Deconstruction Weird

Chapter 174 Under the Lost (third more)

Chu Dong knew a little about this. Zhi Nao had been unable to control Yang Qi without Chu Dong's participation, but that was good. If Zhi Nao also had a soul, Chu Dong should be afraid.

[Memory analysis calculation...]

[Analysis of distorted ghost, freeze frame restoration]

Zhi Nao restored everything after Chu Dong entered the Yin Realm in a three-dimensional way. Now there are the eight officials in front of him. The faces of these eight people are constantly rotating, and then their appearance has been restored.

[The distortions of these people's faces are completely different from those seen by the ancient officials that day]

[The distortion of Guguan’s face is completely nothingness, without any information]

[And these people’s faces are distorted, and traces of facial features can be found]

Under Chu Dong's close observation, he finally discovered the problem. Gu Guan's face was distorted like a thick foundation, covering his entire face.

And the distortion of these ordinary officials is like rotating a face directly and disrupting them. Their distortion is dynamic. The nose and eyes are actually there, but the shape is extremely strange.

"That woman called this loss, loss of herself, the greater the range of distortion, the more serious the loss."

[Under the extreme disorder of the energy body, there will indeed be a so-called lost state]

[Through various behavior analysis, we can preliminarily define loss as the fact that memory is true, and behavior is infinitely close to instinct.]

[The final lost state is essentially a non-aggressive evil spirit]

[Similar to a tamed ghost]

All the ghost faces that Chu Dong encountered in his memory have been restored. Unlike what he thought, the expressions of these people were not stupid, but rather rich.

Some are crying, some are laughing.

The officials frowned before entering the house to cut their heads and were extremely resistant. After they cut out the heads of the family, their expressions became painful and even tears in their eyes.

However, even the mouths of those officials were distorted, and they couldn't even make a sound.

As for the second wave of officials that Chu Dong encountered, that is, those officials who came in to search for Chu Dong after hearing the sound, it was even more interesting.

Their eyes actually saw Chu Dong the first time they entered the door. The sound of Chu Dong turning up the roof actually exposed himself at the time, but the officials did not make a sound, but pretended to be looking for it.

This group of officials is actually still capable. They know how to listen and argue, but they just don't want to expose Chu Dong. Maybe Chu Dong is a normal person they haven't seen in many years, maybe they have some other ideas.

After the old woman yelled out the phrase "I'm here~", the officials were relieved and all rushed into the room to cut off the old lady's head. They didn't plan to continue searching, but were ready to leave quickly.

But Chu Dong took the initiative to jump down, and their faces became painful again. It seemed that they wanted to keep Chu Dong, but they did not hesitate to take out the knife.

But after Chu Dong seized the sword to fight back, the expression on the face of the officer who was killed was even stranger, happy, satisfied, and enjoyable.

Probably the lifelong wish has been fulfilled before this expression appears.

After the death of the first official official, the expressions of those official officials turned into longing again, eager to be killed by Chu Dong, but their bodies did not hesitate at all, and they were still attacking Chu Dong with all their strength.

After hurting Chu Dong, they will regret and get angry. They desperately hope that Chu Dong will hack themselves to death, but they just can't control their body.

This basically allowed Chu Dong to determine one thing. The officials had already lost their ego. They could not control themselves, but were dominated by another will.

This loss is a bit too tormenting for a soul.

If this underworld has existed for thousands of years, how many times the old woman has been starved to death, and how many times the heads of those completely lost souls who have been repelled to the edge of the city have been cut off.

If it were to Death Samsara once every seven days, the old man would starve to death 52,000 times, and no one else would be any better than her.

Wisdom’s description is correct. A completely lost soul is a tamed evil spirit, without reason, only instinct.

They follow their instincts in Life, fry wood and mud, sit at the dinner table, wait for officials to cut their heads, and then fall down.

[According to the current memory range, there are at least 50,000 to 100,000 people in the Yin Realm]

[However, it is analyzed in terms of the gorgeousness and fineness of official uniforms]

[The status of this ancient official is not as good as that of Lin Mingfu]

[The level of sophistication of the official uniform is slightly inferior]

This difference in official position will be reflected in all aspects. Official uniform is one of them, and it is very important. If the official position is high, then the clothes must be gorgeous. It is impossible to say that low-level officials are better than high-level officials.

"This ancient official is really mediocre. Although his ability is weird, even I can't kill him. It's really a bit of a waste.

However, freeing those souls can actually make my soul stronger directly, and the speed is really fast. I only killed nine souls. Is it possible to go in and fight monsters? "

Chu Dong was really thinking about this question. The ancient official didn't seem to be very strong. He was very irritable, but he was not as good at controlling power as the female ancient official.

Relying on the method of summoning the heads to mobilize the power of the Yin Realm was really weak, and he couldn't even beat Chu Dong before mobilizing those heads.

If the opponent is prepared this time and exits with a five-second delay, can he hold it?

Once he can sustain these five seconds, it means that Chu Dong's soul cultivation speed will greatly increase, as his cultivation Realm continues to Ascension, his speed is slowing down.

Calculated according to the current cultivation speed, I want to step into the next Realm, which is the Ruyi Scepter realm, five years less.

It's not that Chu Dong didn't work hard, but that the cultivation time of fifteen minutes a day was too short.

"You said there are two underworlds. Can I choose which one to enter?"

[Yes, the two frequencies are similar but not the same]

[Just give proper guidance]

"Come on, I'll go and take a second look. This should be the ancient official who gave me the hairpin. Her words, at least, shouldn't hurt me."

[Frequent brain overclocking can damage brain cells]

[Please add as much protein as possible after the end]

[Brain domain overclocking started, fixed frequency guidance...]

This strange feeling only lasted for less than two seconds, and Chu Dong entered another yin realm.

Opening his eyes was the familiar grayish white, and Chu Dong knew that he had come right.

He still appeared on the street, as if it was snowing in the sky, Chu Dong stretched out his hand to pick up some, and after careful observation, he discovered that it was fine linen dust.

"The son is polite~"

Chu Dong turned around and saw that the ancient official was standing beside him. He leaned slightly towards Chu Dong and continued.

"This time I did not fully explain it, and put the son in a dangerous situation. Fortunately, the son has the body of the sun.

Otherwise, the little woman will be blamed for her death.

I saw the son in a hurry before, but I didn't realize that the soul of the son was so powerful. It was really in my eyes. "

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