Dedicate One’s Mind

Chapter 1095: : Information on the Western Frontier

In this way, a few months later, worried that Xixi's attack did not come, and there were twists and turns in the middle of the journey, but it was just to add fun to the journey, and Wu Yi and his party also came to the western border of the Dachi Dynasty.

Along the way, Wu Yi traveled almost half of the border of the Great Dynasty Dynasty, all along the coast. In fact, you can also think of the Great Dynasty Dynasty as a huge island, which was once divided as a dead place, but now it is self-contained. One side of the system has to make people feel that things have changed in the world.

   Compared with the coasts seen in southern Xinjiang, the biggest difference in this western coastal area is that there are often turbulent waves here, and even inland rivers flow back, turning hundreds of miles of areas into saline-alkali land.

   The rest of the coastal land also has the problem of seawater intrusion, but the waves on the western border are extremely frequent, and the reefs are densely covered, and even offshore navigation is rarely seen.

   These sea waters are the waters of the West Sea that contain lifelessness. If a creature dies here unfortunately, the chance of turning into a dead thing is far higher than that of other realms.

   It’s just that you don’t have to worry too much about it. Even if it turns into a dead thing, ninety-nine percent of it cannot survive on its own. After a short while, even if it is blown by the wind, it will fall.

   A dead thing that is truly enough to threaten the people, and it may not have appeared in decades. If it does appear, its own army is responsible for this matter.

   On the contrary, there is one thing on the western border that makes Wu Yi quite curious. The Shinto system here is extremely complicated. There are often several gods on the same land, with different origins, but their responsibilities are chaotic and overlapping, which can be called Jiulong water control.

   There are not only innate gods, but also some mountain elves. By coincidence, they fit with the earth's veins and become gods, with the shadow of Taoism and Buddhism.

  The chaotic Shinto system is reflected in folk myths and stories, and there are many stories about God beheading and destroying the gods.

   For example, Wu Yi heard a story about He Bo in a certain place. When the river rises and falls every year, the people will worship the virgins as sacrifices. If they fail to comply, it will cause floods and flood the other side.

Then a county magistrate was in his sleep, got advice from a Taoist and understood the roots of the evil He Bo. After waking up from the dream, he led the people to dig mountains and ditches to guide the diversion. After that, Haiyan Heqing , To calm the floods, and no longer have to worship the He Botong boys and girls.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   He Bomiao was overthrown, and at the same time, the Taoist who instructed the county magistrate was worshipped by the people and offered incense.

   This is a typical contest between the original gods and the Taoist gods. Judging from this story, the Taoist gods won the final victory.

   The victory was essentially due to the change of the times. After the dynasty paid more and more attention to the lives of the people and cared about the rights and interests of the people, those gods who were not in line with the trend would naturally be overthrown one by one.

   A long time ago, it has been pointed out that the so-called virgins are not very useful to the gods, and that little blood is not enough to stuff the teeth, and they are not the cubs of the gods.

   To see the deeper level through the appearance of the event.

   Many gods unanimously choose to offer virgins to worship, because for the common people, virgins are their children and their most precious descendants.

   Being able to use one's descendants to worship gods, can't it explain the depth of faith? To worship the virgins is equivalent to loyal to the people. It is such a simple truth. Therefore, even if the virgins are of no use to the gods, it is also a customary requirement.

   With the changes of the times, these barbaric requirements have gradually been replaced, but the core of the existence of the deity has not changed, and the deity still needs loyal believers to worship.

  Most of the things worshipped by the people are useless to the gods, but it must be your most precious thing, the incense and divine consciousness embedded in the things that are worshipped, is the most important.

   There is really no offering at all, what should I do? Then, through cumbersome rituals, integrate religious beliefs into every corner of life.

   After birth, you must thank the gods for their grace, before eating, you must thank the gods for their gifts, you must have the witness of the gods when you get married, and you must be glad that you are about to see the gods before you die. Not to mention seeking the blessing of gods after suffering in life.

   didn't he suddenly feel a little familiar, because in the Mingyue Realm, the Mind Demon Body does this.

   Well, let's go deeper, do you think that only Shinto can do this? Taoist sects, the humane dynasty, are actually all the same.

   After you enter it, do you want to worship the ancestor and worship the great ancestor; when you receive monastic resources, promote and promote, do you want to thank the head or the emperor for the gift?

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   The more you become a high-level, the more you get involved in immortality, shinto and humanity, the more Wu Yi feels that these three, although the system is very different, but the core it's the same.

   But then again, if it weren't for this method, it would be impossible for these traditions to have such cohesiveness. They would have been annihilated long ago, and how could they still stand in the heavens.

   Existence is reasonable.

   At the western frontier of the Daji Dynasty, those gods have all reformed themselves, but the way of obtaining incense and cultivating faithful people has not changed.

   Here, you can see all kinds of religious ceremonies. Wu Yi visited many realms of the Dachi Dynasty. It is no exaggeration to say that this is the most culturally rich place. You can find almost all forces here. Therefore, it is relatively chaotic.

  Many areas were under the rule of the Daji Dynasty in name, but in fact, they were only fetters and were allowed to be governed by the natives. Unless there was a large-scale fighting or hindered the core area of ​​the Daji Dynasty, the dynasty generally would not intervene.

   However, Wu Yi doesn't know whether he doesn't intervene in the face, or he supports the weak and the strong behind his back. Wu Yi needs time to observe.

When crossing the prefecture and the county before, there were often gods who stopped Wu Yi and Taotie, but here, at the western border of Jiulong's water control, despite the peeping eyes, there was no **** who really came forward to stop Wu Yi. It is estimated that Wu Yi is not easy to provoke and dare not intervene.

  The divine way system in the western border is scattered, and the incense is naturally scattered. Although there are many gods, but the strength is rare, Wu Yi is surrounded by tribulation, but who is willing to provoke it for nothing.

   Within the Shinto, most of the time, it is a game of stocks. That’s all for believing in the people. If you have more, I will have less.

   Shinto itself has an integrated centripetal force, but the layout of the various parties here belongs to the border, and it is not so easy to integrate.

  Furthermore, the various forces have used various methods to interact with the people and have already integrated into the local area. Even if the court is deliberately rectified, it will be difficult to move the pattern here if it does not work hard.

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