feeling now. I feel an extremely noble aura on you, which even makes me a little uncomfortable." Sylvanas said.

Rhodes gave her the same feeling now. Although she didn't want to admit it, after sensing Rhodes' aura and even the aura of the two goddesses, Sylvanas had an urge to kneel down.

"I realized a new power in another world. This power is called the microcosm. The microcosm has very powerful abilities and is very complete in functions.

And the microcosm can exist as an engine, which can burn your power as fuel and then burst out with more powerful power." Rhodes smiled and explained to the women how magical the power of the microcosm is.

Any gold saint in the Saint Seiya world can defeat a group of demigods in the Azeroth world. Although their life level and even physical strength are not as good as those of demigods, the combat power of the microcosm is so buggy.

Only when the earth is blessed by the gods, the destructive power of the saints cannot be highlighted, and they can control themselves. Otherwise, the consequences will be absolutely unimaginable.

"Hahaha! Rod is right. This power called microcosm is really strong. It is much more useful than domineering and divine power.

I have decided to major in this power called microcosm now. Domineering can be used as my defense and attack assistance." At this time, Kaido, the old father-in-law, also spoke.

He likes the power of microcosm very much. In the past, he often said a sentence, that is, devil fruit, and other abilities are empty, only domineering is above everything.

In the new world, the strong who can fight against the four emperors are all the owners of domineering domineering, but now Kaido will say that only divine power and microcosm are above everything.

Or in the future, Rod will encounter a power stronger than divine power or even microcosm. Who knows? But now the most powerful power I have seen is divine power and microcosm, there is no other one.

"The power of microcosm is very strong, and in theory everyone can awaken." Athena smiled and said.

"Sister! The destructive power of the microcosm is too strong. This planet is not protected by the gods' barrier. Any gold saint may cause damage to the entire world, or even destroy a continent." Pallas said.

"Haha, don't worry, it's just the blessing of the gods. Can't we gather the gods now?" Athena blinked and said with a smile.

Just kidding, now she and Rhodes, as well as Pallas, the sun god, fire god, love god, sleep god and death god in Rhodes' private space, if they join forces.

You can also bless the planet to limit the destructive power of the microcosm, so that ordinary people can control the power of the microcosm without worrying about the problem of too strong destructive power.

"Great, I also want to learn this power called microcosm, Lord Rhodes." Brin immediately hung on Rhodes' neck and said coquettishly.

Since marrying Lord Rhodes, she has firmly sat on the first throne among her mother's many children.

Even her mother, who was once high and mighty, was nothing in front of her. The fear that Charlotte Linlin brought to her had completely disappeared.

The other women were also very moved after hearing this. The power of this microcosm was very powerful according to the descriptions of Rod and Kaido.

"It's not as simple as you think. You should know the domineering of the pirate world, right? The microcosm is also the power of another world." Rod shook his head and said.

"But isn't chakra also the power of another world? Rod, you can also use the power of chakra, and even share the power of chakra with ordinary people!" Tsunade said.

Since she followed this man, in addition to practicing chakra, she has also been infused with a lot of divine power, life energy and other things.

After really coming into contact with this level, she realized how right her second grandfather made a choice.

"Unlike chakra, I have already obtained the source of chakra power, which is the power of the sacred tree fruit. I can easily let any ordinary life get the right to use chakra, even if he has no chakra power in his body.

But the power of the microcosm, to put it bluntly, is also what I just mastered in another world. I am not sure whether ordinary humans in this world, or even you, can learn the power of the microcosm." Rhodes said.

When he just arrived in the Saint Seiya universe, Rhodes felt the sign that the microcosm was about to awaken.

In the world of Saint Seiya, awakening the microcosm is commonplace, even the instinct of God, but in another world, God does not have this ability.

Hearing this, the old father-in-law Kaido's face froze. He also planned to spread the power of the microcosm to the Sea of ​​Beasts after returning, so its three major disasters, and the six flying sons.

Then let these subordinates of his go to push the world government with the power of the microcosm, and the world government can't beat him at all.

Now listening to Rhodes's statement, it seems that there is no way to easily control the power of the microcosm!

He also remembered the riot of divine power in his body when he just arrived at the new world. Really, can't his subordinates master the power of the microcosm?

"It's not that there is no way! Rhodes, the dark portal you built across the world can connect the pirate world and our world.

In this case, why don't you make another one and connect it to another world? This way, this problem can be easily solved." Sylvanas said.

Rhodes, you are looking for a donkey on a donkey. Since you have already made a dark portal across the world, why don't you make another one?

In this way, even if there are restrictions, they can go to another world to awaken this energy called the microcosm.

"It's not the time yet. The danger level of that world is far beyond your imagination. My current strength is the best in this universe.

But in that universe, I have only reached the middle level of the gods, or the slightly lower one." Becoming a primitive god, realizing the ultimate power, and an absolute god, these are all ditches that I have not yet crossed.

This time when I went to the Saint Seiya world, I was caught by the Super God, although the Super God had no ill intentions and even planned to cultivate me.

But Rhodes was not sure whether other gods would think so, and he was not sure whether other gods would come to his world through this bandit.

"Rhodes, your consideration is indeed good! Before you become the original god, it is better not to go back, otherwise, the Super God will probably be dissatisfied.

As for the power of the microcosm, we can do an experiment first. My sanctuary is a place to learn about the microcosm.

You can select a group of trustworthy warriors and then go to the sanctuary to receive training from my Saint Seiya to see if they can cultivate the microcosm in the sanctuary." Athena said.

Her own Saint Seiya has a very complete microcosm training method, and the sanctuary is a place dedicated to cultivating the power of the microcosm. It is even very convenient to awaken the microcosm there because of his Athena's barrier.

And since marrying Rhodes, he, Rhodes and Pallas have used their own power to strengthen the barrier of the sanctuary, which is now more powerful for the improvement and auxiliary training of the Saint Seiya.

"Don't I still have to go to another world?"

"No, no! This time Rhodes brought the two of us here, but he stole a whole planet along the way, and it's much bigger than your planet." Athena said.

Rhodes' private space is also very magical in her eyes, because that private space has been growing continuously. As long as Rhodes's divine power is sufficient.

It will continue to grow infinitely. When Rhodes grows into an absolute god, that space may not be unable to become a real universe.

And it is different from the universes created by other absolute gods. The universes created by other absolute gods are just creators.

Not controllers and owners, even these absolute gods will be driven out by the ultimate power of other original gods born in the universe they created.

But Rhodes' universe has absolute control. An absolute god who has a complete universe is stronger than an absolute god without a universe.

Rhodes has the power of a small universe, and the power of a small universe is equivalent to a kind of original power in Rhodes' private space. In that world, ordinary humans should be able to awaken the small universe in theory.

"What you said is feasible. In that case, father-in-law, you can pick some people from the Beast Pirates and go to Athena's Sanctuary for some training to see if they can control the power of the microcosm." Rhode said.

"Demigod-level beings also have weak divine power in their bodies. Take these girls back and see if they can feel the riot of divine power, and you will know the answer." Kaido said.

Rhode nodded when he heard it. He forgot this point. Instead of letting those ordinary warriors try to cultivate the microcosm, it is better to find someone with divine power in his body to test whether the microcosm can be awakened.

"Then let's try it without further delay!"

So everyone discussed it and collectively elected Yamato and Sylvanas, who were the most powerful.

Yamato had previously been infused with the life energy of Azeroth, and with the addition of Rhodes' divine power, he is now only one step away from becoming a true god.

As for Sylvanas, she is often infused with Rhodes' divine power and taken care of. The two of them have the strongest divine power and are the most suitable. (End of this chapter)

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