Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 456 Thinking and Testing

The ripples in the darkness gradually calmed down, and those pale words no longer appeared. No matter how much Zhou Ming concentrated or searched in the dark, he could no longer see those weird "conversations".

Yes, talk, it was talk without a doubt, and... it seemed to be a talk between the gods.

At least Zhou Ming knew the name "Bartok".

In the darkness, Zhou Ming stood quietly on the spot. He no longer tried to cause new ripples, but fell into long-term thinking—an astonishing amount of information surged in his mind like a tide, and in the calm thinking on the surface, , what is hidden is the huge astonishment and the confusion in his thoughts.

Is this a nasty joke? Obviously unlikely.

So is this really happening? If yes, when did these conversations take place? Is it a record of what happened before, or... right now, in some mysterious dimension? "They" were talking, and the conversation... was reflected in this dark and eerie place.

Bartok, the name of the god of death, is undeniable, so what do the other names represent? One of the most reasonable ideas is that those names represent the gods, so the Lord of Fire is probably the "Eternal Burning Fire" Taurijin worshiped by the fire bearer... What about Queen Leviathan? Is it the Storm Goddess?

Another name for the Storm Goddess is "Queen Leviathan"? !

In the darkness, Zhou Ming gradually frowned. The very special title of "Queen Leviathan" made him have various guesses and associations, but compared to this, it was the fourth name that made him unable to control his thoughts. ——

The one who talks to the gods has a name called "LH-02".

If the conversationalists we saw just now represent the four gods, then the last one can only be one of the four gods who holds the authority of wisdom and ignorance... Laheem.

Raheem's name... is "LH-02"? ! It didn't sound like a name at all, but more like a number! A sequence that belongs to the machine!

Countless crazy conjectures are surging up, and Zhou Ming feels that his mind is boiling like a river. He even has to work hard to restrain his wild thoughts to prevent those guesses from becoming too absurd. After sorting out these messy conjectures, In addition, he did not ignore the amazing information mentioned in those "conversations".

The situation is not optimistic, the critical state is accelerating... The cluster controller has begun to replicate itself, or has completely lost control...

These two sentences alone were enough for Zhou Ming to smell the tense and dignified atmosphere. What situation is "they" referring to? Is it the state of the world? So the critical state is accelerating... the collapse of a huge system is imminent?

Zhou Ming instantly recalled the last conversation he had with Agatha—Plender and Frost had accidents one after another, and Vision 001 had a "fault". The "precursor phase" of the problem.

So the cluster controller has started replicating itself...

Zhou Ming's expression froze suddenly, and a sentence came to his mind——

"It's a fake."

In the darkness, he couldn't help taking a breath, and subconsciously looked at the space where the text appeared just now, as if expecting more information to appear there.

Of course, nothing showed up there.

Zhou Ming withdrew his gaze solemnly.

Of course, there are still many issues worthy of attention. Although what I saw just a few conversations, the amount of information behind each sentence is amazing, and even the name of each conversation is worth thinking about for a long time—such as Raheem, Gamona, and Taurikin all used "aliases", but why did Bartok, the god of death, use a straightforward real name? At the end of the message, "LH-02", which is suspected to be the god of wisdom Laheem, also mentioned a suspicious visitor, and mentioned that the other party "posted a dog's head and left"... What's the situation?

In all fairness, if the previous few sentences were not too informative, Zhou Ming's full attention would probably be on the last "dog head".

But now, this disobedient sentence just seems a little strange.

At this moment, a slight noise suddenly came from the depths of the darkness, interrupting the storm in Zhou Ming's mind.

The sound that sounded like something breaking quietly was very weak at first, almost like an auditory hallucination, but almost instantly, the sound of breaking became obvious and dense, followed by countless chaotic lights and shadows floating in the dark space Lines—more and more dense noises filled Zhou Ming's mind, and the entire dark space began to disintegrate and shatter rapidly. The swirling lights and shadows rose from all directions. In the next second, he heard a "boom" in his head. A bang!

In the next second, the brief sense of weightlessness and dizziness "dragged" him back to the real world, and the touch of sitting on the chair made Duncan suddenly open his eyes.

Rising flames filled his eyes, and the nameless big black book was already burning fiercely in his hands!

Alice's exclamation sounded from the side: "It's burning! Captain! The book is burning!"

Duncan was startled, and immediately stretched out his hand to press the blazing flame, and controlled the blazing fire in the blink of an eye, but the burning speed of the book was ridiculously fast. In such a blink of an eye, most of the book had already become Ashes, the last thing left on the table is only a small half of messy pages.

A dark red liquid like blood seeped out from the remaining half of the book, soaking and soaking the pages. Duncan frowned and turned over the remaining pages, and found that they had all turned into soft flocs, apparently dead. Can't read anymore.

He raised his head with a subtle expression: "I don't seem to have done anything."

"Judging from the phenomenon... this book probably can't bear your strength," Morris hesitated for a few seconds before hesitatingly said, "This is an obvious 'extraordinary overload'."

"Can't bear my strength?" Duncan frowned and muttered subconsciously.

Just can't handle your own strength? What this book endured just now... I'm afraid it's not just my own strength.

Perhaps it had just acted as a medium—something far beyond its own limits.

Duncan recalled the golden sun mask he got in Prand - he glimpsed the appearance of the "real sun god" through the mask, but it also caused the mask to be scrapped.

Morris didn't know what Duncan was thinking, but he noticed that the captain's face was not very good, and he couldn't help but added: "This book should be just a 'copies'. The Transcendent item copied from the original ', this Transcendent item itself is indeed fragile..."

Duncan raised his head: "That is to say, if there is a 'original', maybe it can be stably...'read' by me?"

Morris adjusted his monocle: " theory."

Alice on the side looked left and right, and finally couldn't help but come over: "Captain, did you see anything just now? Why do you feel so serious..."

Duncan rubbed the center of his brows, and everything he saw in the darkness came to mind again, but just as he opened his mouth, he suddenly controlled the urge to tell the truth.

To lesser mortals, much of the "information" is itself poisonous.

"I saw something—different from what Morris saw," he said slowly after careful consideration for a few seconds, "but I can't say the specifics, because it might hurt you."

Fan Na and Morris looked at each other in blank dismay, and in the next second, the same nervousness and solemnity appeared in the eyes of both of them.

Morris spoke after a short thought: "It is different from what I have seen... In other words, this book will present different contents depending on the reader?"

"That may be the case, but it may just be different in front of 'me'," Duncan said after thinking, and then there was some regret in his tone, "It's a pity... I should test it at the end, even if it is the first test." Let Tirian take a look at the contents of the book, at least we can get more clues, and now the only 'sample' has been burned."

Morris' face suddenly became a little weird, he opened his mouth to say something but didn't say it, but Fan Na who was on the side was more straightforward: "This... we should also consider Mr. Tirian's physical and mental health, right?"

"It's better to read more books than goofy dances," Duncan waved his hand, "and I'll take care of it, so nothing can happen... let's not talk about that."

He shook his head, then his eyes fell on Fan Na, and he decided to test some things around.

"Fan Na, have you ever heard of the title or saying 'Queen Leviathan'?"

"Queen Leviathan?" Fanna was taken aback when she heard the words, the astonishment and blankness on her expression did not seem to be fake, "I have never heard that... is it the ruler of a certain city-state? But I have never heard of a city-state named this. name."

Duncan observed Fanna's expression, and at the same time concentrated his mind to perceive whether there were abnormal breath fluctuations or extraordinary phenomena around him.

Because he was curious about whether mentioning the name "Queen Leviathan" in the real world would also cause any phenomenon.

But half a minute passed and nothing happened.

"Okay, forget about it for now," Duncan shook his head, then looked at Morris again, "LH-02, have you heard of this?"

"No," Morris didn't know why, but noticed the seriousness on Duncan's expression, and he thought about it seriously before shaking his head, "Sounds like the code name for some kind of machine?"

Neither of the "saints" reacted like a fake.

They really have never heard of these two titles.

But this still cannot rule out the possibility that these two titles correspond to "Goddess of Storms" and "God of Wisdom Lahm" respectively.

After all, above the saints there is the pope, and above the city-state cathedral there are several "pilgrimage church arks" that cruise on the boundless sea for a long time-the secrets closest to the gods are kept in places far away from the world.

"Forget about these two names for now." After a long time, after confirming that nothing happened in the cabin, Duncan exhaled, shook his head and said, "Don't mention it to anyone, especially after leaving the range of the Lost Home, don't talk to anyone. People say those words."

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