Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 445 Fishing, Dogs, and Pigeons

In the twilight of the morning, the vision 001 locked by the double rune circle is rising from the distant sea level little by little, and in the gradually diffused rays of light, the huge sail ghost ship is floating on the endless calm sea, gradually in the early morning. Is coated with a layer of brilliance.

At the far end of the sea, in the depths of the twilight morning mist, one can vaguely see the silhouette of the frosty city-state—the trauma of the city-state and the joys and sorrows of countless people have all turned into hazy mist at this distance, as if dissolved in the sun.

Duncan sat quietly on the edge of the bow deck, set up a fishing rod beside him, watched the fishing line reflect the sun in the morning glow, and occasionally raised his head to look at the direction of the Frost City-State in the distance.

At this time, most places in the city are still very quiet. He doesn't need to pay too much attention to the avatars in the city-state, and he can enjoy the comfort on the boat rarely.

Pigeon Ay walked back and forth on the big wooden barrel beside him. On the lid of the wooden barrel was a pile of French fries, which had been brought on board from the Frost City--different from the French fries in Prand, cold The Frostman would add some special spices to the French fries to give them a salty aroma, and Ai was obviously very satisfied with this. He occasionally looked up at his master who was fishing, or at the distant sea, and left The rest of the time is spent bowing their heads and eating food.

On the other side of Duncan, on another short wooden barrel, Shirley was lying there writing and writing, with a sad expression as if she was facing the enemy of life and death.

A Gou lay quietly beside Shirley, holding a copy of "Modern Geometry" in its paws, and the deck beside it was full of draft papers with marks and figures drawn on it.

Feeling the tranquility of this moment, Duncan couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, and the gloom accumulated in his heart for many days gradually dissipated.

But obviously not everyone at the scene is enjoying this "tranquility".

"Why can Nina sleep in the cabin...I have to get up early in the morning to catch up with my homework here..." Shirley couldn't help muttering, with a distressed expression, she was able to squeeze out water, "I knew I would come back I can only do my homework on the boat, I might as well stay in the city, at least I can go shopping occasionally..."

"Frost doesn't have much to do now, and in the foreseeable period of time, life in that city will not be very comfortable," Duncan said lightly when he heard the words, "Also, don't complain about homework. Now, who let your homework be eaten by wild dogs, you said it yourself."

Shirley raised her head aggrievedly: "Then why doesn't Nina need to make love?"

"Everyone knows that she must have finished writing. Later, Morris will give her a set of comprehensive papers to test her self-study during this period." Duncan glanced at Shirley, "Nina is different from you, she doesn't need urged."

Shirley shrank her neck: "Then... Is there a possibility, I have already written..."

Duncan was expressionless: "How do you spell the plural form of 'pebbles'?"

"I haven't recited this yet..."

"This is the content of the second page of your previous homework. You haven't finished both pages."

Shirley's expression froze, and she fell silent for a while, then the girl let out a long sigh, lowered her head and continued to fight desperately with her spelling homework.

Duncan shook his head with a smile, and then his eyes fell on the dog beside him involuntarily—the latter was temporarily putting the book aside at this time, holding a pencil between his paws and scratching on the draft paper on the deck Auxiliary line.

Duncan's gaze made Agou's soul tremble suddenly, and the dog's head trembled subconsciously, and the auxiliary line was crooked.

"Boat...captain?" Ah Gou raised his head nervously, trying to avoid Duncan's sight but not really turning his head away. The dog's head kept shaking.

Duncan stretched out his hand and touched Agou's ugly skeletal head, his expression was a little subtle, and it took several seconds before he couldn't help but say: "Is your learning progress a little too fast? Why do I think you can do it after a while?" Are you following up with Morris's lectures?"

"Ah? I don't feel it," Agou was taken aback when he heard the words, the red light in his empty eye sockets flickered on and off, as if he was in a daze, "I just feel that these things are quite interesting... the learning progress is fast Any questions?"

Duncan thought for a while, then smiled and shook his head: "Forget it, there's no problem, it's always good to learn more things, so you and Shirley will be considered illiterate after all."

Agou let out a bewildered "Oh", while Duncan exhaled slightly, and looked back at the still-unmoving fishing rod.

Not a single fish was caught this morning.

"After a big battle, I'm afraid the surrounding waters won't be able to catch fish in a short time." He sighed regretfully, and slowly packed up his fishing things. Is there a place..."

Shirley couldn't help raising her head when she heard this: "Then are we leaving here? When will you bring Mr. Morris and Sister Fanna over from the city?"

Duncan stopped packing his fishing rod, turned his head and glanced at Shirley: "Did I say that Frost is completely over?"

"Ah?" Shirley was a little dazed, "Isn't everything settled? And you recommended Mr. Tirian to the city hall. I thought you were going to hand over all the rest to him."

"Indeed, I intend to hand over all the troublesome things in this city to him—but there are still things that the Fog Fleet can't solve," Duncan continued to pack up, and said casually, "I have to deal with those things myself , until it’s resolved, it’s best not to stay away from Homeless.”

Shirley still didn't react: "What can't be solved by the Sea Fog Fleet? That's..."

Duncan lowered his eyelids and glanced at her lightly: "Where did the mirror image Frost come from?"

Shirley thought for a while, and said uncertainly: "Is... those cultists summoned from the deep sea?"

"Basically, it was summoned from the deep sea—Mirror Frost is a 'product', a transformed thing, and everything we eliminated in this process, including the sacrificial field in the depths of Mirror Frost, is essentially In fact, they can only be regarded as 'summoning objects', since there are summoning objects, there is a source of summoning."

Shirley finally came to her senses, and surprise gradually appeared in her eyes.

"You mean... the things on the bottom of the sea are still there?!"

"If my judgment is correct, everything close to the sea, whether it is the fakes or the mirrored city-state itself, is essentially just the spread and projection of power, just like a huge plant that keeps growing from bottom to top. In that fierce battle, we only wiped out the overgrown canopy of the out-of-control plant, but its roots are still there," Duncan said calmly, "Don't forget, the Frost Queen threw several trees into the sea back then. The deep submersible just barely touched the body of that thing—that force, there is an 'entity' in the deep sea."

Xue Li finally couldn't sit still, she almost jumped up: "Ah? Then don't you have to dive into the deep sea to fight with that thing? Or will it make a mirror image soon?! "

"Soon? That's not going to happen," Duncan smiled and shook his head. "The matter is not as serious as you imagined. Even if the main body is still there, it must have been severely injured now. I have almost completely burned its spreading part." , the rest...after losing the ritual support of those cultists, most of them are in a state of dormancy or dormancy, and even if they are really left alone, they may have to wait another half a century before there will be any problems again."

Speaking of this, he stopped suddenly, and stretched out his hand towards the air beside him.

"Are you right, Agatha?"

A cluster of dark green flames ignited at Duncan's fingertips, and quickly jumped and expanded in the air, forming a vortex-like curtain, and in the blazing curtain, wearing a black dress and an eyepatch The blind priestess was standing there in a praying posture, with her hands clasped in front of her chest.

Shirley and Agou watched this scene dumbfounded.

"Yes, this is exactly what we are worried about," Agatha raised her head, her slightly magnetic voice sounded ethereal, "Everyone who knows the truth about the Abyss Project will be so worried—we just We wiped out the 'products' that appeared on the surface of the sea, but we couldn't spare the effort to destroy the 'body' that might still be dormant in the deep sea."

"It's impossible for us to leave it for another fifty years, and then repeat the Frost Defense War when the next crisis arises," Duncan said. "I don't mind helping each time, but there will always be more wars Many unnecessary victims."

"...The current frost, I am afraid that there is no spare capacity to manufacture such a deep submersible," Agatha said after a moment of silence, "It is not only the problem of the deep submersible itself, but also other equipment needed for diving, data , personnel, material resources... all of these are not something that Frost, who is waiting to be rebuilt, can get out."

"Then make preparations as soon as possible, and let your city hall think of a way," Duncan said lightly, "If it really doesn't work, prepare an iron coffin that can be exploded in the deep sea, and put a corpse in it. This kind of medium goes to the bottom of the sea to see the situation—although the strength that the temporary avatar can carry is limited, as long as a stable channel is established, I should be able to spread the flame to the bottom of the sea.”

(It's time to push the book~ "Bright Barrier", the author can wrestle pandas, the following is the author's own push language:

When the extraordinary awakens, the building will collapse.

Flesh and blood are weak, why soar?

The story begins with receiving a ruler that carries the truth. )

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