Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 408: Killing the Old Gods, Queen Azshara's Expectation

Azshara couldn't believe her ears. Someone actually dared to talk to her like that! She was the queen of the Night Elf Empire! The most beautiful woman in the entire world of Azeroth.

Even when she fell into the sea and was about to die, the ancient god reached out to her, but she, Queen Azshara, did not surrender to him.

"Answer me! Ugly octopus monster, what is your choice?" Hyperion put his sword of fel energy against Queen Azshara's neck and asked indifferently.

Ugly octopus monster, what a harsh voice, what an ironic name!

She is Queen Azshara, when will she accept this humiliation!

But look at the arms behind her, the monster-like claws, the legs that were once the most beautiful in the world, have become tentacles.

The long hair as beautiful as a waterfall has also become a monster, like the head of an octopus, is she so ugly now?

"Who is your so-called god? I feel a strong fel power on this sword. Are you from the Burning Legion?" Azshara turned around and asked.

A strong fel power came from the man's shoulder. She had only felt this fel power on Archimonde Kil'jaeden.

But the other people who accompanied him, a woman had a strong holy light power, another had life energy, and another had arcane energy. After all, arcane energy was the power that Azshara was most familiar with.

"You are not qualified to ask me questions. My patience is limited. Now I count to three. If you don't agree, I will kill you." After Hyperion finished speaking, he raised his fel sword high. The meaning couldn't be more obvious. If the answer was wrong, he would cut it off with one sword and chop off the queen's head.

Seeing this scene, Azshara gritted her teeth. These bastards didn't play by the rules at all!

Even the ancient god had negotiated with her in the past, but this guy came here to kill her directly?

When death came, the queen also fell into silence. She didn't want to die yet, as an old monster who had lived for more than 10,000 years.

She didn't want to welcome her own death yet, she still had a wish that had not been fulfilled!

She also wanted to take revenge on the man who deceived her, Sargeras, and she also wanted to take revenge on the ancient god who enslaved her!

Most importantly, she still hoped that one day she could restore her original appearance and once again become the most beautiful woman in Esras.


"There is an ancient god behind me. If you dare to kill me, the ancient god will destroy you." Azshara said.

"Two!" Xu Bo and Li Wen's swords began to emit powerful microcosmic power, and the power of evil energy began to gather.

"Okay! Okay! I surrender, but at least tell me who I will serve in the future!" Queen Azshara finally chose to admit her defeat because she really didn't want to die.

"A wise choice, but now you are not qualified to know the name of my god. When we complete the next task, we will take you to see my god." Hyperion put away his sword of evil energy and said proudly.

"Do you have any other missions? Isn't your mission to come and subdue me, and then subdue the entire Naga clan?" Queen Azshara asked.

"You are just a by-product!" Titan walked over and snorted.

What an extremely ugly woman, disgusting octopus tentacles, and those animal claw-like arms and octopus-like heads. I really don't know why Lord Rhodes asked them to keep this monster alive.

Their seabed tribe is simply a stick of monsters.

If Lord Rhodes hadn't specifically ordered, these seabed monsters would not even have a chance to survive. The four of them would have directly slaughtered this seabed race completely.

They don't even need to take action. It's enough to leave it to the Golden Saints. Even the Golden Saints are redundant. Just sending a warrior with a sixth sense can do it.

"Okay, it seems that you need my cooperation. Tell me! What is the mission? I guess you need my help for this mission." Azshara said.

I can't wait to know who this so-called god is. Is it Sargeras?

No! Please! Damn it! Don't be that dark titan.

Azshara hated Sargeras so much. She wanted to marry him and become his wife, the mistress of the Burning Legion, but unfortunately, Sargeras didn't see her as a human being.

He just wanted to use her! This dealt a severe blow to Queen Azshara's heart, and she hated the Burning Legion and Sargeras because of it.

"Our mission is to kill the Old God here. It is said that you have a very close relationship with him, right? The Old God called N'Zoth?" The Titan in charge of life among the four kings of Rhodes stepped forward and asked.

"Your target is N'Zoth? Are you here to kill him?" Queen Azshara asked with a surprised look on her face.

"That's right! We are here to kill the Old God. Now tell me, where is that Old God? How can we enter his awakening city?"

"Do you think I have a way? Please, if I could get in, I would have released it long ago. To open the awakening city of Ny'alotha, we need the artifact left by the Titans. Only with the Tidestone can we open the seal.

And even if the seal can be opened, I don't recommend you to do so. That guy is extremely dangerous, and even if he is locked up, he has extremely powerful power, and can even change the size of a species in an instant. I used to be a monster." Queen Azshara said.

"We don't need that kind of thing. Take us there now. We will open the cage and kill it."

"Okay! Since you are so confident, let's go! I'll make it clear first that I will not participate in the battle." Queen Azshara stood up and said.

"That extremely small fighting power can't help at all! Just take us to the prison honestly, and you don't need to worry about other things." The four kings snorted coldly and took Queen Azshara directly to the sealed underwater temple.

This is an ancient city built during the Dark Empire. As soon as they approached the city, the four heavenly kings and the twelve gold saints felt a powerful dark force, and even a voice whispered in their ears.

However, the power of the microcosm is very magical. All the gold saints, as long as they comprehend the seventh sense, have very powerful telekinesis and spiritual power in their microcosm, and as Rhodes's warriors.

Rhodes's divine microcosm, Athena's divine microcosm, and Pallas's divine microcosm will protect these warriors. An ordinary ancient god cannot affect them.

"You surrender to me, I am the king of the world."

"Only by surrendering to me is your only way out."

"I am the master of all things, I am the master of the Dark Empire."

"Enough, monster, shut up! Your voice is as annoying as a fly.

You dirty and ugly monster, in front of my god, you are just a humble reptile." The four heavenly kings roared.

(One of the Four Heavenly Kings is named Titan. In order to distinguish them in the future, we will just use the Four Heavenly Kings here. They are just supporting roles anyway.)

What kind of monster dares to touch porcelain? Their owner dares to call himself a god? Such a monster dares to call himself a god! When did the status of a god fall to this level?

And the combat power of the Four Heavenly Kings is not much different from those of second-rate gods.

"My warriors, I will lift the seal here in a while, and then all of you golden saints and the Four Heavenly Kings will attack this monster together." At this time, a sacred and terrifying voice sounded in front of the Awakening City.

Then a golden force enveloped the entire Awakening City, completely isolating it from the outside world.

Here, Rhodes, Athena and Pallas have already taken action, using their own God's Microcosm Jiangzhou as the Awakening City to separate it from Azeroth.

Rhodes even used a trace of space power to put everyone in a protective space, where no matter how fierce the battle broke out, it would not affect the outside world.

"This, this, you, who are you? Who are you?" Azshara asked with a horrified face. This incomparable sacred power, which even made everything submit, made her terrified!

And the other party seemed to have used some powerful mental space spell! The entire awakening city of Ny'alotha was completely isolated from the outside world.

What a powerful force this is, even Sargeras can't do this, because if Sargeras can do it.

He would not have been trapped outside the portal that year, but entered Sargeras and burned the whole world to ashes.

And this powerful pressure almost suffocated her. This powerful force completely surpassed the God of Darkness.

"Yes, my God, we will kill this dark monster immediately and complete the task you assigned." The four kings and many gold saints knelt on one knee and said.

Queen Azshara, who saw this scene, also knelt on the ground with her tentacles and put her forehead on the ground.

It looks like! This is an extremely powerful existence!

"I believe you, my warriors, you are Queen Azshara! Serve me well, and when you see me, I will restore you to your original appearance." Rhodes said.

Known as the most beautiful woman in Azeroth, Rhodes naturally wanted to see what the other party looked like.

With his current divine power and the microcosm of God, it is easy to remove the curse of the ancient god N'Zoth, and he can completely use the power of order to turn her back to the appearance of a night elf.

Hearing this, Queen Azshara immediately showed an extremely surprised expression, and even her eyes were full of excitement. This is the best news for her.

"Thank you, great God, I will definitely serve you well, and I will show you my value." Queen Azshara said.

Next, Rhodes did not mean to talk nonsense, and directly used his powerful divine power to break the seal of the Titan.

In the past, he really couldn't forcefully break the seal of the Titan, but now it's different, and the domineering part of the microcosm is revealed.

Even now, in terms of combat power, Rhodes has the confidence to deal with a Titan with the power of the microcosm and smash it into slag.

The seal was broken, and the ancient god N'Zoth, who had been sealed for tens of thousands of years, also ran out, and the countless monsters he created, the faceless army, and the dark void monsters also ran out.

"I will regret opening my cage. This world is mine. This world belongs to the void. No one in your world can escape." N'Zoth immediately released his bold words.

However, the dark army he sent out was like paper in front of the light speed fist of the gold saint and various gold records.

"Starlight Extinction!"

"Super Horn!"

"Galaxy Starburst!"

"Corpse Soul Burial!"

"Lightning Light Speed ​​Fist!"

"Devil Subjugated!"

"Lushan Hundred Dragons!"

"Holy City Flash Pulse."

"Scarlet Poison Needle."

"Holy Sword!"

"Aurora Execution!"

"Royal Demon Palace Rose!"

The twelve gold saints used their ultimate moves. Before, they were on the planet Azeroth, and Lord Rhodes did not allow them to use their ultimate moves because it was likely to destroy the entire continent.

Now they are in a different dimension and are protected by the small universe of their own gods, so the twelve gold saints directly turned on the ultimate move mode.

A golden light soared into the sky! The entire awakening city was submerged by the golden light, and the sun light displayed by the twelve gold saints illuminated this dark city.

The extremely powerful golden flash made these monsters in the darkness nowhere to hide, and all the void monsters screamed.

Then the body began to vaporize as if burned by flames, emitting black smoke.

"Ahhhh!" Even Enzos himself screamed, because at this moment the four kings were greeting him.

Because of Rhodes's previous reminder, only Gaolu was waving the holy sword of holy light to attack the ancient god, and the other three kings were burning their own small universes and then attacking the ancient god.

At this time, Aisara's expression was extremely wonderful, her mouth was wide open, and her eyes were as big as eggs.

Are you kidding? Please, this is not some cat or dog, this, this is the ancient god! The ancient god in the legend, you, you actually beat him up like this.

My God! Where did these guys come from?

The battle lasted for a short time. Under the comprehensive cleanup of the twelve gold saints, all the faceless monsters and even the faceless generals were quickly cleaned up.

The powerful power of the microcosm made these monsters in the darkness have no power to resist. Without the existence of the microcosm, the disadvantage of fighting will be infinitely magnified.

The destructive power generated by the microcosm and the bonus to speed are all not possessed by other energies.

The final battle did not disappoint Rhodes. The four kings used their holy swords to cruelly dismember the ancient god.

"It's not the fate of the void, it's not my fate!

It shouldn't be like this, Neltharion, where are you?

Come and save me quickly, come and save your master quickly." At this time, Enzos only had a head left, showing an extremely desperate expression, and began to call for his most powerful servant.

Originally thought that it was a very stupid way for them to break the cage. After all, even if a large group of Titans came over back then.

They didn't dare to forcibly destroy these ancient gods, because if they did, the consequences would be quite serious.

Their roots have been rooted in Azeroth, because those abominable Titans have sealed them for tens of thousands of years, and tens of thousands of years have caused their roots to lose nutrition and disconnect from Azeroth.

And this unknown god did not even show up, but just imprisoned himself with spatial ability.

Then the warriors under his command beat him without any ability to fight back.

You must know that the four kings are god-level in themselves. With the help of the microcosm, they are basically invincible in the land of Azeroth, and no one can help them.

At this time, deep in the center of the earth, in another place at the bottom of the whirlpool, a huge black dragon also opened his eyes.

He was once the guardian of the earth, a five-colored dragon selected by the Titan guardians, and the controller of the black dragon army, Neltharion.

But on the eve of the War of the Ancients, he was corrupted by the dark power of the Ancient Gods, and the whispers of Enzos kept ringing in his ears, which made him crazy.

So he deceived his allies and attacked his brothers, but what he got in return was eternal exile, hiding in a place where no one lays eggs or chickens shit.

Now, his master, the nominal master, began to call him again because he was infected by the power of the Old Gods.

So Neltharion had no way to refuse the orders of the Old Gods. No matter what the Old Gods asked, he could only agree to them.

However, at this time, the Old God N'Zoth seemed to be dragged into a different space. Even with the power of the leader of the Black Dragon Legion, he could not break through this space barrier.

Besides, because he was isolated in another space, Neltharion felt that the whispers in his ears had disappeared, and even the influence of the Old Gods on him had weakened.

For the first time, the Black Dragon King had the idea of ​​rebelling against the Old Gods.

Please die! My great master!

At this time in the Awakening City, the last desperate cry of the Old God N'Zoth did not have any effect, and he died tragically at the hands of the Four Heavenly Kings. (End of this chapter)

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