Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 123 The figure on the edge of the square

After asking where the rescue point near the square is, Heidi left with her head in her hands, but Duncan didn't mean to deal with the "official personnel" over there—mainly because there is still a snow beside him now. Li, and this girl who can summon deep demons obviously doesn't want to deal with the Church of the Deep Sea.

Watching Heidi's figure drift away, Duncan exhaled lightly, and first turned to look at Nina: "You are not injured?"

"No," Nina was still in shock. She had been grabbing Duncan's sleeve subconsciously, and then she let go of her hand as if suddenly reacting, and then looked at Duncan in surprise, "You haven't said it yet, why did you Will it be in a museum?"

"I happened to be working nearby," Duncan said with a smile, "and then I suddenly heard the news that the museum was on fire, so I came to rescue you."

Then, before the other party wanted to say anything else, he reached out and rubbed the girl's hair, comforting Nina who had just been frightened: "Okay, it's all over, as long as you don't get hurt."

"...I'm not a child anymore!" Nina shook her head, and then she saw Shirley standing beside her. Just as she was about to speak, a strange look suddenly appeared on her face, as if she had just Recalling some things that violated the harmony, she looked up and down the girl in front of her, "Xueli...why do I suddenly are a little..."

Shirley's attention was still on Duncan a second ago, but when she saw Nina's reaction, a panic visible to the naked eye appeared on her face. She opened her eyes slightly, and looked at Duncan again in a panic. Then there will be more fear.

Duncan's heart was moved when he saw the change in the other party's expression, because the girl's expression was exactly the same as when he was caught fare evasion by car before. He glanced at Nina thoughtfully, and recalled a little bit about his dealings with Shirley And the identity she plays now——

I know that the two times I dealt with Shirley were when Nina was in school, and I also know that Shirley’s true personality is extremely bad and rude, and she is not a "quiet and good boy" at all. One of the abilities of the dog, a profound demon, is to interfere with the judgment of ordinary people in order to disguise their identities...

And her current "identity" is Nina's new friend at school, and this identity is full of loopholes.

Duncan rubbed his chin, stretched out his hand to hold Nina's shoulder, and pointed in Shirley's direction with his chin: "Do you really know her?"

"I know her, her name is Shirley, she is my new friend, but..." Nina frowned, "But for some reason, I suddenly couldn't remember when she appeared in school just now..."

Duncan turned his head, stared quietly at Shirley who was already trying to reduce her sense of existence, and spoke softly after a long time: "You still have a chance to explain yourself, or I..."

As soon as his voice fell, Shirley popped out a bunch of words: "I'm sorry I was wrong, I just wanted to investigate things, so I sneaked into the school, but I really didn't hurt Nina, and I blocked her in the museum just now You really believe me, I really don’t know that this is your family member, I don’t understand the hobbies of a big man like you, please let me go..."

Duncan hadn't had time to say the following, but was overwhelmed by the series of crying out of this dog-wielding girl. His first reaction was that this girl was extremely talented, and she might be able to be used as a training partner for Goat's Head...

Then he coughed twice, interrupting Shirley's crackling: "It's not a family member, this is my niece."

While speaking, his eyes also noticed Shirley's hands.

There are traces of being burned by the flames, and although there are only light scars left under its amazing healing power, it seems that she was indeed injured in the museum.

If she wasn't lying (and probably didn't dare), then she should really be protecting Nina.

Shirley certainly didn't know what Duncan was thinking, she was almost in a state of emptying her mind at this time: " said it was a niece, so it is a niece..."

It was only at this time that Nina came to her senses. She glanced at her uncle in surprise, and then at the "friend" in front of her: "Wait, you... do you know each other? And Shirley, why..."

"We met by chance," Duncan said lightly, and he didn't let Shirley speak, because it was uncertain what this guy would reveal in front of Nina. "It seems that we have a lot of things to talk about, don't you think so?" , Shirley?"

Shirley was about to cry, she looked at Duncan with a mournful face: "If you say so..."

"You said yes."


"Uncle, don't be so cruel to Shirley," Nina was still confused at this time, but she could see that her new friend was very afraid of her uncle for some reason, and her uncle was not very polite to Shirley. It made her a little uneasy, and at the same time a little confused, "I'm in a mess right now... Can anyone explain to me what's going on here?"

"Let's talk slowly when we get home," Duncan exhaled softly, looked up at the museum that was emitting green smoke, and then turned his head to look in the direction he came from, "It's too messy here, and the two of you Now that you look ashamed, you have to go back and take a shower and change your clothes."

Shirley stammered: "I... I want to follow too?"

Then she nodded vigorously without waiting for Duncan to speak: "You are right!"

Duncan sighed a little dumbfounded. It seemed that no matter what Shirley wanted to do when she approached Nina, she would definitely be harmless next to Nina from now on. Then he shook his head and prepared to take the two girls away.

At this moment, his gaze happened to sweep across the edge of the Museum Square.

A figure standing near the crowd at the edge of the square suddenly caught his attention.

It was a figure in a black coat, with his back turned to this side, looking towards the direction of the fire scene. Judging from his back, he seemed to be a tall and thin man. The coat on his body looked like a long windbreaker, and the long hem almost covered It covered his whole body, and the weirdest thing about this figure was that he was holding a big black umbrella on this sunny day.

In the weather where there is no wind or rain, and the sun is not too strong, a tall and thin man in a long windbreaker is standing on the edge of the square with an umbrella and looking at the fire scene. There were many people gathered, but none of them glanced in the direction of the man holding the umbrella.

"Uncle?" Nina noticed that Duncan stopped suddenly, and looked curiously in the direction he was looking, "Is there anything over there?"

"There's a man with an umbrella on a sunny day over there. It's strange." Duncan said casually.

"A person holding an umbrella on a sunny day?" Nina was taken aback, "Where? I didn't see it..."

"I didn't see it either." Shirley also rubbed her eyes, and followed Duncan's line of sight curiously, "I'm afraid you read it wrong..."

"You didn't see it?" Duncan frowned instantly. He glanced at Shirley and Nina, but after he turned his gaze back to the direction of the square in the next second, the figure with the umbrella disappeared at some point. .

"Uncle?" Nina looked at Duncan worriedly, "Did you inhale a lot of smoke just now and feel unwell now?"

"...I'm fine, maybe it's a 'misreading'." In order not to worry Nina, Duncan just shook his head and said indifferently.

But his eyes still stayed on the other side of the square, and he took a deep look there for the last time before withdrawing his gaze.

If it was just a weirdo with an umbrella, it wouldn't be a big deal.

But if it is a figure that only you can see, the situation is different.

He remembered the figure.


Vanna brought a group of elite guards to the vicinity of the Maritime Museum, but when she arrived, the sudden fire had come to an end.

A disheartened deep-sea priest came before the judge with several guardian fighters who had just rushed out of the fire.

"The fire died down suddenly," the deep-sea priest said immediately after saluting Fanna, "but we didn't find any traces of extraordinary power at the scene."

"Disappeared on its own?" Fan Na's expression became serious when she heard the pastor's report, " led the team into the fire scene, did you find any clues?"

"Excessive panic, hallucinations, and ravings appeared on a large scale among the citizens who fled from the scene. I suspect that there is extraordinary pollution in the museum," the pastor nodded, "but we searched inside and found nothing... The only anomaly was that the flames suddenly died down on their own."

Speaking of this, the priest made another gesture of praying to the goddess, and added: "But it is also because the fire has subsided that the guards and I can exit safely."

Fan Na thought for a while, then nodded lightly: "Okay, after the fire is completely over, I will arrange for people to search the museum again, to see if there are any signs of changes in the collection..."

After finishing his simple instructions, the young judge raised his head and glanced at the citizens who were being rescued and comforted, as if looking for something in the crowd.

And at this moment, a voice suddenly came from not far away: "Fan Na! I am here!"

Fan Na looked up and saw Heidi in a panic waving her hand vigorously in the crowd.

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