Temple of the Heavenly Dao.

Zhang Dong saw that a book of heaven-level Cultivation Technique was actually used as a table foot by the iron wooden door, and he said angrily: "It's really a waste of money."

Zhang Dong secretly thought: This is a heaven-level Cultivation Technique, it would be great if it was given to me.

"This Meng Hai has limited eyesight and cannot see the mystery of this Cultivation Technique. He used a heaven-level Cultivation Technique just like this to stand on the table. If it wasn't exposed by this Cultivation Technique list, I am afraid that this heaven-level Cultivation Technique would be very difficult to understand." Technique will be buried in this kitchen forever." Xie Chen also said with a sigh.

However, this iron-wooden gate is also lucky. It met Xie Chen, and with the sky-level Cultivation Technique and a large formation that can resist the attack of the Transcend Tribulation Fifth Stage, the iron-wooden gate will surely have a steady stream of people coming to join in the future. Sooner or later.

Along with people's discussions, the fourth and third places were also announced.

[Fourth place on the East Region Cultivation Technique list: Weeping Blood Devil Sutra

Grade: Heavenly Grade Medium Grade

Affiliation: Demon Forest Valley Mozichi Qingdie

Origin: One of the two books on magic art written by the demon Elder Xueshou Motu

Reward: Innate Middle Grade Treasure Chaser Magic Bell]


[The third place in the East Region Cultivation Technique list: Black Blood Devil Gong

Grade: Heavenly Grade Medium Grade

Belonging to: Molin Valley Mozi Guling

Origin: One of the two books on magic art written by the demon Elder Xueshou Motu

Reward: Innate Middle Grade Treasure Blood Devouring Knife]

Seeing the fourth and third places on the Cultivation Technique list, everyone in the Eastern Region became nervous again.

"The demons, they are actually demons again."

"Damn it, why are their demons so powerful."


Seeing the demons appear on the list again, the major Sacred Land dynasties also got in touch again.

"What to do, if this continues, the strength of the demons will become stronger and stronger. Don't forget that Qian Ren, the owner of the Demon Forest Valley, has not been announced yet. With his strength, I absolutely do not believe that he is not on the list. "

"The East Territory has finally ushered in the peace of Hundred Years, is it going to be broken again now?"

"In my opinion, there is no action from the Demon Race, and we should not act rashly for the time being. I believe that the Demon Race will not start a war with us for the time being." A Sacred Land Lord said after a calm analysis.


"Because of the Temple of the Heavenly Dao!"

"Looking at it now, the strength of the Temple of the Heavenly Dao is undoubtedly the most powerful existence in the entire Eastern Region and even the entire Tianchen Continent, and we know very little about the Temple of the Heavenly Dao, but at least so far the Temple of the Heavenly Dao The Heavenly Dao hasn't made it clear which side it supports. With the Temple of the Heavenly Dao as an uncertain factor, the demons will definitely not be stupid enough to take the lead in attacking the Eastern Region."

"Makes sense."

"But what if the Temple of the Heavenly Dao ends up on the side of the demons?"

"Then we can only pray that Temple of the Heavenly Dao will not stand on the side of Temple of the Heavenly Dao."


Demon Forest Valley.

Gu Ling looked at the own ranking on the Cultivation Technique list, turned to Chi Qingdie on the side of the Great Hall and said, "Chi Qingdie, have you seen that my ranking is ahead of you, which also proves that your Cultivation Technique Not as good as me, hahahaha..."

Chi Qingdie rolled his eyes speechlessly, only thinking that he was a transparent person, thinking how could there be such a brain-dead person in this world.

Qian Ren sat on the seat in the middle of the Great Hall, looked at Gu Ling who was looking at him with a shy face at this time, stroked his forehead with his hand, and sighed helplessly.

[Second place in the East Region Cultivation Technique list: Blood-devouring Tyrant Sword Slash

Grade: top grade

Belonging to: Dao Canghai

Origin: Originally written by Elder Wuchen, the Supreme Master of Canglan Shengzong

Reward: A Talent promotion card]

Looking at the second place on the list, everyone in the Eastern Territory exclaimed again, not only because of the Talent promotion card, but more because of the word Zhongyu written in the column of origin.

"My god, it's actually the Canglan Sacred Sect of Central Territory."

"Do you know this Canglan Sacred Sect?"

"I don't know, but when I saw the word Zhongyu, I knew it was awesome."


"Could it be that Dao Canghai is from the Central Territory?"

"No, this Cultivation Technique list lists our Eastern Region's Cultivation Technique. Since the Cultivation Technique list counts it as the Eastern Region's Cultivation Technique, it proves that Dao Canghai is from the Eastern Region."

"It makes sense. If you put it this way, he may have been accepted as a disciple by the Supreme Elder of the Canglan Sacred Sect in the Central Territory."

"It's no wonder that he can get the first place in the list of arrogance. With the training of the Elder of the Central Saint Sect, even I believe that I can get the first place in the list of arrogance."



In a hidden cave in the Eastern Territory.

At this time, Wu Chen was standing beside Dao Canghai in a state of soul, looking at the Cultivation Technique list together.

He has completely refined the soul-nourishing flower, and after stabilizing his own soul, he can already emerge from Dao Canghai's body, and he doesn't have to worry about the problem that the soul will dissipate at any time due to the weakness of the soul.

"Senior, look, the Cultivation Technique you taught me is on the list." Dao Canghai said happily.

However, unlike Dao Canghai, Wuchen didn't show any joy on his face, he just sighed helplessly.

"Senior, what's the matter with you?" Dao Canghai asked with a puzzled expression.

Dao Canghai thought to himself: Shouldn't he be happy that his own Cultivation Technique is on the list? Why is the senior still moaning.

"Well, this Cultivation Technique list has exposed my situation, and sooner or later the news will spread to the Central Territory. If my enemies know that I am still alive, they will definitely send people to the Eastern Territory to look for me. Then you kid will be in danger."

In fact, when Wuchen saw the slowly revealed rankings on the Cultivation Technique list, he was always worried that the list would expose the Cultivation Technique he handed over to Dao Canghai, and sure enough, his own Cultivation Technique was on the list Yes, still in second place.

"Senior, can you tell me who your enemy is now?" After knowing the reason for the sadness on Wuchen's face, Dao Canghai finally couldn't help asking curiously.

"Forget it, since the situation is already like this, let me tell you."

Next, Wu Chen told Dao Canghai everything about his situation.

The Canglan Sacred Sect, where Wuchen is located, is considered to be at the top of the Great Sect even in the Central Territory. Originally, Wuchen had a grandson who was extremely talented and was born with a Supreme bone. With the Supreme bone, Tianchen Continent is destined to become the master of an era in the future. However, the sect leader of Canglan Shengzong was greedy and sent someone to take Wuchen away. While he was away, he captured his grandson and dug out the Supreme bone in his body, and transplanted it into his own son. , and his grandson was brutally killed by the Canglan Sect Leader.

It was too late when Wuchen found out, Wuchen was so angry that he vowed to kill the Sect Leader of Canglan Shengzong and his son to pay for his grandson's life. Originally, Wu Chen wanted to unite with other Supreme Elders to seek justice from the Sect Leader, but they said that the dead cannot be resurrected, as long as the Supreme bone is still in the Canglan Sect, they also asked Wu Chen to put the overall situation first and put aside the grievances for the time being.

The decision of the Elder regiment made him who was disappointed with Canglan Shengzong completely give up his heart, and then joined his own family to fight towards Canglan Shengzong. A trace of soul left to escape, and finally escaped from the central region, went to the eastern region and met Dao Canghai.

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