Deduction For The Whole People: I Created A Support Job!

Chapter 96: Is There A Ghost Inside? Evacuation Failed!

Jack was still thinking about this question at the last moment before his consciousness became blurred.

He obviously spent an extremely high price to obtain these miraculous equipment in the treasure land of Yan Kingdom.

Why is this magical weapon that can directly crush one's own by just popping up?

This unscientific!

Xu Ling was even more confused about his question.

"Shoes? Why do you ask this? Are the brain circuits of foreigners so bizarre?"

Xu Ling was surprised for a moment, and then ignored this person who had lost his combat power.

Others have also discovered the strength of the enemy in this flash.

"Not good! Their equipment is better than ours! No~ you can't be careless!"

At this moment, the blond-haired Jenny suddenly shouted loudly.

She gripped tightly the cane she had just obtained, and raised it up.

With the other hand he took out several glass bottles from his pocket.

There are various colorful powders inside.

Jenny uncorked the bottle with ease and sprinkled the powder in the air.


This is a relatively common occupation in their country.

Although there are no particularly powerful skills yet, this profession has high versatility in many scenarios.

Use the powder made of different materials, and integrate magic power into it to create various skill effects.

At this time, these powders are an entry material called explosive powder.

After sprinkling it in the air, the magic will arrange its distribution into a special combination.

With the principle of dust explosion as the cornerstone, after incorporating extraordinary factors, the power of this explosion becomes more controllable and stronger.

"Let you see the power from the abyss!"

The additional fire attribute in the scepter strengthened the power of the explosion even more.

When the dust dispersed for a moment, a flash of light flashed through it.

Then came thick black smoke and the sound of explosions.

In the smoke, Jenny yelled loudly in her native dialect.

"Now! Evacuate from the tunnel!"

They have occupied this stronghold for such a long time, and of course they have made various preparations.

Taking advantage of the eruption of black smoke, everyone rushed to a corner of the yard.

But Jenny was too late at this time.

The black smoke in front of her eyes suddenly seemed to be frozen, freezing in the air.

A layer of crystal light flickered and condensed from the air.

When the smoke dissipated, the field of vision was restored.

Only then did Jenny realize that a thick layer of ice had formed in front of her eyes.

Even a lot of powder and smoke from the explosion have been frozen in this crystal clear ice.

There are also some potholes on the ice wall, which are the damage caused by the explosion.

But the place behind the ice wall is not even the slightest scorched black.

At this time, the people from the Special Affairs Bureau also discovered the reduction of the enemy.

"Where are people?"

"Where did they go?"

"Quick! Tell me quickly! Where are they?"

Several people from the local branch rushed to Jenny on the spot.

He asked her sternly, asking where her teammates had gone.

At this time, Jenny looked at the many people who surrounded her, and felt that her future was dark.

But at least she still has teammates.

After they escaped, they must also take care of my family in my hometown, right?

With this thought in mind, Jenny's expression suddenly calmed down.

She pressed her lips tightly together and said nothing.

It is clear that it is non-violent non-cooperation.

This dead pig's attitude of not being afraid of boiling water made the people in front of them gnash their teeth.

"Captain! What should I do? Give her some punishment?"

"No, it's too late, after a while, even if she recruits, it's useless!"

"Damn! How did you investigate before? You didn't even know there was a secret passage here?"

Yun Lan stepped on her high heels and came up with a rattling sound.

Her face was a little ugly.

This is their territory.

The branches of the two special affairs bureaus cooperated, and as a result, the Nanqing City branch did a very good job.

Just a face-to-face made the other party completely lose their will to fight.

But they let these people run under their noses!

This situation made it even more difficult for Yun Lan, who was already proud and arrogant, to accept it.

However, when everyone was a little confused, Sleepy stepped forward.

He pointed to a sheltered corner of the yard.

"It's right there."

As soon as these words came out, Jenny's face changed instantly.

She couldn't control her emotions anymore, and screamed sharply.

"No! Impossible! How do you know?"

"Is there a ghost? Who told you the news?"

This woman who just now acted like death was completely hysterical.

Lin Mu's light words seemed to be the last straw that broke her.

All hope is gone.

Seeing this situation, there was no need to remind them, others ran in that direction one after another.

When walking there, at the entrance of the tunnel, the gap left after it was just opened is clearly visible.

"Captain! Found it!"

After a loud report, these people opened the tunnel and rushed in.

At this time, Yun Lan also looked at Lin Mu with some doubts.

"How the hell do you know?"

She knew that the Nanqing City Special Affairs Bureau just happened to come here this time.

And, they are definitely here for the first time.

It doesn't make sense that the other party knows more information than oneself.

Lin Mu looked at the people around him and guessed their doubts.

He exhaled sighingly, and then said.

"She told me."

Lin Mu pointed to Jenny who was right in front of her.

But this action made the opponent even more mad.

"Impossible! How could I tell you! Could it can understand the language of my hometown?"

Jenny suddenly thought about this only possibility, because of the shock.

She is a minority, a race whose population has dwindled over the years.

This language, except for themselves, basically no one else can understand.

Therefore, at the time of departure, their team decided to use this language as a code.

But now, in this country of Yan thousands of miles away, is there anyone who can understand?

This is simply a little lower than the probability of a miracle.

0 looking for flowers……………

Lin Mu spread out his hands.

"I didn't expect that the animal language technique would have such a function."

"However, if you think about it carefully, humans are also animals..."

"Huh? Beast language?"

Yun Lan's expression froze instantly.

Of course she knows this skill.

Since the emergence of this skill, the communication between humans and animals has become very smooth.

There are no more stray cats and dogs in the city.

Moreover, some large populations have not reached an agreement with humans.

Help humans resist the invasion of some disasters, and at the same time get food.

Even so, the use of animal language as a translation is still somewhat unexpected.

But after realizing this problem, I feel that it is so natural.

For a moment, Yun Lan was very tangled and complicated.

And in this short period of time, the people in the Yin tunnel also caught those who jumped away.

Everyone was betting in the yard, and they were all a little downcast at this time.

Not so long ago, they were somewhat complacent.


I imagined that after I waited for others to return to the country, with these magical equipment, I could kill the Quartet.

It even replaces the original power and crowns the life of a master.

But this illusion was shattered so quickly, and there was a huge gap in people's hearts.

"Put it back, let's take it easy."

"It's Chinese New Year, just find something to do."

"By the way, what are these boxes? Stolen goods?"

The treasures of these people are also displayed in the courtyard.

When the people from the Special Affairs Bureau saw this thing, they were even more surprised.

Clothes, shoes, and the kind of equipment whose purity is very low just by looking at the color.

"What is this for?"

"You people came all the way here just to pick up trash?"

This is obviously a high-end product, even if you go to the night market to buy a piece of clothing now, people will enchant it.

These things, you can tell just by looking at the appearance.

Several people saw their treasures being belittled by these people, and complex emotions flooded their faces for a while.

However, the people from the Special Affairs Bureau ignored them.

Put these people in the car.

The giant eagle far away in the sky also flew back slowly at this time.

On its paws, it was still tightly holding onto the giant egg.

It was gently placed in the original thick velvet cushion.

The figure of the giant eagle stood on top of the collapsed wall, with its wings spread out, almost covering the entire sky.

It looked at the few people who had been controlled, and its eyes were still full of violence.

For those who stole their children, it is eager to destroy them on the spot.

This terrifying sense of oppression made everyone in the courtyard a little nervous.

I'm afraid that in the next second, a new battle will start.

No one has the confidence to deal with this kind of Lv5 creature, how much damage it will cause.

At this time, Lin Mu stepped forward gently.

He patted the drooping wings of the giant eagle.

"Don't worry, these people will give you an explanation after interrogation."

"In a while, you have to go through the formalities with us first. The labor contract is ready... for a long time."

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