Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 74 Karazhan’s Book Collection, Runti and Old Fording

Sylvanas directly issued an eviction order. After all, coming to her own territory to poach her own people was really disrespectful to him, the Banshee King.

When Ronin heard this, he rolled his eyes. Please, I am also your brother-in-law, the former Ranger General and the current Banshee King, Ms. Sylvanas.

You are so anxious to drive me away! If you don't welcome living people here, isn't this guy named Rhodes a living person? And the ambassador sent by the tribe to you, aren't they living people?

"Ms. Sylvanas, your sister Vereesa misses you very much. She asked me to say hello to you." Ronin turned to look at Sylvanas standing aside and said.

Before leaving, his wife Vereesa specifically told her to look at her sister and say hello to her sister.

"Hmph! If she really misses me as her sister, then come to the Undercity to find me. I will entertain her well. Dalaran probably won't welcome me too much." Sylvanas smiled sarcastically. , said.

Maybe after he is resurrected, he can go and see this sister, but forget it for now!

My sister must feel now that her sister is dead.

Now that I have become undead, I am nothing more than a monster! Otherwise, it has been five years since the establishment of the Undercity, and she has never been to it once, or even written a letter to herself.

"I will convey this to Vereesa, Ms. Sylvanas, she still misses you as her sister very much." Ronin sighed and said.

The boundary between the living and the dead is sometimes not so easy to cross, but when it comes to this, Luo Ning almost admires the man in front of him.

The relationship between Rhodes and Sylvanas is definitely unusual. They are very, very close. This is his intuition as a middle-aged man. Even the Banshee King wants to treat Rhodes as her personal belongings.

So, did the Banshee Queen use force or did the little boy take advantage of the situation? You are so brave!

Do undead creatures really feel anything? This is a very academic question!

At a certain moment, Luo Ning's gossip fire began to burn brightly. The taboo between the undead and humans was very exciting to think about!

Vereesa, the biological sister of Sylvanas, did not dare to come to the Undercity, dare not meet this sister, and did not dare to break the boundary between the living and the dead.

A few years ago, when the Forsaken joined the Horde, they shocked the Alliance people!

"Then I'll take my leave." Luo Ning smiled politely, turned around and left the Undercity.

But a certain female mage from Theramore, obviously, seemed not to be leaving.

"Miss Gianna, aren't you leaving with Master Luo Ning?" Rhodes said a little speechlessly.

What's going on with you, my father-in-law? Why do you keep pestering yourself? I don’t want to be associated with a silly sweetie like you. This girl really matured and became a strong woman. It probably started after the tribe stabbed her in the back.

"Mr. Rhodes, I am also very curious about you. Can I stay with you for a while?"

"Sorry, I can't. Miss Jaina, please leave! My Undercity does not welcome living people. If you want to become an undead creature and become a forgotten person, I can help you." The Banshee King directly blocked the way. He stood between the two of them and said with a frosty look on his face.

"But Rhodes is obviously a living person." Jaina curled her lips and said.

"Rhodes is my friend, but you are not." Sylvanas said.

Seeing this, Jaina had no intention of looking for trouble anymore, and left the Undercity with Luo Ning angrily.

After confirming that both of them had left, Sylvanas asked the mages of the Undercity to activate the protective barrier with all their strength.

"Actually, if you want a large collection of magic books, then there is a place where the magic books are more valuable than Dalaran." Sylvanas said.

When her little man wants something, she naturally wants to help him! There is a collection of magic books in one place, but it is countless times better than Dalaran.

"I know the place you're talking about is Karazhan, right?" Rhodes said with a smile.

"That's right, it's Karazhan. There are all kinds of magic books there, especially evil magic books that are useful to you." Sylvanas said.

"Hahaha! I can't go to that place now. It's too dangerous there. Get ready! We should set off tomorrow morning," Rhodes said.

Just kidding, everyone knows the name of Karazhan!

There is where two generations of guardians live, including Medivh's mother Aegwynn, who has collected a large number of precious magic books.

During the hundreds of years she served as a guardian, she read all the books on Dalaran, and they are all now part of Karazhan's collection, including some of her own magical experiences.

Even when Medivh was invaded by Sargeras, he wrote a large number of books on fel magic and dark magic, and also sent out Black Knight troops to collect many artifacts.

However, that place is not easy to enter. With Rhodes' current strength, it is no problem to force his way in, but whether he can bring out the collection of books and many artifacts intact is a problem.

Karazhan is quite dangerous now, and even Aegwin himself is not absolutely sure that he can escape unscathed. After all, it is a place where the Dark Titan Sargeras has touched upon.

But in the future, maybe you can sneak in with Khadgar. This guy is the true descendant of Medivh. After the Dark Portal is officially opened and the Burning Crusade begins, you can consider it.

"It's up to you. I'll arrange the final arrangements in the Undercity." Sylvanas said.

Rhodes nodded, got up and returned to his room.

In Hearthglen, Runti held his own golden round-headed mace and had already knocked down more than a dozen paladin apprentices who were training together.

"If you arrange for this kind of guy to spar with me, I won't get any improvement at all." Runti said.

The other Paladin recruits who were training with Runti saw this scene and shook their heads helplessly.

After this cute little girl came, she shocked many of them.

I thought she was just a cute little girl, but she turned out to be extremely powerful in combat, right?

Her physical fitness is terrifying, and her fighting skills are also amazing, especially her head, which is extremely hard.

When fighting with someone, he would always hit him with a headbutt and then knock the opponent unconscious. Or worse, he would suffer a bloody head injury and a concussion.

Fortunately, there are many paladins here, otherwise, there would be big problems.

And the weapon the opponent took out was indeed very violent, a big stick similar to a golden meteor hammer. We Paladins do use hammers.

There are also some weapons such as swords, but if you hit people with this golden mace and hammer head, is it a bit too exaggerated? Is it really okay for a girl like you to use such a violent weapon?

"Girl! Your potential is very strong, but if you want to learn the energy of the Holy Light, you are still far behind!" A Paladin instructor in his forties said.

But I have to say that this girl is very talented, her physical fitness is top-notch, and her fighting talent is also extremely strong.

But you still have to follow the rules and accept the path that all paladins have gone through, recruit training.

Only recruits who have been trained for at least three months can be exposed to the energy of the Holy Light. They, the Paladin mentors, can help awaken the power of the Holy Light.

"Hmph! Xiaorun just wants to master the power of the Holy Light quickly. Do you want to teach the Holy Light? The things you asked me to practice all day long are of no use at all, okay?" Runti said.

Really, if it weren't for the chance to reunite with Xiaopei, she wouldn't be willing to study here!

She has been here for several days, and she has been practicing with these trainees every day, doing various trainings.

Then play against each other, is there anything wrong? The physical fitness of these new recruits is similar to that of ordinary members of the Beast Pirates.

If she wanted to, she could deal with all these guys with one hand. Anyway, it was a matter of one stick, or even two or three.

"Child, your heart is full of violence, recklessness, impulsiveness, pride, and arrogance.

These are not things that a qualified Paladin should have. Calm down and listen to the teachings of the Holy Light.

In this way you can become stronger and receive the blessings of the Holy Light. "An old man in his fifties, wearing the armor of the Grand Lord of the Knights of the Silver Hand, walked over and said.

"Hail to the High Lord."

"Hail to the High Lord."

After the old man appeared, the paladins responsible for training the new recruits immediately stood at attention and saluted a military salute.

The person who came was none other than Tirion Fordring, the current lord of Hearthglen. Not long ago, his son died in the conspiracy of the Scarlet Crusade.

This also led to the once powerful first-generation Paladin to reappear, begin to lead Hearthglen again, and rebuild the Knights of the Silver Hand.

The new high lord announced to all the paladins that in the future he would conquer Northrend and completely eliminate the Lich King Arthas.

The Knights of the Silver Hand were reborn in his hands.

Not long ago, the Silver Hand Paladins of Light's Hope Chapel followed the High Lord in a raid on Naxxramas and successfully recaptured the fallen Ashbringer.

Exposed a villain who betrayed his father, but also allowed Darion Mograine to commit suicide with the corrupted Ashbringer in hand.

Although he saved his father, he also became a pawn of the natural disaster.

"Power is power, why should Xiaorun follow the teachings of power?" Runti said.

"I can tell you a story about my past, child! A story about love and family." Tirion Fordring said.

"It's inexplicable, why does Xiaorun want to listen to your story?" Runti said.

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