The sight in front of them shocked everyone in the Secret Affairs Bureau.

Stopping the car from the end of the road, there should be a forest in front of you.

There is a boundary marker in the middle of the woodland, which is the dividing line of the national border.

Now, this piece of woodland has been completely cleared.

One is to strengthen the wall and clear the wilderness, so that locusts cannot come here and find food supplements on the spot.

On the other hand, it is to make room.

Now the hills and plains are full of people.

Not only humans, but also many other mutated animals waiting to be fed have also formed a phalanx.

Just tens of thousands of big birds almost covered the entire mountain.

The wild duck and pheasant army on the other side are not to be outdone.

And the people who rushed over from all over the country sat on the ground and spread picnic cloths, and they were camping happily at this time.

Just highlight one outrageous.

It has been repeatedly broadcast on TV these days, and those videos have repeatedly proved how horrible this disaster is.

It is for this reason that these people came from all over the country to contribute.

As a result, after arriving here, they all relaxed.

There is no way, when seeing the operation of the master of the flying department, it is very difficult for Yan Guo to have that kind of nervous sense of urgency about this matter.

The food chain in the animal kingdom has a strict up-down relationship.

It's as if a two-month-old kitten can easily catch a mouse of about the same size.

These birds and beasts are here, they are simply human extracorporated legions.

And it's still the kind that uses locusts as rations.

"Wang Bo! Report."

In a small open space not far away, several people were sitting on the ground playing cards.

After one person confidently throws out the big and small kings, he is ready to play another card in his hand at any time.

But at this time, the person next to him turned his head and suddenly threw down all the cards in his hand.

"Stop playing, the Special Affairs Bureau is here, we have to obey the command."

"That's right, what time is it, you're still playing cards here, aren't you a bit vigilant?"

The two companions dropped the cards in their hands at the same time, and then waved at Cheng Wei and the others.

The black uniform of the Special Affairs Bureau is still very eye-catching.

Since stepping onto the stage, the bureau has also specially made this kind of image requirements.

It is no longer hidden among the crowd like it used to be.

So many people recognized their identities at a glance.

"Then there are still cats here?"

"Hey, that head, if I wasn't colorblind, I would have thought it was orange."

"Since the emergence of the system, there have been more and more mutant creatures of this kind."

"But it's pretty good, you can have fun."

"Hey hey..."

Lin Mu dragged Xiao Bai out of the car and put him on the ground.

Xiaobai arched his body and stretched his waist long, and then let out a 'meow' that was still full of meaning.

From Lin Mu's translation skills, we can know that this sound has no meaning, just like when humans stretch their waists, they can't help but say "ah" once or twice.

However, this mid-air cry still caused a little commotion.

The blood pressure engraved in his bones made the birds on the entire hill next to him turn their heads in unison.

After seeing Xiaobai's appearance clearly, some birds even wanted to flap their wings and fly high.

"Don't worry, everyone, they are all your cats!"

Under the persuasion of the assistant next to them, they stopped the commotion and quieted down.

But still somewhat vigilant.

During this period of time, not only Nanqing City's Special Affairs Bureau has arrived here, but branches from many other places have also arrived here.

Now that people are almost gathered, a group of people from the Special Affairs Bureau also got together to discuss.

According to satellite monitoring, the locust swarm is still more than two days away.

Right now, it is necessary to prepare a response plan as soon as possible.

After heated discussions, the Special Affairs Bureau also released the plan for this operation through the scarf.

No way, there are too many people at the scene.

This national border is very long, and it is impossible to notify them one by one in person.

It can only be divided into areas to make a certain cooperation.

"Remote professionals, range skill owners, please go to the front line to prepare!"

"Supporting professionals, please go to the second row and prepare!"

"Melee group, go to the third row. The task is to deal with the mutant locusts in close quarters and protect the comrades in the first two rows."

"Single-body damage skills, form a mobile team, and the target is a special giant locust!"


The instructions are issued one by one, and all the people on the front line can clearly understand their responsibilities.

There is nothing wrong with the arrangement of the Special Affairs Bureau.

In the face of this kind of locust plague that wins by numbers, it still has to rely on the damage of area skills to end.

The first row is the main attacker.

The support for the second row is also very easy to understand. Give the first row BUFF and at the same time give the locust swarm DEBUFF.

Only in this way can the advantages of the front row be maximized.

To be on the safe side, the melee group was transferred to the third row to protect the first two groups.

The special arrangement at the end is also very interesting.

According to the previous video recording, the locust swarm has evolved after eating for so many days and so long!

It doesn't refer to the evolution of the species, but the obvious large-scale growth in size and strength.

Any swarm-like creature always has a leader.

Just like an ant colony has a queen, wild geese fly south also has a leading leader.

The same goes for locust swarms.

Moreover, a locust swarm of this size must have more than one powerful leader.

It would be too much of a waste of spiritual power to let the front row deal with these powerful individual targets.

Therefore, the task of the mobile group is to find and deal with these special individuals on the battlefield.

After assigning tasks, everyone found their place.

They even rehearsed their positions several times during this free time.

Of course Lin Mu also joined the auxiliary column.

One person and one cat stood in a space about five meters apart and sat down casually.

The waiting process is always very long.

The sun sets and rises again.

When the sky was getting brighter, everyone woke up.

"What's going on? Is it cloudy?"

"Isn't it? Is it going to rain?"

"No, something is wrong, look over there!"

The slanting sunlight seemed to pass through the dense forest, with only a few bright white spots showing through the gaps.

But this shadow is not a dark cloud, but the overwhelming locust swarm in the distance.

The locusts were densely packed, like a curtain spread in the sky, slowly closing towards this side.

As the distance approached, a deafening hum became louder and clearer.

The scene of the sky collapsing has an apocalyptic color.

"They're here!"

With a loud shout, everyone instantly lifted their spirits.

They quickly came to their predetermined positions and were ready to welcome them.

"All support! Strengthen it!"

................................................... ...................................

Ask for flowers! ! Ask for an evaluation ticket! ! Seek all kinds of data support! ! !

................................................... ...................................

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