Chu Dong held the secret book in his hand tightly, his mind was running at a high speed, what method should he use to change this matter.

Huang De's line of numerology is fuzzy and distorted because of his involvement and strength, but other people's fortunes are not necessarily the same. Chu Dong can easily see the fortune of an ordinary person now.

"Using other people's fortunes to figure out Huang De's information, and then infer the cause of Death, how about?"

[Feasibility calculation]

[High success rate, but huge data is needed]

[Even if the hardware is re-added, the current computing power of the brain is not enough]

"Then I will take the initiative to rule out some unnecessary possibilities."

There are some things with very low probability, but as long as there is a little possibility, the intellectual brain will count it. This is the rigidity of the intellectual brain. If its computing power is unlimited, then this is not a shortcoming, but will be perfect.

But now Chu Dong had to help him clarify his thoughts.

Compared with Zhi Nao, Chu Dong has few advantages, and the biggest advantage is creativity.

Chu Dong spoke suddenly and walked to the door.

"You can't change your life, I'll change it!

Sister, follow me to the city! "

Chu Dong put the secret book in his arms and ran out of the camp hurriedly. He still can't ride a horse. Really riding a horse can only let Zhi Brain come fully automatically.

After Chu Dong left, Huang De looked at Zhuge Yuan's eyes and revealed some killing intent.

"You old man, want to see me die?"

"That's not true. I just want to see what your most proud apprentice looked like when he was finally desperate. I thought that when I was a beginner, I felt that I had an insight into everything.

Same as him now. "

Huang De glared at Zhuge Yuan and cursed.


Zhuge Yuan left wisely, and Zhu Rou and Huang De were left in the camp. Zhu Rou lost her rigid temper and leaned on Huang De's shoulders.

"You damn it, you are willing to come to me because you know you are dying?"

Huang De looked at Zhu Rou with extremely gentle eyes. He knew that he was carrying danger, so he left alone. He didn't want to involve Yang Yiqing and his own wife, and came to Xiaogu Village alone for retirement.

It's just that the later development became more and more out of control.

"In my whole life, you and Xiao Qing are the most sorry, so this new apprentice, I am very concerned.

I also want to find a way out for your mothers.

Xiaoqing's character is difficult to be a climate. If I die, someone must be able to protect you.

That kid Chu Dong is very talented and he also attaches great importance to feelings.

The only thing is that the temper is not ruthless enough. He doesn't want to kill anyone. This is too fatal. Since I am destined to die, I have to think of a way to make my own death worthwhile. I have to let you accompany me in a scene.

This Zhuge Yuan is still useful. "

After hearing this, Zhu Rou slapped her face.

"You damn it!

I waited for you for half a year, thinking that I was here to enjoy the good fortune with you, but in the end you let my mother watch you die and have to accompany you in acting! "

Chu Dong is not from this world. He brought over the thinking that life is very important in the previous life. This thinking that life is greater than the sky was carved into his bones by the race named China.

Obviously, Huang De does not like this, and it is really not suitable for future development.

In Huang De's view, Yang Yiqing is more ruthless than Chu Dong. This is what he worries most. Huang De has never been afraid of death. He is afraid that he is dead, and he has not left a good way for the people he cares about.

On the other side, Chu Dong and Yang Yiqing rushed to Lin Ming's mansion on horseback. Chu Dong just stood on the street, the strange doors opened, watching the pedestrians passing by.

"Good luck, good luck, bad luck, Suekichi, Suekichi..."

Chu Dong looked at the pedestrians, only Five Elements Eight Trigrams and Heavenly Stems Earthly Branches were in his eyes. He needed data, a large amount of data, and the two stood at the gate of the city for an hour.

[A total of 1200 people are estimated, and within three days the number of culprits is 0, and the culprit is 12]

Chu Dong pondered for a moment.

"If you put it this way, then the cause of Master's death three days later has nothing to do with things in this city. These people are still alive after three days.

Without the participation of ancient officials, maybe I can really change.

Sister, let's go back! "

Yang Yiqing was also very anxious. She couldn't understand. The only thing she can do now is to follow Chu Dong and protect him. At least Chu Dong is working hard, he has a direction.

After Chu Dong returned to the barracks, he found everyone in the camp that Yu Quan was anxious.

Everyone was unclear. Therefore, even Huang De came over in confusion. He didn't know what Chu Dong was going to do. Could it be that he wanted these ordinary people to protect himself?

Isn't that superfluous?

In front of Chu Dong, there appeared a three-dimensional map outside Lin Ming's mansion with a radius of a hundred miles, which he had stepped on step by step with Zhuge Yuan.

Chu Dong spliced ​​dozens of pieces of rice paper, drew a complete map on top, and divided the map into one hundred areas.

He stood in front of more than eight hundred people, talking endlessly and dying.

"This one hundred areas, in groups of eight, will be your patrol places for the next seven days.

Three days later, my Master is about to die, that person. "

Chu Dong pointed to Huang De with his finger.

"Whoever of you finds his corpse, I will give you ten thousand dollars, and you will be promoted to the first rank.

I do what I say! "

As soon as Chu Dong said these words, there was an uproar in this camp. This reward was definitely rich enough, but this method made them a little confused. What is death after three days?

And he said this in front of everyone. Is this planning to kill himself in three days?

The more I heard Zhu Rou, the more wrong it became. This is Huang De's apprentice who has high hopes, that's it?

Chu Dong hand seals both palms, the first layer of spiritual patterns opens, and a complete Qimen Formation is unfolded, encompassing all these 800 people. He depends on the fortunes of these 800 people.

Sweat beaded continuously on Chu Dong's forehead. This was a side effect caused by the wisdom brain's full operation, and fever.

Zhuge Yuan saw this scene beside him and couldn't help but whispered.


Huang De was puzzled, so he asked what it meant.

Zhuge Yuan didn't want to explain that he could only open Yang Eyes for a few people, including Wu Yong, who enjoyed this benefit. With the Yang Eyes opened by Zhuge Yuan, it is very clear to look at Qi Men.

They immediately saw a scene completely different from normal sight.

An odd goalkeeper includes eight hundred people, and this odd goal is constantly turning, like a mechanical gear with no end.

Zhuge Yuan explained in due course.

"You are too strong and you are too close to him, he can't figure out your numerology.

I just want to rely on these ordinary people's numerology changes to find some information. His promise will make your death a good omen for some people.

As long as he finds among these eight hundred people, those whose fortunes are changing rapidly, your death place will be determined.

But normal people can't do it at all. If you want me to figure out the fortunes of these 800 people, it won't work if you don't have half a month. "

Although Zhuge Yuan was dissatisfied, he had to admit that Chu Dong was much better than him.

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