Whitebeard's death was a bit unexpected for everyone. Some were surprised, some lamented, some were gloating, and some were extremely sad.

Although many people today expected Whitebeard's death, it is indeed sad that a generation of pirate legends ended in such a way.

"Dad, dad, Kaido, you bastard, Kaido, I'm going to kill you." Marco looked at Kaido angrily and said.

Sylvanas took out some magic materials and began to make various carvings around Whitebeard, and then took out the blood death knight transformation items that her men had made before.

They were placed one by one around Whitebeard's body, and soon a black-purple six-pointed star magic circle was formed around Whitebeard's body.

"Here you go, here are the summoning spells and the contract circle. Just follow the steps above and you can control him. Remember, you must find a way to weaken his soul so that he is willing to surrender to you. Surrender." Sylvanas handed a spell to Rhodes and said.

Transforming into a death knight is only the first step. The more important step is to control the opponent. Controlling undead creatures is slightly simpler than controlling demons, but it also requires a contract to block it.

After taking the spell, Rhodes nodded, came to Whitebeard's body, and began to carve the Necromantic Array and the Blood Transformation Array on his body.

This is also her first time to transform another life into an undead creature.

But this is a matter of time. She is the queen of the Forgotten people, and she must think about the entire race.

Some things must be done even if you don't want to do them, otherwise, the forgotten people will disappear sooner or later.

Kaido on the other side was standing next to Rhodes with his mace on his shoulder. Blackbeard at this time. His face is extremely ugly, this is a great opportunity, a great opportunity to seize Whitebeard's Zhenzhen Fruit.

But it's a pity that Yonko Kaido was standing there, as well as that feared boy, that special woman, and the skeleton lying on the ground. It seemed that he had never noticed it! Is there a tied up skeleton among this group of people?

"You bastard, what are you going to do to dad's body? He's already dead. Return the body to us." Marco said.

"Shut up, you losers. If anyone wants to die, just come here." Kaido said.

Several captains of the Whitebeard Pirates immediately couldn't bear it and wanted to rush over, but they were immediately stopped by Marco.

Others don't know Kaido's strength, how can he not know it?

This is the only monster that can defeat Dad in a duel.

Now that my father is dead, he is the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates. He has the responsibility and obligation to bring all his brothers back to the new world safely.

This time the rescue operation failed completely. Their rescue target Fire Fist Ace died in the battle, and even their father Whitebeard also died in the battle.

"Halam Star, Salam Kalu." A strange spell that was bitter, difficult to understand, and difficult to describe in words came out of Rhode's mouth.

Sylvanas began to release the powerful power of the dead. The power of the dead from the world of Azeroth turned into a black-purple mist, which began to diffuse around Whitebeard.

The black-purple mist gradually entered Whitebeard's body. The hideous wounds on Whitebeard's body began to change at this time.

The two huge wounds on his chest began to heal, but strangely, Whitebeard's body slowly transformed into the skin color of the woman just now.

It turned into a black-purple color, and a sinister wind blew by. Everyone present, whether they were pirates or navy, felt an extremely cold breath.

The four jars placed around Whitebeard suddenly shattered, and a large amount of blood flowed out, and then gathered on Whitebeard's body.

An extremely weird and indescribable feeling of horror arose in everyone's hearts.

like! like! Something very terrible is about to happen.

"Hey, hey, hey! What is that new kid from the Beasts Pirates doing? And that strange woman, what are they going to do with Whitebeard's body?" Poison Q said.

As a black doctor, he was also called the God of Death. He clearly felt something different. It was the aura of death. It was an absolute aura of death.

"I don't know, keep watching. We can't stop it anyway, not to mention that this is the navy's territory, and the owner didn't say anything." Blackbeard glanced at the Buddha Warring States standing in the distance and said.

"Marco! Dad, there seems to be something wrong with Dad's body! The color of Dad's skin seems to have turned black and purple, just like that woman." Foil Bista said.

"And have you noticed that all the wounds on dad's body seem to have healed. This is really weird. What is going on?"

The Shichibukai on the high platform also looked lively at this time, but Empress Boya Hancock quietly left the scene.

Other people's affairs, no matter what, were not as important as Luffy's. Now she wanted to go and see what was going on with Luffy, so she hijacked a navy ship and set off.

Just now she seemed to have seen a submarine-like boat that rescued Luffy and Jinbei.

"Marshal! What are we going to do? Do we want to take action?" A lieutenant general from the Navy Headquarters approached the Buddha's Warring States and asked.

"If we want to go to war with the Four Emperors, we need the consent of the World Government. The World Government only agreed to let us go to war with Whitebeard. If Kaido doesn't show any unfavorable intentions towards us, we will wait and see what happens." Buddha's Sengoku said. .

The current situation is actually beneficial to their navy. Let these pirates kill each other!

Kaido of the Hundred Beasts just killed Whitebeard, but he did their navy a big favor.

"Sengoku, I always feel that the dark-purple skinned woman in Kaido's team and the young kid are not simple. They, they seem to be doing something terrible." Lieutenant General He said.

"Let's take a look for the time being. Akainu, you quickly recover your strength." Buddha's Sengoku glanced at the general Akainu next to him and said.

He was the one who worked the hardest in this war, but this guy was also the most seriously injured.

For a moment, the presence of Kaido acted as a huge deterrent. Neither the navy nor the pirates dared to act rashly, buying Rhodes the most critical time for transformation.

Time passed slowly, and Sylvanas couldn't bear it anymore. This old man with a white beard was extremely physically strong.

If you want to transform it into a powerful death knight, the consumption of the power of death is quite terrifying.

But fortunately, they are now on the battlefield, with at least tens of thousands of people dead around them. The death energy generated here is very, very sufficient, and they can completely absorb and transform it.

"Rhode, how's the situation?" Kaido said.

It's been almost an hour, haven't you done it yet?

"We are almost successful. Sylvanas takes out his weapons and armor." Rhodes finished the final transformation spell.

Start manipulating the infusion of the power of death wholeheartedly.

And on Whitebeard's soul, the magic circle was engraved to complete the final step and enslave his soul.

At this moment, in an invisible spiritual world, Rhodes was binding Whitebeard's soul with countless black chains.

"Submit to me, Whitebeard, and to your new master." Rhodes said.

"Damn brat, you actually, you actually want to control me, don't even think about it, I will never surrender to anyone." Whitebeard's soul struggled, trying to break free from the black chains on his body, but he didn't expect that he would not be able to do so even if he died. quiet.

"Whitebeard, your power is very powerful. Are you willing to sleep here? Get up and serve me!" Rhodes increased the output of his magic power and said.

He truly deserves to be a Yonko-level being. Whitebeard's soul is indeed very powerful, but fortunately he was well prepared.

He drank a lot of mana recovery potions, mana enhancement potions, and various mana enhancement potions.

"You brat, I'm Whitebeard! Even if I die, I will not accept the control of others. Do you think I will be afraid of death?" Whitebeard said.

At the same time, he increased his strength and began to break free from the black chains. The chains that Rhodes restrained Whitebeard actually began to show traces of cracks.

"The overlord's domineering aura seems to be able to cause damage to your black chain. Kid, you can't control me." Whitebeard in the soul state said.

"Resistance is futile, Whitebeard, do you think breaking off one chain is enough? If you break off one chain, I will tie you ten chains." Rhode snorted coldly.

Once again increasing the mana output, dozens of black chains appeared, instantly binding Whitebeard's soul.

"Damn it!" Whitebeard, who was in his soul state, was half-kneeling on the ground, extremely angry.

This bastard boy, is this ability to control the dead a devil fruit? I have never heard of this kind of devil fruit ability!

For a moment, the two sides fell into a stalemate. The old man with the white beard was extremely stubborn. Even in his soul state, he would rather die than surrender and struggled wildly.

Just damn close, just a tiny bit close to being able to control him.

At this time, Rhodes was also a little anxious. He really didn't expect that the overlord's domineering spirit could actually resist his soul contract spell.

There is no other way, it seems that we can only use some other tricks to weaken Whitebeard.

"Whitebeard, you don't want anything to happen to your children, do you? You don't want your sons to die either!" Rhodes said.

"You bastard little brat, what do you want to do?"

“I won’t hurt your son, but what about Blackbeard and Marine?

They want to annihilate your Whitebeard Pirates. Your sons are in great danger now.

Accept my servitude, become my weapon, and I will allow you to maintain your free will and promise you to take your sons out of here safely, all your sons. " Rhodes said.

If Whitebeard's soul can voluntarily give up resistance, then the soul contract can be completed. Whitebeard's Achilles' heel is his sons.

"you you!"

"Whitebeard, I have very powerful power. You will become my confidant. I will take you to different worlds and let you see different scenery.

Even in the future, when I become strong enough, I can resurrect your most beloved son, Ace. " Rhodes said.

"Kulalalala! You bastard boy, are you lying to me?

How is it possible to resurrect the dead? If you want to enslave Ace like me, don't even think about it. "Whitebeard said.

"I'm not kidding, I can do it. There are treasures in all the worlds that you can't expect. It's easy to resurrect the dead and so on.

And there is only one thing you have to pay, and that is loyalty and fighting for me. " Rhodes said.

very good! Whitebeard's will to resist had begun to weaken.

"Can you promise me? Promise that all my sons will leave safely." Whitebeard said.

No matter what, he can't let go of his beloved sons. Even if he dies, let me take care of you again!

As for resurrecting the dead, to be honest, Whitebeard didn't really believe it. It was enough to save his remaining son.

"Yeah! I promise you, I can take them away safely." Rhodes said.

“Even in this cruel sea, we must be benevolent and righteous!

Boy, this is what you said, remember your promise to me. "Whitebeard said.

"I, Rhode, will do all despicable things, but I will never break my promise to others," Rhode said.

"I promise you, I will work for Kaido from now on." Whitebeard said.

At the same time, he gave up all resistance, and his domineering aura disappeared.

"No, no, no, please don't misunderstand anything. Kaido Kaido's status is slightly better than yours. He is my cheap old father-in-law, but he is also my subordinate." Rhodes smiled with great satisfaction and said. .

"???? That bastard boy from the Hundred Beasts! Ku la la la! In this case, I feel much better."

A smile appeared on Rhode's lips, and the final slavery contract was finally signed.

Whitebeard also completed the final transformation, and the first blood death knight in the pirate world, Whitebeard Edward Newgate, was born.

In the outside world, everyone at this time, whether they are navy or pirates.

Everyone was extremely surprised, with their mouths wide open and their faces full of disbelief.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's a lie, isn't it a lie?"

"How can this be?"

"Didn't that guy from Hundred Beasts kill Baibeard just now?"

"Dad! Dad is actually alive!"

"But Dad! He, he has become so strange!"

At this time, Whitebeard had stood up from the ground, and his skin turned a dark purple color.

The entire eyes also turned into a ghost-like dark blue, and the body was surrounded by an extremely bloody aura and a cold aura of death.

Four thousand words continues, there will be more tonight

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