What should I teach this monkey?

How about giving him some evil power? Or life force? Order power?

Or let him comprehend the small universe directly. It seems that the small universe is quite suitable for this monkey. They are all good at fighting.

After helping the monkey to deal with the matter of Huangfengling, I will go to Huoyan Mountain. This powerful Bull Demon King is also a master, so I will also take him in.

"Wu Tian Great God, wait a minute, Wu Tian Great God, although this yellow-haired marten rat participated in the siege of me, Sun Wukong, but he is still a hero. If possible, you'd better take him in for your own use." Sun Wukong said.

What this great master wants to do is nothing more than targeting Lingshan and Tianting, which is good for him. Although the yellow-haired marten rat has besieged him before, its hatred for Lingshan is not much less than his own.

As long as this great master shows some magical powers, it should not be a problem to subdue him.

"Oh! There is a story behind this wasp wind monster. Tell me about it." Rhodes asked with interest.

"So that the great god Wu Tian knows, this place was not like this before. The country of Liusha is located in the far west where the sun sets. Whenever the sun sets and sinks into the West Sea, there will be a sound of boiling sea water, which is so loud that it will kill the women and children in the city.

Finally, the Buddha arranged for Lingji Bodhisattva to give a big drum. Whenever the people beat the big drum, the movement of the yellow sand sinking into the West Sea at sunset will no longer affect the people in the city.

This incident made the people very grateful to Buddhism, so they built Buddha statues everywhere and plated them with gold paint. This place is called the Golden Buddha Kingdom.

The power of Buddhism became stronger and stronger, which led to the decline of the prestige of the king here, so the king He also issued a ban on Buddhism, demolished temples, destroyed Buddha statues, and made all the people no longer believe in Buddhism. He also changed the country's name to Shahari.

After this incident, a big insect descended from the sky with a huge flesh Buddha head on its back, and it continued to harm the people in the city.

It happened that the yellow-haired mink passed by here, and as a result, it helped the people in the city to subdue the big sandworm with the Buddha head on its back and protect the country.

In order to thank the yellow-haired mink, the king specially issued a rat-respecting order, and the head of the sacred Bodhisattva was also replaced with a rat spirit. This incident did indeed make rat spirits from all directions come to this country to live after hearing the news.

When people and demons live together, there will always be trouble. This country The eldest and third princes were dissatisfied with this.

The eldest prince was locked up, but the little third prince Zhang ran away from home, wanting to learn how to kill monsters. When I was fighting against the Yellow Eyebrow Buddha on the way to the West, this little prince Zhang and I had a chance encounter.

After a few years, I don’t know what happened, but suddenly one day, all the people in the country turned into mice.

The yellow-haired mink thought it was his fault that the people of the country were harmed, so he took all the monster kings under his command and left the country of Shahari. Don’t go out to live, hoping that the people above can spare the people of this area.

Then the wasp wind monster arrived at the Wasp Ridge. Between these mountains, there is Many flesh Buddha heads were born.

The Buddha head in the sand sea before was exactly the same as the Buddha head here. These Buddha heads parasitized on the bodies of these stone monsters, and then took over the bodies of these stone monsters and began to devour each other.

It was this rat monster that killed the Buddha head monsters here, and dug out all the eyes of the most powerful stone gandang, and then sealed it on the top of the mountain.

The stone father, stone mother and a group of stone monsters of all sizes in this mountain admired this yellow-haired mink very much, so they worshipped him as the king.

After that, the yellow-haired mouse had a similar fate as Lao Sun. He also worshipped a Buddhist master. He thought he could achieve the right result, but in the end he ended up like this. "Sun Wukong said with emotion.

The experience of this yellow cat mouse is so similar to his own! In the end, he worshipped Lingji Bodhisattva as his master, and he had to do it.

But even if he worshipped the master, the people of Shahari could not turn back into human beings. Sun Wukong could understand the experience of this yellow-haired mink the most.

Why did a good monster with a strong sense of justice, who even liked to fight for the weak and enforce justice, become like this? Isn't it all caused by Buddhism?

Dividing all things in the world into different levels, with immortals and Buddhas being the first-class, but these monks say that all beings are equal, Amitabha, how ridiculous! Ridiculous!

"This is really weird. I feel that the way this Lingshan does things is a bit similar to the evil ancient gods.

In the Dark Empire era, they also did this. Those who believed in me could get benefits, and those who were unfortunate would be punished, and they would also use a dark shadow power to corrupt ordinary lives into void monsters." Azeroth said in Rhodes' ear.

Turning living people into rat people, what is the difference between this practice and those ancient evil gods of the Dark Empire?

"Haha, the gods and Buddhas in this world are really dark, and your world is really weird! You are right, I really should meet this Yellow Wind Great Sage, and if he is willing, he will end up under my seat." Rhodes said.

"There are still many monster leaders here, what should we do?" Azeroth asked.

"First subdue their boss, the others are just small minions, as long as their boss is dealt with, these minions will be left to the boss." Rhodes said.

It is said that there is a famous Tiger Vanguard in Huangfengling! I don't know what the relationship is between the Tiger Vanguard and the Tiger Vanguard in Journey to the West!

Everyone agreed immediately. Monkey led the way with a stick in front, while Old Horse followed carefully and served beside him. They continued to move forward together and soon came to a fork in the road.

There were two rat demons, one big and one small. One was short and looked only a little over one meter tall, while the other was more than two meters tall, wearing a black armor and holding a black hammer.

"Son! How can I, as a father, not know the hardships you mentioned? But as long as our king doesn't leave the valley, you and I have to endure another day. Only by enduring can we have a chance to survive." The short rat demon said with a sigh.

The big guy next to him did look a little stupid, holding a big hammer and howling beside him.

"That damn hairy ball, eating my people everywhere, when the king leaves the valley and finishes his training, he will definitely make him pay."

"The souls of these two people are human, but their appearance is demon." Rhodes said.

In his eyes, although the father and son of the rat demon had a favorable body, their inner souls were human.

"You, who are you? Why are you here?" The two rat demons also discovered it, and Rhodes was immediately shocked.

"You old man, are you the old king of Shahari before? Now you have become a ghost, so sad!" Monkey King stepped forward to look at the father and son in front of him, put the stick in his hand on the ground, shook his head and sighed.

"You, you are the man of destiny, no, no, you are not the man of destiny, the man of destiny can't speak."

What's the matter? This man of destiny is said to be a dumb monkey who can't speak a word. Why does this person speak so much like the one who made trouble in heaven!

"You old man, don't you even recognize your ancestors five hundred years ago? I am your grandpa, come and call me grandpa quickly." The monkey carried the stick on his shoulder and said with a grin.

"You are so brave, son, teach him a lesson, let's teach him a lesson!"

"Ah ah!" The rat demon in armor roared, holding a hammer and rushed towards Sun Xingzhe.

But now the monkey is no longer a man of destiny, but a real Monkey King. Although his magic power has not been restored, his combat experience is no joke.

Facing the attacks of the father and son, the monkey was not panicked at all, and dodged the attacks of the two people leisurely.

He even left a trace of afterimage on the spot, and then swung the stick in his hand and hit the tall rat demon's nose directly, causing the other party to bleed.

After a few sticks, the father and son were beaten and screamed, and they knelt on the ground and begged for mercy in a moment.

"Grandpa, spare me! Grandpa, spare me!"

"It hurts, don't hit me, don't hit me."

"Now you know how powerful I am! Well, I will spare your lives for the time being, but! Kneel down and talk to me, don't get up." Monkey King pointed the stick at the father and son and said.

His strength has regressed too seriously. If it were the old me, the father and son would have to confess after two sticks, but now he has hit them with more than ten sticks, but he only injured them.

"You were human before, but you were turned into rat demons by that Bodhisattva, right?" Rhodes asked.

"Sir, we, we were human before, but we have been monsters for hundreds of years. My king is the Great Saint Huangfeng, who has great magical powers. I hope you will spare my father and son's lives for the sake of my king." King Sha said while kneeling on the ground.

"You look too ugly now. I will change you." Rhodes said with a smile.

The divine power in Rhodes' body surged out and acted on the two rat demons, expelling all the faint Buddhist power from them. The life force flowed through their bodies, and they restored their original appearance in a moment.

In a blink of an eye, the two rat demons turned into a tall man wearing armor and holding a weapon, and a short old man.

"Daddy, daddy, I'm back, back."

"My son! Are we dreaming? Ouch!"

The monkey standing next to him hit the old king on the head with a stick, and the old king screamed.

"If you feel pain, it's not a dream. Stop talking nonsense and tell me where your king is now?" The monkey asked.

"God, my king is practicing at the bottom of the Yellow Wind Valley. He opened the dusk formation and locked the door of his retreat. Only the sign held by Tiger Vanguard and Stone Vanguard can open it." King Sha said.

Sun Wukong nodded, put away the stick, came to Rhodes, smiled and said.

"Great Sage Wutian! I have already found out that the Yellow Wind Monster is indeed cultivating at the bottom of this valley. I guess he is refining the roots left by me.

To find him, we must first open a closed-door gate and find his subordinates, Stone Vanguard and Tiger Vanguard."

At this moment, the father and son who were kneeling on the ground suddenly spoke.

"Great God, this great god, I am very grateful for saving my life, but please, please save my eldest son!

My eldest son was originally a pillar of the country and the prince of the country, but since he turned into a rat demon, he has gone crazy. Please save my son." King Sha said.

If he can turn himself and his son back to human form, then he can definitely turn the old man back. As long as the old man can be turned back, his inexcitement disease can be cured.

"Let's talk about this after I meet your king. If he is willing to submit to me, I will change you back." Rhodes said.

"Grandpa! I can take you to Crouching Tiger Temple. I know where the hair ball is, and I also know the stone vanguard." The old king rolled his eyes and said.

"In that case, then lead the way! Let's go find the tiger vanguard first, then the stone vanguard, and then the Yellow Wind King." Rhodes said.

In fact, with his own strength, as long as he thought about it, he could reach the place where the wasp monster practiced, and even directly bring the other party over.

But the monsters in this mountain don't seem to be of one mind. The king and his son obviously want to use their hands to get rid of the tiger vanguard, and they don't know what the tiger vanguard did.

Remember in the promotional video, the tiger vanguard seemed to be standing in a blood pool. Is there anything strange here?

Led by King Sha and Sha Erlang, a group of people soon came to a place called Crouching Tiger Temple.

There were broken limbs and arms everywhere, and some rat demon corpses were thrown on the road at random. The whole temple was filled with a disgusting smell of blood.

"This blood is really strange, why does it smell like a human? These are obviously rat demons!" Looking at the corpses of rat demons all over the ground, the horse-headed man said with a puzzled look.

"Because they are all human beings, they were turned into rat demons by Lingji Bodhisattva with magic, so they have a human smell, because they were originally human." The monkey sighed and said.

The people here are exactly the same as the father and son of King Sha, all of them were turned from humans into rats.

Speaking of demons, these Buddhists are more like demons than them. What does Lion Camel Ridge look like at the foot of Lingshan?

Human flesh is made into mud, human skin and hair are hung on trees, and human heads and bones are all over the ground. All mortals in this 800-li Lion Camel Ridge have been eaten.

"My lords, this damn hair ball hates the king! But he can't do anything to the king, so he can only vent his anger on us!" King Sha said.

"Wukong, go and beat that little tiger and take it out, is that okay?" Rod said.

It should be okay to deal with a little tiger, right?

"Of course it's okay! Great God Wu Tian, ​​just wait and see, I will go and subdue that little cat." Wukong said and carried his stick on his shoulder.

Although he has become weaker, it is still easy to deal with a little cat. (End of this chapter)

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