Deconstruction is Weird

Chapter 100 Official Uniform

This gun can be simply regarded as a large bullet. The normal firearm explosion occurs inside the bullet, and the explosion occurs inside the bullet, pushing the warhead out.

But for this shotgun, it exploded inside the gun only once, and all the steel balls inside collapsed. At the same time, because of the increase in the amount of gunpowder, a single shot is extremely powerful and has a great recoil.

"I'll give this to you first. When I have time, I'll make you a better one."

Yang Yiqing shook her head again and again.

"No, no, this is already very precious."

Chu Dong and Yang Yiqing entered the city, he didn't go to buy pigs, because Chu Dong had another matter today, he came to Chen Zha's mansion, and searched for the latest official documents.

Because the official documents submitted are usually backed up, Chu Dong just wanted to see what Chen Zha had submitted recently.

Chu Dong rummaged through the county government office, and finally found the latest official document, which was addressed to the Department of Yin and Yang.

"Xiaguan Chen Zha, strange things suddenly happened in Lin Ming Mansion, which was ruled by Xiaguan seven days ago. Every midnight, there would be residents of the mansion walking around at night like corpses, and the number was increasing. It seemed that it was out of control.

It just so happened that a deacon of Tong Ling, a subordinate of the Yin Yang Division, came to the city, and the subordinate officer reported the matter to her.

This person's name is Yang Yiqing, and she ordered the subordinate to keep silent, there is no need to report for help for the time being, and the subordinate agreed.

But today this woman suddenly disappeared without leaving a word.

I am afraid that there will be changes, and I will miss the best time to deal with it. I hereby send a message! "

Chu Dong slapped the desk, how could there be such a shameless person in this world, this Chen Zha was no different from ordinary people during the day, so the logic of his behavior was no different from ordinary people.

He himself thinks that he is an ordinary official, and everything is for promotion.

So when he found out that the matter was exposed and gradually lost control, he could only find a scapegoat to mitigate his guilt. According to the official document, this matter seemed to have nothing to do with him.

This grandson put everything on Yang Yiqing, no wonder in the ending that Zhuge Qiu showed him, there was a scene where Yang Yiqing was asked to be beheaded.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

Chu Dong put the official documents into his arms, and didn't tell Yang Yiqing much. Telling her about this would only increase his troubles. Just go back and tell Huang De. He probably has experience.

The main reason is that Chen Zha's report went up, it's okay if it's nothing serious, if there is a mass death in the mansion, who cares if you are true or not, first arrest someone to take the blame.

After leaving the mansion, he exchanged the banknotes for some gold ingots in the city, went to the blacksmith's shop to buy some iron ingots of good purity, and left Linming Mansion.

There hasn't been much change in Fuchu in the past few days, because it has been more than half a month since the last Kuroshio tide.

Most of the power of the Kuroshio has dissipated.

To say when the ghosts are weakest, if the day is used as the unit, it must be at noon, and if the month is used as the unit, it must be the fourteenth of each month, before the arrival of the Kuroshio.

This Kuroshio is simply charging ghosts.

It was already noon when we returned to the barracks, and there was still no sign of Huang De. Chu Dong asked the soldiers around him, only to find out that Huang De hadn't left the tent, but Zhu Rou was the one who came in and out with a water basin.

Chu Dong followed the direction the soldier said, and found a place soaked in water. He smelled it carefully, and there was a slight smell of blood, but it was really light.

The soldiers said that Zhu Rou had changed more than a dozen basins of water, which didn't seem like she was injured.

[Huang De's behavior these days has been abnormal]

[A person faces death, but remains calm as usual, which means that he has chosen to accept it]

【Maybe he is preparing some special techniques, life-saving and the like】

When Chu Dong thought about it, it was really possible. Huang De kept telling Chu Dong that he believed in his fate and he had to follow the trend, so it was possible that Huang De never thought of changing his fate.

Chu Dong felt a little uneasy, but it seemed that there was no way to change a person who was completely stereotyped and had his own pursuit.

He could only go back to the camp and start experimenting whether the borrowing technique could be used on live pigs, and the result surprised him a bit.

He doesn't even need a spell to cooperate, and his consciousness can be easily connected to the live pig's body.

It's not about possession, but a simple connection. This kind of connection also increases the computing power of the brain by 5% out of thin air. Although the computing power of a single live pig is low, it has minimal pressure on Chu Dong's soul.

He doesn't need to suppress another strange consciousness, perhaps because the pig's soul is so weak that it hardly needs to be suppressed.

This seems to have a way to increase computing power, raising pigs.

In order to verify, Chu Dong immediately asked the cook in the barracks to drive a horse-drawn cart to the city to help him buy pigs. The computing power of a single pig is too low to be enough.

Chu Dong began to calm down and analyze the scene he saw today.

Whether it was the precognitive dream or the ending that Zhuge Qiu showed him, the brain couldn't see it, so everything had to share memory again and then analyze it in detail.

[The number of sudden human deaths is very low, less than 10%, and the other 90% died of Qimen]

[This is quite different from the previous dream]

[Related to the huge difference in the combat power of the two ancient officials]

[The way of death of the people in the mansion may be related to the combat effectiveness of the ancient officials]

Whether it was the first time or this time, actions similar to the massacre of the city took place. The first time I thought it was Zhuge Yuan who did it, but the second time it was a dynamic world. Chu Dong saw with his own eyes that his power was fully activated kill.

What is it, let Chu Dong go to massacre the city?

It can only show one thing, these people are alive, the danger is greater.

Then the answer is ready to come out, if these people are killed by the magician's reverse life formation, the power of the magician will increase, if they are killed by Qimen, it will weaken his power in disguise.

It is estimated that this is also the reason why Zhuge Qiu called him to slaughter the city. As long as the city is slaughtered, the game can be broken.

[The high platform I am standing on in my memory is a kind of gossip formation platform, this is not a random construction]

[Building this high platform should be prepared at least one day in advance]

[The bronze coffin that appears in the screen is extremely important, the material of the coffin is abnormal, like an unearthed object]

[The half mummy in the coffin is presumed to be the magician himself, I suggest asking Cong Ji and Lu Ban if there is any special emphasis in the book]

Chu Dong didn't have time to look at the coffin, but he just remembered that the coffin was under the pile, that is to say, the pile was placed on top of the coffin.

Maybe you have to ask Cong Ji about it.

[In addition, there is a difference in the battle scene between the ancient official and Huang De, the main problem is in the image of the ancient official]

Zhinao projected all the images of the two ancient officials in three dimensions. These are all models reconstructed based on Chu Dong's memory. Zhinao slowly merged the two models. Chu Dong was surprised to find that the two ancient officials There is a big difference in body shape.

The appearance is basically the same, but the height and body shape are different.

The only thing that hasn't changed is the official uniform.

Zhuge Qiu took him to watch the ending, the official uniform looked a little unfit, a bit big, but after comparing it, it was not that the official uniform was big, but that the person's body was small.

But the official uniform that Wu Tong showed him for the prophetic dream fit perfectly.

"I have an idea.

Is there such a possibility that his power comes from that official uniform, which was put on later, and everything this sorcerer did was to take this official uniform as his own.

Or in some other way, let this official uniform be used by him? "

[Possibility analysis, substituting initial conditions]

[The logic is established and there is no obvious contradictory condition]

[Using this as a coordinate, recalculate the logic key of the whole incident, the core key is the official uniform]

[Need some basic information, such as the nature of the official uniform]

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