Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 411 Planting the original sacred tree, the original divine power fruit, the fruit of the div

Rhodes nodded to Sargeras and then found two planets of suitable size.

"How do you plan to plant this special tree? I want to get close." Sargeras' huge body floated in front of Rhodes and asked.

He had heard that Rhodes planted sacred trees, but had never seen one. This time, he wanted to observe how this special planet plant was grown. Maybe it would be helpful to his Titan creation plan.

Sargeras already knows that the Celestials in the Marvel world are creatures similar to Titans, but they are created by other beings, more powerful and higher-dimensional beings.

To be honest, the birth of their Titans was also full of chance. Perhaps there was an unknown and powerful existence that created these Titans. (Glass shards eating trees are so disgusting. It was said earlier that the Eternals are not as good as the Titans, but in the end it was changed to the same level as the Titans. The Firstborns were the creators of the six forces of the universe.

It is even possible that he was the creator of Titan, and then changed to the same level as Titan, but lost his birthplace and has no body. Ah, the latest version of the expansion pack seems to have changed it again. I am really speechless. , let’s follow the original version here! )

This method of planting sacred trees may help you cultivate new Titans in the future.

“First of all, if you want to plant this kind of sacred tree, the planet must have strong life energy.

Therefore, ordinary gas giant balls will not work, nor will ordinary planets without any life. " Rhodes said.

The planting of the sacred tree is still quite demanding. Even the latest version of the sacred tree larvae cultivated by oneself and possessing a trace of original divine power cannot change this rule.

"?? If this is the case, a living planet must be sacrificed, but you are telling me to find a star system with abundant energy?" Sargeras asked strangely.

"There is no need to destroy two living planets in order to plant the sacred tree, so as long as the two planets are given life and the conditions for planting are initially met, it will be enough." Rhodes said with a smile.

"Oh! What do you do to give life to a planet?"

"As long as this planet has life and dense vegetation, it's enough!" After Rhodes finished speaking, he landed on a steel planet.

The size of this planet is even slightly larger than the Earth, about 1.5 times that of the Earth, and its gravity is 1.4 times that of the Earth.

Rhodes clasped his hands together, and the small universe burned with all its strength. The powerful power of God, as well as chakra power and the force of life were injected into the small universe.

"The super tree world is coming!" Rhodes put his hands together and directly launched a large-scale spell.

Using your own chakra, life energy, and divine power as power, and then burning it with the small universe, you can instantly make the entire planet covered with green plants, turning this planet into a planet with life.

Now Rhodes' strength can easily do this, and the small universe can amplify these powers more than ten times and release them with maximum efficiency.

In just a few minutes, the entire planet was covered with towering trees. It does need a planet with life, but it is not the life that is born on this planet to give birth to the soul of the planet, but as long as there is a little bit of green. Vegetation organisms are enough.

"This, this is really a magical ability. The use of this kind of life energy is indeed very magical." Sargeras said with a look of admiration.

Their Titans can also do this, but it will consume a lot of divine power, but it is not as easy as Rhodes, and it is not necessary.

Rhodes smiled, then took out a newly cultivated sacred tree larvae, and then took out the body of Hades, the god of war world, from his private space.

This body, Pluto Hades, is no longer in use, but after all, this body has awakened to the small universe, and the remaining mystery in it still exists.

Rhodes also used his original divine power to keep the body of Pluto alive, keeping the corpse of Pluto in the most active state of divine power.

After that, he fed it directly to the Ten-Tails. When he saw the food thrown over, the Ten-Tails immediately showed an excited expression, opened his bloody mouth, and swallowed Hades' body directly.

After eating the corpse, the Ten-Tails' body began to change, gradually transforming from a half-plant, half-flesh life into a plant life.

The body quickly took root on the planet, and lush sacred branches grew out of its back, and then began to extract the energy of the entire planet.

"Sargeras, now start converting stellar energy to them. This planet was only transformed by me to be suitable for planting sacred trees, but its own nutrients are not enough for the growth of sacred trees." Rhodes said.

"I know Rhodes, leave it to me!" Sargeras nodded. His huge body stood in the universe, and he used his powerful divine power of order to mobilize the constant energy of one of the twin star systems.

The extremely powerful stellar energy was extracted by Sargeras, and then transformed into the purest order energy, which was poured into the planet below.

After being fed with enough energy, the sacred tree seedlings began to grow with peace of mind, constantly devouring power.

"What a miraculous life form that can switch back and forth between plants and animals, or between the two, and has such efficient energy conversion capabilities," Sargeras said.

This special life form was born from another universe. It is indeed very skillful. No wonder it can make an ordinary mortal grow into a semi-god-level existence in an instant, and even break through to the level of a true god, transcending the dimensions of the entire universe. (The divine tree's strength has obviously been improved a lot. By continuously eating chakra fruits, it is certain that it can break through the single universe level.)

"If you like it, I will give you a Ten-Tails as a gift after this operation is over. Anyway, two sacred trees have been planted this time, and there will be two adult Ten-Tails.

Their combat effectiveness is still very strong, and the overall combat effectiveness I have newly cultivated is probably only a little worse than your Titan body. " Rhodes said.

This is the first time Rhodes has cultivated the Ten-Tails using primitive divine power! The previous version was able to grow to 1/4 the size of the planet.

The current version should be able to grow to the size of a planet. At that time, except for its lack of intelligence, its destructive power will be completely equal to that of a Titan.

Sargeras helped him many times and gave him the source of evil intelligence and order intelligence. Rhodes would reciprocate the favor. Anyway, he would really have no shortage of things like the Ten-Tails in the future.

"Thank you very much Rhodes. From now on, we will be different existences. If you need my help, just ask. I will still try my best to help you as before." Sargeras nodded and said. .

When they first met, apart from Rhode's own special abilities, in Sargeras's eyes, he was just a life form on the same level as Archimonde and Kil'jaeden.

But in just a few years, even for Titan, in the blink of an eye, this kid had grown to a level similar to his own.

Sargeras no longer dared to think about how much potential this kid would have in the future.

"Hahaha! No problem, I won't be polite." Rhodes said with a smile.

Next, Rhodes followed suit and transformed another planet into a plant life planet.

The corpse that Rhodes took out this time was quite special. It was a Titan corpse that was about a thousand meters tall.

But the latest version he cultivated is actually a larvae, only about a hundred meters tall. This thousand-meter-tall Titan corpse is still a giant in front of it.

However, Rhodes was not helpless. With the power of the small universe and his own divine power, Rhodes began to compress the Titan's body and remove all its useless rock parts.

When Gaia, the mother of the earth, gives birth to her children, she also gives birth to their bodies. The bodies of the Titans and others are made of various elements of the earth, including fire and rocks, trees and rocks, strong winds and earth.

He left the core component of the original divine power, compressed it into an energy body about ten meters tall, and then fed it to his Ten-Tails.

After eating the Titan's corpse, the Ten-Tails obviously changed differently, and his entire body began to swell.

Seeing this scene, Rhodes immediately stepped forward to deliver life energy to him, and used his original divine power to help the ten tails digest it.

It seems that swallowing the Titan's body is still a bit reluctant, but with the help of his own God's Small Universe, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Sure enough, as Rhodes expected, after about half a day, the body of the juvenile Ten-Tails returned to normal and successfully digested the body of Titan Juqing.

Then it began to take root and grow into a sacred tree. Sargeras also began to mobilize the power of another blue dwarf star to provide the planet with a powerful force of order.

Sargeras is really busy now, standing in the middle of the two planets, mobilizing the power of the two blue dwarfs, and then delivering it to the planet below.

"I estimate that with the speed of these two guys, it would take about ten thousand years to completely swallow the power of the two stars." Sargeras felt the speed of the two Ten-Tails swallowing energy, and then frowned He spoke.

Rhodes had said that it would not take long to plant the sacred tree this time, or even just a few days, but with the current situation, I'm afraid the two of them would have to stay here for ten thousand years.

"Hahaha! Have you forgotten the ability to accelerate time?

We can modify the time to speed up the loss of time on these two planets or the entire galaxy. This is how I planted the sacred tree before. " Rhodes said.

"The power of the infinite stones should have been used up. We should have gone there in advance, or you can go there now, and I will continue to deliver energy to them here." Sargeras said.

He cannot leave this area now, otherwise without the guidance of his Titan power, the power energy of the two stars will become violent, making it impossible for the two young sacred trees to swallow them.

"No need! No need at all. When I was in the previous world, I helped an extremely powerful being.

So he gave me a time acceleration artifact, and I can use this time acceleration artifact to accelerate time. " Rhodes said.

"I see, then let's do it! I will increase the energy transmission." Sargeras nodded and said.

Their Titan clan can drain the power of your entire star in just a moment, so they don't have to stay in the time-accelerating barrier, they only need to mobilize the energy of the star.

Rhodes nodded, took out the clock-shaped time artifact given to him by the super god Saturn, and then emitted a burst of gray-white light from the artifact, covering the entire planet in an instant.

Rhodes also began to burn his own divine power to provide energy for this time artifact and began to accelerate time.

The color of the time acceleration produced by the time gem is different. When the time artifact given by the super god accelerates, the entire planet appears gray-white, like an old photo.

After accelerating time, Sargeras immediately felt that the energy demand of the two planets increased hundreds of times in an instant.

So Sargeras no longer had any worries and began to mobilize the powerful energy of the two stars to deliver it to the Ten-Tails.

Sargeras Rod stood above the planet, watching the scene inside the planet constantly changing. The sacred tree was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the power of the two blue sea stars was also being continuously extracted.

"The time I am accelerating now is about one day equivalent to a thousand years. As the sacred tree grows, its demand for energy will become greater and greater.

According to my estimation, within five thousand years, the power of the two stars should be drained. Just in case, I will prepare a spare star, which will be teleported with space capabilities at that time. "Rhode used his divine power to maintain the time barrier and said.

With his current divine power, even if a small universe undergoes a huge transformation, he can still maintain this time-accelerating barrier.

It only lasts ten days at most. After eleven days, all the divine chakra, evil energy and order energy in his body will be exhausted.

It takes ten thousand years for these two sacred trees to mature. The time should be about the same. It is sufficient in terms of time acceleration.

"That means it will only take ten days at most, right? No problem. Can I handle you?" Sargeras said while mobilizing terrifying energy.

Such a large-scale mobilization of stellar energy was too much for even the top Dark Titan, but he could still persevere for more than ten days.

It seems that he and Rhodes must cooperate in planting the sacred tree, otherwise, he will not be able to bear it alone!

"No problem! I can last for ten days." Rhodes smiled and said.

"Really? Then I'm a little stronger than you. I can probably hold on for half a month." Sargeras said with a smile.

"Hahaha! I didn't realize that Sargeras, you are quite humorous."

The top beings in the two universes chatted wordlessly in this strange galaxy.

Rhodes told Sargeras about the various worlds he had traveled through, the strange things he had seen, and even the powerful men with incredible strength.

Sargeras began to talk about his Titan career, being awakened by his eldest brother Aman'Thul, joining the Pantheon led by him, and becoming the most powerful warrior of the Pantheon.

Integrating the order of the entire universe, destroying demons, and fighting against the forces of the void, until he was completely driven crazy and embraced the power of evil.

As they talked, the relationship between the two became better and better.

Time passed by slowly, and in the blink of an eye, it reached the fifth day. At this time, the two stars had absorbed all their power, but the two sacred trees had not yet grown to their most perfect state.

"It's really scary! Fortunately, we were prepared." Rhodes used his space ability to open a portal. On the other side of the portal was a huge star, a blue giant star.

Sargeras also began to use his power of order to drag the huge blue giant here, and then extracted the power of the blue giant and began to supply energy to the two sacred trees.

"It's indeed a bit beyond my expectation. I really didn't expect this kind of magic to be so powerful. But the more they eat, the stronger the transformed fruit will be. It's all worth it." Rhodes said. said.

"Well! Are you okay? Can Rhodes still bear it?" Sargeras glanced at Rhodes and asked.

"No problem, I can still hold on for five days. I want to see how good these two guys can eat." Rhodes said.

According to this kind of time acceleration, the bottom of this damn thing has been accelerated by himself for a full five thousand years. These two guys can actually eat it, and each of them can eat a blue dwarf star.

The mass of a blue dwarf star is at least three times that of the sun. In other words, these guys have eaten several suns.

Sargeras nodded upon hearing this, and further began to mobilize the stellar energy of the blue giant.

Time began to pass slowly, and five days passed in the blink of an eye. At this moment, the blue giant star teleported by Rhodes had also been completely eaten.

The two sacred trees below are finally full. Now the two planets have returned to the state of Death Stars. The entire planet has been drained of all its energy, leaving only the giant sacred trees about hundreds of thousands of meters high. .

The originally lush vegetation has also disappeared, and the two sacred trees have officially blossomed and bear fruit.

At this time, Rhodes also stopped accelerating time, and then wiped the sweat from his forehead. If he continued, he would probably burn his life force.

Damn it! Now he is a real god, and he had made some reserves of raw divine power before, but in this case, all of it was drained.

Sargeras on the other side also felt uncomfortable. For ten days, he continued to mobilize the energy of the stars, and he, the Titan, was a little bit too much.

"What a terrifying devouring ability. The energy they devoured is equivalent to more than a dozen yellow suns." Sargeras said with admiration.

"Hahaha! This is the first time I have cultivated it for such a long time. I originally estimated that it would take 5,000 years, but I didn't expect it to take a full 10,000 years. I have reached my limit." Rhodes said.

"I can feel that there should be more than one fruit. Let's go down and take a look! It's time to harvest the spoils." Sargeras said.

Rhodes nodded and went to the sacred tree that devoured the body of Hades with Sargeras.

This sacred tree devoured the body of Hades, a blue dwarf, the energy of half a blue giant, and the vitality of a planet. It took a full 10,000 years to produce three huge flower buds.

"We are lucky. We have cultivated 3 fruits this time, and the size of these three fruits is indeed a bit beyond my imagination." Rhodes said as he looked at the three giant fruits in front of him.

Isn't it? The fruit he planted before was only the size of a basketball, but now it is even bigger than his body.

Of course, this is nothing to Sargeras, who has a Titan body, after all, smaller bacteria are similar to larger bacteria.

However, although it is large in size, the power contained in it is also incomparable to the previous super chakra fruit. This is the real fruit of God.

As for how to eat this fruit, Rhodes has also thought about it. Just use the power of the microcosm to compress it and then swallow it.

"I feel two fruits with death energy, and another one has a very magical power, which is similar to the level of my Titan power, or even purer and more primitive." Sargeras said.

This is an extremely pure death power, even purer than those eternals he has seen.

And that unknown power is not much weaker than his Titan power, but it has swallowed so much energy and grown for 10,000 years, so it seems reasonable to reach this point.

"Yes, I will take the two fruits of death attribute. As for the fruit with divine power, the power contained in it is called original divine power. It may be helpful to you. I will give it to you!" Rhodes looked at Sargeras and said.

This time, if Sabras had not provided him with enough energy, it would have been very difficult for him to grow this sacred tree alone.

"Then I won't be polite." Sargeras did not hesitate to pick the fruit containing special divine power.

Rhodes stepped forward and picked the two fruits that had just been bred and had pure death power.

The energy contained in these two fruits of death is no worse than that of the original divine power fruit.

After all, the main energy of Hades' body is death energy, and the original divine power is just purified by the incidental.

These two fruits of death attribute, just happened to be one for himself and Azeroth. After eating the fruits of death attribute, Rhodes can even directly create an eternal level existence.

After collecting the fruit of the sacred tree on a planet, the huge root of the sacred tree also quickly dissipated.

The main body of the root, the Ten-Tails, was left behind. This is a terrifying creature with a height of tens of thousands of meters. Its body contains extremely powerful primitive divine power and the power of death.

"This is the creation produced after the sacred tree bears fruit. Its name is Ten-Tails. It has very powerful destructive power. This one is given to you.

The way to recognize the master is also very simple. The first person to eat the fruit of the sacred tree is its owner, and you can establish a very special connection with him.

You never need to worry about his betrayal, because he is your servant, the most loyal one, and even equivalent to one of your clones." Rhodes began to introduce the various benefits of the Ten-Tails to Sargeras.

"Then I'm not polite. It's really a terrifying creature. You are right. Its combat power is even stronger than Argus.

And the death energy contained in him may allow Argus to recover better." Sargeras sighed at the power of the Ten-Tails, and then ate the fruit containing the primitive divine power.

After eating the fruit, an extremely terrifying force began to take shape in Sargeras' body. This force strengthened Sargeras' soul and even his body.

The life level of this dark titan was at least doubled, and the divine power in his body was also more than doubled. In addition to the power of order, the power of evil energy, life energy and chakra, Sargeras also controlled a kind of primitive divine power.

This is a power that does not belong to the Warcraft universe. It is free from the six forces. Sarbras clenched his fist.

Sensing the violent energy of his body now, he also sensed the ten-tailed beast that was closely connected to him.

This time, I came to accompany Rhodes to plant the sacred tree, and I gained a lot! First of all, my strength has increased by at least doubled.

Now if those void lords dare to appear in front of him, no matter how many of them come, Sargeras has the confidence to annihilate them.

And this powerful ten-tailed beast, according to Sargeras's estimation, can rival a real titan.

So he can also compete with those void lords. His overall combat power is much stronger than Archimonde and Kil'jaeden. He is a complete Titan-level master, and he only obeys his orders.

However, unlike the Titans, he does not have the power of order in his body.

He cannot exert the power of the Titans, transform planets, mobilize cosmic energy, etc., but only has the destructive power of the Titans.

Moreover, this monster also has death energy and primitive power in his body, which can help Argus recover.

"How do you feel? Sargeras." Rhodes asked.

Now the power and momentum emanating from Sargeras are even stronger, and his body has been transformed by the primitive power, and is also stronger than before.

"I feel great now, hahahaha, Rhodes, I have never felt so good, and now I am full of hope for the future.

Even if I am alone, I can defeat the entire void force. They can't turn the entire universe into void. Their plan will never come true.

Because of my existence, and you, and the Azeroth that is about to be born, and Argus that is about to recover." Sargeras clenched his fists and spoke with confidence. Now this dark lady is more confident than ever before.

"Hahaha! That's a must. The void forces can't think of looking down on this universe. Let's go! Let's go see another sacred tree." Rhodes said. (End of this chapter)

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