Time is running out, and Lin Mu and others have received comprehensive information only ten minutes after arriving at the base.

After a brief preparation, they also headed towards the Flame Mountain.

Different from the previous team, the four of Lin Mu are all Lv3 at this time, and even Xiaobai is at this level.

Their attributes are much more than others.

The most obvious difference is that Lin Mu and others do not need to wear any protective clothing at all.

Although it is definitely better to wear it, but this time I will probably fight.

This kind of stuff just affects performance.

After entering the range of the Flame Mountain, several people also felt that the surrounding air was scorching hot.

With a wave of Yan Meng's hand, a thin layer of ice mist stuck around everyone's bodies, which greatly relieved the hot feeling.

It's just that in this environment, such skills won't last long before they need to be re-released.

If it is an ordinary ice mage, it is impossible to release this skill for a long time.

But Yan Meng is different.

Because Lin Mu is on this side.

Lin Mu casually threw a recovery spell over, and Yan Meng's consumption of spiritual power was extremely limited.

It's just that this will increase Lin Mu's consumption.

But in his pocket is the prop made in the previous experiment.

As long as you output spiritual power, you can also enter a state of continuous recovery.

Under this combination, the endurance of the Lin Mu team is extremely strong.

They soon came to the place that the previous team had explored.

Standing on the hillside, you can already see the densely packed figure of huge ants on the top of the hill.

After discovering Lin Mu et al., the ants were vibrating constantly with their sharp teeth.

When Lin Mu and others are getting closer and closer.

The commotion of that group of red fire ants was even more obvious.

It seems that this provocation is finally unbearable.

After a moment of frenzy, a large number of ants rushed down from the top of the mountain.

The dry sand was continuously raised backwards, and the entire hillside was covered in a red sandstorm.

The charge of the ant colony is full of momentum.

However, the four members of the team showed no sign of fear.

The clear words [Lv2] in the field of vision let them understand the opponent's strength before the fight.

Even relying on the number advantage will not play any role.

None of this makes much sense when the power gap is too large.

The team members stood there calmly.

Lin Mu raised his hand on the hillside and released a one-key triple combination of slowing, weakening and blinding.

What happened next has nothing to do with him.

Xu Ling launched a countercharge from the team against the hillside.

After getting a brand new weapon, I haven't experienced the feeling of actual combat.

Now at this time, it happens to be a good opportunity to try the sword.

With the blessing of Lin Mu, Xu Ling's own strength has been greatly improved, and the weapons in his hands are even more sharp after being integrated with skills.

Xu Ling stepped lightly on the left and right, stepping on the raised stones on the hillside, and quickly approached the ant colony like a vigorous cheetah.

In mid-air, her body twisted, and the arm that was placed behind her rotated accordingly, drawing a silver semicircle in the air.

The long sword passed easily, without even feeling a bit stagnant.

When Xu Ling lightly landed on a raised sharp stone, she could see clearly the result of the battle she had caused.

At that moment just now, the long sword directly slashed across the bodies of several rows of ants, cutting them in half.

These broken bodies and tentacles fell to the ground with a clatter, making a sound like a stone hitting.

Then it was time for her to perform alone.

Xu Ling's seemingly delicate figure kept moving around on the hillside.

Each silver-white sword light drawn by the long sword can take the lives of dozens of red fire ants.

With such efficiency, it only took a few minutes for several people to reach the top of the mountain.

At this time, the people in the rear base were stunned when they saw the picture.

"Really? Is their team so fierce? "?"

"That's the red fire ants, things that can even eat metal, are they extinct so easily?"

"What is the origin of these people?"

"I think they seem very relaxed..."

After the failure of the previous mission, the base had to ask the Special Affairs Bureau for help, and invited the gold medal team of four Lin Mu.

After they completed many difficult tasks in a row, and they were praised by the research institute, their reputation had already spread among the high-level people.

So when encountering such a problem that others can't solve, the first thing that comes to mind is their four-member team.

In order to intuitively understand what is going on here, before Lin Mu and others set off, the base also sent a drone to follow and shoot.

Originally, I just wanted to see the extent of the danger in this flaming mountain.

It turned out that it was only the first meeting, and Xu Ling brought them a pleasant surprise.

As for the others.

There is no need to think about it, being able to work together in a team for so long, at least the strength will not be too bad.

When several people walked to the top of the mountain again, they also saw the puzzling scene below the valley.

A larger number of red fire ants seem to have taken root here, busy digging holes underground.

The gravel that had been dug up was piled high around the opening.

"What are they doing? Is the temperature underground lower?"

"Looking at the size of this hole, I feel that the number of fire ants in this group will not be small.

"Then what to do, shall we get a batch of bombs?"

"That's the last resort. What if there's something else hidden in it? Let's see how this team plays first."

The synchronous picture was also seen in the conference room.

When they saw this amount, they felt a little powerless, and even wanted to use bombs to solve this problem once and for all.

Even if Xu Ling showed amazing strength just now, in their view, it is very difficult to deal with this amount of red fire ants below.

that's the truth.

The four of them stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the army of red fire ants below, and they also felt a little tricky.

This kind of smaller and larger number of enemies is not easy for Cheng Wei, a gunner who pursues firepower, to deal with.

At this time Lin Mu stood up.

He skillfully added buffs to himself, then stretched out his palms, palms down.


A flash of lightning condensed from his palm, and then became more and more dazzling.

The dark blue light seemed to become a condensed electric ball in Lin Mu's palm.

The dazzling thunder and lightning clusters became bigger and bigger in front of everyone's eyes, and the sound gradually became louder.

After a few seconds, Lin Mu flicked his wrist.

The thunderball, which had swelled to a diameter of about one meter, left the palm of his hand and fell lightly.

Under everyone's nervous eyes, the thunderball slowly floated to the ground.

A red fire ant that was puzzled, its vertical tentacles touched the falling thunderball.

"Zi La!"

There was a faint sound of an arc.

The thunderball is like a balloon filled with water being punctured suddenly.

The dense plasma instantly covered the entire ground like water, covering almost all the red fire ants on the ground.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

The red fire ants that were busy at first stood stiffly in place when the lightning spread.

It took a few seconds before he started to twitch.

That thunderball, like a stone thrown into the water, caused a ripple in the center of the entire red fire ant.

Ripples spread from near to far, and a large number of red fire ants fell down one after another.

When everyone came back to their senses, there were still many red fire ants below who were still emitting some flickering arcs.

This shocking scene made everyone in the conference room jump up instantly.

"Fuck? What is this person's background? How can his skills be so strong?"

"Isn't he an assistant? I remember he released the strengthening technique just now."

"This power is probably not lower than some bombs."

The chief in the meeting room couldn't help swallowing.

He originally thought that even if the team would not be frustrated here, they would encounter some obstacles.

In the end, Lin Mu solved all these things neatly, which made people even more shocked.

Not only them, even the teammates who have been in the same team all looked over in surprise.

"Lin Mu, aren't you a fighter? How can you do this trick?"

"That's right, are all fighters like this now?"

Lin Mu smiled slightly, and then said.

"Switch, didn't there be an elementalist last time, I think there may be more group battles in the future.

"If it's close combat, with Xu Ling around, I basically don't need to make a move."

Although a few people still have some doubts in their hearts, everyone has their own secrets after all.

They didn't go any further.

Although Lin Mu already has Lv3 now, the effect of the skill just now is definitely not an ordinary skill.

Otherwise, it is impossible to have such a great power.

However, what kind of skill is it? Why have you never heard of it?

Looking at the few people who were still slightly puzzled, Lin Mu didn't explain anymore.

To be honest, in this team, he is basically not needed to make a move.

This time, it was just that Yan Meng's skill attributes were greatly restricted in this venue.

Here in Huoyan Mountain, the air is dry and hot.

Ice spells naturally have to be discounted.

And the red fire ants below obviously also have high fire resistance.

That's why Lin Mu chose the thunder spell after thinking about it.

When several people accepted everything in front of them.

Xu Ling had already run down.

There are still some fish that slipped through the net and are struggling, but Xu Ling also makes up for it with a few swords very casually.

When the crowd gathered again, what appeared before their eyes was a deep hole.

This is the hole dug by these red fire ants.

I don't know how twists and turns it is down here, and how many red fire ants are still hiding in it.

Several people looked at Lin Mu, hoping that he could give him an idea.

Although the captain of the team is Cheng Wei in name, but gradually, Lin Mu's importance is becoming more and more important, and they subconsciously regard him as the most important backbone

Lin Mu had already closed her eyes at this time and activated her perception skills.

The underground scene formed a three-dimensional model in his mind.

The bottom of this hole is really very winding, I don't know how many turns it took.

And inside, he also found the queen of the red fire ant!

Ant colonies, of course, have a leader.

At this time, the red fire ant queen was quietly waiting in a cave with many turns, waiting for the countless red fire ants in the passage to deliver food to it one after another.

Lin Mu calculated the position, moved his footsteps lightly, and after adjusting many times, finally

Standing directly above the queen ant.

He drew a big fork on the ground with his toes, and then said to Cheng Wei with a smile.

Cheng Dui, right below, come on hard?"

"Oh?" Cheng Wei raised his eyebrows and moved directly to Lin Mu's side.

He pointed to the drawn mark and asked.

"Under here? About how far away?"

"Hmm... more than twenty meters away.

"it is good!"

Cheng Wei never got a chance to make a move.

At this time, he took off the long box on his back and placed it on the ground.

Open the box, and inside are sophisticated firearms accessories.

Cheng Wei skillfully assembled all the pieces (of ??), and the contents of this box were put together into a hideous big sniper in just half a minute!

After adjusting his position, he aimed the muzzle straight at the mark on the ground.

At this time, a long hole had been made silently in the center of the mark by Lin Mu using the earth-type skills.

It was only a few meters away from the position of the queen ant.

This is of course, it is a bit too exaggerated to directly penetrate the land of more than 20 meters with a gun.

But only a little left, and that's okay.

After Cheng Wei gestured to Lin Mu, Lin Mu also opened the last section of the passage at the same time, revealing the confused and flustered queen ant in the cave below.

"It's now!"


Cheng Wei's body paused under the reaction force with a dull gunshot.

At this time, the ant queen was still peacefully waiting for the people to deliver food.

All of a sudden, a little soil fell on the top of the head, and a long-lost light came in through the narrow hole.

It raised its head in horror, but what it saw was a rapidly enlarged warhead in front of its eyes,

At the moment of the impact, even Lin Mu and others could feel a tremor on the ground.

He felt it again, confirmed the death of the queen ant, and then nodded to the others.

"Then let's move on."

This is the outer area of ​​the Huoyan Mountain, and it has not yet reached the depths.

The time of several people is still a little tight.

But Lin Mu stopped at this moment.

He rummaged through the dead red fire ants on the ground.

"Lin Mu, what are you looking for?"

Lin Mu didn't answer, and after a few seconds, he returned to them with a dead red fire ant.

"Xu Ling, cut open its belly and take a look."

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