Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 483 Room

In the dark deep sea, a group of dark green flames flashed across like a shooting star. The pressure and stagnation of billions of tons of sea water seemed to be non-existent, and the "shooting star" did not show the slightest sign of slowing down.

Ai traversed the jet-black deep-sea floating island at a speed as fast as lightning, and finally stopped in the central area of ​​the island, condensing his figure out of the flames again.

Duncan stepped out of the flames, floated in the sea, and turned his head to look at the pigeon spirit flying around beside him.

Ai Yi flew over and landed on the master's shoulder, tilting his head curiously: "What are you looking at?"

Duncan didn't speak, just stretched out his arm, and gently rubbed the pigeon's head, then turned around and looked at the huge "pillar" in the center of the island.

Now, he came in front of it—this extremely shocking giant column stood in his field of vision, extending from the top of the mountain in the center of the floating island in the deep sea, pointing almost straight to the sky, as if it not only penetrated the entire island, It can even run through this boundless dark deep sea, extending to the "frost" above, and extending to the world bathed in sunlight above the sea.

But it wasn't really an infinite stretch—after getting close enough, Duncan finally saw more details, and he noticed that the upper half of this "pillar" stopped abruptly in the sea water.

It was at a very high place, and there seemed to be an abrupt break there.

But before looking at the fracture, Duncan first carefully approached the middle of the pillar, observing its "skin" shape.

Regular, dense, complex and regular textures can be vaguely seen, and regular raised structures are distributed. This pillar, which looks like a huge tentacles, actually presents a very orderly "tidy" sense in details, even... some kind of industrial product.

Duncan hesitated for a moment, and cautiously stretched out his hand towards the pillar—this body has no formed hands and feet, but as he stretched out his hand to touch the "pillar", the end of his arm suddenly began to shrink and squirm, and almost In the blink of an eye, it differentiated to form the structure of the palm.

Is this a process of spontaneous secondary molding under specific stimuli based on the "original template"?

Duncan recalled the feeling of the eye structure being differentiated from the face of this body before, and subconsciously guessed in his heart, and at the same time, he felt his newborn fingers have touched the black surface of the pillar.

A rough and cold touch came from the fingertips, as if rubbing rough cast iron, but... seemed to have a certain softness.

Duncan moved closer, observing the appearance of the pillar more carefully.

In the depths of the gray-black dull epidermis, some light blue lines can be faintly seen, like blood vessels buried deep in the skin.

Duncan's heart moved, and he instantly thought of the "flesh" sample obtained from the mouth of Captain Crystal Barbery in the depths of the Obsidian.

The two look very similar in terms of texture - is this pillar standing in the deep sea really the limb of the Lord Youshen extending to the real world?

With a strange touch in his heart, Duncan backed away a little, his eyes slowly sweeping across the giant pillar.

It is of course unrealistic to find the wound left by Captain Crystal on such a huge structure, but this does not prevent Duncan from feeling respect for Captain Crystal again in his heart.

A few minutes later, Duncan began to swim towards the top of the pillar, and his goal was the "fracture".

After a long time, he finally arrived at the location of the fracture, and the situation here was similar to what he had imagined.

The pillar did come to an abrupt end here, as if it had been bitten off by some kind of jagged sharp tooth, and the edge of the fracture showed an undulating appearance.

Inside the fracture, the gray-black inner wall is continuously concave, like a crater with a weird atmosphere.

Duncan floated near this "fracture", roughly estimated the size of this pillar through the scene in front of him, and quickly confirmed one thing——

If the "big hole" in the boiling gold mine is really the result of being eroded by a similar "pillar" or "tentacles", then the tentacle piercing into the city-state is definitely worse than the pillar in front of you. Much smaller, the size of the former may only be one-fifth of the latter, or even smaller.

Is it because the "tentacles" piercing the city-state are just the "power projection" of this deep sea body? Or was it because the tentacle in the void was in the early stages of growth and would have continued to grow?

If the defense of Frost fails, if he fails to destroy the mirror image of Frost in the end, if the "pillar" in the big hole deep in the Boiling Gold Mine continues to grow uncontrollably... Will it finally grow to break through the mine? , and even broke through the high mountain above, and turned into a "colossal pillar" that seemed to run through the entire floating island just like the one in front of me at this moment?

Is this what those crazy Annihilation Cultists proclaimed and pursued—"to reproduce the grand blueprint of the creation of the Holy Lord in the real world"?

These rather scary conjectures popped up in Duncan's mind for a moment, but then, a glimmer of light suddenly flashed from the edge of his vision interrupted his thoughts.

He suddenly looked in the direction where the faint light appeared just now.

It is in the center of the "fracture", the deepest part of the sunken "crater".

Without any hesitation, he immediately swam in that direction.

Crossing the jagged broken "cliffs" on the edges of the pillars, and crossing the piece of dark matter that gradually sank toward the center, in this silent deep sea far away from the civilized world, a sudden flash of light became the only target in Duncan's eyes. Swimming over this distance at a speed of 100% and reaching near the center point of the pillar fracture.

But when he came here, the flash had disappeared.

There is only an empty darkness left here, and the "ground" inside the broken pillar is as cold and silent as a rock.

Floating in the sea, Duncan scanned the darkness with a frown. This empty place was like a condensed ellipsis with regret, hiding the secret in the depths of the curtain again.

However, soon, he discovered something was wrong in his field of vision.

Below him, in the central area of ​​the "fracture" of the pillar, the texture of the "ground" vaguely reveals a weird texture, which seems to be a bit... "fuzzy".

Yes, vague, as if it is not a piece of real material, but really a curtain between the virtual and the real.

Duncan hesitated for a few seconds, and finally approached the strangely textured "ground" cautiously, but before reaching out to touch the material, he first condensed a cluster of small flames on his fingertips, and ignited them. Throw in that vague "veil".

When things are indecisive, the spirit fires the way—it never hurts to be cautious.

The green spirit fire fell into the black "ground" almost in the blink of an eye, and disappeared like water seeping into the sand at first, and then, faint green flames began to appear in the darkness, almost blinking. In no time, the entire "ground" was on fire!

And as the flames burned, Duncan suddenly felt... a certain subtle "connection" was being established.

However, the connection did not point to the "huge pillar" under his feet that was suspected to be the arm of the ancient god, but to a... vaguely familiar aura.

In the next second, he saw that the ground below changed rapidly as the flames spread, and gradually transformed into a mirror-like texture, and the mirror-like surface was slightly surging in the firelight, like a certain A viscous and smooth liquid surface!

Duncan's heart moved, and then he followed the feeling from the flame and approached the surging, mirror-like "liquid surface", and stretched out his fingers to touch its surface.


In the illusion, there seemed to be a loud noise that exploded in his mind, like the frozen time suddenly started, like a thick curtain suddenly torn apart, like a wall roaring and collapsing at the boundary of reality, Duncan felt that he had crossed a certain boundary in an instant, Immediately afterwards, the "world" in front of his eyes began to be filled with warm light.

The feeling of being wrapped in the cold and heavy sea water suddenly disappeared, and the down-to-earth touch replaced the empty and helpless floating feeling of the previous second, and the warm light in front of his eyes gradually became softer. With the gradual adaptation of his vision, Duncan finally Seeing the surrounding situation clearly, he was dumbfounded in astonishment.

He was in a gorgeous and bright room.

The light from the chandelier on the roof illuminates many exquisite and elegant furnishings in the room. The palace-style shelves and metal sculptures glow softly in the light, and there is another gorgeous big bed placed in the center of the room. The big bed is surrounded by translucent curtains, and deep inside it seems that someone is sleeping.

Duncan stared at the scene in front of him in astonishment, then suddenly turned his head and looked behind him.

That seems to be the direction I "come".

He saw a twisted and distorted darkness.

The room seemed to disappear out of thin air in front of that boundary. Beyond the broken walls and floors, there was a chaotic domain like empty space, and chaotic shadows and dim light streams fluctuated and flowed in that nothingness, as if filled with The truths and mysteries that are enough to drive mortals crazy, but seem to be just a meaningless void.

A word suddenly flowed into my mind——


Duncan felt his heart (if this body had a heart) suddenly stop beating. He had never imagined such a scene - he was standing in a fragmented room, and the warp was just a step away. Chaotic light and shadow, and those hazy and chaotic lights and shadows seemed to be roaring silently, conveying to him incomprehensible...knowledge and "truth" with all kinds of frantic words.

Duncan raised his hand and cautiously reached into the darkness beyond the boundaries of the room.

He touched a hard, cold surface.

An invisible barrier stood between him and the subspace.

"You can't get through," a voice suddenly came from behind him, "You haven't really opened that door yet."

Duncan was startled and turned around abruptly.

The veil around the gorgeous big bed has been opened, and the person sleeping on the bed has woken up at some point, and is looking at this side quietly.

Silver-white long hair scattered from his shoulders, purple eyes shining like jewels.


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