Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 448 New Members of the Lost Fleet

A high-speed exploration ship with a clean white hull suddenly floated up from the sea—the side of the ship almost brushed against the stern of the Sea Mist, and the violent waves rolled up by the sea caused both ships to shake violently.

Even the undead sailors exclaimed in this situation.

Tirian rushed to the deck and saw his subordinates running towards the stern at the first sight. The bald head of the first officer Aiden was particularly conspicuous among them. At the end of the deck was the ship that was almost clinging to The "uninvited guest" of the Sea Fog.

"what's going on?"

Tirian rushed to Aiden's side in a few steps, pressed the latter's shoulder and asked loudly.

"I don't know, it's a ship that appeared out of nowhere—I almost subconsciously ordered to fire," Aiden said quickly. ' Nervous, that thing just popped out..."

Tirian let go of the first mate, and ran towards the stern of the ship. When he got there, dozens of people had already gathered on the deck. The nervous sailors pointed their long guns and cannons at the opposite side, and they were still waiting. Several sailors had already taken their positions near the anti-aircraft guns at the stern, and the atmosphere was so tense that sparks were about to burst out of the air.

Tirian looked across the guardrail again, and saw a large group of sailors running out from another ship that was close at hand. They were all dressed like ordinary sailors on civilian ships, and someone was waving flags on the high platform at the stern. It was as flustered as the Sea Mist.

Tirian frowned, and just as he was about to identify the identity of the opposite ship, he heard a harsh noise from the start of the horn in his ear, followed by a mid-spirited voice from the radio on the opposite ship :

"I'm very sorry, this is the White Oak belonging to the Lost Fleet. Our ship performed the spirit world ascent operation for the first time. Due to an operation error, it almost collided with your ship... Repeat, this is the White Oak, which belongs to the Lost Fleet..."

Hearing the broadcast on the opposite side, Tirian's expression froze instantly, and Aiden, who had just run over from behind, almost slipped under his feet. The bald man seemed to be dripping with sweat, and his voice was a little out of tune: "Captain, what are you talking to...the other side? Who do they say they are?"

Tirian didn't speak, and the first thing that came to his mind was the inexplicable reminder from the other party before he cut off contact with his father, and the weird smile before the illusion in the mirror dissipated.

The expression on his face changed subtly twice, and then he saw something out of the corner of his eye, and then he came to the edge of the deck and looked down.

The reflection of the "White Oak" is reflected in the sea water, but what appears in the reflection is a ghost ship wrapped in shadow and thick smoke.

He finally recalled where he had seen this somewhat familiar ship.

In the previous fierce battle in the fog, the hurricane ship that swept across the battlefield like the wind, and no one could tell its origin—now we meet again.

At this time, the sailors on the ship also noticed the special reflection of the strange ship opposite in the sea, and Aiden even recalled the origin of the other party. He looked up at Tirian in surprise: "Captain, they are old captains. of……"

"...Father always has his arrangements," Tirian's eyes were obviously twitching, but he still tried to keep his expression calm when he spoke, "To be honest, I really didn't expect that in this day and age, there would be people calling themselves on the radio so generously." They are members of the 'Lost Fleet'... Where did father find these guys?"

"Maybe they know the origin of the Sea Fog?" Aiden said uncertainly, "What should we do? Say hello to them? Invite them to come on board? You have to figure out what they want to do..."

Tyrian suddenly felt a toothache.

"Use the radio to openly call, ask them to send a representative, and tell them to stop calling the lost fleet on the radio, we are not the only ship in the port area," said the soon-to-be city-state consul" The big pirate" said helplessly, and then added, "By the way, tell the port again, so that they don't get nervous—they must have seen the White Oak that suddenly emerged from the sea."

At this juncture, the stuff that popped out of the sea is really scary.

"Yes, Captain."

Aiden is ordered to leave.

After a period of time, the Sea Mist finally established normal communication with the weird "White Oak". After a brief exchange of opinions and explanations, the other party agreed to send a representative to board the ship for a conversation.

It didn't take long for Tirian to see the representative sent by the opposite side - a middle-aged man wearing a sailor's uniform, tall and thin, with short brown short curly hair and looking shrewd and capable, leading a young priest to the Sea Mist superior.

"Hello, Captain Tirian—I've heard about you for a long time," the middle-aged man stepped onto the deck with a bright and friendly smile on his face, and stretched out his hand to Tirian, "I am the first mate of the White Oak. Over here, Gus, is our ship's chaplain, Mr. Johnson."

Tirian was a little dazed, because he never expected that such a person would walk off the weird "Twin Phantom Ship" that could shuttle in various abnormal sea areas such as mirror images and spirit worlds.

A normal person with a bright smile, flesh and blood, friendly enthusiasm, and healthy mind and body.

Neither crazy nor epileptic, with intact limbs, no signs of mental problems or physical mutations at all—this is the new member of the Lost Fleet? A person who is favored by his father?

Although many doubts popped up in his mind, Tirian subconsciously stretched out his hand and shook the hand of first mate Gus.

"Tirion Abnomar, the captain of the Seamist, shouldn't need much introduction." He looked at the "sunshine and normal person" who claimed to be the first mate of the White Oak in front of him, with suspicion in his eyes, "You said Are you... members of the Lost Fleet?"

"Yes, a new member." The first mate Gus said with a smile, and at the same time he was looking at the famous "big pirate" in front of him, and he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

Although the one-eyed man is a bit scary, his attitude is generally friendly, his eyes are calm and rational, and his body does not appear in a terrible and damaged posture like the undead people around him. mad Men.

This is the eldest son of Captain Duncan? Why can't you see that you have a mental problem?

When the two "members of the lost fleet" in a broad sense met for the first time, they doubted the other party's mental state at the same time, and then invariably put away the unfriendly thoughts in their hearts and smiled at each other.

"I've seen you on the battlefield before." Tirian was the first to break the somewhat awkward silence. "It was impressive when you roared through the thick fog."

"We were carrying out the order to go to Mirror Frost," the first mate Gus explained, "after all, we can't delay the big event."

"Father's order?" Tirian said casually, and then his eyes fell on the young pastor named Jason, his eyes were a little subtle, "There is also a ship's pastor on board... The Church of the Deep Sea is already like this Is it tolerated?"

Pastor Jason looked a little embarrassed, and shrugged dumbfoundingly: "At least so far, the goddess has not sent down punishment."

"Don't you also have a small church on board?" First officer Gus looked up at the eye-catching shipboard church at the stern.

"...That's true."

Tirian choked, and smiled awkwardly, but at the same time, another thing came to his mind——

On the Lost Home, there seems to be a "priest" lady from the Orthodox Church.

Father even brought the judges of Prand on board, so it doesn't seem strange that there are some ship priests in the "Lost Fleet"?

Realizing that he had better not delve too deeply into the secrets of the "gods" domain, Tirian quickly snuffed out his associations in this regard, then straightened his expression, and asked curiously: "You are rushing up here, What is the task?"

"Oh, we are here to meet our captain." Gus, the first mate, quickly explained.

"Your captain?"

"Captain Lawrence led a marine squad into the mirror world to fight, and then returned to the city-state in the real world with Frost's gatekeeper. We just received the news that he is going back to the ship," the first mate Gus explained patiently. He said, "It's just that there seems to be a little trouble over there. Ms. Martha ordered us to go up to rescue..."

"Encountered trouble?" Tirian frowned subconsciously. Just as he was about to ask for some details, he saw his boatswain walking quickly from the side.

The bosun came to him, reporting in a low but rapid voice.

The expression on Tirian's face gradually became subtle.

The first mate, Gus, noticed this and couldn't help but ask, "Excuse me, did it happen..."

"Is your captain an old man in a white coat, about fifty or sixty years old, who looks like a ghost?"

The first mate, Gus, was stunned for a moment, a little hesitant: "He...doesn't look like a ghost under normal circumstances, but everything else is right."

"That's right," Tirian spread his hands, "Your captain led a dozen fully armed ghost sailors and a bluffing mummy running around the upper city, and now he's been 'invited' into the Security Bureau , if they are right, they are lost, and they seem to not know how to 'turn off' the flames of their spirit bodies, which caused panic among the citizens."

Gus: "Ah..."

"But don't worry, the Public Security Bureau knows that they are not the enemy, because there are witnesses who saw them fighting the monsters in the city-state and covering the city-state guards, they will not be in trouble."


"In addition, Ms. Agatha, the gatekeeper and archbishop, has already gone to meet them. With the guarantee of the cathedral, your captain should be back soon."


"In the future, try not to casually disclose your identity as a member of the 'Lost Fleet', mainly because... this identity is very sensitive."


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