Deduction For The Whole People: I Created A Support Job!

Chapter 68: A New Use Of Strengthening Technique!

Several people turned their heads following the old man's guidance.

Looking at a special test tube placed in the middle of a research table.

The test tubes are much larger than those used for experiments in schools.

At this time, the somewhat wilted plant stood inside.

The broken roots of some bite marks are soaked in emerald green nutrient solution.

Seeing this scene, Lin and the others also remembered.

When they were looking for this plant, its roots were obviously eaten by some bugs.

If they hadn't pulled it out from the wet soil in time, I'm afraid it would be eaten up in a few days.

It was precisely because of this that they decided to return immediately and stop searching.

A thousand birds in the forest are not as good as a bird in the hand, they still understand this truth.

At this time, the old man pointed to the test tube and introduced it to several people.

"After our overnight analysis, the energy contained in its leaves is a bit higher than the rice we grow ourselves now."

"However, it is precisely because of this that only by relying on these high-concentration nutrient solutions can it barely hang its life. Now it is still weakening irreversibly."

Cheng Wei still hesitated.

Only at this time did he realize that the mutated plant in front of him turned out to be a rice seedling.

The importance of rice does not require much thought.

Everyone knows that this is one of the staple foods of the people of Yan Kingdom.

It is precisely because of this importance that Cheng Wei is a little timid at this time.

"Old Long, you know, we people don't understand this. What if something goes wrong..."

Elder Long sighed.

"It is precisely because we have used all the most advanced scientific research equipment, and we still can't solve the problem when all the resources are tilted, so I want you to try it.

of. "

Last night, after discovering this problem, Long Lao led a whole research team to come up with countless solutions and tried them all.

20 but still haven't found a solution to the damage of this plant.

Seeing that his hopes were about to be shattered, Mr. Long thought about trying one last time.

Their team was able to find these three crucial mutated plants from an incomparably vast place like Shennongjia, no matter what, they had a bit of luck.

At this time, Long Mo didn't want to give up even if it was such an illusory possibility.

"So... let's discuss it?"

Cheng Wei took a deep breath, he had to do it now, but it was still not rational to act rashly, he had to calm down and discuss it with his companions.

Long Lao nodded, and walked out of the research room, giving up the space to the group of young people.

After Long Lao went out, Cheng Wei sat down on the stool next to him.

The faces of the others were also blank at this time.

Several people faced each other, staring at each other, but no one spoke.

This quiet atmosphere lasted for a few minutes before Cheng Wei spoke unbearably.

"What are you watching me do? Hurry up and think of a way. This is rice! If this plant grows well, there will be that kind of seed!"

"But I can't help it..."

Xu Ling, a girl, probably hasn't cooked since she left the mountain.

She thought about the abilities she knew, and shook her head helplessly.

"I can't use my sword to cut it..."

At this time, Yan Meng had a proposal.

"How about I freeze it? I can deal with it after I think of a way?"

"No, if this is really feasible, the country has this kind of quick-freezing technology and special freezers. And if you use your ability, you need to maintain it regularly, which is unrealistic.

"Then how can we revive it?" Yan Meng was a little discouraged.

Not to mention Cheng Wei's ability, the profession of gunner is not suitable at all just by looking at the name.

But Yan Meng's words reminded someone.

Lin Mu suddenly frowned at this time, closed his eyes tightly and began to think in his mind.

Looking at his appearance, the rest of the people didn't dare to breathe, and stared at Lin Mu without blinking.

It wasn't until the other party opened his eyes that he hurriedly asked.

"How? What can you do?"

"Tell me quickly, let's analyze and analyze together."

Lin Mu hesitated before speaking. Although he was not sure, there should be no side effects.

"I just talked about healing...... I was wondering, will healing be useful?"

"What? Healing?"

Several people were taken aback by Lin Mu's proposal, and subconsciously exclaimed. Because no one thought of this plan, it should be regarded as the most frequently used skill at this stage, but no one has ever associated it with plants.

"Isn't that a little outrageous?"

"It's hard to say, this is a mutated plant, and it cannot be understood from the perspective of ordinary plants.

"Why don't you try it? No matter what the treatment is, at least there will be no side effects."

At this time, the door of the research room was pushed open again.

Elder Long didn't go far at all. After hearing the exclamation, he and several deputy researchers walked in.

"How is it? I heard you guys have some ideas just now? Let's hear it."

After Cheng Wei talked about it, Long Lao and the others were stunned.

"Yes... yes, the world can no longer be understood with the original principles. Healing...healing should be worth a try."

The top researchers understood their proposal from Cheng Wei's words in an instant, and made a decision immediately.

Elder Long shouted excitedly behind him.

"Xiao Li, I remember your sub-profession is healing, right? Come and try."

A young researcher stepped forward, took a deep breath, and put his palm against the test tube to emit a soft white light.

After tens of seconds, he lowered his hand.

Everyone next to him leaned forward anxiously, their eyes almost glued to the test tube.

The next moment, a disappointed sigh sounded.

In their view, the plant was still wilting.

It was almost a death sentence.

There is no turning back.

For a moment, Long Lao's heart was ashamed, and deep regret continued to spread in his heart.

At this time, Lin Mu suddenly took a step forward.

"How about... let me try?"

He didn't deliberately make troubles to enhance his presence, but at that moment just now, because the white light was too dazzling, he subconsciously activated his perception skills.

But in his perception, the plant had a slight change under the effect of the healing technique.

Even the color of the nutrient solution there seems to have faded a little bit.

The researcher's auxiliary job is just a sub-job, which has its own weakening.

But Lin Mu is different, he has the bonus of the founder, maybe he can have a more obvious effect.

"You? What else can you do?"

"No, it's also a healing technique. My skill level is a little higher. Let's try again."

"Don't waste any more time, if the healing technique works, it should have worked just now!"

The researcher named Xiao Li accused Lin Mu angrily when he heard this.

In his heart, it was already at this time, and the other party was still exhausting everyone's expectations, so he couldn't help but yelled loudly for a while.

"Let Elder Long decide whether it's okay or not. I think it's worth a try."

Even so, Lin Mu didn't back down, he held his head high and his eyes were very firm.

It is related to billions of people, no matter how small the opportunity is, it must be tried.

Long Lao sighed, raised his hand to stop the young researcher behind him, he nodded, did not speak, and silently gave up his position.

Obviously, there is no hope for Lin Mu's attempt.

Lin Mu took a deep breath and walked to the research bench.

He raised his hand, a golden light enveloped his whole body, and then slowly melted into the weight of his body.

"What are you doing? Isn't it healing?"

Lin Mu smiled slightly and said, "Add an enhancement first."

Then he also raised his palm, adding a boost to the plants in the test tube.

Some sluggish emerald green leaves seem to be covered with a thin layer of golden light.

Lin Mu then placed his palm directly above the opening of the test tube.

With a layer of glass, no one knows whether there will be a certain barrier effect.

The white light that was more intense than before lit up, making everyone squint their eyes.

Just by looking at the brightness of this light, one can clearly judge that Lin Mu's healing skills are more than one level higher than Xiao Li's.

Of course.

Lin Mu's strengthening technique alone is comparable to cheating, not to mention that he also has the bonus of the founder.

The white light in the palm of his hand was like a bright incandescent lamp. After a few seconds, Lin Mu slowly pulled out his palm.

And at this time, Elder Long who was beside him also joined in for the first time.

Even if he didn't give up any hope, he still didn't want to give up any chance.

The effect of Lin Mu's skills has already shocked him, and he certainly hopes that all these will be really effective.

At first glance, the four of them were stunned for an instant.

"What, what's going on here?"

"how so?"

Before they had time to take a closer look at the condition of the plant, they were stunned by the huge changes in the test tube.

The originally emerald green nutrient solution is now almost transparent!

It's like mineral water.

This strong visual change is noticeable at a glance.

Long Lao insisted on carefully looking at the roots of the plant while his mind was shaken.

After this glance, he patted the table and stood up.

"Xiao Li! Quick! Add nutrient solution!"

After a night of uninterrupted research, he memorized almost every root shape of this mutated rice plant.

After Lin Mu used the skill, some traces of being eaten by bugs that were left on it even gradually disappeared.

It's just that it may be because the energy of the nutrient solution has been absorbed, which makes it still have some wounds that have not turned back.

Moreover, I don't know if it's because of his heart, but in Long Lao's eyes, these 880 plants seem to have a new spirit.

A vigorous and high-spirited vitality is gradually revealed.

In a panic, Xiao Li walked in holding a bucket of nutrient solution with adjusted concentration.

Long Lao didn't hesitate any longer, he directly pulled out the mutated rice from the test tube, and put the roots in the nutrition bucket with his hands.

Under the shocked eyes of the audience, the nutrient solution was becoming weaker and weaker at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, Elder Long also felt itchy in his palms, and the height of the rice became longer and longer. In just half a minute, it even grew a few centimeters.

This astonishing change made Long Lao excited instantly.

His hands were so trembling that he couldn't even hold the growing seedling.

When he handed it over to his assistant, Long Lao was already in tears.

"Thanks to you... If it weren't for you, this time

It's such a pity..."

Cheng Wei hurriedly stepped forward to comfort him.

After everyone finally calmed down.

The researcher Xiao Li even apologized to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu smiled and said it was off.

After all, that person was not targeting him, but was really desperate for the status quo at the time.

But after that, new problems arose.

After a period of time, the rate at which the seedlings absorbed the nutrient solution decreased significantly, which made everyone in the research room anxious.

Elder Long even specially pulled Lin Mu over to let him see what was going on.

Lin Mu counted the time, thought for a while and said.

"Maybe it's time for the strengthening technique?"

The strengthening technique he added to the seedling just now was just a casual move, and it would not have any negative effects anyway.

But now it seems that it may be the strengthening technique that makes it absorb nutrients so quickly.

After all, if plants are counted as skills, maybe the nutrients absorbed by their roots can also be counted?

The role of the strengthening technique might have had an effect on this aspect.

"Then you try again?"

Lin Mu nodded, and the golden light on the palm covered the seedlings again.

Then, a scene that surprised everyone happened again.

The nutrient solution is rapidly diluting at an extraordinary speed.

This obvious change caused everyone to cheer.

It even attracted researchers from the other two projects next to it.

After asking the reason clearly, they didn't leave at this time, they all leaned forward, squeezed to Lin Mu and shouted.

"Brother! Give us one too!"

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