Dedicate One’s Mind

Chapter 1100: : The priesthood is easier

I saw the middle-aged woman again, her face was still the same, but her expression was a lot more domineering. I still remember the last time I met with the other person, she was just a plain skirt, naturally carved, and the lotus came out of the water.

Nowadays, the other party’s skirt is embroidered with thin gold and silver threads like fetus hair, and the embroidery is embroidered with tens of millions of pearls, which mirror the gold and silver threads, and the head wears red. Fei Dizhu Crested Golden Steps are too expensive.

   Is this really the same person? So Wu Yi entered Duqiong County for the first time and did not find her trace. It is really not Wu Yi's problem.

Although the faces are the same, no matter whether it is temperament or decoration, they are not the same person. To put it bluntly, the core of this goddess's rune has been tampered with, and even the priesthood is not the original priesthood, and the most fundamental content has changed. .

   When I saw this goddess before, I still need to beware of the outrage in the other person. Now I don't need to care about these at all. However, for Wu Yi, the most important thing is to explore how the change happened.

   As far as Wu Yi is concerned, a neutral Duqiong County surrounded by Yiqi is most in line with Wu Yi's interests, because it is more convenient for him to understand the way of Yiqi change and change.

Now King Lu’s involvement in Duqiong County has brought tremendous changes, which have already affected Wu Yi’s interests. Although at present, Wu Yi is not as good as King Lu, but if you don’t try it, who knows what will happen in the end, at least , Wu Yi is not willing to give up Duqiong County.

  Using Wu Yi's style, he usually does not directly participate in the battle of the world. This is the same. Moreover, even if it tries to reverse the minds of the Baima people, it may not be effective in the end.

   So Wu Yi started to fall on this goddess. King Lu could send the doorman to the priesthood to make it more in line with his own interests, and Wu Yi could also change back.

   If this goddess still has a trace of her own instinct deep in her heart, Wu Yi only needs to induce the other party to inspire her instinct.

   This goddess is the patron saint of the Baima tribe, but now she is leading the Baima tribe to the abyss step by step. It is she who encourages the tribe to collect white lacquer at the level of faith to spread the values.

   If it were not for her distinguished status and collective collection of white paint, it would be impossible to pass within the Baima clan.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Like a ghost, Wu Yi follows around the goddess, observing the other's daily behavior, looking for opportunities to start.

   If it is really just this little god, Wu Yi can be said to be effortless, but currently on her divine way talisman, there is the dragon spirit of the great dynasty, and it is obvious that the king of Lu has carried out further edicts on her.

After    got the seal, the dragon energy gathered to help her advance her **** position, and her divine power was much deeper. In terms of strength, it was roughly equivalent to a half-step Yuan Ying. It was just a simple seal.

   This is the influence of humanity on Shinto under the rule of the humane dynasty. Almost all the gods of mountains and waters have been granted the emperor of the Great Dynasty. They have their duties, and the well water does not offend the river.

After    got the seal, it is no exaggeration to say that it is a step up to the sky.

At the moment, King Lu is just a vassal king. If he succeeds to the great throne, this goddess can still advance one more point. It is not difficult to reach the upper mid-level deity, but if you want to continue to advance, you must rely on the great throne. It is not surprising that the extremely dynasty, otherwise thousands of years have passed, will still stand still.

   It's just that, just as there is a saying in officialdom that rises and falls, it is the same in Shinto.

   It seems that this goddess has gained the nurturing of the dragon's energy, and her divine power has increased a lot, but she has become more clerical, and has gradually departed from her fundamental role, and is farther and farther away from the ordinary Baima tribe.

   seems to be able to benefit the Baima people, but they are drinking poison to quench their thirst, exhausting the river and fishing, and there will be endless disputes in the future.

   Losing the fundamental support, although you can get temporary benefits, it can't last forever. If you get involved in the disaster, you will have to pay the price sooner or later.

  If it continues, in a few decades, the Baima tribe may be assimilated by the Great Empire and lose their independence, and then the military and natural disasters will overlap, and a small tribe will be annihilated in the long river of history.

   Such a thing is not uncommon. The Great Kingdom has been in existence for thousands of years, and it has faced waves after waves of enemies. In the end, most of them are annihilated in the long river of history.

   Of course, it does not mean that they really did not leave any traces, but that they were all integrated into the main culture of the Daji Dynasty and lost their independence. Thinking from another angle, this is "recognizing the thief as the father."

   After peeping around the goddess body for a long time, Wu Yi did not find the right time. Facing the opponent's divine talisman, Wu Yi seemed to be in a game with the golden dragon of luck.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   If this time Wu Yi can smoothly relieve the dragon spirit in the gods and the gods, and stretch his thoughts, wouldn't it be that Wu Yi has the ability to shake The Shinto ecology of the Daji Dynasty has changed, and it is even a threat to the imperial power.

   This matter is not to be underestimated, so how to start to avoid the counterattack of Qi Luck Golden Dragon, Wu Yi pondered for a long time many times.

   But the result of thinking twice before acting is that Wu Yi hesitated, not knowing how to do it. Wu Yi used to think, once there was a charter, and after thinking twice, he had already set off to do it.

   This time, Wu Yi’s opponent seems to be facing only a middle god, but in fact, it is King Lu of the feudal clan, and it is the order of the great dynasty to establish a country. It is not so simple to touch.

   Wu Yi admits that he has underestimated the humanity seal, but his heart is determined. In any case, he should try it out. Otherwise, would it not be for nothing.

   To stabilize his own mood and remove all distracting thoughts, Wu Yi decided not to deal with it by ordinary means, awakening the goodwill in the other party's heart through Yi Qi, returning to his nature, and then considering removing the disgusting dragon Qi from the other party.

  Using Yiqi as his own method is Wu Yi's first time. What the result will be is really hard to say. Right now, Wu Yi's understanding of Yiqi may not even have the entry level.

   Wu Yi is proficient in the way of manipulating the qi, but so what, the more qi, the more qi will only make her deep in desire and unable to extricate herself, Wu Yi is here to save her, not to harm her.

   This **** is a person who advocates peace and hates disputes. The alteration of her godly runes is just a recent thing. It is not that Wu Yi has no chance to come back.

   This time, Wu Yi, who was determined, did not hesitate anymore, and slowly guided Yi Qi in his heart. This was the black lotus promotion period in the past, the Yi Qi manifested as dark purple thunder, staying in the body of the heart demon, and did not leave.

  Although Wu Yi was already very careful, he was inadvertently guided by Yiqi, and something changed. In his heart, he gave birth to the idea of ​​ease and happiness, and not enterprising.

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