Dedicate One’s Mind

Chapter 1097: : The change of Yiqi (middle)

Duqiong County, like the elves in the mountains, like the lotus in the mud, the western border of the Daji Dynasty, because of the various cultures and various forces crisscrossing, it is actually very chaotic. Disputes, fights between various temples are quite frequent.

However, it is in such a place that a race like the Baima tribe was bred. They are not rich, and the land they cultivate is not particularly rich. They are not coveted. In addition, the population is small and there is no desire to compete for the world. They love Baixue. What is admired is also peace. When the surrounding tribes are fighting, they are absolutely neutral and do not participate in any party.

It is most suitable for them, but the Baima people are not really at the mercy of others. They are extremely united within, and are extremely good at mountain warfare. They implement an active defense policy. People don’t offend me, and I don’t offend others. .

   Dealing with such an ethnic group, even if you let them surrender, you can't actually get much benefit, and you have to face the opponent's counterattack, which does more harm than good.

   Therefore, other tribes rarely provoke the Baima tribe. Even under the rule of the Great Dynasty, they are still in an autonomous state. The annual offerings are mostly symbolic offerings without harming the roots.

This kind of social order is so stable that it hasn't changed much for hundreds of thousands of years. The emperor of Zhongducheng has changed one after another. The policy of the Great Dynasty Dynasty has changed over and over again, and it can hardly affect Baima. Family.

   From this, it is not difficult to imagine why the Yi Qi here is so strong that even dozens of miles away, it can trigger Wu Yi's body to move.

  Winter goes and spring comes, everything recovers.

  Because the patron saint controls the wind and snow, although the place where the Baima people live is rugged, but the weather has been smooth for many years, and they are more than self-sufficient. The extra part is used to exchange white salt and other living materials.

   Within the humane dynasty, the gods arbitrarily manipulate the wind and snow. To be honest, Wu Yi met here. In Duqiong County, it is almost impossible to perceive the strict hierarchical order of the Daji dynasty.

   Here, it can be called a small country with few people, and an indisputable model. However, this model is destined to be impossible to become the mainstream. The suitable place is only a small part of the area, and it is impossible to really promote it.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   It seems that true peace is an impractical thing for most people.

   The Baima people can achieve peace, but they cannot be copied.

   In the past few months, Wu Yi has been not far from Duqiong County, observing their daily lives, and experiencing the mystery of Yiqi.

   It was Wu Yi's first time to come into contact with Yiqi in such a close range, and from observation, Wu Yi also gained a lot.

Wu Yi came into contact with tribulation qi earlier, and after a long period of contact, he realized that tribulation qi is not useless, it is only bad for living beings, tribulation qi means change, there can be good changes or bad changes, which one will it go to? The change does not depend on the robbery itself, but on the person.

   After all, they took the road by themselves, and the final result is naturally to be borne by them. In the end, when problems occur, they will push all the problems to the tribulation. In fact, it is extremely incompetent. The ostrich mentality is not enough.

   Of course, because of the black fire that exterminates the world, the black lotus is actually the first class of calamity. Wu Yi does not deny it, it is a fact.

It’s just an unfavorable change, and it’s not entirely determined by Wu Yi. If it weren’t for their own internal conflicts, there would be no chance of infringement. They were single-minded and internally stable. Just like the Baima tribe, Wu Yi hadn’t disturbed at all. Opportunities for their society.

  Before I had a deep contact with Yiqi, in Wu Yi's eyes, Yiqi made people decadent and did not seek improvement. Although thinking from the perspective of yin and yang balance, it could not be so simple, but it was indeed Wu Yi's first impression.

   After several months of in-depth contact with Yiqi, Wu Yi overturned his original knowledge in practice.

   Yiqi represents stability. This point should also be viewed in two ways.

   Stable and peaceful, everyone likes it, and people who don’t like it can be ignored. However, some civilizations have made long-term progress in a stable and peaceful situation, laying a solid foundation for Wanzai's foundation, while some civilizations have become comfortable and enjoyable under a peaceful situation, and they are not enterprising. Finally, they are foreigners or under internal conflicts. Perish.

Why is this? Through the example of the Baima ethnic group, perhaps, a preliminary explanation can be made.

   The Baima people yearn for peace, but they do not beg for peace, nor are they bribed, nor are they seeking perfection, but striving for it themselves.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Peace is actively striving for, and the initiative is in your own hands. If you are attached to others, the existence of attachment is strong, and the other party always has The day of decline, and its decline, is beyond your control.

   Unless you can always follow the right person and turn in time, once the backing behind falls, it will be the beginning of decline, or even the beginning of destruction.

The real peace must be won by yourself. Attaching to others is a hypocritical peace. You think you are a little sweet, and the other party may use you as a cash machine. If it is financially difficult , Just exploit it, you don’t even have the power to resist, because your lifeblood is pinched in the hands of others.

  How to take the initiative to fight for peace, especially for the weak, the most important thing is the internal unity, which is inherently weak. If it is divided internally, it will be a joke and doomed to perish.

   Have the power to protect themselves before they are qualified to choose an appropriate foreign policy. Basically, it is either an active defense policy or an absolute neutral policy.

   In the end, it is to adapt to the current situation. What should be surrendered is to surrender. For the Baima tribe, the Daji Dynasty is absolutely impossible to resist, so surrender is the only way, and then think about how to ensure internal independence.

   It’s not that the Daji Dynasty didn’t think about mixing sand within the Baima people, such as sending officials to govern and introducing foreign customs, but after the Baima people absorbed them, they reversely assimilated foreign cultures.

   Low-level culture in turn assimilate advanced culture, which is extremely rare.

   In short, relying on the independence of economy and grassroots governance, the Baima people achieve political independence in disguised form. After political and economic independence, those foreign cultures will only have the fate of assimilation in the end.

   Isn’t it hard to imagine, how many people can learn this way?

Moreover, this road cannot be said to be foolproof. If one day is in the court, a yushi will talk about it and point out that Duqiong County is not under the rule of the dynasty. Under the concern of the emperor, the Baima tribe is just a sacred edict. .

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