Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 65 New weapons and armor, heading to the outer lands (update, please subscribe)

The four of them came to the palace of the Banshee King Sylvanas. At this time, two maces, one large and one small, had been laid out. There were also three sets of armors placed aside, two sets for women and one set for women. men.

The originally black mace now exudes a silvery-white metallic light. On Kaido's mace, there is also a trace of arcane energy flashing from the mace. The handle is also inlaid with several exquisite gems, purple, red and green.

"It's done. Both of your weapons have been given the best enchanting processing, as well as the top weapon carvings. The gems inlaid are also top-notch. Each mace is inlaid with several corresponding ones. The gems and armor have been made, let’s give it a try!” Sylvanas said.

These gems can increase the user's endurance, attack power, and explosive power, and also have a certain armor-breaking effect.

Kaido nodded, stepped forward, picked up his large mace, and swung it twice. He found that the weight had increased slightly, but it seemed to be easier to use.

And after picking up the mace, he obviously felt that his strength had improved, and even his endurance had improved a lot.

"Is this the weapon enhancement you are talking about? This weapon is really good. It can actually improve my strength and endurance." Kaido said while holding his new weapon.

Yamato also picked up Takeru, his mace, and tried swinging it. It was more smooth than before, and his attack power was also enhanced. It also improved his strength, endurance and various attributes.

"My knowledge-color Haki seems to have improved a bit, and so has the Overlord-color Haki. This weapon also has additional spiritual aspects." Yamato said.

"Really? Why don't I feel it?" Kaido said.

"It's because your strength is too strong. Even if the improvement is huge, you can only feel it a little bit." Yamato said.

Rhodes on the other side also put on the dragon scale armor made of Kaido's scales. The blue armor was inlaid with exquisite gems and other decorations, and the shape was very exquisite.

It can be seen that in addition to using Kaido's dragon scales as the main body, these blacksmiths also added some rare ores and other materials.

After wearing it, there is still a faint trace of lightning power flowing, and there is also a burning sensation.

The shape of the women's armor is also very exquisite, similar to a kind of group armor. Yamato's is blue and white, while Sylvanas's is a pure black.

"The same goes for armor. After wearing it, my body has improved in all aspects." Yamato moved his body and said.

The new weapons and armor have improved her strength a lot, and she really wants to try fighting against the bastard dad again.

"Of course, you have some power gems attached to your armor, as well as critical strike gems and endurance gems.

Rhodes' armor is inlaid with spiritual power-enhancing gems and intelligence gems, which will have some bonus effects on the warlock's spell casting. "Sylvanas said.

His armor is inlaid with some gems that can improve agility and endurance, while carvings and enchantments strengthen shadow magic and necromantic magic.

Generally speaking, these weapons and armors are quite satisfactory to everyone. Kaido is very satisfied with his new weapons, and Yamato and Rhodes also appreciate the armors.

"Here is this Rhodes for you. This is a staff I specially selected for you. It can slightly improve your strength. The staff you are using now is a bit too shabby." Sylvanas took out a staff with the top Said the exquisite staff, which was inlaid with a huge green gem and surrounded by a few scattered gemstones.

The staff that Rhodes used before was just a commercial product sold in the magic shop in Stormwind City.

Sylvanas had been watching. The boy had teased her about how shabby her little armor was, and now she was going to tease him about how shabby his staff was.

As the top force in the tribe and the Queen of the Forgotten, Sylvanas has quite an astonishing wealth and collection. Finding a top-notch warlock staff is too simple for her.

"Hahaha! This is a good thing, so I won't be polite and accept it." Rhodes nodded and took Sylvanas' staff.

The staff the Queen gave you for free, don’t give it up for free! By the way, I really lack a suitable staff now.

This staff just made Rhodes' strength further improved. At least he became more comfortable and more powerful in casting evil spells.

But when it comes to warlocks’ top artifacts or magic weapons, the one with the most is the Burning Legion!

Especially the Destruction Warlock's artifact, the Staff of Sargeras. This is a really good thing. You must get it one day.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's go quickly, I can't wait to find someone to fight with." Kaido stood up and said.

He had just obtained a new weapon, and he couldn't wait to find an opponent to test it out.

"Then, let's set off! This time, I, Kaido, Yamato, Sylvanas, Leitson, and Varimathras will head to the Outland together." Rhodes said.

He had already discussed with Sylvanas before that he would find an opportunity to kill Varimathras this time. It would be better to kill this thief as soon as possible.

It seems that Varimathras also appeared in the final copy of Legion 7.0, but he was tortured by the Legion and became inhuman.

For his betrayal of the Burning Legion and his subsequent failure, the Legion's punishment for him was quite huge.

"My Lady Queen! If you leave the Undercity, it would be bad if there is no commander here. Otherwise, let me keep the commander and the rest of the Forsaken, or you can stay, and I will go to the Outland with them." Vali Mathas looked at Sylvanas and said.

This bitch, the news of Balnazzar's resurrection from the dead last time had already made him doubt himself. Now that he is going to the outer realm this time, his life may be in danger.

"No need, I have already arranged the affairs of the Forsaken. The Dark Elf Rangers and Terror Guards under my command will be responsible for guarding the Dark City. Moreover, we are only going to carry out a raid mission this time. Soon I'll be back," Sylvanas said.

"But Queen, do you really want to put yourself in danger?" Varimathras rolled his eyes and said.

"Yes, I want to go there in person. Do you not want to go with me, or do you have some other purpose? Varimathras, do you dare to disobey my order?" Sylvanas said.

The strength of this Dread Lord is considered to be at the bottom among the group of Dread Lords, otherwise it would not have been so easily manipulated by her.

"How dare I? Your Lady Queen, in that case, let me go with you. I happen to know a lot about creatures like the Abyss Lord. Can I help you?" Varimathras shrank his head. , said.

Damn it, my plan still needs some time to prepare. Among the Forgotten, only the royal apothecaries are affected by me.

Now is not the time to fall out with Sylvanas, he must be fully prepared.

"Hmph! Okay, let's get ready to go!" Sylvanas said.

Everyone gathered quickly. The two warlocks, the old orc Leitson and Rhodes, were responsible for using evil spells, trapping magic circles, and enslaving demons to restrain the abyss lord together.

As for the task of defeating him, it is left to Kaido alone, and the others are ready to coordinate and deal with some miscellaneous soldiers and the like.

Soon, the four blood elf mages began to cast spells together, and a huge summoning door appeared.

"Okay everyone, the portal has been opened. You can go there now. This portal will last for one day. You only have one day to capture the abyss lord." The blood elf mage in charge of presiding over the summoning circle said. .

Just in case, Rhodes secretly used the energy of the space gem to leave a space coordinate here. Even if these mages were unable to maintain the portal due to an accident, he could still teleport everyone back through this coordinate.

Because of the existence of a certain fear devil, Rhodes did not expose his space gem energy while living in the Undercity.

Everyone nodded and stepped through the portal together, heading to the broken planet Draenor, now the Outland.

As soon as they stepped through the portal, Rhodes and others felt a heat wave hit them. They stood on a piece of red land, surrounded by a desolate world, and the sky was filled with various energy storms.

"This world is broken. We must be careful when we act." Sylvanas said.

"Our target is the Abyss Lord Magtheridon at the bottom of the Hellfire City Wall. Don't waste time. Kaido, you can transform into your dragon form and take us there," Rhodes said.

"Bastard boy, do you know the way?" Kaido asked.

"Someone among us knows this. Tutor, please show us the location of Hellfire Fortress." Rhodes said.

As the top warlock of the old tribe, no one is more familiar with the Outland than Leitson.

"I can't believe that I will come back here one day. Have you seen the road paved with bones? It was a road once paved by the orcs, called the Road of Glory. Along this road Keep going forward, and right in front of us is the Hellfire City Wall," Leitson stood up and said.

This is a sin once committed by the orc clan.

"OK! Let's do it!" Rhodes said,

Kaido suddenly waved the huge mace in his hand, pointed it at a certain fear devil, and hammered it out.

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