Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 76 Punishment Rider Runti, Returning to the Pirate World

This kind of strange energy that is full of justice, but also full of bewitchment, is that idiot girl Yamato the most suitable?

It was really dangerous for me to come here this time, and I was almost bewitched by that mysterious power. Fortunately, the environment in which I lived since childhood created a different personality for her.

Justice is the most annoying thing. Power is power, and it should be controlled. Those who are controlled by power are not worthy of becoming strong!

"Child, you have now initially understood the power of the Holy Light, and now you still have a lot to learn.

Our Paladins have three major systems. You can choose one system to practice first. "Tirion Fordring looked at Runti and said.

This girl has very good potential. The Holy Light seems to love her very much and has poured a lot of power into her.

"Isn't it enough to just use this power and add it to the weapon to fight?" Runti said.

This was how I used it when I learned anger and armed Haki. Is there anything different about this energy called holy light?

"Of course it's different. Our Paladins have three talents. The first talent is called the Punishment Knight. This kind of knight has its own extremely powerful attack power.

Fight with various two-handed weapons, and can perform Crusader Strike, Judgment, Holy Strike, Holy Storm,

There are also various holy seals and halo assistance, using the absolutely powerful power of the holy light to punish opponents, which is the most aggressive side of the holy light. "Tirion Fordring said.

"This sounds like a good fit for me," Runti said.

Isn't power just for attacking? Runti likes this disciplinary knight very much.

"Let's listen to the other two talents first! The second talent is called the Protective Knight. He wears heavy armor, holds a shield and a one-handed hammer or sword, and uses powerful holy light to protect his teammates.

You can use a variety of powerful divine abilities, devotion, divine protection, divine shield, and salvation! Sacrifice, blessing of kings, blessing of strength.

A variety of abilities, including protecting your teammates, and using blessings to enhance their combat effectiveness. "Tirion Fordring said.

Upon hearing this, Runti's eyes lit up. In this case, he could use all kinds of power to protect Xiaopei.

It can also enhance Xiaopei’s strength. This seems to suit me very well!

"The third type is called the Holy Knight, who uses the powerful power of holy light to heal his teammates, heal their wounds, remove diseases, and remove various curses.

Holy Beacon, Flash of Holy Light, Redemption, Healing, Lay on Hand, Holy Light.

As long as the Holy Knight is present, you will be a solid backing for your teammates, and you can heal no matter how serious the trauma is. "Tirion Fordring introduced the functions of the three major systems of the Paladin to Runti.

The disciplinary knight is responsible for fighting, the protective knight is responsible for protecting teammates, and the holy knight is responsible for healing teammates.

Runti also wants the third ability! Healing ability is a panacea everywhere, especially in their pirate world. If her cute brother is hurt in any way, she can heal it immediately.

Damn it, can you only choose one of the three powers? Can't you have all three powers at the same time?

"Can Xiaorun choose three powers at the same time?" Runti asked.

"It's too early for you now. You have to concentrate on learning one talent." Tirion Fordring smiled and shook his head and said.

This little girl is really greedy. She wants to control multiple powers at the same time, but this is not impossible. Some veteran paladins are the kind of beings who can fight, resist and heal.

If they hold a two-handed war hammer, they are a disciplinary knight. If they hold a shield and a one-handed sword or a one-handed hammer, they are a protection knight. No matter what kind of weapon they are holding, the paladin has the ability to heal teammates.

"Don't worry! Even if you choose the Punishment Knight, you still have the ability to heal and protect. Some blessing abilities and holy seals can be used. Flash of Holy Light can also heal companions." Tirion Fordring said.

Possessing such strong fighting talent and physical fitness. The best choice for this girl is the Punishment Knight, and of course the Protection Knight! It's not impossible, but it would be better to use the Punishment Knight. This girl is born with powerful attack power.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? Then I will choose the Punishment Knight! I can learn all those blessings, holy seals, auras, and healing abilities, right?" Runti said.

"I will teach you one by one. I am the first-generation Punishment Paladin.

When the Silver Head Knights were first established, there were a total of five ancient holy deeds, which were inherited by our five paladins. This is an ancient holy deed.

They are retribution, protection, justice, holiness and mercy, and I personally hold the Holy Pact of Retribution and am the first Retribution Knight in the entire Azeroth world. "Tirion Fordring said.

The Covenant of Justice was obtained by Uther, the Covenant of Protection was obtained by Turalyon, the Covenant of Mercy was obtained by Gwenrad, and the Holy Covenant was obtained by Dathrohan Sedan.

But it is a pity that justice and mercy have been lost. The only things that are passed down now are punishment, protection and sanctity.

From then on, Runti began to follow Tirion Fordring, learning various abilities of the Punishment Knight, as well as learning the healing ability of Flash of Holy Light, various holy seals, and blessings.

In the undercity on the other side.

Rhodes gathered together with Kaido, Yamato, Sylvanas, Treson Flamefury, and the tied-up Skeleton Brooke.

Brooke's life is not easy these days. The days after being imprisoned by Sylvanas can be described as a slave diary.

The Banshee King Sylvanas herself didn't pay much attention to Brooke, and she didn't even visit a few times. However, the dark rangers under the Banshee King tortured Brooke terribly during this period.

Why do you, an undead creature, have all the feelings of a living person, but we don’t?

This is the greatest jealousy and resentment, so many dark rangers secretly tortured Brooke.

Even the reasons why these female dark rangers tortured Brooke were very appropriate. No bastard would ask them for underwear as soon as they met!

Such hooligan-like behavior will naturally be punished.

"We can set off." Sylvanas said.

"I'm ready, young apprentice. I hope that world is really what you said, it can enhance my physical fitness and eliminate the harm of evil energy to me." Treson said.

The candidates who returned this time included more of his warlock mentor and the Banshee King Sylvanas, but less of Runti.

His mentor used to be responsible for commanding the pirates in the Pirate World to supervise the production of the Dark Portal.

After all, this old orc once participated in the construction of the Dark Portal. As for Azeroth.

These evil orcs from the old tribe already knew how to make the Dark Portal, so Rhodes didn't need to worry.

In the past, Sylvanas transformed Whitebeard's corpse into a death knight for the Underworld Fruit.

In addition, Rhodes also prepared several large bottles with the blood of Abyss Lord Magtheridon, which were taken back to the upper echelons of the Beast Pirates.

Rhodes can't take the huge abyss lord back now.

At present, Rhodes and Kaido have proven that the power of evil can be turned into something similar to fruit power in the pirate world, so there is not so much taboo about it.

After the Dark Gate is completely completed, Kaido will have his subordinates come over to learn the warrior's anger. This kind of thing is similar to armed haki, but it is very easy to use.

"Don't worry, I won't let you down. Have you arranged all the other things?" Rhodes asked.

"I have no problem. I have already given instructions to the evil orcs from the old tribe. They will make the Dark Portal according to your requirements, and the Forgotten ones will also provide materials and help to build it together." Treson He spoke.

Kargas Blade Fist is a bully, as long as you show strong strength, he will listen to you.

"I have sealed the Undercity tightly. The Dark Ranger troops under me and the Terror Guards will also strictly seal the news of my departure. There will be no problems in a short time." Sylvanas said.

The protection of the Undercity has been raised to the highest level, and the tribe will also help increase the defense of the Undercity. Both the blood elves and the tribe's chief Thrall want to make good friends with Rhodes.

"Okay, let's all set off." Rhodes nodded and said.

Rhodes activated his ability, broke through the space barrier between the planes, and returned to the pirate world with everyone.

With a flash of blue light, several people disappeared into the Undercity.

In the world of pirates, a portal was opened, a space crack was opened on Onigashima, and everyone appeared here again.

"Is this the new world?" Sylvanas said after looking up and down at the surrounding environment.

"Yes, this is another world." Rhodes said.

After everyone appeared, a large number of pirates from the ghost island also ran over. The three leaders were the three major disasters of the Beasts Pirates!

Drought Jack, Flame Ember, and Plague Quinn.

"Boss, you are finally back, have you brought two guests? Where is that girl Runti?" Jhin said.

"Hehe! Couldn't that girl have been killed by someone?" Quinn laughed sinisterly and said.

"That girl is fine, she is learning a new power now, called Holy Light.

You go and gather all my subordinates. This time we have something big to do.

The entire Beast Pirates and even the Wano Country have been mobilized for me. We have a huge engineering construction project. Kaido said.

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