Name: Chu Dong

Strength: 0.7

Constitution: 0.8

Bioenergy: 5 (105) (The basic consumption of a normal person is 20 units per day, and the bioenergy in brackets is overdraftable, including but not limited to the decomposition of muscle fat and other means)

[The theory is that ordinary human cells have a lifespan, but stem cells do not]

[Theoretically, if there are enough stem cells, humans can live forever]

[But as life progresses, the total amount of stem cells will gradually decrease]

[If the degree of brain fusion can be advanced to 10-20, it can unlock cell control, control the number of stem cells, replace senescent cells, and achieve theoretical immortality]

Chu Dong: "Hey~ I'm all dying now!"

[The host is still young, and his life is long enough]

"I thank you!"

After changing into clean clothes, Chu Dong began to observe the village. Most of the people in the morning went to the back of the village, carrying some farm tools or something on their backs.

There are also some small vendors on the street starting to sell things, and they are all life products, nothing fancy.

The old Wang on the door got up much earlier than Chu Dong. He kept sitting by the window staring at Chu Dong, thinking that it was dawn, no matter how fierce this ghost was, he shouldn't come out again.

But he actually saw Chu Dong scrubbing his body in the sun?

Village Chief: "Am I guessing wrong?"

Chu Dong also deliberately glanced at the yard next to him. That was the yard where Xiaotong lived. According to the scholar's original memory, Xiaotong had no mother, but only a father, but he rarely went out on weekdays.

In his impression, he was an old man in his thirties, but with the appearance of fifty or sixty, a man with a hunched back, white head, and even a waist that could not be straight.

In memory, this person's appearance has always been very different from his age, but at least six months ago, his hair was still black, that is, his appearance in his forties and fifty years, and the biggest change has been in the past six months.

The old man is called Wu Yong, and the woman who looks exactly like the female ghost is called Wu Tong. The scholar and this household have been neighbors for more than ten years.

This Wu Yong is a magic stick, and most of the weddings and funerals around here will find him.

Chu Dong was staring at Wu Yong's yard in a trance, when he heard a click, the red-painted gate was opened.

This Wu used in the village can be regarded as an old godlike existence, so his family is very rich, only their family can use this door painted with Tongue paint.

An old man dressed in silk and satin walked out of the door and went to the east of the village. When he left, he looked back at Chu Dong. His eyes were sharp, giving Chu Dong the feeling of standing upside down.

"These thirty-somethings are in their prime, how can they be so old?"

[This state is indeed aging, not a physical disease. The skin condition, stride length, and hair quality are all in line with the characteristics of aging]

[But normal Progeria can't live so long]

"In my thirties, it's really weird to look at someone in their sixties."

Suddenly, there was the sound of knocking gongs from the village. A young man in his twenties knocked from the street to the end, shouting, "Dead man! Dead man! The drunkard died in front of the liquor store!"

The village head across from the door hurriedly ran out, seeing that the direction was the same as the one Wu used before.

The news of the death was only notified, so did Wu Yong know in advance?

At this time, Wu Tong walked out, wearing a veil and beautiful clothes. No matter how she looked like the girl in this village, she was like a pampered Miss.

Where the skin on your body looks like it has been exposed to the sun, it should be that you haven't done farm work at all.

"Chu Dage, let's go over and see what happened?

We haven't spoken in a long time. "

Wu Tong looked at Chu Dong's eyes, it was affectionate, and everyone could tell that she liked Chu Dong, but Chu Dong himself couldn't understand it before.

After all, a scholar, don't look at or listen to any evil, the nerd dare not even look directly at his face.

Chu Dong: "The shadow has appeared again?

why is that? Could it be my illusion yesterday? "

[It is not an illusion, but the data is insufficient, and it is not possible to analyze it for the time being]

Wu Tong looked at Chu Dong in a daze and shouted in confusion.

"Chu Dage?"

Chu Dong: "Ao, I'm sorry to be distracted, let's go and have a look."

"Chu Dage, you have been in a coma for seven days. I begged my father several times, but he was unwilling to help you. I'm sorry, but I couldn't help you."

Wu Tong lowered his head, a little frustrated, as if he had done something wrong.

Chu Dong: "What do you apologize to me, am I okay?"

"Well, I heard the village chief said that he was going to the mansion to help you find a talisman. I didn't expect the talisman in this mansion to be quite useful. My father said before that the talisman would not do much."

Chu Dong chatted with the girl a few words, and found that her conversation was generous and decent, and she was more like a person who had read books, no wonder she liked a nerd like Chu Dong.

In this world, women can't read books. Even if they are reading, they have to read secretly at home. They can't make any publicity, let alone participate in scientific examinations.

What makes him most strange is that Wu Yong's attitude towards own, a neighbor of more than ten years, if he is really capable, why not save himself?

Moreover, in his impression, Wu Yong was not the kind of person who could not save him. He helped solve many strange things in this village. In the face of the poor people at that time, Wu Yong often refused to collect money.

But to yourself alone?

[There are two most probable explanations for the current situation]

[First, Wu Yong has something to do with you hitting a ghost, he wants you to die, the probability is above 60]

[Secondly, Wu Yong is not able to save you, or it will cost a lot to save you, the probability is around 30]

In fact, Chu Dong is biased towards the first explanation, because the female ghost looks exactly the same as Wu Tong. This can't be for no reason, but Wu Tong is alive now?

This is so strange.

The two of them had reached the place where the dead man was. Most of the people here knew each other. Seeing that Chu Dong came over, they all hid far away.

It did let Chu Dong see the place of the dead man smoothly.

The dead man was a drunkard in ragged clothes. He could smell a lot of alcohol from a distance of one meter, his face was slightly purple, his palms were white, but he saw no wounds.

It's just the color of the skin, which is really strange.

[This color mostly appears on people who died of hypoxia]

Everyone dared not touch the dead, but Wu used to touch the dead, and didn't know what he was touching. The old Wang's head was rubbing his hands anxiously beside him.

"Why is this dead again? How can this be good!"

Wu Yong looked up at the village head, and asked casually, "Village head, no one called last night, right?"

"I did it a few days ago. Didn't this little Chu feel better? I just fell asleep. Look at my brain, the gong for the changer is still in my house.

My fault, my fault. "

Wu Yong glanced back at Chu Dong, his eyes seemed a little puzzled and puzzled.

Wu Yong: "The village chief, you can't stop this fight, otherwise something will happen."

Village Chief: "Little Chu, you took over this job yesterday, so you can't speak without counting!"

A group of people looked at Chu Dong, and then Chu Dong remembered why he used to make a shift in the first place, and it was the hard work that no one wanted to do when he was half pushed and half pushed.

Because many of the people who called the watch in the middle of the night had problems, and no one wanted to do it.

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