Dedicate One’s Mind

Chapter 1080: :The change of carp, life to death

With the army of dead creatures occupying the whole country, Yunliu has lost the laughter and joy of the past. The whole country is like a mountain, and blood is flowing like a lot of blood. It is in the day and the sky is also surrounded by gray mist that cannot be removed.

If it is accumulated for thousands of years, it cannot be said that this place will become the same as the depths of the West Sea, become weird and secret, and become a forbidden area for living things.

However, what many outsiders cannot imagine is that at this moment in Yunliu, there is a vast project in progress.

Countless canals lead the water of the West Sea into this area, and the dense water network covers all the Yunliu Kingdom. Those corpses, regardless of race, are pushed into the water network. After a while, they will become dead. Become a brand new creature.

It is the newly born dead who promote these projects. They are tireless and do not know the salary, and work day and night. Many new and weak dead are often just like this, and then continue to "new life" and work again.

For ordinary people, the water of the West Sea is death and despair, but for the dead, it is the same thing as the water of life.

Often within a few hours, a canal with a length of hundreds of miles and a width of several meters appeared. The efficiency was incredible, and it was a superb workmanship.

Do you dare to believe that Wu Yi actually sensed the birth of Qi Luck in this process.

In Yunliu, except for a few human beings who practiced Wu Yi's spreading techniques, they are a group of dead creatures with low intelligence, without the slightest organization, and there is no obvious hierarchical structure, and there will be luck.

In such a situation, Wu Yi had to think about the conditions for the birth of Qi Luck. Is it enough to be flexible?

With the rapid changes in Yunliu, Wu Yi was dumbfounded by the speed at which his luck was rising. What he had made came out.

Wu Yi still found it incredible. Those humans who practiced the method of controlling the dead are even more so. They have no knowledge of the demon body, but think that the Great Kingdom is stronger than the Yunliu Kingdom. With the dead, the water of the West Sea is introduced. In Yunliu Kingdom, the strength of the dead has gradually increased, and they have also gained a basis for further offensive.

After that, they began to brazenly launch an offensive against the Daji Dynasty. Their opponent was the 100,000 garrisons of the Daji Dynasty.

This was an indescribable battle, because the battle was almost tilted on one side, and the rocket tilted down all over the sky, almost burning the land into scorched earth.

The poor quality of the dead body is not suitable for combat at all. It just relies on the superiority of being bold and not afraid of death and quantity to frighten the enemy.

If the enemy's idea of ​​resistance is more tenacious, and without a rout, the dead can't shake the opponent at all.

It’s just that behind the dead is an endless canal. The water of the West Sea is continuously introduced, and the immature soul is collapsed. From a few hours to a few days, the dead will "resurrect" back. .

To solve it, it was simple. Burn the corpse so that the new soul cannot find its host. It is just that the body of the dead is not so easy to burn after being soaked in the water of the West Sea for a long time.

You thought it was burned, but in fact it was just burning the outer shell. A few hours later, it made a comeback. It was intractable, and it caused a lot of trouble to the soldiers of the Southern Army of the Great Dynasty Dynasty.

Wisdom will eventually overcome ignorance. No matter how strong the dead are, they will not be able to collapse under the more flammable fire oil, leaving behind a thick ash, bringing a huge impact to the vision.

Victory in the first battle, the Daji Dynasty actively prepared a counterattack, and wanted to destroy the dead in one fell swoop. These demons were wiped out. Soldiers crossed the line of defense and began to regain the Yunliu Kingdom, but if it is recovered, it will become Yunliu County. NS.

Because the river network is densely covered, it is impossible to form an effective formation. The soldiers of the Great Dynasty Dynasty are cut into many parts. It is not that no one has thought of filling the river network before moving forward. It is just that you fill a river network and those untiring army of dead bodies, I can fix ten points for you.

There is no doubt that manpower is invincible to the dead.

The formation was in chaos, the dead attacked from all sides, and the soldiers were under great pressure. Hidden under the canal, they are just like water ghosts. Under the protection of the canal, even if a rocket comes, they don't have to worry at all.

Wu Yi looked at the scene in front of him, he didn't have to keep watching, he knew the next result, it seemed that it was still a tug of war! It depends on who is better in the end.

Caressing the carp in his arms, Wu Yi said in his heart: If you want to explore the West Sea further in the future, maybe you have to come with this little thing.

The carp jumping in Wu Yi's arms, half-length skeleton and half-length crystal-clear, has a strange beauty, half an angel and half a demon.

It was originally just an ordinary carp. Wu Yi took it into the depths of the West China Sea before, through the heavy fog, and reached the area, even the immortals might not be able to enter. This line of business has a huge impact on the carp. , Now, is gradually showing up.

The carp is not a dead It must be clear that its intelligence has not been wiped out by the water of the West Sea. On the contrary, it has been polished and refined, and its life span has been prolonged countless.

As for performance, it is in its current state, half of the body is perfect, like a godsend, and the other half is bones, without a trace of excess turbidity.

The so-called life toward death, or life toward death. The carp that set foot in the restricted area of ​​life not only did not die, but was given a new life. On the carp's body, Wu Yi only felt anger, not a bit of lifelessness.

What this means, it is no exaggeration to say that the fairy will be envious of this carp.

Life is alive, bound by life and death. The so-called immortal eternal life is only in the eyes of mortals. After a catastrophe, it still falls. This is the number of days.

Even if it is a newborn, there will be the slightest death in the body.

The carp that is not dead is a great variable, and also an anomaly. Around it, there are also strands of heavenly tribulation surrounding it, which increases with the passage of time.

This kind of anomaly can be understood as an error that occurred during the operation of heaven and earth. Since it is an error that occurred during the operation, how it was born and how to obliterate it.

If not unexpected, after the life span of this carp exceeds the normal carp, thunder will come down and kill this anomaly.

Fortunately, this carp does not need to worry about this problem. The life span of a common carp is particularly long, which can live for more than 100 years.

There is a simple way to calculate the age of a carp: each scale of it is the same as the cross-section of a tree trunk. There are many circles from the center to the outside. The sparse circles grow in summer, and the dense circles grow in winter. grow into.

So just count it and you will know that it has passed several years.

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