Dedicate One’s Mind

Chapter 1032: :Imperial City

The power of the emperor actually depends on three things: the barrel of the gun, the purse, and the barrel of the pen.

The barrel of the gun represents the political and military affairs, the purse represents the economy, and the barrel represents the culture, with decreasing importance.

Being able to grasp the three things will have the basis for reform and the foundation for making meritorious deeds. In other words, there is a chance to become a great emperor, but whether he can achieve it in the end depends on the right time and place.

Being able to hold the two things is basically not difficult. If you want to expand, some problems that don't break out on weekdays will appear "inexplicably", and it is impossible to prevent them.

Can hold the same. In that case, the emperor will be more tired. It can be said that he has been walking a tightrope, and he will be overthrown if he is not careful.

Nothing at all, um—that's a puppet, not within the scope of our discussion, skip it.

The basic theory is like this, but in real life, it is changeable. Whether it is a gun, a purse, or a pen, there are disobedient and obedient divisions. ...... It all depends on the politician's skill, which contains political wisdom.

At the same time, the army is divided into the new army and the old army, the money is divided into the new money and the old money, and the pen also has the difference between the veteran and the new. The interest demands are also different, even tit-for-tat, the peers are enemies! How to achieve relative balance is also worth pondering.

In one sentence, who is our friend and who is our enemy is very important, especially for the emperor.

In the Huidi era, there was nothing wrong with the border. Some people said that he did not get the support of the military when he was in office and deliberately suppressed and ignored them. It is difficult to verify the true and false. Anyway, the people living in the Huidi era are the most fortunate. There should be no one at this point. Will question.

The above are the nine emperors of the Daji Dynasty. They have had a huge impact on the development of the Daji Dynasty. Some people say that it is possible to become the tenth emperor today, but they are still in power, which is not enough to make a conclusive conclusion. His ambitious posture is still evident.

Regarding the deeds today, I will leave it to be introduced in the future.

The capital that Wu Yi has come to now is called Zhongjing by the people of the Daji Dynasty. In addition to Zhongjing, there are also four capitals, east, west, north, and south. Different times, the selected capitals are also different.

In short, because Taizu started his army from the east, he had a mass foundation and a solid foundation, so the capital was to the east and it was Tokyo.

In the Ming Dynasty, in order to get rid of the constraints of conservative forces and also to stabilize the vast territory, the capital was moved to the north, which was called Beijing.

After the death of Emperor Ming, the dynasty continued to change. Tokyo and Beijing were dilapidated due to military disasters. Under the circumstances at that time, the emperor chose to move the capital to Xijing.

As a vassal king, Ruidi formed a partial unity on the side of the Qing Dynasty. Because he started his army from the south, he was the capital of Nanjing.

Emperor Xuan's Northern Expedition and the Eastern Expedition were quite effective, and the idea of ​​moving the capital was also inspired, but the real move to the current Central Capital was still in the era of Emperor Ping, and he was the great emperor who practised anti-corruption.

Accompanied by the relocation of the capital, there are often large-scale migration and enrichment operations, which is also an action to crack down on local tycoons. This policy is the most severely implemented by Emperor Ping.

The capital city, supported by the entire country, brings huge consumption power. The people in the neighborhood can get a share of it, but for those who are used to the landlord’s wealth, the emperor was far away from the mountain in the past, and now the emperor Just not far away, it may not be satisfactory. Love you ebook

Before becoming the capital, Zhongdu was a land of three states, surrounded by mountains on three sides, water on one side, and seven small rivers crisscrossing each other. It is a typical small basin that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It can persist even under heavy siege. .

Because of this characteristic of Zhongdu, it is known as the "three-state flower like a brocade, and the eight rivers flow around the city".

The population of the central capital is as large as five million people, and the number of migrants who are bustling each year is no less than this number.

At this moment, Wu Yi and the imperial commissioner took an official boat along the Linghe, one of the eight rivers, and entered the boundary of the central capital.

In the early morning, Yangliu Yiyi, the willow branches swaying in the wind, seemed to welcome guests from afar. After passing the countryside, they entered the city gate, but they saw 36 Hualiu Alleys, 72 Orchestra Buildings, and Silk and Bamboo Orchestras. , Hawking along the street, it's really prosperous.

Thinking of what he saw along the way, Wu Yi felt a little bit, opened his mouth, and chanted: "Clean your mind and fame and fortune, and climb the Polygonum cylindrica freely. A peaceful sleep, no honour, no humiliation, no troubles."

The imperial servant walked in front, heard Wu Yi's words, stopped, smiled and replied: "It's right to have such a mood! The officials appreciate the people, let him know that you are happy and happy, and the officials can be happy too!"

Wu Yi arched his hands and said, "Thank you, father-in-law for your advice!"

The imperial envoy waved his hand and said, "It's okay. The official is a great good man who is born in a thousand years. He is worried about the society and sympathetic to the people, and he can't see the people suffer."

The saying that the great benevolent is born once in a thousand years actually refers to the highest support rate in nearly a thousand years at the time of Qianlong, because this matter and many things can be added to the saying that once in a thousand years.

Wu Yi promised: "The kid must not dare to talk nonsense!"

"Don't you want to think that I want you to deceive the monarch. The officials know everything about the world, and are familiar with people. If you want to deceive him, you can't go on deceiving."

The imperial envoy said this at this time, it was like covering one's ears and stealing a bell, but Wu Yi soon understood that the imperial remark was not a lie, and the person sitting in the dragon chair now knows about the things It's really far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Passing through the outer city and entering the inner city, this is the residence of wealthy people. It can be called an inch of gold. The ground is covered with hard blue stones. As you can see, they are all high-ranking families. In order to determine the star chart, Wu Yi can see the nobleness of the people walking here.

Here, I dropped a brick and smashed it to ten people. Maybe the nine people were officials of the fourth or fifth grade. As you can see, many of them are in official uniforms.

Horses are no longer allowed in the inner city. People who are qualified to ride a horse-drawn carriage in the inner city are not inferior. Anyone who sees a horse-drawn carriage passing by, people from all directions are evasive.

Fortunately, it was an imperial commissioner who led Wu Yi, who was in charge of the imperial life, so he was not subject to these many constraints, and he could also ride the horse. Many people along the way turned their eyes to Wu Yi, thinking that this is the nephew of the family again. Qualified to let imperial envoys lead the way.

After passing the inner city, there is the most central imperial city. The top of the city is towering, forty to fifty feet high, with many armoured soldiers, extremely tight, one by one is magnificent, and the eyes are like torches.

Here, an invisible sense of oppression enveloped Wu Yi.

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