Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 637 Navigating the Nightmare of the Ancient God

The Lost Home began to accelerate in the direction of Silantis - facing the huge waves that were higher than the previous level, and facing the terrifying roars and storms that kept coming from the direction of the giant tree, this ghost ship was raging Wrapped in flames, the charge began.

Silantis seemed to notice this sudden change, and his instinct to resist the invasion of dreams immediately came into play - huge waves rolled on the sea, and the seawater affected by the giant trees turned into lines that looked like they were covered with fangs and sharp blades. The sky-reaching barrier slammed down on the bow of the Lost Home with an almost crushing attitude. As the huge waves roared, countless hazy phantoms began to emerge in the storm. Those phantoms seemed to be an ancient force. The legion was mixed with countless phantoms of birds and beasts that had been distorted to the point of being completely unrecognizable. They crossed the gaps between the waves in overwhelming numbers and rushed towards the ghost ship burning in the strong wind and waves.

However, the Lost Home did not evade the oncoming storm. Instead, the sails were further inflated and the speed was further increased.

Gloomy green flames spurted out from every deck gap, every cabin window, and every gun door of the ship. As if it was about to ignite the entire sea, this living fire that swept across the sea directly crashed into the sea. In a storm of nightmare phantoms.

The huge waves were burned by the flames, evaporating and creating huge gaps. The blades caught in the wind and waves were swallowed up by the invisible force, and dissipated into harmless mist in the next gust of wind. The illusion that emerged in the storm turned into reality in the flames. phantom——

They passed through the hull of the Lost Home harmlessly. The spiritual fire did not seem to cause any harm to them, and they could not have any impact on the Lost Home. It was just that in the wake of the Lost Home's passing flames, these phantoms appeared. They gradually stopped again, as if waking up from a long dream, and they disappeared silently in the wind.

Then, the Lost Home sailed into a bigger storm, more illusions, and a nightmare closer to the essence of Silantis.

Just like a person can never be aware of the moment when his sleep begins, after a certain moment that cannot be detected by perception, the entire world outside the Lost Home has fallen into chaos and darkness. The boundless sea has disappeared, and the sky has also disappeared. From a distance The "sunshine" that diffused over the sea disappeared without knowing when.

There are only the illusion of storms rolling up in the darkness, and a huge "tunnel" that appears and appears in the storm, seemingly made of countless vines and roots. The Lost Home is sailing rapidly through this tunnel. In the indescribable "tunnel".

After another moment that was imperceptible to perception, the sound also disappeared—the entire world outside the Homeless Ship fell into silence.

However, the illusion of the storm still existed, it was just surging silently, making it even more weird and terrifying than before.

The Lost Home continued to sail through this intertwined plant structure, and the entire ship seemed to be floating in a void. In front of this void, only the huge shadow of Selendis still existed.

It seemed to have become the only remaining entity in the world, as if it was the only and last tree after the entire world collapsed and everything fell into silence.

Or, the first tree.

Lu En felt a little better - after passing through the undetectable "dream moment", or maybe after the ship suddenly experienced some kind of "transformation", he found that the call in his mind that never stopped suddenly suddenly It weakened, and he felt that his consciousness was gradually returning to stability, and he even heard the heartbeat in his chest again.

He lowered his head and saw that his body was indeed recovering bit by bit.

Looking through the window, you can see the giant tree stretching thousands of miles in the dark space.

Although he was still deeply trapped in this dangerous and terrifying "Dream of the Ancient Gods", even though he knew in his heart that Sirandis was still trying to "protect" or kill every elf in the world, the old man still couldn't bear it. Zhu murmured softly like he was talking to himself: "...It's so beautiful..."

A voice came from the side: "Yes, it's so beautiful..."

Lu En looked around, only to see the strange goat head on the navigation table looking out the window and sighing - faint green flames were flowing and rising between its wooden structures, and there was another firelight condensed below it. , like a vague and twisted spine, connecting it to the deck below along the table.

"In the beginning, I planted her in the darkness - just like now," the strange wooden goat head continued to whisper, as if it was immersed in memories and carefully picked up the fragments deep in the memory, " But she wasn't that big at that time...just a small sapling, crooked, even a little...ugly.

“I didn’t know at that time what she would look like, let alone what she should look like – she shaped herself, and all I did was let her grow and keep growing.

“Then, I learned to imagine more things, more trees, the plants growing with the trees, and the various creatures living among the plants... I placed them everywhere in the darkness, So I don’t know when, the darkness subsided, the world began to become lush, and many... things beyond my initial imagination began to happen. Overall, it was very interesting--compared to a boundless and meaningless emptiness. Much more interesting.

"So, some intelligent creatures that grew up from the forest gave me a name. They called me the 'Creator.'

“But I don’t quite understand the title they gave me, and I don’t quite understand a lot of things they say – they also do some very strange things that I can’t understand either.

"They gathered together to dance, and laid their harvest at the feet of billy goats carved from tree roots. They erected huge waterwheels beside the river and decorated them with colorful strips of cloth. When they finally mastered the After gaining the ability to fly in the sky, they used huge aircraft to jump down from the branches of Silantis, glide across the entire hill, and arrived at the end of Silantis's sight amid cheers...

“They say it’s to please the great Creator so that He doesn’t leave.

"But I don't understand what they are doing, and I have no interest in their... performances and gifts, ever.

"But I saw them having fun, so I thought it was good."

Lu En became quiet. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the goat head on the table that gave off a strange atmosphere with a strange look.

He opened his mouth, but the complex emotions blocked all his words - he just made a weird mumbling from his throat.

Then, a sudden crackle and explosion sounded in the captain's cabin, interrupting all the subsequent actions and words of the old elf.

The green spiritual fire ignited out of thin air, and a tall figure was outlined in the flames. Duncan stepped out of the fire and his eyes fell on the goat's head: "Do you remember everything?"

"Broken, chaotic, only a general impression, and a part of the picture flickering by." The goat head made a slight wood friction sound, and slowly turned his gaze to Duncan, "I can feel that there are still many 'fragments' scattered around. Somewhere else.”

"Are you going to get them all together?" Duncan asked casually.

"...It doesn't matter," Goat Head was silent for two seconds, but to Duncan's surprise, he shook his head, "At least it's not something to consider now."

"...Okay," Duncan took a deep look at the goat head, and then looked out the window, "Get ready for 'contact', we are not far from the 'trunk'."

"Are you going to take the helm yourself?" asked the goat head.

"No," Duncan shook his head, "If I were to take the helm, I probably would never be able to find where Selendis is hiding. Now that you have remembered part of the matter, let you continue to take the helm. I think this part' The memories should be enough for you to find the right direction."


The goat-head replied succinctly.

To be honest, Duncan felt a little uncomfortable when this guy suddenly spoke so concisely.

But he soon put this strange thought behind him.

The Lost Home began to pass through the layers of silent storm illusions, and the tunnels and curtains intertwined by countless vines and roots - this ghost ship sailing on the edge of dreams was once on the edge of this dark curtain It wandered many times, but this time, it finally found the right direction.

Duncan turned his head and glanced at Pope Rune.

After a moment of awkward looking at each other, he waved to Alice, who was standing beside her in a daze, "You'd better come over and untie the old man..."

"Oh." Alice agreed, and regretfully came over to "untie" the old elf who was still tied to the pillar with a rope.

Lu En's mouth twitched slightly, and while covering up his embarrassment, he said calmly: "Actually, I think it's okay. Miss Alice's actions also have a certain degree of professionalism..."

However, just in the middle of what he said, a violent vibration suddenly spread throughout the entire ship!

It was as if the Lost Home instantly hit some invisible giant while sailing. An unprecedented huge earthquake suddenly came from the bow of the ship, accompanied by a sound that almost made people suspect that the ship was going to disintegrate in the impact. There was a harsh noise, and then, the mast began to swing violently, the spiritual sail exploded with a strong flash of light, and the flames flowing on the deck suddenly exploded out of thin air!

Duncan reacted instantly to the sudden invisible impact, pressed down on the navigation table in front of him, and first used the spiritual flames to stabilize the entire ship, and at the same time shouted quickly: "Hurry up and tie it up again! "

Alice's reaction this time was faster than ever: "Hey!!"

"Wait a minute!" Lu En only had time to shout before he was tied tightly by Alice again - this pope, who was in extremely poor condition, was no match for the living doll on the Homeless Ship.

At almost the same time, Duncan's peripheral vision glanced outside the window and swept across the dark nothingness surrounding Selendis.

Spiritual flames erupted from around the Lost Home, as if they "smelled" something, and were spreading crazily towards the darkness.

And in the cascading light and shadow cast by the spiritual fire, he saw... a shadow even bigger than Silendis!

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