Dedicate One’s Mind

Chapter 1082: : Easier country

The matter of the dead thing came to an end, and the kingdom of Yunliu had also become a kingdom of Zee. Looking at the rippling water of the West Sea, Wu Yi, after all, did not dare to go deep into the danger again.

The offensive I encountered before was probably the attack of the dead after growing to the extreme.

So the question is, what will the dead be like when they grow up, and how will they be spiritually? How strong is it? But has a hierarchical order formed internally?

Judging from the previous attacks that I have encountered, it is definitely a dead thing that exceeds the strength of the immortal. In the beginning, the origin is also. If the dead is really cultivated to the level of the immortal, can it be regarded as the same as the ghost and returned to the sun? No need to think about the problem.

After solving these problems, you can further think about how to get rid of the dead air of the waters of the West Sea, the huge ocean, one of the main battlefields of the land and sea in the past, I don’t know how many dragons have fallen, swordsmen have broken swords, such places, I want to remove them. Death, where is it so simple.

However, as long as he thinks that if this matter succeeds, then he can reach the sky in one step, and even get the reward of the magical luck artifact, Wu Yi can't suppress the excitement in his heart.

"Layout slowly, there will always be a day of victory." Wu Yi looked at the sparkling water of the West Sea, not knowing who said it to him.

Because the carp wanted to swallow the dead energy in the water of the West Sea in order to maintain its vitality, Wu Yi spent a period of time walking along the coast. On the one hand, it was convenient for the carp to practice, and on the other hand, it was also Think about the method of purifying the West Sea.

How do you say this idea? It's as if the ant is thinking about how to lift the elephant. If others know about it, I don't know how to ridicule Wu Yi, but fortunately, the hurdle in my heart has passed.

During this period of time, I heard from time to time that there were dead things causing chaos. Needless to say, it was a sequelae arranged by Wu Yi. As long as the spreading techniques were not completely destroyed, the chaos could not be eliminated in a true sense.

Within a few months, the only thing worth mentioning was that Wu Yi led the change of the royal family in a small country and helped an illegitimate son who could not be a king in any case to the throne.

This country is called Rongsu Kingdom, which is slightly larger than Yunliu Kingdom, but at most it is as big as two counties. Unlike Yunliu Kingdom, Rongsu Kingdom has a very close relationship with Daji Dynasty. The queen of their country, long Nian is the princess of the Daji Dynasty.

Of course, it belongs to a more remote branch. The orthodox princess can not be regarded as the queen of the small country. They just marry and show the **** of the official. The queen of the small country is actually just the wife of the county magistrate.

The Queen of the Kingdom of Rongsu has a son, or the eldest son, that is, the true eldest son, a courteous corporal, caring for the people, and both civil and military. No matter from which point of view, there is no problem of inheritance. After he succeeds, he will definitely become a good king.

And the one who the demon body wants to push is an illegitimate child. The mother died early, so there is no need to say why he died. Although he was connected to the palace to raise him when he was young, his impression was that he was demented and stupid. Even his father, not particularly satisfied with this "stain", scolded at every turn.

No matter how these two people choose, there will be no problem, but Wu Yi discovered some subtle things when passing by here.

First of all, this **** is not stupid. The so-called dementia and stupidity are all disguised. Not many people know this, but many people guess it.

But these people who guessed it also understood that pretending to be dumb was just a way of protecting the prince, who was screaming about nothing. After the prince succeeded to the throne, Haosheng resettled, and he can still achieve the beauty of the brothers.

No one would have thought that the ambition in the heart of the prince who was pretending to be stupid was not small, let alone that the old king actually liked his illegitimate son, and showed verbal abuse in front of outsiders in order to protect him.

Because Rongsu has been married to the royal family of the Daji Dynasty for many years, the mother family is powerful, with one hand covering the sky, nominally the king is in charge of politics, in fact the harem is the lord of Rongsu.

The old king was dissatisfied with this, so he wanted to give birth to an illegitimate child and was determined to wipe out the troubles, but the old king had this idea in his heart, but he understood that he was doing it like a man with a man's arm, and it would only incur humiliation.

So he just has this idea. The greatest hope is that the illegitimate child can survive after his death, so he made a lot of concessions in the DPRK.

All the variables must start from Wu Yi's arrival in Rongsu. How can the demon body not intervene when seeing such a fun thing?

In Rongsu, everyone thinks that the prince is suitable, the people's aspirations, and the later the clan is strong, whether it is the ruling or the opposition, the old king is extremely weak.

Wu Yi wanted to help, and it was difficult to start. Therefore, Wu Yi did not start from Rongsu, but went to a few places where Rongsu and Daji Dynasty had territorial ~You also know that after the mind demon body refining the black lotus, wherever it goes, there will be tribulations rising, just a little spark, nothing if there is no dry wood, if there is, it will be an extremely unstable exist.

Not surprisingly, there was a border conflict in Rongsu, which was still a border conflict with the Daji Dynasty.

It is difficult for outsiders to understand the cause and course of this kind of thing. It is very likely that the villager on my side picked a fruit in the village of the next country and was beaten, and then the two villages fought with each other.

After getting into the county seat, it became a battle between the two counties, and then it became bigger and bigger.

All in all, after the incident, the demands made by the Daji Dynasty were very harsh, and even the prisoners were not so humiliated.

The old king took this to wipe his hands and did not interfere in this matter. The dissatisfaction of public opinion swarmed on the queen. In the eyes of the people, it was precisely because of her treason that the Daji Dynasty was so arrogant.

Even with that, I was dissatisfied with the prince, and I had to pick out the thorns when I looked at everything. The good image of the past, after a thousand miles, became weak and incompetent, lustful, hypocritical, ignorant and stupid.

In addition, the Daji Dynasty believed that this dispute was concocted by the Queen and others. Who would let everyone know that the real master of Rongsu was the Queen? If you don’t look for someone, even if you know that you were wronged, there will be a scapegoat.

The Great Kingdom dynasty is also pressing for the replacement of heirs, as a punishment against the power of the queen. For the later family, it is really troubled inside and outside.

Wu Yi just walked all the way simply, but with a clever timing, a clear route, and a clear purpose.

Obviously it was a losing game, but Wu Yi forced it back. After the illegitimate son became the prince, he might just think that his luck was better!

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