Deconstruction Weird

Chapter 31 Yin Talisman and Yang Talisman

Chu Dong nodded to Huang De.

"I can control it."

Huang De: "Okay, then I will give you more. This is my curse power. It will not stay in your body for too long, and it will cause damage to your body, but it will dissipate sooner or later."

Huang De has always been worried about Chu Dong's body, whether it is the previous painting amulet or the curse power, he is worried that Chu Dong is too young to cherish life.

To waste life at a low-level, this is undoubtedly the most worthless for a warlock, and Chu Dong's talent is so good, Huang De really wants to train him well.

However, passing on the curse power in this way will consume a lot of curse power, and the effect is not good. On the contrary, the damage to Huang De is even greater.

Huang De gave Chu Dong curse power while persuading him. He always felt that Chu Dong felt that Warlock was too easy.

Don't take own life.

"Don't think I'm hiding from you, I'm really doing it for your own good. After all, the warlock is a short-lived road.

But our lives are more valuable than the lives of most people. If there were no warlocks in this world, they would all have to die, and the Practitioner would be a waste.

So the first thing I teach you, which is also something you must remember, is to cherish your life. "

After Huang De transferred the curse power to Chu Dong, he was obviously weaker. Before Huang De could use the spell to solve it, he would never use his own ability, because of this.

The warlock must spare his life

This is why the orthodox warlock looks down on the Practitioner. The pure Practitioner is indeed very strong, and can even kill the warlock in a face-to-face situation, because most of the spells require materials and preparation, and even require chanting.

The Practitioner only relies on its own body, a powerful physical body, to tear everything apart.

But the Practitioner lives for himself, and the Practitioner can't save anyone. In such a world, if you meet a ghost, there is no difference in a pure Practitioner except that it lasts for a while longer than ordinary people.

But the Practitioner can still enjoy a social status similar to that of a warlock, and Huang De has always been very upset about this matter.

When Chu Dong saw that Huang De was so sluggish, he was also agitated.

"I know what you mean, you are all for my good."

Huang De: "I, I was a stubborn one. If you can live two days longer, you can live two more days, and it's not necessary to live two days less.

But your future will be more important than mine.

Before that, I still want to tell you that all things are divided into Yin & Yang. The inner energy of Yang Qi can be classified as Yang, but the mantra power is classified as Yin, so it will damage your body at all times, because we It's a living person, it's Yang.

So talisman can also be divided into Yin talisman and Yang talisman. Yang talisman is the normal talisman in your perception, and Yin talisman is drawn with the power of mantra.

But almost everything in the world cannot bear the power of a curse and make it immortal, so the Yin Talisman can only be painted and used.

Yin talisman needs to be activated with Yang Qi, and it will explode after activation, so your arrow must be close enough. "

Huang De's words seemed to open a new door to Chu Dong. He had also vaguely discovered this problem before. Huang De used the curse power to inspire the Sunburst Talisman, and the spell exploded in his hands.

It was like a bomb that Huang De used to detonate it.

Simply put, Yin Talisman and Yang Talisman are different fuzes. Yang Talisman needs Yin to detonate, while Ghost Qi and Mantra power are both Yin and can be detonated.

On the other hand, the Yin Talisman needs Yang to detonate, and internal Qi and Yang Qi belong to Yang.

And there is no yang energy in the ghost, which causes the yin talisman on his arrow to fail to take effect.

Huang De: "I remember that you used to draw talisman empty-handed last time. If you can overlap the yin talisman with the yang talisman, then the power is great."

As soon as Huang De's voice fell, there was a loud noise. Chu Dong and Huang De both exploded back. Huang De climbed out from the corner beside the wall. The buns were all blown up, and Chu Dong was not much better. force.

Chu Dong was stunned. When did the spells hurt people? Doesn't it only take effect on ghosts?

Although the damage is not great, but the knockback ability is too much?

Huang De cursed: "What did you do with a moth!"

Chu Dong: "I...

I, I just tried it as you said. I drew a Yin and Yang talisman. I didn't expect it to be so powerful. "

[Two completely opposite energies are no longer canceled each other after the transformation of the spell]

[Instead, a series reaction far exceeding the sum of the energy of the two occurred]

[The technological level of this world is to some extent even more than that of the original world]

Huang De: "How did you do it? Doesn't it take time for you to draw symbols?"

Huang De was also dumbfounded. The curse power belonged to him. It was very solid. It might indeed have this effect, but he had been talking to Chu Dong, blinking at most, and he didn't even see Chu Dong's painting amulet.

Chu Dong straightened his own hair and showed it again in front of Huang De, but instead of using Yang Qi this time, he simply gestured in the air with five fingers.

It seemed that he grabbed it randomly in the air, but the five fingers seemed to have their own thoughts, which was extremely weird.

Chu Dong: "There are nine paintings of the Yangyang Talisman. The five fingers are allocated properly, and the space is mismatched. This can reduce this charm into two strokes, that is, I draw five strokes with five fingers at the same time."

Of course, this is the result of brain research and optimization. Chu Dong can't do it. If the five fingers are separated and manipulated, the brain must be the brain.

After the fusion degree exceeds 2%, the brain can control Yang Qi separately.

Huang De wanted to curse a bit, but he didn't know what to curse. It wasn't that he hadn't learned amulets, but amulets were always rigid, with many rules, and they would be discarded if they were careless.

Let alone whether anyone can perform Chu Dong's operation, even normal people would not even dare to think so.

There is an order for each stroke of the spell, even if it is fast, it has to be nine strokes. This is fixed, but this kid caught it twice in the air.

The question is it is still successful?

Suddenly, Wu Yong behind the two vomited a mouthful of blood, and Huang De didn't leave Chu Dong when he saw something bad, but asked him to go in quickly.

The curse power that Huang De passed on to him was naturally dissipating, and it was also canceling out with his own Yang Qi. At this speed, he would have astigmatism in less than half an hour.

So this thing is really not able to keep it, it must be used as soon as possible.

Chu Dong turned around and stretched his hand into the black energy beside Wu Yong, and then pressed his shoulders, the space transformed, and he came to another house again, still at the gate.

It's just that he was the only one at this door, and Wu Yong was fighting with the other himself in the courtyard. The two ghosts raised by Wu Yong had already died, and the other seemed to be dead soon.

And this evil ghost that replicated Wu Yong also vividly replicated the aging of Wu Yong's body. It was not for standing, but lying on the ground, with all four feet on the ground, dark eyes and blood on the corners of the mouth.

And look at Wu Yong's body again, there are still a few tooth marks.

Chu Dong: "Go on, I'll come to rescue you right away!"

[In the process of establishing a target motion model and collecting data for analysis]

Chu Dong trot all the way and stepped behind Huang De, without even looking at him. Wu Yong saw Chu Dong running to the coffin, his palm trembling, and a sunburst talisman formed instantly, and he slapped himself to death with a slap. NS.

Then Chu Dong began to stand in front of the mourning hall and watch the play, really watching the play, staring at the battle between the two intently.

This made Wu use his breath to stop fighting. Is this person coming in to come in to see a joke?

Wu Yong: "You stinky boy, can't you help me? What are you looking for!"

Chu Dong: "I'm just helping you!"

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