Dedicate One’s Mind

Chapter 1040: : Why is it that a deer is a horse?

"Shut up, what's the difference is similar. Your Majesty took pains to hold a military parade just for actual combat. What is the difference between the two!" Zhang Tianwen hurriedly gave Wu Yi a severe lesson before the emperor asked. Everyone knows that this is protecting Wu Yi.

"Zhang Shuai is not anxious, just listen to General Chen's opinion? General Chen is young and talented, and he must be outstanding!" Another Ma Secretarial who was at the same level as Zhang Tianwen came out, seemingly struggling, but actually thinking To make the water more muddy, to tout Wu Yi, it is even more murderous.

Zhang Tianwen was naturally clear about Ma Shumi's scheming, and he didn't mind that he quarreled directly in front of the emperor, "Chen Yan is not sensible, and Ma is not sensible?"

Sometimes, it is not a good thing for bureaucrats to be monolithic. When necessary, a little dispute arises, which is harmless and can dispel the emperor's doubts.

As long as there is no tendency to form partisanship, the emperor will be able to reconcile and balance, which can be said to be the core of the emperor's heart. The people present are all old-fashioned opera bones, and all of them are clear. You think they are arguing, but they are actually acting for the emperor.

You have to ask the emperor, do you understand? Most of it understands, not to mention today, he may not have been on the front line, but for these, he is still familiar with it.

Most of the monarchs and ministers are acting. Since they are acting, they must cooperate with each other.

The emperor waited until Zhang Tianwen and Ma Shumi had quarreled before he became angry and told the two to stop and let Wu Yi say.

At this moment, Zhang Tianwen would not be able to help himself. Wu Yi knew that he had already done what he needed to do, so it was all up to him.

This time, Wu Yi no longer answered vaguely, but categorically said: "A military parade is different from actual combat!"

In today's dispute, the essence of the problem is not the difference between military parade and actual combat, but the absoluteness of imperial power. Tianzi himself also understood that the military parade could not be the same as actual combat, but he still expressed his dissatisfaction in order to test his authority.

Similar to referring to a deer as a horse, a deer cannot be a horse, but the person who speaks of a horse must not belong to him.

Zhang Tianwen and they must be flattering. If the emperor feels that they have two minds, then it will be broken. As for Wu Yi, he is lighthearted and basically just an amateur.

Wu Yi can naturally choose to flatter, but the effect is actually not good. It is not true to tell the truth, sitting in the name of a real amateur, leaving the emperor's heart with the idea of ​​daring to speak out.

Zhang Tianwen wandered into the sky, and it seemed that he didn't hear Wu Yi's answer. As for the other people, they snorted and regarded Wu Yi as a grandstanding person. Wu Shumi is worthy of them. A little Chen Yan, He De, how can , It will not let them go.

The emperor had no choice but to continue asking with a cold face: "Tell me, what's the difference?"

"Actual combatants, there are siege, siege, attack, kaleidoscopic, but one purpose, that is, to spend the least price, during the period, you can use the tricks of deception, virtual reality, and obtain the final victory."

There was speechless everywhere, and even the emperor did not say anything about it. Perhaps Wu Yi was a bit too naked. Wu Yi swallowed and continued: "And this military parade is to test the effectiveness of soldier training and to shock. Siyi, carry forward the people's style of advocating martial arts! Naturally, they should be upright!"

Finally Wu Yi came to the conclusion, saying: "The military parade and actual combat are incomparable. To request a military parade for the purpose of actual combat is nothing more than to ask for fish!"

"It's nonsense, so you don't have to prepare for actual combat in the military parade?" It was He Xianggong who was sitting on the third seat. Fat Cat Literature Network

"Naturally, we should prepare for actual combat. It is only the primary purpose of the military parade. It should be to deter the enemy and promote martial arts. The environment is different. It should not be required that the two be completely consistent!"

In fact, Wu Yi still considered the words, and he didn't dare to talk about embroidered pillows like the Wu Shumi, because he wanted to die.

Wu Yi and the He Xianggong, no one persuaded anyone. For these people who can only calculate, the conspiracy and tricks on the battlefield, to them, are like singing in a drama, real and illusory.

The emperor gave his final word, "Today's discussion is over here! I'm a little tired, so go back!"

The crowd bowed without mentioning it, Zhang Tianwen hinted to Wu Yi with his eyes, and Wu Yi nodded slightly in response.

After the breakup, everyone separated, quite a bit unhappy. Wu Yi and Zhang Tianwen walked together. In the eyes of others, Zhang Tianwen was Wu Yi's backing. It is normal to walk together, and it is abnormal if they are not together.

Although Wu Yi was dissatisfied with Zhang Tianwen, he almost killed himself before, but when he looked at the problem from a higher angle, he also had his own reasons for making such a decision.

The most important thing is that Wu Yi needs Zhang Tianwen as his backer at the moment when he is still under wings. Otherwise, in the previous dialogue, Wu Yi would not know how he died.

At the same time, as far as Zhang Tianwen is concerned, Wu Yi is also needed as an adherent to invite fame and respect. It's just obvious that Zhang Tianwen is absolutely dominant in the relationship between the two.

The mutual needs of both parties are the root cause of the dependency relationship. Everyone will make choices based on their own interests.

After leaving the place of the army, Zhang Tianwen’s personal soldiers were all around him. After some greetings, Wu Yi stopped hiding and asked directly: "Dare to ask the commander, who is the secretary of Wushu?"

"He! He is the two commanders of the Eastern Army and the Southern Army. They are both the imperial court taxpayers and should not be underestimated!"

With a few words, everything that can be said is said, and what is not said, there is no need to ask, Zhang Tianwen will not say much.

The combined status of the Eastern Army and the Southern Army is not as important as that of the Northern Army. Although they are also responsible for responding to the harassment of the enemy It is just the so-called "enemy country", which is completely a dependent country. Okay, the Great Dynasty will not invade them. Just fine, dare to harass.

On the opposite side of the Northern Army, the powerful Northern Tribe was the only place in the Great Empire that needed heavy guards.

Some people may ask that the Eastern Army and the Southern Army do not need to face the enemy, so if they are abolished and replaced by military police, they will be responsible for the security issues in their jurisdictions.

To tell you bluntly, no, as soon as the Northern and Southern forces withdraw, there will be chaos. Those docile dependent countries will become fangs and claws, not to mention the frequent civil upheavals in the region.

Everyone knows that this is the high-level military of the Southern Army and the Eastern Army, but they are helpless because there is public support in the two regions behind it.

Why the public support is related to the second half of Zhang Tianwen's sentence, "They are all important places for imperial taxation." Without the protection of the army, the southeast will lose the right to speak in financial distribution, and the income from its own development will be completely taken away by the rest of the region.

In this way, it is not difficult to understand why Secretary Wu, who represents the high-level military interests of the two places, would choose to commit suicide!

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