When the two of them didn't agree, they almost scolded. Huang De looked down on Wu Yong's Pian An and wasted all his skills, and Wu Yong also looked down on Huang De's eagerness and justice.

Huang De didn't refute, and followed him into the house.

The door of the house was opened violently, and the door lock was damaged. There were still a few shredded people around the door. It seemed that it was the old woman who picked up Chu Dong up the mountain yesterday.

Wu Yong stepped into the yard first. The yard was empty. The coffin was still at its original position, but I don't know why Wu Yong stood still at the door.

[Presumed visual illusion]

Chu Dong: "What do you mean?"

[Information crosses the optic nerve and directly affects the false illusion of the brain, which can be easily distinguished by the brain]

[But if the illusion affects reality, what your eyes see is everything, and the intellectual brain will not be able to distinguish]

[But the image in front of you is completely still, the possibility of this is extremely low]

Chu Dong took a closer look. After Wu Yong stepped into the yard, he didn't move. The bodies of the two evil spirits behind him were also much more illusory, but it was true that the image was still still, and he couldn't even see the ups and downs of his chest.

Chu Dong wanted to stop Huang De, but he also entered the yard and also became part of the still image.

"Maybe this is what they call a ghost?

it `s just normal? "

[Intelligent brain will enter the standby state, fully record the host's actions, and ensure that you can exit after losing your way]

[From the current situation, the probability of the host being in danger is much lower than that of two people]

Chu Dong: "Actually it is not dangerous. The main reason is that if I return now, I am afraid that the direct agency will die."

He still has a good impression of Huang De, and Wu Yong can't speak of disgust. If he turns around and runs, how will he face the two of them afterwards, and the ghost will meet sooner or later.

When Chu Dong was still tangling in front of the door, he suddenly felt that his butt was kicked, and his body couldn't help thinking about the yard.

Chu Dong turned his head and looked behind him, and saw a somewhat blessed middle-aged man with a messy hair bun and a tricky smile.

His feet are lame and they are prosthetic.

This person has never left...

Chu Dong was kicked into the yard and rolled around. He looked up and found that the door was tightly locked. He wanted to open the door, but found that it was a real object.

[The orientation has not changed, no hallucinations, insufficient data, unresolved]

Chu Dong: "Suppress emotions."

[Comprehensive suppression has begun]

Chu Dong was in a dull state again. He no longer panicked, and turned around to observe the house. The house is not large. There is a penthouse on the left and right sides of the courtyard. The windows of the penthouse are sealed with red happy characters, but the happy characters are reversed. of.

The door of the penthouse was locked tightly, and the door was still sealed with paper. This information was in Chu Dong's mind, exactly the same as when he came here the day before yesterday.

The yard was quiet and scary, and it seemed that the only place to go was the open lobby.

That coffin

[If you see Wu Tong, suggest that the host follow the Intellectual Prompt to talk]

[Otherwise, the probability of danger will be greatly Ascension]

Chu Dong: "Understood."

Chu Dong held a steel bow, activated an arrow and slowly approached the lobby. I don't know if it was an illusion, Chu Dong felt that someone was staring at him.

This feeling is very vague, and it can't even distinguish between people and ghosts.

[Humans do have an unexplainable sixth sense, which reminds us to be wary of invisible humans]

[Best solution: incense ash on the case]

There is a pot of incense ashes on the incense case in front of the coffin, and the quantity is still quite a lot. Huang De also said that this talisman only hides people, but it doesn't really disappear.

Suddenly, Chu Dong rushed to the front of the incense case, grabbed the incense ash and sprinkled it around, but he really caught a human figure.

Chu Dong immediately took a bow and shot an arrow, blood splashed out from the arrow, and the figure showed the whole picture. It was a woman in black clothes.

The woman wore a mask, only showing her eyes and forehead, she looked like she was in her thirties.

Chu Dong's arrow shot through the woman's shoulder. Originally, he wanted to shoot the heart, but she avoided it. Chu Dong drew another arrow and set the bow again.

Chu Dong: "If you dare to move again, you will die."

"A mere ordinary person, are you worthy to threaten me?"

The woman's speed is extremely fast, obviously not comparable to those of Martial Students before, and the most outrageous thing is that Chu Dong's arrow just now didn't seem to cause her much harm.

The moment before the woman had the intention to lift her foot, Zhi Nao had already warned, and gave a prediction of the woman's trajectory. In Chu Dong's field of vision, a ghost of a woman appeared. Where will she be next? All positions are marked.

It can be said that this kind of trajectory prediction is the existence of bugs, which has great advantages in the battle against humans.

But Chu Dong is a human being after all and needs time to react, and this time is fatal.

The arrow hit the floor, and it was only a few tenths of a second away, but the woman was already close, and her fist was in the middle of Chu Dong's left abdomen.

Chu Dong felt that his own bone was broken, but he didn't feel the pain, so he didn't forget to counterattack, and kicked his right foot back with strength, pulling the distance between the two of them.

Chu Dong: "Switching is fully automatic!"

[Automatic battle mode has taken over the body]

The first action of the brain after controlling the body is to shoot an arrow. After shooting the arrow, immediately pinch the own ribs with his right hand. The broken bone pain does not matter, but if the internal organs are injured, the current brain is also very good. Difficult to handle.

But the weird arrow shot by Zhi Nao was weird, he completely predicted the woman's path of travel.

And the shot was still the smallest leg. After being shot through the calf, the woman knelt on the ground in pain, and forcibly pulled out the feather arrow, but Zhi Nao had already shot the second arrow, and the other leg was not spared.

[Predictive action track, record data]

[Do you want to kill? 】

Chu Dong: "Don't kill first, you have to ask."

The woman knelt on the ground, yelling unwillingly: "Impossible, you are an ordinary person, how is it possible!"

Chu Dong: "You are all like this, and none of your teammates came to rescue you. It seems that he can't get in, right?"

The woman snorted and ignored Chu Dong, and her hand was a bit dishonest, she touched behind her, knowing that after the wisdom brain judged the danger, two arrows shot through the woman's palm.

The woman's forehead was full of cold sweat. She looked down on Chu Dong too much. She thought she was an ordinary person with good archery skills.

Although she doesn't know why Chu Dong's arrows can kill ghosts, she doesn't care about those, there are so many spells in the world, she can't know them all, but she's not a grieving ghost who doesn't know how to avoid it.

But Chu Dong's archery skills were far beyond her imagination.

Chu Dong: "Aren't you willing to cooperate? The next arrow will send you to the west."

"I just want to take away the burning sun lamp in your arms. It is the treasure of our Yin & Yang company. It can't be passed on to outsiders. I didn't want to kill you!"

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