Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 640 Facing the sunset

The "sun" that invaded the world slowly descended - it couldn't be compared with the real sun, but it was still as huge as a hill and exuded terrifying power.

It hovered very close to the ground and seemed to have almost completely "landed" on the surface. The flames bursting out from its edge licked the earth, and under its illumination, the sand and gravel gradually melted and turned into The flowing magma, the air twisted in the scorching heat, rolled up waves of heat over the gradually flowing magma river, and large and small stones seemed to be disturbed by invisible power, floating around the "son of the sun", turning into Made a scorching satellite orbiting it.

This huge "Falling Sun Disk" stared at the mortal in front of it with countless cold eyeballs that could almost be described as dust, and repeated the concise command again——

"Kneel down."

That is a pressure that is completely different from ordinary extraordinary beings or heretical individuals. It is the power spread by the ancient gods - this deformed fireball is the true descendant of the Black Sun, and its words themselves are worth more than ten million. Spells and secrets.

Vanna felt that her body was almost on fire. The scorching fire seemed to be flowing inside her body, and even the airflow she breathed became part of the flame.

But she just silently lowered her head and glanced at the bright ball in her hand.

After a moment, she carefully placed it close to her body, turned around in silence, and walked towards the huge cane that was deeply embedded in the sand dune. She stretched out her left hand to it and pulled it out little by little. Come out and put it on your shoulders.

The giant's cane was too huge for a mortal. Even Vanna didn't feel like she was carrying a weapon when she carried the cane, but more like she was carrying a big tree.

But she didn't care. This heavy "weapon" was just right for her.

She turned around, holding the giant sword made of ice tightly in her right hand, and holding the cane on her shoulder in her left hand, calmly staring at the "sun" falling on the earth.

"You refused," the Children of the Sun made a series of noisy neighs and tremors, and its thoughts penetrated directly into Vanna's mind, "but you must hand over the star."

The wind in the desert is getting stronger and stronger, and the endless gusts of wind seem to roll up the entire desert, raging in the final gap between the two worlds. The distant sand and dust rise in the strong wind, like dirt. The yellow sky-high wall is slowly moving towards here.

Fanna raised her head in the strong wind, glanced at the other world in the sky that had stopped falling, and asked calmly: "Are you interfering with this...'collision'?"

"You are trying to call the power from the distance - but no one can help you." The "sun" that fell to the ground once again made a hissing and trembling noise. "I have cut off the connection between the two worlds, and now you are Trapped in this desert, no one can hear you, not the Fire Usurper, not the Leviathan Queen, resistance is futile... hand it over, and I can let you go."

Vanna did not respond to the descendant of the ancient god. She just narrowed her eyes slightly in the increasingly fierce wind.

Indeed, she could no longer contact the outside world, the captain, or the storm goddess. Although the gentle sound of the waves still sounded in her ears, and the mark left by the spiritual fire was still burning in her body, she had Their "source" cannot be heard.

The force of the collision between the two worlds was channeled into a barrier, turning the desert into a closed cage. The driver of all this was obviously this... blasphemous thing in front of him.

The strong wind began to gather, and the wall of yellow sand rising from the distance was crushed little by little by the strong wind. It was an amazing storm. With the continuous accumulation of power, countless sand and dust were like huge waves. It surges and gallops in that wall of yellow sand.

Vanna took a gentle breath, and the ash-like substance escaped into the air with her breath.

She stared at the Children of the Sun on the distant earth, her eyes reflecting the phantoms of storm and fire.

She put down the huge cane from her shoulder, then stepped forward, looking calmly towards the blasphemous sun - the cane and the giant sword dragged out long ravines on the ground, and in a trance, it seemed as if a line was carved on this Symbols on the land.

If a giant were here, he might actually carve this sentence -

In the aftermath of the apocalypse, the Travelers charge against the invading sun.

But the giant is no longer there, and the history of this world has ended - the strong wind has erased the long ravine left behind Vanna, and the dust rising into the sky closed behind her like a giant curtain.

Her pace became faster and faster, gradually turning into an indomitable charge.

Will the Children of the Sun be alarmed? Perhaps in all its knowledge, the option of "a mortal charging at the son of an ancient god" has never appeared - but does a creature like it have the same emotions as humans?

Fanna was very curious about this, but she had no way of knowing the answer. She only knew that the proud "sun" finally responded.

Layers of heat waves intertwined into a honeycomb-like light-cast coating on the surface of the sun. Flames brewed and rose in the air. The deadly sunlight burned her body, trying to kill her on the way to charge.

However, the dust storm coming from the end of the earth has gradually closed around her, turning into a barrier that can temporarily resist the sunlight.

Vanna ran forward with all her strength, slowly raising the giant sword and long staff in her hands as she ran. She breathed in the flaming heat wave, and with every breath, ashes escaped into the air.

She felt like she was riding a wave.

A voice seemed to sound deep in her heart. She could no longer tell whether it was her own voice, or the voice of the Storm Goddess or the captain. She only knew that this voice was telling her——

The sea of ​​sand is also a sea.

She's going to stir up a storm in the sea.

Because she is the saint of storms.

In the strong wind, the wall of yellow sand closed, and Vanna's figure disappeared in the magnificent sand storm, as if swallowed by the yellow sand in the blink of an eye, and seemed to be integrated with the strong wind.

Between the two pieces of earth that collided with each other, there was only a thousand-meter-high desert storm that almost connected the two worlds, rushing forward with a roar that shook the earth.

In the huge sandstorm, a sharp arrow rose high, and after a second's pause, it hit the invading "Children of the Sun" overwhelmingly.

Today, she will try to extinguish a sun.

An impact that seemed to be enough to tear the entire land apart erupted instantly.

The huge storm across the desert shrunk into a front and hit the surface of the "sun" head-on. The latter built a brilliant corona the moment before the impact - the corona exploded astonishingly during the impact. What ensues is a devastating shower of material.

The entire desert seemed to be ignited in this explosion. The terrifying fire wave flattened all the nearby sand dunes and boulders in just an instant, and caused those rugged boulders to melt and flow, filling up the ravines and deep pits on the ground.

In the big explosion of the "solar corona", the storm was also torn into pieces and dispersed. The violent wind suddenly turned into a disorderly air flow, overflowing and scattering between the sky and the earth. The yellow sand that condensed into walls and turned into sharp arrows was torn apart in the heat wave. , part of it fell to the earth, but part of it seemed to have lost gravity and was thrown between the two worlds, gathering like clouds around the upside-down Silantis.

After an unknown amount of time, the yellow sand around the impact point was blown away by the disorderly wind.

A flash of light first appeared in the gradually dispersing dust.

The Son of the Sun still exists - its light has dimmed. The hastily constructed "false corona" withstood the impact of the storm in the explosion, but also tore apart part of its body. Now, its parts are curled up in the shell of flames. The tentacles curled and trembled abnormally, and a golden-red substance that seemed to be flowing with flames and blood seeped out from between the burning shell, floating on the surrounding magma lake, burning as it flowed.

Countless inhuman eyeballs turned around among the spasming tentacles, searching for the enemy's figure after the sand and dust dispersed.

The figure appeared in front of a fan-shaped impact crater not far away.

Vanna stood there quietly, the air around her distorted in the heat wave, and the last ray of breeze was dissipating from the tip of her long sword.

She raised her head and glanced at the Son of the Sun in the distance.

The next second, her body dissipated in the wind and turned into countless flying ashes, scattering lightly across the earth in the sunshine.

A small ball of brilliant light fell from the air and landed on the still-hot ashes.

"...After all, he is a mortal, but he deserves respect."

The Son of the Sun made a vague tremor, and then slowly floated upwards, driving the invisible force, preparing to take away the "ancient star" that fell in the ashes.

The star was motionless.


For the first time, the descendant of the ancient god was a little confused.

And the next second, a sudden gust of wind suddenly swept over the yellow sand, picking up the ashes scattered on the ground!

The green fire slowly emerged from the ashes, and then burned blazingly in almost the blink of an eye. Some kind of chaotic and nameless light and shadow passed over the ashes, as if it were reconstructing the soul and turned into an illusory form. Then all the ashes were there. Drawn by the green fire, they floated into the air, quickly condensed, reshaped, and regained their color and texture - almost within a few seconds, they condensed into Vanna's appearance again.

Even the damaged armor was restored as the green flames burned through it - just like going back in time.

Vanna bent down and picked up her sword and cane. Then she raised her head and stared at the false sun that was still burning.

She saw its twitching tentacles and the golden-red substance flowing from the flame shell.

A smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"It turns out you can bleed too—"

She stepped forward.

The strong wind swept across the sky and the earth again, and the yellow sand rose again in the storm.

“So next question – are you afraid?”

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