Dedicate One’s Mind

Chapter 1070: : Trial

The bull demon looks ignorant, but he can grow to this point in the fiercely competitive monster world. How can ordinary people say that the inner demon body confronted him last time, only a chance to escape, a slight counterattack will be defeated, now If you come to provocation again, you must have a back hand, otherwise you don't dare to be so arrogant.

"Last time I let you go, this time, I will go to you demon for the world!"

When the Bull Demon was speaking, a little flame rose near the Fire Demon Mountain and gathered together to form a fire wall, similar to a magic circle, which could prevent the power of the magical power from dissipating. The battle between the bulls and the demon will not be the small Huo Demon Mountain that will be affected by the time.

This fire wall is also maintained by Luan Demon and Monkey Demon.

If Wu Yi fails, they will be an obstacle to Wu Yi's escape. If Wu Yi shows signs of victory, this wall of fire will restrain Wu Yi's actions.

Therefore, Wu Yi was actually fighting against the three major monsters. In fact, this should be the case. Wu Yi came to the Fire Demon Mountain to show off his momentum, but the three of them provoked.

Wu Yi glanced at the wall of fire and smiled contemptuously. It was the same before, not because he had escaped.

The bull demon understood Wu Yi's meaning. With a "moo", his body was dark as carbon, and it was the armor made by the evil spirits, and it was hard to break.

Called "come!" A whirlwind axe appeared in Niu Mo's palm, and it struck horizontally.

In a short time, the earth is sowed, the world is dark, and the sand is flying away from the hidden place of ghosts and gods, which is magnificent.

Although the bull demon's momentum is big, there are many flaws. The heart demon can change its shape and easily avoid all the sharp edges. In the eyes of outsiders, it is as if Wu Yi is deliberately teasing the bull demon.

The bull demon roared, causing a magical power similar to Faxiang Tiandi, and his body rose innumerably. At this moment, swinging the big axe, the entire inside of the wall of fire was raging, and there was no place to survive.

A bit of aura jumped out of the forehead of the mind demon, lively, and extremely dexterous, no matter how raging the edge was, he couldn't touch half a point.

Not long afterwards, this aura turned into the appearance of a man, who was the image of a Taoist monarch in the body of the demon, standing among the lords, he looked like a peaceful old man, holding ganoderma lucidum in his hand and embroidered with a Lingbao gourd under his feet, Own dry kun, the sun and the moon follow the achievement in the pot.

The heart demon body first came to the upper realm, but it was only able to sacrifice the ghost emperor image. Now all the elephants are available, but it is worth mentioning that in the bright moon world, the ghost emperor image of the heart devil body is the most powerful because of the ghosts in the bright moon world. Numerous, forming a side of the Yin world.

But in this great dynasty, the emperor with the devil body is the most powerful.

In addition, in the Mingyue realm, because of the differentiation of Yin and Yang, the heart demon body can separate the male emperor and the female emperor, but the Daji Dynasty has not progressed to the point of equality between men and women. Therefore, only the male emperor can evolve.

The situation in each world is different. The various phenomena of the mind and body are the perfect images of the mind and body of the different people who believe in it. Naturally, in each world, the mind and body also have different changes.

Daojun is like a treasure gourd at his feet. The mouth of the bottle is opened, and it is vigorously collected. In a short time, those sharp edges are collected by the gourd and fall on the body of the demon, as if the breeze is slowly passing by.

The bull demon smiled boldly. Before Wu Yi hid and didn't confront him head-on, it didn't mean anything at all. Now, even though his methods didn't show any effect, he finally forced Wu Yi to make a move.

The bull demon roared and shook his head, and a pair of horns emerged. The jet black horns looked like black jade, beautifully like ornaments, but the evil spirit contained in it was something that people did not dare to underestimate.

Stepping away, the bull demon rushed in Wu Yi's direction, rushing for the bull, the clouds were torn apart, the air screamed, and the entire space trembled.

Daojun was like a jade Ruyi holding in his hand, waving in the wind, covering half of the sky in an instant, pressing down horizontally, and shook the Niu Mo, forcibly blocking his progress.

The bull demon roared and became more irritable, with bloodshot eyes appearing, like blood pupils, looking terrifying.

Seeing this change of the Cow Demon, smiles appeared at the corners of the mouths of the Luan Demon and the Monkey Demon outside. In their eyes, the battle should have been stabilized.

This is a method that the Bull Demon has mastered to increase its own potential. It can also be said to be a gifted magical power. After that, the damage to itself will be close to nothing, but it is just a little sore.

After stimulating his own qi and blood, the Niu Demon's vigor surged, strongly resisting Yu Ruyi's suppression, and began to rush forward. The mind and demon's body's spiritual thoughts were consumed like water, and the Jade Ruyi became larger and larger, and the suppression of the Niu Demon was also increasing. The heavier it is, but the bull demon seems to have the instinct of being strong when it is strong.

After approaching Wu Yi, the sharp horns of the bull demon burst out with ink-colored brilliance, penetrating the space, and shooting towards Wu Yi. Daojun was like a gourd under his feet and opened the mouth of a gourd, but he could not collect all the photos. A shallow scar was left on his face.

However, the demon body is not a physical entity, and it does not hurt the root.

At the last moment, the bull demon roared, transforming into the real appearance, and the brute force was even worse.

A pair of horns had already locked Wu Yi's figure. No matter how Wu Yi dodges and moves, he can't escape. This is the magical power controlled by the bull demon, and it fits the bull demon very well, and it is a tasteless for others.

"Moo", in the roar of the bull demon, Yu Ruyi fell apart, turned into aura and returned to the palm of the Taoist monarch, without hindrance, the bull demon rushed towards Wu Yi, with cruel eyes flashing in his eyes.

It is also your blessing to be able to die under my trick! This is what Niu Demon thought in his heart, the last time he couldn't even take a move of his own, this time he met, his strength has improved so much, such characters should not stay for long.

At this point, the complexion of the inner demon body remained unchanged. The next moment, the mouth of the spirit treasure gourd bottle under the feet of Daojun opened again, but it did not retract inward, but released something.

Seeing a little bit of black fire appear in front of my eyes, although the quality seems extraordinary, but just this point, how useful it can be!

The bull demon didn't care much, and continued to rush up. After all, it is a wild demon, without its own inheritance, and ignorance of divine things. When the world-killing black fire is contaminated with the body, it cannot be extinguished in any way, and the bull demon feels bad in his heart.

It hurts to be burned by the black fire of exterminating the world, the bull demon rolls around, wherever the black fire of exterminating the world is contaminated, the flesh and blood will disappear. Swallow.

This was just a trial, a bull demon couldn't satisfy Wu Yi at all, so Wu Yi also kept a hand.

It didn't take long before the black fire of extinguishing the world was slowly extinguished.

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