Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 95 Talking to Kaido about the Marvel world, the terminal virus is not afraid of seawater esp

Chapter 95 Talking to Kaido about the Marvel world, Extremis virus = a person with abilities who is not afraid of sea water

"Sylvanas! Wait for a while. After opening the Dark Portal, I will take the time to take you to another place where we can get some good things." Rhodes came to Sylvanas and whispered in her ear. He spoke.

With his current strength, he should be able to get some good things from Marvel in a low-key manner by taking the Queen with him. The Marvel world is still very dangerous.

"Do you want to bring others with you?" Sylvanas asked softly.

"I'll just take you with me. The others are not of the right size, and that world is very dangerous." Rhodes said in a low voice.

The dangers in the Marvel world are too great, and Kaido's ability to cause trouble is top-notch. What if he wants to challenge the fat green man?

And the huge size is not suitable,

"Boy Rhodes! I remember you once said that you can go to countless different worlds. Until now, you have only taken me to a new world!" Kaido said suddenly.

Holy shit! I have just decided not to take you to the Marvel world, and you are asking this question. Is your knowledge, sex, and domineering attitude so perverted?

"I heard that, you bastard, you don't want to take me there, do you have any transformation medicine there?

If I drink that stuff, I can turn into a normal human body shape.

There must be very powerful people in this world that you, bastard, are so afraid of! I'm looking forward to it very much. Kaido said.

Rhodes guessed right, Kaido's power of knowledge and color is the best in the world.

He just heard Rhodes' voice, you bastard. I am so domineering in my knowledge that I can even predict some parts of the future.

"You whisper next to me, do you think I can't hear you? Are you kidding me?

I can hear clearly what you did with my daughter and that woman every night. Kaido looked at Rhodes with contempt and said.

Even if his domineering power is fully activated, he can see the blurry images clearly. However, as a Yonko-level existence, he does not have the hobby of voyeurism. If necessary, he will directly take the black horse Wouldn't it be nice if Leah called her over?

There is no way, ordinary women can't stand up to Kaido's huge size. Since Yamato's mother died, only Black Maria can soothe his soul at night.

As soon as these words came out, even Yamato and Sylvanas sitting next to them turned a little red. It felt so shameful for others to hear this!

It seems that a magic barrier will have to be set up in the room in the future. Sylvanas plans to create a magic barrier when she returns.

It was really shameful for people to hear or see something while being intimate with a little man at night.

On the other side, Yamato wanted to improve his knowledge and domineering power to shield his father from prying eyes.

This bastard Minotaur gorilla is indeed a pervert.

"Oh no! What did you hear?" Rhodes suddenly said in shock. Damn it, does this old father-in-law have any special eavesdropping habits?

"I don't have the habit of spying on others. I'm just comparing it to you, idiot!

This is a metaphor. Do you understand the metaphor? Fool!

I just want to tell you the role of the Haki of Knowledge and Information. I have seen the top owners of Haki of Knowledge and Information, who can even completely read all the thoughts and memories in a person's heart.

That old man's domineering power of knowledge and color is the strongest in the world. Not even Roger can match him in this regard. But unfortunately, he is old now and has been imprisoned in Impel Down City for more than thirty years. It is already an old era. The remnants of the party. Kaido said.

Speaking of which, the Red Earl is the real master of domineering power. He even knows exactly what his opponent is thinking.

That guy's swordsmanship skills are also at the level of a great swordsman. With his own strength, he can compete with Whitebeard and the Roger Pirates.

The guy Kaido was talking about should be the proud Red who recently escaped from Impel Down City!

"Kaido, that world is not as simple as you think, it is too dangerous, and there are even enemies you can't even imagine." Rhodes said.

"It's precisely because of this that I'm so excited! The world called Azeroth has already made me very excited. Now there is an even more powerful place. I still want to visit it." Kaido said.

"Let me give you an example of Kaido, can you imagine a strong man who can destroy the world beneath our feet with one strike?

The most powerful man in the world has this kind of strength. " Rhodes said.

As soon as these words came out, there was an instant silence.

Kaido, who was flying in the sky, stopped, turned his huge dragon head, and looked at Rhodes. Even the death knight Whitebeard, who had been silent throughout the whole process, turned his head.

Sylvanas and Yamato were also surprised! Rod, you bastard, what are you talking about? Destroy the world beneath your feet with one blow.

This kind of strength, this kind of strength should be at the Titan level! And it is something that only Sargeras, the strongest among the Titans, can do, or Aman'Thul can do it.

"I'm not kidding. There are many rule-level experts in that world. Their strength is beyond your imagination. They can change the reality of the universe at will, create planets, destroy planets, and even wipe out a universe." Rhodes said.

He was not kidding when he said this. The five founding gods of the Marvel world and even the cosmic gods can easily destroy planets. Strictly speaking, the Eternal God in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the same person as the Eternal God in the comics.

"Which world! Is there really such a strong person who can destroy a whole world with one blow? You bastard are not lying to me, are you?" Kaido asked.

The Titan that this guy mentioned before seems to have this kind of strength, but it should be the top existence in the world of Azeroth! Nor can ordinary humans see it.

"I kid you not! And many even have some treasures that you can do the same thing once you get them, such as a purple guy after collecting six infinity stones.

With just a snap of his fingers, half of the life in the entire universe was wiped out. Not just one planet, but the entire universe. " Rhodes said.

"What is that infinite stone?" Sylvanas asked.

As the king of the race in the world of Azeroth, others don't know what the universe means, but she does.

Their world of Azeroth is nothing more than a planet. Everything is composed of the twisted void of the material universe.

What he had guessed all along was indeed correct. Rhodes was not just traveling through a planet, he was traveling to another world.

Otherwise, it would just be like traveling to other worlds like the astral mage Medivh or some other great mages, which is actually just a leap between stars. (I saw a comment that said there are many things in World of Warcraft that can travel across the world. They are about interstellar travel, not traveling across the universe.)

The rules are still the same, but this world is completely different from the rules of their universe.

"There are six Infinity Stones in total, namely the Space Stone, the Mind Stone, the Soul Stone, the Time Stone, the Power Stone, and the Reality Stone. Each of these stones can control a force of the universe.

For example, the space energy I have here is obtained from the space gem. The mind gem can completely distort a person's mind.

The soul gem can control the soul, the time gem can modify time at will, you can even go directly to the past or future, and the reality gem can modify reality. " Rhodes said.

This is just the Infinity Stones in the movie universe. The Infinity Stones Thanos in the comics have defeated all five creation gods.

Only the six infinity stones in the comic world can turn the owner into an omniscient and omnipotent god, surpassing the five creation gods.

Hearing this, everyone's breathing began to quicken.

"But it's a pity that this kind of gem is just a piece of broken stone when taken to other worlds." Rhodes said.

"It's useless in the end. After leaving that world, it will just be an ordinary stone!" Kaido said.

"Yes, but I can use some magic crystals and other things to collect the energy inside." Rhodes said.

"When I return to the Undercity, I will prepare some top-notch magic crystals for you, the kind that can store a lot of energy." Sylvanas said.

Even if you can get some energy, it is very precious.

"In addition to infinite gems, there are many good things in that world! For example, there is a lizard potion that can turn your subordinates into lizard fruit users.

There is also something called the Extremis Virus, which after eating can turn you into a superhuman rock berry fruit user, and also have the ability to regenerate severed limbs. " Rhodes said.

If the Extremis virus and Dr. Lizard's medicine are brought to the One Piece world, they will be infected by the rules of this world and become a devil fruit ability.

Moreover, these two medicines have the function of regenerating severed limbs.

"The function of regenerating severed limbs? The ability of the lizard fruit? Isn't the rock fruit a natural type? Boy, are you kidding me?" Kaido said.

"No kidding, there is indeed such a thing, and its name is the Extremis Virus." Rhodes said.

Regarding the Lizard Potion, I don’t know whether Dr. Lizard invented it in the universe I am in.

But at least the Extremis virus has been developed, and it's still very easy to get it.

In the world of pirates, the Extremis Virus is a weapon that can regenerate severed limbs, and also has a weakened version of the rock berry fruit, or the hot fruit, and does not have the weakness of sea water.

However, with the development capabilities of humans in the One Piece world, the Extremis virus can be most effective here.

"If it's really possible to regenerate severed limbs, Rod! I have an old guy I want to recommend to you."

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