Deduction For The Whole People: I Created A Support Job!

Chapter 66: What's Special About Lv4!

Behind the big tree, several small groups hid together.

Not far away, the huge tiger stood up and shook its body, the heavy tremor seemed to spread through the air.

With heavy steps, the tiger slowly approached the smell of blood in his sense of smell.

The distance was getting closer and closer, and when it was about to reach the big tree, it keenly discovered another smell in the air.

The long-term outdoor life has already honed a natural vigilance.

It stopped abruptly at this moment.

All changes are fed back to Lin Mu's perception in real time.

When he found this situation, he signaled his teammates without hesitation.

Since the first ambush has failed, we can only forcefully attack while the opponent has not fully reacted~.

"It was discovered! Do it!"

Lin Mu tossed Xiaobai high on the branch that protruded horizontally above his head, and first flashed out - behind the big tree.

While the figure was shaking, his palm also stretched out and aimed at the huge body of the tiger.


Even Lin Mu couldn't apply three negative skills to the opponent at the same time at the same time.

In the face of this highly threatening mutated creature, the first choice is extremely important.

He chose to be blinded.

Lin Mu's undisguised appearance caused the tiger's pupils to shrink into a vertical line in an instant, capturing his figure.

But then, its eyes suddenly fell into a haze.

It doesn't know what happened, but it understands that it must be the reason for the person opposite.

The tiger roared angrily.

The terrifying heavy aura spread far away in an instant, and countless birds in the original woods fluttered their wings and flew high.

Its claws slapped randomly on the ground, making terrible pits one after another.

Gravel and dirt flew around, and the tiger also charged towards Lin Mu's last position in memory.

A tiger of this size probably weighs close to a ton.

Running up, the earth trembled, as if the march of a tank army was overwhelming.


The sudden change of body caused the tiger, whose vision was already obstructed, to stagger unsteadily in an instant.

At this moment, Cheng Wei also flashed out from behind the big tree.

A ferocious hand cannon was pulled out from his pocket and blocked in front of the tiger.

"The Ultimate Bomb!"

The red bullet shot straight from the muzzle of the gun, and it reached the front of the tiger in an instant.

The keen perception honed in the wild made it feel extremely threatened in an instant.

In a hurry, it only had time to slightly avoid the head, and was driven back again and again by the huge impact force amidst an explosion.


When the bullet hit the target, it exploded spontaneously, emitting a cloud of smoke, covering the area behind the tiger.

Cheng Wei has never made a move in this mission.

It is simply because his skills are too dynamic, and if he is not sure after using them, it will cause additional troubles.

But none of that matters now.

After hearing the roar of the tiger just now, basically no mutated creatures would dare to come here.

The smoke was quickly blown away by the strong wind brought by the impact.

After the tiger suffered this direct injury, he roared again and again, and the loud sound made the eardrums of the people so close feel pain.

At this time, one of its forearms had been battered by the bullets that exploded, and its smooth fur was stained with a layer of scorched black.

Even though it was injured, it was still the top predator in Shennongjia. With a roar, it charged towards the direction of the bullet with undiminished power.

With this body shape, even if it can't see Cheng Wei's outline clearly, it can smash Cheng Wei into meatloaf with just this force.

At this time, Lin Mu's third skill was released at the same time.


The tiger's limbs seemed to be plunged into thick mud in an instant, and the speed couldn't help but slow down a beat.

The wound on the forearm even burst open due to the twisting force.

Taking advantage of this time, Xu Ling also stepped out and replaced Cheng Wei's position.

The long sword in Xu Ling's hand was specially made of special steel by the Special Affairs Bureau.

Moreover, after the system appeared and her body speed was further strengthened, she also specially made aggravation treatment.

Facing the roaring tiger, Xu Ling unsheathed his long sword and rushed forward.

This seemingly delicate girl is actually the number one in melee combat of the Nanqing Branch of the Special Affairs Bureau!

With the addition of Lin Mu's plug-in level acceleration technique, Xu Ling's speed is as fast as lightning.

The flickering cold light on the long sword also drew a silver streamer in the air.

She leaned forward, almost sticking to the ground, approaching the tiger's side like a swimming dragon in just a few seconds.

The blinding technique is not completely blinding. When the tiger's field of vision is so close, it can still barely see an outline.

Regardless of the wound cracking again, its muscles instantly swelled, and its front paws kept waving towards the blurry figure.

The harsh wind pressure caused Xu Ling's hair to blow around.

With a few light dodges, she bypassed the tiger's front body and reached places where its hind legs could not be seen.

The slender waist instantly twisted and exerted force, and the force was transmitted to the arm, driving the wrist to swipe heavily on the tiger's hind leg.

A cloud of blood burst out in an instant, and the tiger's huge body couldn't help but lose its center of gravity and fell to the ground.


The shrill and angry roars continued one after another.

As a top predator, it finally felt the crisis of life at this time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xu Ling cut off the hamstrings of the tiger's two hind legs one after another, and then retreated quickly.

The last struggle of life will also be the most violent time.

Even Xu Ling didn't have the confidence to be able to retreat unscathed from that terrifying attack like a violent storm.

Here is the difference between the two.

Facing an enemy of this level, the team of the Special Affairs Bureau must rely on the initiative and the cooperation of various skills to weaken the enemy little by little.

But as long as the tiger can hit them once, it may immediately cause attrition.

"Huh... the overall situation is settled!"

Several people gathered together again, and their moods relaxed a little.

Up to now, as long as Cheng Wei and Yan Meng are constantly consuming from a distance, they can grind each other to death.

The rest is just a matter of time.

"Lv4 seems to be just larger in size and stronger in comprehensive attributes. As long as you find the right method, it doesn't seem to be difficult to deal with.

"Yeah, if we knew it was like this, we wouldn't have had to hide it for so long before."

While talking, several people kept releasing their skills.

The fear of Lv4 has also completely dissipated.

But in fact, if there is no exquisite cooperation in the team, if it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that the staff will be reduced in an instant.

And under the chain reaction, "It's hard for the whole team to win.

However, no matter what, this time it should be considered safe and sound.

Just when several people were thinking this way, the tiger suddenly made an unexpected movement.

After Xu Ling broke all the hamstrings of its hind legs, the tiger could only lie on the ground and could not move.

But at this time, it suddenly straightened its waist with the last strength, and raised its two huge front paws high.

Then it fell heavily to the ground.


An earthquake-like tremor instantly came from the center of the slap, and several people almost fell down due to the sudden force from the ground in an instant.

At this moment when it was unstable, the tiger only relied on its two front paws to plan deeply on the ground, and its body was ejected like a large cannonball.

The tiger's head expanded instantly in front of several people's eyes, and they could even smell the stench emanating from the bloody mouth.

At this moment, Lin Mu was even ready to punch deliberately, and a thin layer of golden light covered his clenched fist.

However, someone was one step ahead of him.

At this moment, Yan Meng took a light step forward.

The originally lazy face was now cold.

She stretched out her white and tender palm, and uttered a few words without any emotion in her mouth.

"Ice Wall!"

A layer of ice about one meter thick instantly rose from the ground.

Standing between the crowd and the tiger.



The huge impact caused the ice wall to shatter after supporting it for just a second.

0 for flowers...

And taking advantage of this short buffer time, everyone pulled back the distance.

This distance becomes the distance between life and death.

The tiger's heavy body fell to the ground, causing the ground to tremble again.

But it never had a chance to touch Lin Mu and the others again.

With this frightening change, everyone also accelerated their speed.

For a while, Xu Ling was the main attacker in close combat, and the sword light continuously drew deep bloodstains on the whole tiger's body.

Yan Meng used magic as a long-range harassment position, and a series of icicles aimed at the vital position, making the tiger tired of parrying.

Cheng Wei replaced it with penetrating bullets and continued to cause damage as a long-range main attacker.

On the contrary, Lin Mu added status to several people as if he was doing nothing.

This time, there was no new accident, and the tiger fell to the ground with a scream of despair.

"'s over."

After repeatedly confirming the results of the battle, Cheng Wei was completely relaxed.

"I have to say, Lv4 is really resistant to beating."

"But what happened to it just now?"

This is indeed a very big question.

Even if the tiger weighed close to a ton and its strength was terrifying, it didn't make sense to cause the earthquake-like effect just now.

At that time, these people were in a hurry and even fell to the ground.


If it really fell, I am afraid the result will be completely different.

"Is this the special feature of Lv4?"

"It's possible. Bring it to the research institute when you go back."

Everyone had a brief discussion, and since they couldn't get a result, let the professionals do it.

They have more important goals waiting.

However, when they calmed down and turned their gazes to the huge boulder where the tiger was lying on, their hearts turned cold.

Perhaps it was because of the previous strong shock.

At this time, the boulder had collapsed.

The location of the collapse happened to be where their target was.

"Damn it! Not good!"

"Quick! Let's see if we can save it?"

"Come together, hold hands!"

All four rushed forward without hesitation.

They worked together to lift the stones and clean up the rubble.

From the collapsed weeds, I searched for a start


"No, where did it go?"

"Why not?"

"Could it be that he was smashed to death, so the prompt disappeared?"

There is no need to search for them one by one.

Because in the field of vision of several people at this time, this piece of weeds does not have the (LV1 level logo.

Which means, this place is not what they are aiming for.

Amidst this great frustration, the exhaustion from previous battles also came to my mind.

Several people sat on the ground decadently.

"Hey... What did we plan to fight with it just now..."

"Yeah, why is it gone?"


Huh? Seems like something weird got mixed in.

When the battle started, Lin Mu threw Xiaobai onto a branch and let him hide by himself.

The battle was so fierce that everyone forgot its existence.

And at this time, when they heard this vague cry, several people also looked over the pressure.

At this time, Xiaobai was slowly approaching with graceful catwalks, holding a plant with intact roots in its mouth.


The reminding characters that made people miss reappeared in front of several people.

It turned out that Xiaobai also knew what the goal of the few people was. Just now, when the two sides were fighting, with light steps, he quietly bypassed the center of the battlefield and connected the plant to the ground.


Overjoyed to have found it again, Xu Li, an expressionless girl, rushed forward and hugged Xiao Bai.


"You are a great hero!"

"When you go back, that tiger will get you a piece of meat to roast!"

Lin Mu pretended not to see Xiaobai being depressed by Xu Ling, and gently took the plant out of its mouth, and then put it into the safe deposit box specially prepared by Cheng Wei.


So far, at least the bottom line goal has been achieved. .

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