
Lin Mu instantly thought of a skill that was very common in his previous life.

Many games will have such a similar skill.

The effects are not too different.

Lin Mu also quickly conceived what kind of effect this skill will have when it is actually used.

It's just that at this point, he was a little bit in trouble.

Because the previous skills are basically positive gains, as long as you find a way to superimpose the effects during the deduction, and conform to a certain logic, you can achieve this effect with the help of the system.

But now the situation is different.

Subtraction is more difficult than addition.

Just like multiplication is much easier than division.

How can a person fall into a state of weakness reasonably?

Simulate the effect of poisoning? Or aging?

Thoughts flashed through Lin Mu's mind.

He didn't listen to the class much in the classroom all day long, basically he was simulating and deducing this skill repeatedly.

Even when he got home, he didn't pay much attention to Xiaobai who was sleeping on the sofa, but went back to his room and started thinking hard.

As soon as he returned to the room, Xiao Bai put the remote control under him on the coffee table with a whoosh.

Then, as if nothing had happened, he took catwalks to the cat climbing frame installed in the corner of the bedroom and lay down on his stomach.

For several days, Lin Mu couldn't find a good entry point to deduce this skill.

During this period, many things happened in Yan Kingdom.

The most interesting thing is the team hunting rats, weasels and other animals around the city.

They first attracted attention because of the star Tanuki.

However, after a lot of people paid attention, their movements became bigger and bigger, as if something was chasing after them. Yes, they became more and more impatient.

In this abnormal situation, many people paid more attention to it.

Finally, after concealing it for a few days and they have gained a lot of experience points one after another, the news leaked out.

All of a sudden, the people of the whole country were excited.

"What? There are experience points for hitting mice?"

"It can only be the big one? That's okay, won't it be enough to keep the small ones?"

"Weasel is okay too? What else? Look for it quickly!"

"These pests have long disliked them, don't let me catch the chance now!"

Although the news did not last long, the people in that team were already satisfied.

After so many days of running-in, the raccoon cat also joined the team and became a regular member.

He even sent that assistant to take care of each other's life.

Since then, the little white cat has nothing to do with him.

When the news came out, countless people walked out of their homes.

They even appeared in the middle of the night, guarding various sewer entrances, or near potholes in some suburbs.

Just wait for those mice to come out to feed.

What's more, they brought out all the cats in the house.

"Pippi, I caught a big one today, and I'll make steamed fish for you when I get back tonight!"

A little sister was squatting on the ground talking to her big cat, which had grown to the height of her calf.

"What? You want two? It's not impossible, then we have to catch mice!"

One person and one cat is like buying vegetables in the vegetable market, and you have to bargain.

It's not just them, those teams looking for spirit bodies all over the world are even more crazy at this time.

"Damn it! We saw a nest of mice a few days ago. We were in a hurry to find the spirit body and let them go. I regret it!"

"Who would have known that this thing also has experience points, which is too outrageous..."

"That's right. If we had known earlier, why would we bother to go to the sewer, and we would have everything!"

"No, I can't hesitate anymore, I still remember the location of the nest a few days ago, let's go there quickly!"

"That's right, let's start now, and we can't let others take the lead."

A group of people were still eating dinner in the house, but after seeing the report on TV, they dropped their chopsticks in an instant.

Everyone grabs their weapons or coats and rushes out the door, just like there is some treasure ahead and someone else preempts it if they arrive late.

It's no wonder they, how difficult it is to get this experience now.

Those spirit bodies are about to be wiped out by them.

Some teams even went to other people's homes to do good deeds near the border.

Because those countries may have different regional servers in the system, they cannot learn the skills of the Yan Kingdom. Under the shadow of these spirits, they can only tremble.

Yan Guo's team passed by, just like the Emperor of Earth, they provided all food and drink, and there was a special car to pick them up when they went out.

With just one phone call, everything in life was properly resolved.

They are also able to gain a lot of experience points after easily destroying spirits.

It is simply the envy of a group of compatriots.

Now that there is such an opportunity, the restless people like Yan Guo who have been waiting for a long time burst out with boundless enthusiasm in an instant.

The masses of the people were all mobilized, like killing the four pests, and took away the jobs of the cats in the city in a short period of time.

However, with the development of this matter, many people have also discovered new channels.

It's not just mice, there are countless beasts hidden in the wild, especially in the deep mountains and old forests.

Even the huge wolves and leopards have corresponding experience points.

Moreover, as the exploration deepened, they also discovered an extremely bad situation.

That's insects!

Insects are far more numerous than animals.

Near a certain Gobi Desert, some people even found red fire ants the size of a fist.

The whole body is red, and a pair of pliers can easily crush bricks and stones.

And they live in groups!

That person saw with his own eyes a group of red fire ants surrounding a hare.

The pliers seemed to be carrying extremely violent fire poison, and the moment they were clamped, they left scorched black marks on the fur of the hare.

This situation instantly made everyone vigilant.

Insects on the scale of the past alone can cause huge economic losses every year.

Such as termites, locusts and the like.

And in the process of the evolution of this kind of global species, if a large number of giant locusts appear, it is really an unspeakable fearful disaster.

As the matter gradually attracted attention, the Bureau of Special Affairs also sent relevant personnel to go deep into various places to conduct more detailed investigations.

And Lin Mu finally found inspiration at this time.

That was while watching TV, and the people interviewed on TV praised the effect of strengthening technique.

"Enhancement technique is really too practical. After using one skill, I feel that my whole body is full of strength..."

When Lin Mu saw this, he had a flash of inspiration.

Strengthening technique, strengthening the target.

Weakness, weakens the target.

These two skills are essentially homologous.

It's just that one is plus and one is minus.

So as long as he started with the enhancement technique and worked backwards, would he be able to achieve his goal?

................................................... ...................................

Ask for flowers! ! Ask for an evaluation ticket! ! Seek all kinds of data support! ! !

................................................... ...................................

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