Dedicate One’s Mind

Chapter 1009: : Curse war

   During the early scolding battle, I didn't anticipate the range of the marksman on the opposite side, and he damaged a few people and made his face embarrassed.

   This person is simply inhuman, and that arrow can shoot one mile away. Wu Yi wonders if the opposite is the same as himself, but from immortality.

This is manpower, not a bed crossbow and other equipment. In fact, even a bed crossbow may not be able to shoot one mile away, which is several times more than the normal distance. Even with the blessing of the high city height, Wu Yi asked himself to be far inferior to this person. .

   Grasping the distance, worrying that the voice is not loud enough, Wu Yi gathered everyone together and scolded them together.

   In these days of the Daji Dynasty, Wu Yi was not without a scolding war, but this time, it was the first time Wu Yi regarded scolding war as an important way to win.

   In fact, as long as the other side defends the city and waits for the reinforcements to return, Wu Yi will be attacked on both sides, and the possibility of defeat is very high. Otherwise, with Wu Yi's temperament, he can kill you directly, why do you have to talk more.

   Wu Yi stood behind the team and looked at the scene ahead. He said nothing. The success or failure of this matter is directly related to his fate. If the opponent has enough patience, Wu Yi will have to retreat.

   Yu Wuci, who put forward this suggestion, didn't need Wu Yi to suggest, his own family consciously stood in front of the team, instructing the soldiers how to swear.

   Otherwise, a group of big soldiers, who have said the past, are just the same words, filthy and lacking in new ideas.

   There are two main breakthroughs in Wuci's choice.

   In the first place, I questioned his abilities other than archery, saying that he was just a sinister villain who could only shoot cold arrows and was totally unmanly. Of course, once the curse was over, the actual vocabulary was much uglier than the above words.

The second place is to question whether the opposite marksman had an affair with the wife of the Nichinan patriarch. This marksman who was given the name of sunset by the patriarch of the Nichinan patriarch had this opportunity to protect the patriarch’s family all year round. In fact, regarding this rumor, it is also It has been around for a long time.

  Of course, the so-called has been circulating for a long time, but it is only a transfer among the high-level Nichinan people. If Yu Wuci was born in the Nichinan family and knew some secrets, it would not be a breakthrough at this moment.

   When scolding the marksman in front is a sinister villain, the other side scolds back, and the two sides are here to compete for the number of people, shouting!

Although there were a lot of people on the opposite side, Wu Yi's side had a big victory during the previous battle. If it hadn't been for the marksman who had jumped out, he would have already gone up to the tower. It was this moment that Wu Yi's side was more powerful, and in his words, he was full of contempt. color.

   However, when the sharpshooter and the mistress were ambiguous, the opponent shot an arrow directly.

  The marksman is worthy of being a marksman. Even if Wu Yi pulls more than one mile away, he can shoot from nearly two miles away, which is worthy of hitting Yu Wuci.

   Of course, at this distance, it's the end of the crossbow, unable to penetrate clothes, it is no different from scratching.

   When Wu Yi saw this, he took a deep look at Yu Wuci's back. It seemed that he had hit the sore spot of the marksman! Otherwise, the opposite side wouldn't be so gaffe, knowing that it didn't make sense, they would shoot an arrow.

  Before, Yu Wuci said that this marksman was arrogant and arrogant, and could break the law with excitement, but Wu Yi had some doubts in his heart.

  Being able to become a marksman, his mind is definitely far better than ordinary people. Otherwise, his hands are shaking, and he can't even hold an arrow. How can he become a marksman.

   Now it seems that it is not that the other party is arrogant and arrogant, but that Yu Wuci has pinched the other party's shortcomings.

Yu Wuci was hit by the arrow and staggered. Although it was only the arrow's spare force, his chest was still rolling, quite uncomfortable, but stood up with the discomfort. At this moment, it was time to hit the iron while it was hot to completely attract the opponent from the wall. It is much more convenient to come out without the obstacles of the city.

   No matter how strong the marksman is, he is only one person, with a thousand swords and a thousand cuts, making him turn into meat.

The curses were endless, but there was no second arrow shot. If there was half an hour, many people's throats were smoked and slack, but Wu Yi's face was flat. At this moment, there should be a dispute in the city. See the result of their dispute.

   After another cup of tea, the cursing has stopped, and I can't shout. In fact, cursing is also a physical task, which consumes a lot of energy.

   But at this moment, the city gate opened, and a pair of men and horses rushed out. The leader was not the sharpshooter, but who else was it.

He was holding the rein in his left hand and the big bow in his right hand. He galloped out angrily, just like a strong wind, rushing out of a mile in a flash, and then he saw him open his bow and set arrows, with a sound of stubbornness, and several arrows. The shot will come out and take the lives of several soldiers.

   A group of soldiers who had participated in the scolding war hurriedly raised their swords across the horse and prepared to fight.

  Wu Yi is on a slightly higher terrain, looking down, this sharpshooter is out of the city this time, with no more than three hundred soldiers and horses by his side, you know, Wu Yi is surrounded by nearly four thousand people!

   Wu Yi didn't bother to care about whether they had a dispute inside ~ Anyway, this was a great opportunity to immediately let the drummer standard bearer convey his order, outflank it, and be sure to wipe out this team.

"Swish swish swish!" Three arrows were fired in a row with a huge impact, and they shot directly through the solid horse's head, even the man and the horse fell down. Many soldiers saw this man, and they were afraid of thinking, a little hesitated. forward.

   The striker didn't even have the will to fight. As a last resort, Wu Yi had to go to the battle himself. Without himself, the striker would not necessarily be broken directly.

   The inner layer of fine silver silk armor, the middle layer is a self-cultivating soft hedgehog, and the outer layer is also covered with a standard armor. This is what Wu Yi is wearing now, not to mention the strong shield that is raised from side to side.

   And all this is just to deal with this person.

The two sides continued to approach. When the distance between the two sides was less than 100 meters, at the speed of a galloping horse, it was just an instant of time. There are hundreds of kilograms of mountain axe, which is unmatched by thousands of troops.

  The mountain axe slashed down, letting people see what is called blood and cruelty, blood and flesh flying all over, nothing.

   Either the chest is divided into two, or the waist is divided into two, so it is no more than a cut in the waist. Separating from top to bottom, people will not die in the first place, but will deplete their vitality little by little under tremendous pain, which is definitely a huge torture.

  At this moment, if there is a running horse that can quickly end life, it will be a happy thing.

   This marksman not only has first-rate shooting skills, but his axe is as smooth and fluent as his peers. However, behind this evaluation is the smudge of blood.

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