Deduction For The Whole People: I Created A Support Job!

Chapter Eighteen: Semi-Public? The Hidden Power Of The Secret Service! (Ask For Flowers! Ask For Com

Because of this sudden incident, the entire Special Affairs Bureau became tense.

They sent people overnight to check the figure of the person who collided with Lin Mu through all the cameras at the high-speed rail station.

However, the result was very uncomfortable.

That person actually took the high-speed train and left.

And he had already got off the bus in another city.

The speed of the high-speed rail is extremely fast, and a few hours is enough time for this person to reach another city that is far away.

In the midst of the tension, the Special Affairs Bureau of Nanqing City immediately sent an emergency notice there.

"We still can't relax our vigilance. After all, we don't know how many people have been infected like Lin Mu."

"Next, act in groups of two or two. There must be people whose main job or sub-job is support in the team!"

"The skills contained in this career may help us even more!"

The astonishing performance of the purification technique made everyone pay more attention to this profession.

I originally thought it was just a logistics job, and naturally it would not be widely sought after in a place like the Special Affairs Bureau.

Even many people in Yan Kingdom who have joined the auxiliary profession have gradually transferred to other professions.

After all, it was originally because Lin Mu was the first to deduce the extraordinary skills, which made everyone's desire for this kind of power explode instantly.

That's why tens of millions of people join the auxiliary profession.

But now, as for the supporting profession, who is supporting?

Everyone is a support, so it's still not fun.

What's more, in the entire Yan Kingdom, it is almost impossible to find a patient now, so what's the use of learning this assistance.

Some people with fiery personalities even switched to other professions early on.

This is because there are not many extraordinary skills that appear now, so there are still many people who put support on sub-jobs.

Otherwise, I am afraid that more people will give up supporting professions.

After all, there are only two skills released in the support, and they are almost useless now.

People with any injuries have already been snatched up by others.

Lin Mu also felt that his skills were lacking.

After last night, he began to deduce other abilities.

The first is perception.

As long as the existence of danger can be discovered earlier, there will be more reaction and preparation time.

At that time, whether it is anti-killing or escaping, it will be of great help.

"Spiritual body... Let's develop a skill to perceive the spiritual body first..."

As Lin Mu made up his mind, he felt the feeling of releasing the purification technique yesterday to expel the spirit body.

At the same time, an emergency meeting was going on at the top of the Yan Country Special Affairs Bureau.

"Regarding recent developments, we have seen a significant uptick in extraordinary events across our regional divisions."

A well-mannered middle-aged man is reporting to several bigwigs sitting on the long table.

In his report, he summarized the incidents that occurred in Yan Kingdom and all the special affairs bureaus in recent months.

From the chart on the big screen, it can be clearly seen that since the system appeared, extraordinary events have increased exponentially since then.

"Could it be that this system that suddenly appeared is to help us? Or is it because of its appearance that it led to an increase in incidents?"

A high-level person asked suspiciously, but no one could answer this question at all.

In fact, the emergence of extraordinary events existed before the system.

It's just that the number is not large, and the Special Affairs Bureau can only use some methods inherited from ancient times to carry out some sealing and suppression.

It can be regarded as resisting with the strength of mortals.

The blockades that Lin Mu noticed in his hometown were largely due to the impact of these incidents.

"The question now is, if the number of this kind of thing continues to increase, are we going to make it public?"

Yes, this is the core point of today's meeting discussion.

In the past, in order not to cause panic among the people, they carried all the dangers down.

But now, after the advent of the system, everyone can have extraordinary power, and the number of incidents is greatly increasing, so it is time to consider whether the matter should be made public.

Relying solely on the people of the Special Affairs Bureau, it is already a little weak to deal with these incidents. It is necessary to mobilize civil forces to better deal with the crisis.

After this question was raised, everyone sitting there fell into deep thought.

After a while, the person sitting at the top slowly raised his head.

"Yes, but do it step by step, don't throw it out all at once, so as not to cause panic!"

When the conclusion of the matter was finalized, the atmosphere in the meeting room relaxed a lot.

They started talking about other things.

"I said, Lao Li, aren't some of your professions going to be made public?"

"The professions created by those inheritors should be improved a lot now, right? If this is made public, I'm afraid our pressure will be much less."

As this person said, after the system came, apart from people like Lin Mu who bothered to deduce it, there were also some people with the inheritance of the master.

Before the system appeared, they could only use some weak strength to barely resist these events.

But with the system, everything is different.

Through their past experience and some knowledge in the classics, they can deduce much more powerful abilities at a faster speed than before.

Nowadays, there are more and more dangerous things. If these occupations are opened up, it may have a huge impact.

After hearing this, the old man sitting at the top pondered for a long time, and finally shook his head.

"The timing is not enough. These skills are too aggressive and can easily cause social unrest! At that time, I'm afraid it will cause more damage than special events!"

"At most, it can only be spread in a small area after strict screening."

"I remember that in the system, there is also a semi-public option..."

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