Dedicate One’s Mind

Chapter 1064: : Sinking into nothingness, unexpected exile

At the time when the black lotus was blooming with its fourth grade petals, the fortune horoscope finally enveloped the black lotus. I thought that the calamity came from all directions. What Wu Yi had to face was a variety of causal relationships, but contact At that moment, this situation did not happen, on the contrary, it can't be relaxed anymore.

Black lotus, it seems that there is no cause and effect, even if it is to wipe out a particle of dust, it takes more effort than this.

This situation naturally made Wu Yi overjoyed.

At this moment, there is no time to think about the reasons behind it. It is the most important thing to suppress the black lotus in the fortune chart as soon as possible.

However, Wu Yi never expected that the Black Lotus, which he was most worried about, did not have any problems. On the contrary, he had been actually saving Wu Yi's golden dragon of luck, bringing Wu Yi a heavy blow.

Originally, under the strong rise of Hei Lian, the golden dragon of Qi Luck gradually fell to the wind, and he was on the sidelines, quite spiritual, but when the fixed fortune astrolabe restrained the black lotus, the black lotus lost the ability to swallow the qi of the four directions. The growth rate has slowed down, and even stagnated.

This change made Qiyun Jinlong think it was a good opportunity to make a move, and he broke into the coverage of the fixed luck horoscope.

Qi Luck The Golden Dragon gathers the Qi Luck of the Daji Dynasty, which is the thought of all people, and it is also the result of countless people's ideas since the establishment of the Daji Dynasty.

With this kind of existence, how could Wu Yi be able to obliterate his history? If he really has this ability, then think from another angle, can Wu Yi be able to obliterate the history of the Great Dynasty.

In this way, without the addition of swordsmen, the Daji dynasty, which was extremely jealous for the Dao Sect, was wiped out under Wu Yi's hands.

Thinking with your toes, you all know that it is impossible. Therefore, when the Qi Luck Golden Dragon flies into the area covered by the fixed luck astrolabe, it is like a Kunpeng entering a pond. Yes, Wu Yi is this pond.

Almost in an instant, Wu Yi didn't even have time to react. The body, mind, essence, everything fell apart in an instant.

Wu Yi "disappeared" between heaven and earth. In fact, there is no need to put quotation marks here, because the truth is true.

However, the Fortune Star Chart did not land and lose its brilliance because of no one's control. On the contrary, it still cast a vast starlight, covering the black lotus and the golden dragon of luck.

The entry of the Golden Dragon of Qi Luck completely broke the ecological environment of this small pond built by Wu Yi. You can imagine the situation after a Kunpeng entered the pond. The history that was cut off by Wu Yi can be restored, and the bricks and stones have all turned back. As it is.

It seems that nothing happened, but Wu Yi has not recovered yet. Now Wu Yi's state is very complicated, inexplicable and difficult to explain. It is not death in the usual sense, but a kind of desalination, and once again entered the innocence. The land of cause and effect is expelled by the world.

What happens inside the house is like a drop of water falling on the surface of the water. Although it is very small for the whole world, no matter how small it is, it can cause splashes and ripples.

Everyone related to Wu Yi, no matter how close or unfamiliar, can no longer remember Wu Yi's voice and smile in his mind at this moment, and even the name was completely forgotten.

Wu Yi disappeared, but the heavens and the earth still need to function normally. Wu Yi's disappearance is like an error in the heavens and the earth. Under the action of an invisible force, the heavens and the earth began to spontaneously repair.

What Wu Yi did in the past was replaced by one person or a few people, the mistakes were corrected, and the world continued to function normally. 101 Chinese Network

Wu Yi had experienced this situation in the past, and it was a coincidence that it was also related to the Fortune Star Chart. That time was also the first time Wu Yi entered the place that was isolated from the world.

History is always so similar.

Unlike the previous time, Wu Yi entered the whole person intact. Although he had forgotten himself, he gradually understood himself and was able to return to reality in the endless ups and downs.

This time, Wu Yi was crushed by the force of cause and effect and almost became a fan. Although it is also because of the force of causation, these "fans" can still keep in touch. Therefore, from the perspective of causality, Wu Yi is not dead, so he is determined. The astrolabe is still running.

However, just gathering these dusty remains is not a simple matter. Once the world has completely repaired the error, then Wu Yi will be permanently exiled to the void, and no way to return will be found.

This time, the Qi Luck Golden Dragon hurt Wu Yi, and the things that had been stable to win, abruptly caused more such changes.

A place of nothingness.

Like a silver man, there are countless light spots flickering. Among them, one in a billion, perhaps even less, is Wu Yizhen's body.

There is no false connection between them, but how difficult it is to get together is that someone can help, and it may not be possible. Besides, when they come to this nih place, everyone will forget their past.

I don’t even know the past and talk about the future. Therefore, even if there is a connection, it can be guaranteed that if this one exists, will it actively converge?

These countless "fans" are Wu Yi, not Wu Yi. In the process of evolution, some of them have gathered together because of some reasons, but they are more or less mixed with weird things.

Wu Yi's spirit, energy and spirit, originally existed as a trinity, but now, it often merges in twos, which is the merger of the three, and because of the different ways of merging, various changes have taken place.

You can understand that the fingers are on the head and the mouth is on the chest, but the actual situation will only be more outrageous than this.

Wu, who was crushed by the power of cause and effect, turned into tens of thousands. The combination between them is more than the square of this number. Among them, plus the merger of alternative existence, it is even more It's all weird.

If this situation continues, not to mention returning to this world, it is to change back to a complete body. It is a luxury. Yes, this is not empty talk, but what is happening right now.

Wu Yi, who has lost even the ability to think, because of the scattered energy and spirit, no matter from which point of view, he is dead without life, and is destined to perpetually sink into this void of cause and effect.

But in this world, sometimes, things are so speechless.

The golden dragon of luck that kicked Wu Yi down the abyss, this time, he rescued Wu Yi from the abyss.

In other words, this Qi Luck Golden Dragon saw that the Black Lotus was suppressed by the Destiny Astrolabe and was difficult to grow, so he broke into it, prepared to completely wipe out the Black Lotus, but broke the restraint of the Destiny Astrolabe on the Black Lotus.

Hei Lian once again entered the ascending space. Not long after, the Qi Luck Golden Dragon fell into a disadvantage again, so he thought of Wu Yi.

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