Dedicate One’s Mind

Chapter 1000: : Internal and external troubles

In the face of their doubts, Wu Yi understood that it was useless to say anything at the moment, and said: "You can wait for the marshal to reply, goodbye! At that time, the marshal will not only punish me, but also praise me!"

"The general thinks very highly of himself, and he is afraid that things will go against his wishes and ask for hardships!" Someone underneath bluntly said his own opinions, and didn't care about Wu Yi at all.

Wu Yi didn't care much about it, and still said, "It's okay, you'll see the difference then!"

A fierce questioning meeting was downplayed and resolved by Wu Yi, but was it really resolved? As soon as many people underneath were about to leave the camp, they mobilized their subordinates, surrounded Wu Yi, and forced Wu Yi to relinquish power.

But when they got up one by one and prepared to leave, they found that outside the camp, there were many swords and swords drawn!

"Why do you lead this?"

"Could the leader want to detain us with the intent of rebellion?"

"It's not too late to lead the way back at this moment!"


Noisy, like a vegetable market.

One after another stern voices came out, but Wu Yi didn't believe in every sentence they said. At this moment, their lives are under Wu Yi's control, and this unit can't get confused.

Just as an important part of scheduling, without them, it would be impossible for the team to fight in these few days!

"The messenger will go here quickly. Within a day, he will be able to report to the marshal to know about it. Once and again, but only two days, I will bother you to discuss military opportunities with the next!" Wu Yi said unhurriedly. .

In the presence, one person stood up, sneered, completely ignored, and insisted to be the first bird, "Funny! I--"

Huh -, well, then, you also understand that birds in their early years generally die earlier.

But there were a lot of people present, and some of them resisted. Wu Yi once again told them what he meant with his superb archery skills and bright red blood.

This time, it was deserted. Individually, when the arrow passed in front of them, they were already incontinent. Inside the camp, there was a strange smell floating, but even the person involved was silent at the moment and didn't move at all.

The people present were all tempered. After the initial surprise, there was plenty of time to think about it at this moment. Gradually, some of Wu Yi's intentions were realized. The problem lies with the soldiers.

The consumption of soldiers these days, they see it in their eyes, but also anxiously attack the crowd in their hearts. It's not that simple.

But thinking that there will be reinforcements in the future, so he can still remain calm, and Wu Yi, as the person with the most information channels, is afraid that he has realized something, even if he is going to fight the marshal, he resolutely detains the team of five hundred people.

Does this force Zhang Tianwen to send troops quickly?

Does this mean that Zhang Tianwen didn't plan to send troops?

Does this mean that he is regarded as an abandoned son by Zhang Tianwen?

This move, is it...

Countless doubts linger in these people's minds, and the more they think, the more they become frightened, and they realize Wu Yi's previous feelings, but where they have Wu Yi's disposition, at this moment, all of them are panicked and fidgeting! Whispering, as fine as a mosquito!

Wu Yi read the news recently sent by the scout, coughed lightly, and said, "Quiet!" The audience was solemn.

Wu Yi told them before that he was preparing to discuss military affairs and arranging combat matters, but he was not deceiving them. Now I will start, hang up the map, and use a horse whip to temporarily replace it without a pointer. It looks decent.

However, in hindsight, the group of bandits who understood their own situation, at this moment, wherever they have the mind to listen carefully, they are all wandering outside the world, thinking about how to run away!

Of course, there are also a few people who are listening carefully to Wu Yi's talk. Seeing Wu Yi's battle plan, they have not cooperated with the reinforcements at all, and their hearts are even more nervous.

"Dare to ask the commander, why is there no plan to cooperate with the reinforcements?"

This question can be regarded as clarifying the matter. Everyone present pricked their ears and listened carefully!

Wu Yi put down his whip and said: "Reinforcement, I'm afraid it won't come in a short time!"


"The marshal is going to abandon us?"

"There are hundreds of thousands of troops on the opposite side! With us, how can you resist it?"

Within the camp, for a while, it once again became a sea of ​​disputes.

Wu Yi waited for a full moment. After they were about to say the same thing, he followed their thoughts and said, "The command the Marshal gave us is just to contain it, but it didn't let us talk to him. Head-to-head!"

"Do you mean that we can retreat?"

"That will be regarded as a deserter, I'm afraid I won't escape!"

"The big deal is to enter the mountain again as a bandit!"

"With the power of the dynasty, wherever you flee, you will inevitably die!"

There is no need for Wu Yi to explain, they have already predicted the results in the future, and the situation at the moment is even more pessimistic! Some people even offered to join the northern tribes.

Twitter, this is the result of many hills, opinions are difficult to unify, everyone has their own ideas.

After another silence, Wu Yi continued to explain his battle plan.

This time, there were more people who listened, but they weren't trying to implement this plan, but to sell it at a good price.

What price, of course, is the price of relying on the Northland tribes! This is the first-hand military situation and it is very important. With these news, it may be able to reverse the situation.

Wu Yi knew more or less about the minds of the people underneath. His expression remained unchanged, and he continued to explain. In the midst of counter-planning, there was a dead end.

What is a dead time, that is, spreading false information to confuse the opponent's spies, and the other's spies sent the news back, but in the end it was false. The life of the spies who sent back the news is unsafe, it is for the dead.

Is Wu Yi using a deadly trick at the moment? Although they are not spies at the moment, they may meet Wu Yi's swordsman soon.

So it's a dead When they betrayed, if they use this as a stepping stone, they should be careful to be thrown away by Wu Yi.

After talking for an hour or two, the plan was explained, and then there was a long wait. Although many of them were betrayed, they still expected Wu Yi's guess to be false, and Zhang Tianwen did not give up on them.

After all, the price of betrayal is too high, and you have to endure discriminatory eyes all the time, and you may not get the result after a lot of hard work.

They hoped that after Zhang Tianwen knew about it, he would be able to transfer the army, directly seize Wu Yi's position, replace him with a newcomer, and then take advantage of the situation and take the right to Sirius City.

One day passed. After the matter was fermented, the entire team did not move at all, and everyone was waiting for Zhang Tianwen's response.

And some slick little people had already seized the opportunity to leave and transferred to the northern captives, telling them what happened in Wu Yi's army.

Internal and external troubles, come together!

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