Dedicate One’s Mind

Chapter 1034: : Play right

Time passed by, there was no one in the palace, and I was a small person. It didn’t matter to help me move forward. Fortunately to see the official family, it was the blessing of several generations of cultivation. What can I still think about? ?

Gu Qingyue walked round and round around Wu Yi's body. From the beginning to the end, the other waiting people entered ecstatically, and then left vainly. Leaving in the joy of the face saint.

After Weishi, it is Shenshi, which is called Zhushi by the people, which means that when the meal is finished, the sky gradually sinks, and the afterglow of the setting sun appears above the sky.

A cool breeze awakened Wu Yi. He woke up leisurely and refreshed. Wu Yi dare to say that this is the most stable sleep he has ever had since he came to the Upper Realm. .

Seeing Wu Yi's demeanor, Gu Qingyue didn't have the energy to complain. Anyway, he was not a fellow traveler. From now on, he might part ways. Just treat it as a passerby, don't be serious.

I thought like this in my heart, but seeing the sky dimmed, Gu Qingyue was really scared. He traveled all over the world, so he won't wait for a lonely one!

The official time is precious, and there are arrangements for tomorrow. Will you decline to meet?

The more I thought about it, the more worried Gu Qingyue became. On his beautiful face, there was a melancholy that couldn't be removed, and his temperament was a bit special.

After patted the dust under him, Wu Yi slowly got up. At this moment, besides the imperial army, Wu Yi and Gu Qingyue were the only ones left at the door.

The eyes of the forbidden army looking at Wu Yi were full of sarcasm and mockery. The face of the sage was full of trepidation. Could this man jump out of the crevices of the stone, he was so unscrupulous. The opportunity was also missed, it really deserves it.

Just as the forbidden army was gloating in the hearts of misfortunes, there was a long, long voice from the waiting door, "Chen Yan and Gu Qingyue were seen by them!"

Gu Qingyue's heart that had been holding it finally fell, and he hurriedly bowed his blessing and thanked the Lord Longen.

As soon as I woke up, I was lucky enough to be in the eyes of others. To Wu Yi, it seemed ordinary. After saluting in a proper manner, he and Gu Qingyue entered the Hall of Righteous Heart together with the **** who was led. This is the waiting door. In the main hall, you usually see the subordinates alone here today, and there are historians in it, which specifically record the content of the question and answer.

The sky was getting dark, and candles were already lit in the hall, and the lights were shining brightly like daylight.

The two entered the hall and bowed their heads. After hearing the "flat body", they carefully raised their heads. The pearl curtain was rolled, the golden palace was covered with cash, the phoenix fan opened, and the treasures stopped in front of the white jade steps, rich and magnificent, wonderful. Word.

Listening to the voice, it’s not difficult to hear that this official, tired of all day and worrying about Kyushu’s affairs, is already a little tired, receiving these many people continuously, thinking from the south to the north, can’t make a small mistake. The consumption is huge.

"Two Aiqings, regaining lost ground, resisting the North for months, preventing the enemy from going south, they are a model for our great military and civilians!"

Wu Yi and Gu Qingyue replied in unison: "Serving the country is the duty of a minister, and your majesty has a high reputation!"

"Too humble, just say what the two Aiqing want!"

"The ministers are ashamed, they lose their soldiers, and they don't dare to receive rewards!" Yes, Wu Yi's 10,000 people are gone. It is a reward at this moment. Someone will entangle him in the future, and maybe it will become a punishment again.

However, before he came, he had already said that Wu Yi was rewarded not because of credit, but because of political needs. Think twice

If it is really hard work, it will only be hard work. According to the argument that the military's merits and demerits have offset, Wu Yi has become a polished commander, and his innocence is already a great virtue.

Military is an extension of politics, but it is not the same as politics. Both Wu Yi and Gu Qingyue understand that before the two of them came, the documents to be sealed had been drafted long ago, and now it is just a process.

However, sometimes, the process is more important than the result, and the key is that rewards and punishments come from above.

According to common sense, after three requests and three resignations, you can get out, but at this moment, a **** suddenly shouted: "The queen is here!"

The real dragon emperor showed a faint smile, got up and went out to greet him.

As for Wu Yi and Gu Qingyue, they are even more exciting, carefully following behind, ready to ask for peace.

The queen is here for nothing else, because nowadays, she is often busy with government affairs. If she forgets the time to eat, she often cooks meals and delivers them in person. They are all old husbands and wives. The queen does not need to be pleased with sex. The important thing is, Keep your time in front of today.

Although delivering food is a trivial matter, in the harem, how can trivial matters be said that trivial matters will become major events when they go online. If there are more, some concubines just want to deliver them, and there is no such opportunity. No one dares to compete with the queen. this matter.

The food was delivered. The emperor might have gone to the Queen's Yard tonight. What a great opportunity.

After being forcibly fed a handful of dog food, Wu Yi listened to the sweet talk of the two, his eyes erratic, his left ear came in and his right ear came out.

Perhaps the emperor felt that Wu Yi and Gu Qingyue had been waiting for a long time and had no food, so he generously invited them to eat with him.

This is a great gift. Undoubtedly, being able to have dinner with the emperor will definitely add a lot of honor when you say it in the future. It is not an exaggeration to say that even Gu Qingyue's grandfather of the prince did not necessarily have dinner with the emperor.

Gu Qingyuecheng agreed with trepidation, but her heart was ecstatic and extremely excited.

In contrast, Wu Yi agreed generously and naturally.

The queen sat beside the official to prepare cutlery for him and set up the plates. At this time, there was no other subordinate to intervene uninterestingly.

There are several kinds of meals that the queen cooks every day, almost every day, in order to prevent the officials from getting bored. Today, the Queen did nine things. After the officials chose five, there were four remaining, and they were divided between Wu Yi and Gu Qingyue.

They are all very small dishes, and the dishes are exquisite. As for the portion size, there are really not many, because the queen prepared for one person.

Fortunately, there are a lot of melon and fruit desserts, and I barely mix it up. In addition, Gu Qingyue scrupulously cares about everyone's demeanor, and barely eats, Wu Yi can feast on it.

During the dinner, it was a rest time, but because Wu Yi and Gu Qingyue were on one side, it was impossible to rest.

The officials took advantage of the situation and asked about the battle of Sirius City. The queen persuaded him one or two, but did not stop it. Her husband worried about the country. If he stopped, the court would criticize her in various ways. From a certain perspective, Is it a chance for her to participate in politics?

In this way, for Wu Yi, it is another gift, because it prolongs the time of playing right in disguise,

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