: Journey of Redemption 02

It is correct to be called a relic.

The pioneer thought to himself.

They traveled across half of the Arctic Ocean, and finally arrived at the place where the crystal was discovered.

This is a small island. The island is a tundra, and there are many broken man-made traces.

There are sporadic man-made reefs around the island, and according to Hokkaido’s testing, these reefs have a very high degree of similarity to the deep sea.

The pioneer sniffed, and she stretched out her gloved hand to touch the huge and twisted reef in front of her.

These strange giant stones always give her a sense of uneasiness, as if in a second these stones will turn into the deep sea and turn into a monster roaring to attack her.

Because of the high similarity between the reef and the crystals discovered by the giant Goliath, they also stayed here and started researching.

Although they only carried the minimum amount of detection equipment, it was enough for basic investigation.up.

Hokkaido spent a lot of time here, and the accompanying team members began to patrol one after another.

After all, this area originally belonged to the Deep Sea Bismarck sisters. Although they haven’t appeared for a long time, we must prevent them from suddenly appearing to attack.

While everyone was patrolling earnestly, Hokkaido, who was testing the reef samples, punched the reef very angrily.

Amberis, who was standing next to her, quickly turned her head and supported Hokkaido who was about to fall: “What happened?”

This commotion was also spread on the private communication channel, and everyone focused on Hokkaido.

“…These are either reefs or deep seas.”

Hokkaido withdrew her hand, and she stared at the twisted reefs in front of her with a livid face: “They are deep seas that are still alive.”

“What?!” Fuguang rushed to the two of them in amazement. She looked at this huge reef without any physical activity. It was really hard to imagine Hokkaido’s words.

Everyone gathered together and circled around the reef.

Ogysius remained silent. She stretched out her fingers and tapped the surface of the reef, and there was a hollow sound coming from inside the reef.

“At least I can be sure that these things are not solid rocks.” Amberis glanced at Ogysius, who also had a bad face, “But why is this happening? Could it be that the surface of these reefs is ship equipment?”

“No…it’s not…it’s something they formed themselves, like skin…”

Although she felt nauseated or nauseated, Hokkaido did not back down. She stretched out her hand to stroke these reefs that were no different from ordinary rocks.

The monitor shows that there are physiological activities inside the stones. All the reefs here are of the same origin as the deep sea. They grow here for some reason, and seem to maintain their physiological activities by preying on microorganisms.

But if you want to know more things, you have to cut the whole stone to see. None of the people present were willing to do such a thing, or they didn’t think it was a good idea.

“I think you can get the answer when you go to that island.” The pioneer pointed to the small ice island behind him.

Everyone looked in the direction she pointed, and there were faintly artificial ruins on the island. Judging from the shape, it was a circular building.

The team members gave each other a wink. In order to prevent the deep sea from approaching, the upstream team chose to stay around the island, while the others went ashore with great difficulty.

There is no pier on this island that is convenient for people to change ships or ship mothers to land. It seems that there is no history of visits by the above-mentioned people.

The five of them came to the only building by stepping on the thick broken ice. Amberis kicked open the long-sealed door with his prosthetic leg, but was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Some dark-skinned humans who had turned into mummified corpses and were frozen in ice were lying in the room in disorder.

Because the ice cubes preserved everything they had before they were alive, the human-reformed ships were able to see their incomparably miserable and painful appearances.

Hokkaido lowered her head, and she saw a human being who had been gnawed down to a skeleton and minced flesh, but her head was still intact, staring at the ceiling in horror and pain.

There are both male and female humans here, but no old people or children were seen. Moreover, everyone was dressed in ancient times, and most of the clothes were in tatters.

“These… aren’t human beings, are they?” Amberis swallowed. She pointed to an ice sculpture with its mouth open and gnawed on another person’s neck: “This is… a zombie, right?”

Hokkaido quickly lowered her head, and the detector she was carrying began to scan the environment here, and then she smashed out a piece of body tissue wrapped in crushed ice on the ground, and brought it to the detector for detection.

The others dispersed, looking for valuable things in the house.

The value on the detector kept beating, and Hokkaido held his breath.

It wasn’t until the pointer stopped at the same number as when detecting the deep sea that Hokkaido realized what the deep sea was.

She threw down the detector, sat down on the ground, took off her helmet and looked down at the dead humans on the floor.

Amberis noticed her abnormality: “What is it this time? Hokkaido?”

As she asked, she leaned over and reached out to help Hokkaido up from the ground.

But Hokkaido didn’t use her strength to stand up. She looked at the frozen humans and zombies, their miserable death, and the metal objects that melted into the bodies of female zombies…

“…Ambolis, the deep sea, is human.”

Hokkaido gasped heavily: “They…are human beings, which can explain why some women may be assimilated after being attacked by the deep sea…!”

Before Amberis had time to react, Hokkaido grabbed her by the collar and forced her to focus on her fingers: “Look at this! This!”

Amberis looked up, it was a woman who had been frozen to death.

Her appearance was unsightly. Her body was gnawed by something so that only bones remained, but some iron objects were integrated into her bone torso.

The rest of her skin turned into the same black color as Shen Hai, but she was not able to sacrifice the surrounding abilities to resurrect like Shen Hai, and she still died.

Amberis stared at the frozen corpse. She couldn’t imagine what she saw. The way the metal melted into the corpse’s body was very similar to the process of storing the ship’s equipment.

“…Let’s lie…”

She read in a low voice, and suddenly recalled those “alive” reefs outside the island.

“The deep sea andThe reefs are alive, but she didn’t survive, why? Amberis’ eyes widened.

At this time, Ogyseus came to the two of them, and she handed a frozen leather diary to Hokkaido.

“Maybe the energy on this island is not enough to revive her. As for the reefs outside…” Ogyseus frowned, “It should be the result of their choice to evolve.”

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